MGE Dash: PainKiller

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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Arc I: Family Problems

It's been a week since the Kyun Subgate tragedy and it's been announced that a new enemy has shown itself to the world: The Family. Composed of disgruntled, distraught and unstable humans, they wreak havoc amongst the populace. Unlike reaverbots whom act like animals, the Family are organized and actively tries to shatter the foundations of society and unlike Pirates, they only crave death and destruction.
Who or what leads them is currently unknown.

You find yourself back to your home of Ballade continent in the familiar town of Ciaphas. Since there is nothing better to do, you could look for a Spotter and/or Engineer in the local bar or you could just let one come to you since the continent is known for that. It also appears Dr. Sarin is in town and you could see several people gathering around his shop. Though you don't have much zennies on you, you get a feeling you will get something regardless.

There is also a purple-haires Dullahan in a dress sitting in a bench looking troubled. Perhaps she needs help.

Back in Trevor City of Holstox Island, you could still remember how numerous Spotters and Engineers voiced their grievances against Lisa Lockeson about how she wasn't able to protect their beloved and the Holstaur couldn't retort since they were right. You saw the broken leader of Holstox go home through hordes of people constantly shouting derogatory terms at her. Sucks to be her right now.

In the city, the local mall could house some potential Spotters or Engineers or you could see that man with a brown shirt and a pair of jeans looking at a map. The map however, seems to be ages. Could he be treasure hunter?

After reporting to the Guild about what happened, they told you to go to a retired Digger in the nearby town of Parosa since no one else would be willing to go teaching. Either too busy guarding against Family or Pirate raids, especially the former, or too afraid to go to a ruin or subgate alone with a Digger-in-training.

Going to the town, you noticed that this is a simple town as the buildings only had one or at best, two floors and only had windows for ventilation. Entering the bar, you find an old man with white beard and wrinkled skin drinking away. Could this be the retired Digger? He seems to be the only one in the bar who is old enough to be 'retired'.

The Guild has issued you a job, to find the merchant Dirk Willsbury, better known as El Cero, who has gone missing in Cemetery Island near the Chack ruins. They also told you to watch out for A-ranked Reaverbots but they assure you that would be unlikely.

Of course you can reject it and ask for another one since the merchant could already be dead or be dead the moment you get there.


According to reliable sources, the Nurgle subgate in the Noire Continent houses a particularly large Refractor. Aria has to hurry though as another band of Pirates are also trying to nab it. The former Guild member's ship is now in front of the subgate and her Servbots are ready to act.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

Walking through the familiar streets of Ciaphas Lloyd wondered what he could do, sure finding a spotter and an engineer is important but it doesn't mean that he can't do something else, also he heard Dr. Sarin was in town, the guy was quite the oddball and he knew from some friends that you never really know what you can get, but its not like he was rolling in zennies either. After that Lloyd noticed a woman in a dress sitting on a bench, she looked troubled which prompted Lloyd to approach her and speak up "Excuse me, but are you okay? You seemed troubled."
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

(Not fond of the act of Bunnying, but whatever. For those who don't know, it's the taboo and highly frowned apon act of someone controlling another person's player.)

I take some time to really look around the bar. After I took some time to explore, I tried to look for a seat near the old man. "Excuse, do you know of any retired diggers here? I was asked by the Digger's Guild to see a retired digger that lives in this town so I can finish my field training.", I ask the old man while I find a seat.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

For some reason, he couldn't really leave the island, even though he could afford a shuttle and a taxi, he couldn't really find it in himself to leave after what happened, he was curious about what they found out about these things, but knew he wouldn't be able to,
that work would be only really for official diggers...much like the ones who died in the competition,
so he took a trip to the local mall, on his way there he saw Lisa being shouted at by thousands of people, he felt bad for her, but what could he do?, its not like he was going to be able to help her.
On his way to the mall he couldn't help but notice a strange man with a brown shirt and a pair of jeans, looking over a map, considering he has already met a probably weirder man in the competition, he figured he probably didn't have anything better than his time to lose, which wasn't exactly worrysome, he wasn't impatient on getting a spotter and an Engineer, although he was looking forward for his ship back at the digger's headquarters, he wasn't gonna rush it.
He approached the man, the latter still looking over the map, "Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but notice you seem troubled with this map, is something wrong?" he asked him, hopefully he didn't take it the wrong way.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

(Bunnying huh? Well I'm going to take it to another level and call it Rabbiting :lol: )

Oersted (Let No Man Put Asunder)
"Oh? Let me look at you." the woman stands up and takes a good look at your face. "You look like my dear Peter. Have you seen him by any chance?" she asks you. She then paces back and forth. "Where is that man? We'll be late for the ceremony." she says with much worry. "He must still be in the local bar talking to the new bartender." she assumes. She returns her glance at you. "He's such a fine man. Must be making things right for me."

"Hey can you do me a favor? Can you- can you possibly fetch him for me? This was meant to be my perfect day." she pleads to you with a smile on her face. If what she says is true, you could find this Peter in the bar a few blocks from here.

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
"Well you're looking at one." he snarkily tells you. "My name's Rick Yule and the Guild has told me I'll be looking after a trainee." he tells you. His beard covering all of his mouth making it look like a moving bunch of hair. "No doubt that you're the trainee. You got a crew?" he asks you. "I don't have one. They're uh... six feet under." he says with a hint of sadness in the tone.

He then takes a moment to look you in the eye. "You look like you've seen something go down. It doesn't have anything to do with that slaughter on Holstox, does it?"

Scrapmaster (Welcome to the Family)
"Huh? Oh uh... yeah I've got trouble but not with the map." he answers you then looks at his surroundings, making sure nobody else is in on the exchange. "Listen uh... can you keep a secret?" he whispers to you. "It's got something to do with the... recent enemy."

He then patiently waits for your answer while constantly checking the surroundings.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

(...yeah. From other RP communities I saw that had that as a rule, they considered it worse than god moding. Said something like if you are going to control all the characters, you might as well write your own story instead. Their words, not mine.)

I take a moment to try to make sure I say everything with a straight face and avoid talking about his dead crew so I don't hit a nerve.

"I ... as you can see, I came here alone. If I had a crew, I would already be trying to apply for my license. It's not like I haven't been trying. Goodness knows that I have been working hard to have a team. I already have my own flying machine waiting for me for when I return with a crew. I actually make it an effort inbetween field training sessions as well as when I had my primary digger's education and training to make friends with all sorts of people. I also try to scope around to see if anyone would be up for being a part of a digger's crew. Ironically, I probably could have managed to get a crew if I wasn't focused on watching my late teacher trying to compete and learn some things in the process. Unfortunately, no one competitor survived. Almost makes me glad I told off the digger that was trying to make me compete knowing that I am still in training. I would have been glad if he wasn't one of the people that was in the slaughter. It's sad to see a person die from karma. Would have stayed to help out, but I thought I should report the situation and leave my teacher's crew to mourn in piece. Anyway, I am here to work hard on finishing my field training and do my best to not get in the way on any of the training digs.", I say at first seriously, then finish what I have to say with total optimism.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

While surprised the man quickly opening up the subject to him, while also reluctant of course, he was even more surprised when he heard that it was related to the things back in the competition, he thought for a moment, "Don't worry, the secret its safe" he whispered to the man smiling a bit "If you don't mind me asking,whats it got something to do with them?, there barely is any information on them, even after them investigating the subgate" he asked him silently.
He knew this was probably asking for trouble, but his curiosity got the best of him, he wanted to know more about those things, and as he had time to spare, specially since his training was done, all that was left was applying to a digger's license, whenever he would find a crew that is.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

Lloyd crosses his arms as he listens to the woman explain that she's waiting after someone, but that someone is apparently running a bit late it seems, anyhow she then asked him if he could go find him, Lloyd mentally shrugged, why the heck not? Not like he had anything better to do, that decided he nodded before speaking "Sure, I'll go see if I can find him." that said he left and went to the bar the woman mentioned, even in the event that the guy wasn't there it was still a good place to start looking.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
"Well sometimes fate punishes you severely over small or even trivial matters." Rick comments about what happened to Joshua. "Life, after all, ain't fair."

"Well we could start a dig right now but with those Family dudes runnin' around, that'd be asking to be put down." Rick then looks around for around and spots a pink-haired girl who is serving the customers. She wore a waitress outfit but she looked too young to be serving as . "Hey waitress." Rick calls out to her. The girl immediately goes over the table allowing you to see her more clearly.

Her hair wasn't pink at all, it was more of purplish pink and she had light brown eyes. She had a height of an average 17-year-old and she had a nice pair of B-cup breasts. She also has a noticeable slim forelock of her hair that sticks straight up from her head. "What can I do for you misters?"

"So whaddaya say?" Rick suddenly asks you. "A fine Spotter right?"
"E-eh!? Me? Spotter?" the girl was taken by surprise by Rick's words.

Scrapmaster (Welcome to the Family)
"Alright then."

The man then leads you to an alleyway, possibly because he wanted to make sure there aren't any nasty eavesdroppers. "Look." he then shows the map to Dex. The old map had a drawing of a bunch of islands, you would recognize this island pattern to those of the Aeronautic Archipelago. There is also an 'X' mark on the rightmost island.
"The X here marks the location of the Family leader or if it isn't, at least something because I stumbled upon a Family hideout and stole this map from them. The Guild won't believe me and I thought about dealing this situation by myself." he then chuckles to himself. "I then realized that would be suicide and I figured I would need help, especially from a Digger." The last part felt like he referred to you.

"Oh my name's Neil. Neil Fernandez. Nice to meet you." he offers his hand for a handshake.

Oersted (Let No Man Put Asunder)
Upon entering the bar, you would find three men wearing tuxedos playing a song for the patrons with their guitars on the bartender's table. The patrons consisted of both men and Mamono and they all seem to be enjoying the music.

The bartender, on the other hand, was doing regular bartender stuff next to the guitarists, particularly polishing a wine glass. He looked like he is in his late 20s and not someone who is new to the bartender job.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

I adjust my buster parts a bit and swap the places of where the Power Raiser and Range Booster was equipped. I thought it would be good to do this as a sort of equivalent to rotating one's bed or pillow cushions. While I may not be no mechanic, I do know the importance of maintaining the POW Suit. Thinking that the retired digger may be persistent with asking the waitress, I thought I'd do a little chiming in.

"Pardon this gentleman miss, neither of us are with a crew and he's been assigned to handle my field training. If you are worried about it being inconvenient to you, you could do this for a practice dig or two. This also could be done on one of your days off so it doesn't interfere with your job here. I'll gladly spit half the zenny I earn for your troubles during the time you help us with the practice digs. If you are wondering what kind of zenny can be expecting to get from this. I would say based on the licence rank of the ruin or how far the subgate stretches we visit, you would likely be earning a lot more than you would in about a few days or a week. That of course would be if we go to a low licence rank ruin. Anyway, I just thought I'd leave that offer out there. You don't need to reply right away. Take some time to think about it if you need to. You would be of course the life line for a couple of diggers.", I suggest as I return to taking a look at my buster gun.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

Upon further inspection of the map, Dex quickly figured out what that map showed, and was even more convinced by what the man said to him when he saw it.
He hesitated the moment the man offered his hand for a shake, until finally sighing and shaking his hand "Im Dex, but here's the thing, im not an official Digger, I have no crew, so I don't have a License nor ship yet, I don't know how much help I can be of with just my buster gun" he said frowning.
"If we're doing this we're gonna need more people, just the two of us would get outright slaughtered, If I were to make a guess, I think Lisa might be able to help out, she's been beat pretty badly by what happened at the competition and all the hatred she's been getting , she might actually trust you on this" he said shrugging "but if thats out of the question...I don't know anyone...Do you?" he asks the man
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

After getting to the bar Lloyd took a look around, after that he went to the bartender, and explained that he was looking for a man named Peter that was supposedly here recently and asked if he knew anything. That aside Lloyd, for some reason, found that there was something odd about this whole thing, maybe it was because the woman mentioned a "new bartender" and the bartender he was currently talking to didn't seem to be new around or maybe he just randomly had a bad feeling about the whole thing for no apparent reason.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
"Uh.. um...ah..." The girl stuttered. She tried to find the words but she could not. She stood there trying to decide with a look of surprise and confusion.
"Tell you what, we'll meet here again tomorrow and hear your answer though I'm sure I know what your answer is." Rick told the girl before getting up.

He then turns to you. "Well, I think we stayed here long enough." Rick then exits the bar with you. The sky was now painted dark blue and a few stars already dotting it before their other brethren. "It's getting late, you wanna get some shuteye for the next day or you still got energy to do stuff? By the way, you got a Flying Machine? It'd be much easier to travel around with one instead of taking those overpriced taxis." the old Digger asks you.

Scrapmaster (Welcome to the Family)
"Oh, so just a Digger-in-training then?" Neil clarifies. "Well at least you believed me unlike the previous Diggers I've talked to." he says with an optimistic chuckle.

"I don't know man." he replies to you about Holstox's leader. "I don't think she'll trust me 'cause my purpose sounds like a ruse. Besides, she's got an entire island to run and with what recently just happened, she'd be too busy to go after an untrustworthy lead like this. Also, isn't the Aeronautic Archipelago ruled by a different person?" he gives his two cents about your idea. "We'll just have to find someone else... unfortunately I don't know anybody else."

"Hey I have an idea: Why don't I act as your Spotter?" he relays to you his plan. "The sooner we can turn you into a legitimate Digger, the sooner we can get you and your Buster powered up. But we're gonna need an Engineer, we can always just let one come to us in the Ballade Continent but I heard Engineers are top-notch in the Archipelago."

The decision was yours.

Oersted (Let No Man Put Asunder)
"Peter huh?" the bartender confimed while still polishing the glass. "You don't happen to be looking for Peter Turner are you?" he asks to make sure you and him are talking about the same guy.

"Well there's only one Peter I know and uhh... my brain needs stimulating to remember this kind of things. Some 50 zennies would do." Apparently he's asking for payment for the information. "Or... you could help me with my wife who left me and is trying to catch a taxi in the next town, Toripas. It'd help if you were to convince her to come back to me."

You have 500 zennies but will it be worth it to spend 50 over a small matter? You could also just try asking somebody else.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

I cross my arms with a quizzical expression pondering my options for a little bit.

"I have a nice one, The Prelude, but that's waiting for me on Gear Bump City(the digger's guild island capital city) after I have my crew. If you suggest we use my flying machine, we still need an engineer to manage her. Sadly, it's not much use to me aside from being my home until then. Quite a shame though, it's a custom job and I am quite fond of it's design.", I say somewhat bothered, then end it with some pride for my flying machine. "However, if we can find one willing to join my crew before tomorrow. We could get The Prelude back here in no time, some point tomorrow.", I continue with optimism.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

Dex frowned as he heard the man's opinion on what he said, he didn't think that would work anyway, so it was kind of good he didn't agree to it, he then heard the man offering to be his spotter, maybe temporarily, or maybe not, he was surprised at the man's offer and the rest of his plan, which he liked.
he then though about the rest of the plan for a moment "With my bad luck we won't be getting any engineer even in the Ballade I think the Archipelago might be our best bet at finding one, when are we heading there?" he asked him before remembering the most important one "Do you have any experience being a spotter? sorry if Im doubting you but I want to know that I can you helping me Neil" he asked him
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

When the bartender asked for 50 zennies Lloyd rolled his eyes "Look, I'm trying to help out a lady, apparently that Peter guy's running late for something important. You sure you can't remember without some stimulating?" he said as he crossed his arms slightly annoyed, obviously Lloyd didn't feel like forking over the 50 zennies nor helping the guy with his wife and if his attempt at persuasion failed he'd consider asking someone else.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
"Alright." Rick nods at your answer. "I guess you'll be staying at my place. It ain't a palace if that's what you're thinking."

Rick then walks you to the direction of his house. "Being retired means you gotta save up some money 'til you bite the dust. I got plenty when I sold my Flying Machine but I couldn't spend it on anything grand or I'll die of poverty instead of old age." he explains his situation with a joke on the end. The monotonous walk continued and much more stars have appeared in the dark but beautiful sky. "Say, why do you wanna become a Digger in the first place mister... umm. Heh, we've been together this long and I still don't know your name." You remember that you haven't told him your name yet.

"As I was saying, why become a Digger? Aside from the job being the trend and gets all sorts of ladies." he resumes his question. His house seems far so you could liven up the walk by asking him question or talking about anything.

(You gained a Spotter!)

"Well it can't be that hard. The directions are on the title." Neil answers you with underestimation about the job. "Hehe I'm just kidding. Well I saw a demonstration of it. Don't know if that's enough though." he gives you a proper and modest answer.

"As for heading to the Archipelago, you got a Flying Machine?" he asks you. "I mean I'm no ace pilot but I know enough to not get us spiraling towards our demise." he adds. "Otherwise, I have enough to get us a Sky Taxi."

The decision was once again yours.

Oersted (Let No Man Put Asunder)
"Is that so?" the bartender shot you with an amused face. "Well then I guess--"
He was cut off when 50 zennies was suddenly placed in front of him. The one who forked over the zennies was a blonde woman who has a pair of pigtails much like the Elf that sat next to you during the Holstox Tragedy. And looking at the ears, she is incidentally an Elf. "So?" she asks.
"Hm." the bartender shrugs. "Peter Turner loves to come here and dance to the music or chit-chat with me every now and then." he reminisces his time with this Peter person. "You'll probably find him in Seth's Chapel north of here. Be careful though, Reaverbots have shown up near there but they ain't big shots." the bartender finally gives the whereabouts of the missing Peter Turner.
"Why's the guy in Seth's Chapel? What happened to him?" the Elf asks.
"What happens to all of us." the bartender replies with a cryptic answer.

You exit the bar with the required information and the Elf who helped you get said information. You should probably thank her.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

Rick wrote: "Say, why do you wanna become a Digger in the first place mister... umm. Heh, we've been together this long and I still don't know your name." You remember that you haven't told him your name yet.
Realizing I forgot to introduce myself, I quickly reply. "Pardon my rudeness and forgetting to introduce myself. Nice to meet'cha, I'm Seth Marker."
Rick wrote:"As I was saying, why become a Digger? Aside from the job being the trend and gets all sorts of ladies."
I took a quite moment to think about my reasons and motivations of becoming a digger. "Honestly, those reasons never crossed my mind. Being someone that grew up on the Mannaz Continent, I've witnessed a lot of Pirate attacks. Thankfully, there were diggers that manage to take them out. However, from the pirate attacks, there was a time that there were some really amazing diggers that were so good, the pirates that fought them seemed like a joke. After learning little about what they are all about, I thought to myself that it must be really fun to go around the world and go on all sorts of adventures. It also seems really cool to be able to help people with total confidence. To be able to do that kind of stuff is something I really want to do in life. Especially with some friends to make up my digging crew.", I respond with deep thought and honesty. "You know, these practice digs may be a good thing for you so you have some extra money after we finished with my remaining field training.", I continue as I walk towards Rick's house.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

Admittedly surprised when an elf gal came out of nowhere and paid the bartender, keeping quiet as the elf questioned the guy, noting the information especially the part about the reaverbots. Once outside he quickly spoke to the elf "Thanks to you I got the info I needed, so thanks. Although I'm sure you didn't do that just to help me, I'm guessing you're looking for that Peter guy too, yes?" he asked her, rather curious as to what she had to do with this if anything.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

( :goodjob: )

Dex frowned when he head Neil say that at first, but as he then heard Neil saying he'd already seen a demonstration of it "Might be, as long as you can fly the ship and guide me through the subgates, it'll work" Dex said as he then heard Neil's question "I do...but sadly its in the Digger's headquarters,custom job,beautiful thing, but I can only get her when I become an official digger" he said sighing "Well, lets hope we don't get attacked by pirates on the way, Sky taxis are known to be target of pirates, I can pay mine, you pay yours, lets get going" he said
If you think of me as nothing more than a mere are trully mistaken, because I can destroy the very fabric of your being with the power bestowed upon me.

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