MGE Dash: PainKiller

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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

After searching around the whole place Lloyd found nothing and had to resort to looking around the cemetery, he finally found something of interest. It was a tombstone but not any tombstone, it was Peter Turner's, the guy he was apparently looking for. "Hrm..." he brought a hand to his chin "So the guy's been dead for fifty years...?" he tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms. This was puzzling, either he was looking for the wrong Peter and just wasted his time...or maybe there was something else, after all there were many small details that seemed off about this whole story. Lloyd let out an annoyed sigh "Now, what have gotten myself into?" he said as he shook his head.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

KillMoves wrote: (Ah but we're in KillMoves-land where realism (and general dickiness of yours truly) is a much bigger factor.)
(It is realistic and it's not realistic for one to control another person's player on the other hand. A player has free will after all. And Zakobons really do operates like that. They are slow when shooting and aim straight so moving around it is a legit working strategy. Would have been more realistic to just had one of the distant ones to blindside me with a spinning tackle while I was focusing on the two that was near Rick.)

I dodge roll to the side and run up to the Zakobon to create the illusion of rapid fire. When I fired the third shot, I resumed circle strafing the lone Zakobon while making some distance.

"What happened in the forest? Were you able to find out what happened in the woods?", I asked. I continue shooting the Zakobon with an even rhythm while sprinting around it.

(Honestly, I can't think of much to add to this which is partly why I haven't replied til now)
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Gamergirl64 »

"Rosie, the radar suddenly exploded with dots! You're surrounded by enemies. I suggest you get the merchant out of there quickly, before either one of you get in serious trouble." Kaila said through the transmitter.

"Alright. I'll be back at the Sparrow with him ASAP." R.O.S.I.E. said in her transmitter. Just then, the Renegades appeared. R.O.S.I.E. got her buster gun ready, but before she or the enemy could shoot, the merchant got his revolver and shot the Renegades in the head. R.O.S.I.E. turned to see the merchant. "Thanks." She said. "Now, normally, I would stay here and fend them off. But I don't want you to get hurt more than you already are, so let's head back to my flying machine, before the rest catch up to us." She started to try and help the merchant get up, being careful not to hurt him in the process.

After Randy's transmition ended, Aria tried to contact him again. "Randy, where are you? Randy! Answer me, you bastard!" She shouted frusturatedly, before sighing and giving up on trying to contact him. "Crap..."

"Miss Aria. The radar is booming. We're surrounded by enemies!" A servbot in one of the tanks say. "What do you want us to do?"

Aria thought for a few seconds. Randy told her to run away, and judging by how it sounded, that's probably the better option. However, if she just left Randy to die in there, she would have to live with the guilt of letting him suffer while she was at safety. Plus, it would feel kind of weird without encountering him in almost every mission she set off for. "Change of plans, guys." Aria finally decided. "Forget about the refractor. We have to save Randy's butt."

Then the enemies started to come into view, yet they're still too far away to make out exactly. "Brace yourselves, everyone..." Aria said. "We've got company..."
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

(Dex ain't using any sky taxis anymore now :^^;: )

"uuh....what?" he muttered as Neil woke him up, Dex's eyes widened as he saw the Taxi crashed on the ground, seeming how only him an Neil survived, he took a deep breath, "All right...we're fucked..." he said with a frustrating tone before he looked around "Even if they were alive who's to say we would be able to repair the taxi?" he said in reply to Neil about the drives, he looks around his surroundings, seeing some smoke deep in the forest gave him an idea, "Alright...Neil your choice, you stay here and wait for me, or you come with me but stay behind me, this is probably the worst idea i've ever had, but that smoke seems to be our only lead at the moment" he said as he readied his buster on his left hand, wether or not Neil would decide to stay or come with him, Dex was already entering the forest
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Now that you have found Peter, or more particularly his grave, the only things you could do now is to either report this to the lady back in Ciaphas, provided that she's still back there, or you could stop being involved in this weird situation.

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
"Some lad in armor was being chased by the Zakobons. When I intervened, the lad ran off." he answers you while he rolls to the side to evade some incoming fireballs. He then shoots 3 Buster shots at one of the red Zakobons but one shot gets taken by its fellow Zakobon. You recalled how a man in armor ran off into the distance.

The Zakobon takes your Buster shots and starts to move towards you, intending to use its body to slam you.

Gamergirl (Old Merchant Blues)/(Azgalor the Plague Champion)
"Yes let's do that, ma'am. I'm bleeding like a badly butchered hog." the armed merchant takes up your offer of help and gets up with your assistance.

The two of you limp for a few meters before shots are heard and small beams of green lasers whiz past the two of you. Looking behind, there seems to be a dozen people all heading towards you and counting. Some being Renegades while some wore black-colored armor on their torsos and long, black skirts to conceal the entirety of their legs. They were bald and wore some sort of contraption on their heads which hides their mouths. They are armed with pistol-like weapons and swords. Five of them formed a circle and started glowing red while looking up with their arms stretched out and suddenly their allies started going faster.

(New enemy encountered: Cultists)

The merchant suddenly stops you and leads you over to a large rock. "We'll have to thin their numbers out before we could start moving." he tells R.O.S.I.E. "The mob will catch up to us if we don't." The merchant cocks his revolver and fire some shots at the incoming mob which prompts the Renegades to take cover but the men in the long skirts still run unfazed.

"Don't let the ones with the swords get close." Looking at the surroundings, R.O.S.I.E. could see several other large rocks that could serve as cover. It may be wise to divide the attention of the mob.


The enemies came into view and they wore big, bulky armor with gold patterns on it. Their helmets sported red eye sockets and a triangular filter which made them look menacing. They were armed with big guns which they immediately used to fire at Aria's tanks.
The Servbots noticed that the bullets are somehow piercing the tanks' armor.

(New enemy encountered: Chaos Marines)

"I'll come with you. I've got a bad feeling so we should stick together." Neil said.

The two of you venture into the thick jungle and no sooner emerge out of it. You see that beyond the jungle is some sort of village, a wrecked village. Some of the buildings have holes in it while some were either half-destroyed or completely destroyed. Soot from explosions covered patches of the ground though no one seemed to be around, not even bodies.
"Yep. Something happened in here alright." Neil commented as he surveyed the area with his eyes. "Should we push on?" he asks you.

(Don't forget to regularly check the MGED: Painkillers' Resources for info on new enemies... and no I'm not angry at Gamergirl. She just happened to encounter most of the Family first.)
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

Finding no use in staying in this cemetery any longer Lloyd started to walk the way back to town, wondering what he should do. While he could speak to that lady again he wondered if it was a good idea, after all she spoke as if her "dear Peter" hadn't been gone for long and yet, according to the tombstone, he died fifty years ago...Which brought a detail to his mind that annoyed him quite a bit, that bartender that told him to go here could've just told him that the guy was dead, even worse the bartender tried to make a few zennies off of him too! He sighed and continued to walk.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Gamergirl64 »

"Sure thing." R.O.S.I.E. saw the other rocks, and an idea immediately came to mind. "I'll stay on the move, to keep them from having their full focus on just one spot." She said, then started to shoot at the front row of the mob. After getting a few taken down, she ran to another rock, and took cover. She shot some more, and to a different rock. She repeated this process, taking down renegades and Cultists and moving to different rocks, while still keeping an eye on the merchant, making sure they don't get too close to him.

"Miss Aria, their bullets are penetrating the tank armor!" One of the tank-operating servbots said.

"Hang in there, you guys. We should be able to take them out before they take us out." Aria said. "Return fire!"

The tank-operating servbots got the machine guns ready, and started to fire at the mob.

"Carriers, I want you to grab any of the ones that get too close, and throw them into the others in the mob. That should at least slow them down a bit." Aria commanded the carrier-operating servbots, who were doing just as she said.

Aria conacted the servbot piloting the drache overhead. "Could use some help, here." She said into the communicator.

"You got it!" Replied the servbot piloting the drache, as it got the guns ready, and started shooting at the mob of enemies from above.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »

Dex frowned seeing the scene before him, the village completely destroyed and not a single sign of life, not even bodies present, he inspected the walls and the surroundings, not even the smell of death was in the air, "whatever did this, it didn't kill anyone, it dragged them off somewhere" he said, looking at the ground "or carried them, since there is no trails on the ground" he before moving ahead, lets push onward" he told Neil, he didn't know what they were dealing with there, but he had a bad feeling they were going to find out, he kept his buster ready at all times in case something came their way.
Last edited by Scrapmaster on Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

(I kid you not, from personal experience, they really can be taken down by about 5-9 kicks. Infact, if it isn't heavily armored like those turtle like ones, anything a zakobon's size and smaller can actually be taken down by kicking.)

"You would think an armored man with that running speed would would be able to handle a couple of Zakobons. I mean, they can even be taken down if we kick them enough times with our POW Suits on. I even did it on a training dig. However, after I got that out of my system after finding out about that, I resumed taking them down the 'old fashioned way'(Some good buster shots). At least it wasn't one of the ones with hammerlike arms. Those things can really take a hit.", I say while shooting some buster shots at the Zakobon.

I resume running around the Zakobon clockwise and shoot at the zakobon a few times in hopes I can defeat it fast enough. "Looks like practice starts early for us. I bet it must bring back a few memories. Maybe some from when you first started out digging.", I continue with an optimistic tone.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

The sun had started to set while you walk back into town. Fortunately the Mirumijees are somehow gone now and the dense shrubbery only housed insects and probably some small animals.

While walking you notice the dead tree again and from the trail, you would see that the skeleton had mysteriously disappeared. Not only that, you also notice a lone figure not far from you walking through the bushes. It had gotten too dark to properly identify him or her or it.

"Damn worms, separating me from my unit." you could hear the figure's loud grumbles. Judging from his voice, you could say he was a male.

Gamergirl (Old Merchant Blues)/(Azgalor the Plague Champion)
R.O.S.I.E.'s strategy worked and with the help of Dirk's accuracy with the revolver, the number of the mob had dwindled and the Cultists who formed the circle broke their formation and started running towards the fleeing duo while firing their pistols.

"Now's our chance! Come here and carry me!" Dirk requests while he continues to fire his weapon.

Once the android does, the two once again limp towards the Sparrow. A few steps and a few close calls later, the two would see the Sparrow in the distance. R.O.S.I.E. and the merchant is almost there however Dirk tells the android something. "Madam, I know we're close to your vehicle but the mob has regained its strength. We can stay and thin out their numbers again or we can take our chances and rush to the vehicle."

What would be R.O.S.I.E.'s decision?


The combined firepower of the tanks and the drache managed to force the Chaos Marines to retreat into the darkness. Aria would see that there isn't a mob but actually only six of them. Though they didn't leave behind any bodies meaning Aria's Servbots didn't take down one.

Continuing forward, Aria would come across a split on the hallway. On the left hallway there is pure darkness but Aria could see a faint greenish light in its distance. On the right there is also pure darkness but something produced sparks that briefly lighted its position.

The two of you continued on the ruins of the village before reaching what appears to be the village's center since the path splits into three directions. There is a non-functional fountain in the middle and some benches placed near the either destroyed or burning buildings.

"Where to now?" Neil turns to ask you. But his face became one of worry as he looked at you. Or rather, behind you.
You are then grabbed and held by something behind you. Dark silhouettes of humanoid shape began emerging from the ruined buildings all heading towards you and Neil. Your Spotter tries to run but the silhouettes blocked his path and continued to advanced by simply shifting across the ground.

If you turn your head to look at your grabber, you would see it is also a silhouette but it seems to be one of... a Holstaur? She may be only a silhouette but you could clearly see her horns and her hairstyle covered by pure darkness. If you try to struggle, the silhouette's grip on you will become tighter.

You could only watch as the silhouettes converge on Neil who is obviously scared out of his mind and for good reason.
"No! Stay away from me!" Neil screams. One by one, the silhouettes' arms grabbed and held him on the ground. "No, no!" Then one of the hands reached into his mouth and pulled out his tongue causing Neil to bleed from the mouth and scream in agony. Some hands then reached into his eyes and gouged it out which only made him scream more. You would then see the silhouettes tear apart your Spotter, diving into his flesh and taking out the organs all the while as his blood splattered on the ground which somehow blends in with the reddish environment caused by the dawning of the sun.

The silhouettes continue to ravage Neil's body as you watched on. Who knows you could probably be
next. You must try to think a way out
of this situation for you don't know


"DEX!" a voice snaps you back to the inside of the Sky Taxi. Still in the air and not destroyed. You then find out the voice belonged to your Spotter Neil who is alive and well. Not bleeding from the mouth or through the eyes. "Damn man, it looked like you were having a nightmare. Was it a nightmare?" he asks you.

"Well anyway. We're almost at the Archipelago." he tells you. "Hey since you were out cold, I took the liberty of making both our breakfasts be bacon and eggs. I hope that's okay with you."

Rezeed (The Retired Digger's Tragedy)
Rick remained silent about the fleeing man in armor. He fires three shots at one of the red Zakobons but it gets destroyed by one shot leaving the other two shots heading to nowhere.

"Hmm... not really." Rick answers about the first time he started digging. "I'm pretty sure I faced some fish Reaverbot in my first dig. Shoots out electricity. Forgot its name." he finishes before sidestepping to dodge some fireballs.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

(What happened to the Zakobon I was fighting? Also, my last in character comment was asking Rick if he was feeling any nostalgia fighting said reaverbots. On another note, Guess where I am posting this from.)

"Maybe we'll see that in our future adventures. That's all provided we head to that archipelago or Water Continent that is.", I said friendly tone. I running around the Zakobon and shooting at calmly without changing my pace and buster shot rhythm.

"Hmmm..... Do you know any good places where we might be able to find an engineer? It just occurred to me now to ask this. Might be good to know where to head first after we hear the reply from that waitress.", I continue.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Gamergirl64 »

R.O.S.I.E. knew she had to think fast about this one, so she called her sister. "Kaila, get the entrance ready, I'm gonna be flying in, and I won't have time to stop until we get inside the Sparrow." She said through her communicator.

"You got it, Rosie." Kaila replied, as she got ready to open the hatch at the right time.

R.O.S.I.E. nodded, then looked at Dirk. "Alright. If I fly us there, it will be faster than on foot, so try and hold on, if possible." She said, before getting behind the merchant, and putting her arms around him, before flapping her wings. She managed to get the two of them in the air, and jetted straight towards the Sparrow.

Seeing R.O.S.I.E. and Dirk in the distance, Kaila pushed the button to open the hatch, and R.O.S.I.E. and Dirk flew right in. Then, Kaila closed the hatch back up.

After the landing, R.O.S.I.E. helped Dirk back up. While they didn't crash into a wall, or anything, R.O.S.I.E.'s landing was a little sloppy, causing them both to fall on the ground. "Sorry about that." She said. "I'm pretty good at getting people in the air, but putting them back on the ground isn't that easy, got me. You didn't get too hurt in the landing process, did you?" She asked, as she led him to a room on the same floor The room consisted of a bed, a few chairs, and a chest. "Here is one of our guest rooms. Even though we rarely get guests where they have to stay in here for more than one day, each guest room has one bed, just in case." She sat Dirk down in the bed, and opened the chest, getting out a first aid kit.

Just then, Kaila's voice came up on the ship's intercom. "Attention, passengers, we are ready to take off, so please hang on." She said. Just then, the sparrow started to move forward, before taking off, like an airplane.

"Thanks, Kaila." Rosie said through her communication device, before looking at Dirk. "Now, do you want me to treat your wounds, or do you want to treat them, yourself?"

After Aria realized there were only six, she laughed sheepishly. "Ok, maybe that was a little bit of an overkill." She said.

"I wouldn't think so, miss." Said her servbot partner. "They were strong, considering their guns penetrated the tank's armor. And look." He said pointing ahead of him, showing that there were no bodies. "They all survived."

"Well, we have no time to worry about that. Let's move forward." Aria replied, as they all moved ahead. When they got to the split hallway, Aria examined both way. The one on the left could be where the refractor is, which could be where Randy is at, while one on the right consisted of sparks, which could be from Randy's mechs. "I have an idea." Aria said. "I want two tanks and a carrier going down the hallway the left, while the rest of us go down the one on the right. If you encounter Randy, one of his mechs, or anything that could mean trouble, contact me, and I'll tell you guys what to do, from there. As usual, I want the drache following me from above, so I can either escape, or fly to you guys quickly." She said.

"Sure thing, miss Aria." The servbots said in unison, as they all carried out her plan, and moved forward.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »


Dex snapped back into reality, quickly falling of his seat as Neil asked him if he had a nightmare, "I guess you could say that" he said as he sat down again, hearing that they were close to the archipelago made him feel kind of relieved, although his heart was still beating extremely fast, he heard what Neil said about breakfast, "Its perfect" he said to Neil, as he then relaxed for a bit "I miss anything while I was sleeping?" he asked
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

On the way back Lloyd noted that the Mirumijees were gone now, a bit later he got back to where the dead tree was, oddly enough the skeleton was nowhere to be seen... This didn't make a whole lot of sense to him but that would have to wait as he heard a male voice not far from him, with the light of day fading away he couldn't really identify the person. That aside Lloyd wondered what that person was doing there and thus he called out to the person "Hey, you alright there?" he asked, he doubted anything bad could happen but for some reason he was still feeling uneasy... Probably because that whole thing he got involved into made close to zero sense.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

Rezeed wrote:Also, my last in character comment was asking Rick if he was feeling any nostalgia fighting said reaverbots.
(He did answer. His answer was no because he fought Firushudots first before fighting Zakobons.)
(And sorry I dun'goofed on the reaverbot part :P .)

The red Zakobon you have been blasting gets destroyed and then you see another one take aim at you but gets destroyed by Rick first.

"That takes care of that." Rick says. "You can keep the zennies this time. I still have plenty to go around. Come on, it's bedtime young man." he tells you followed with a chuckle. You also get 500 zennies from the fight.

As the two of you head back into the cabin, Rick answers your question. "Engineer huh? I heard Aeronautic Archipelago has plenty but we could just show you off practically anywhere and they'll flock to ya." He then adds. "And every single one will be a keeper."

"I swear the amount of women in this world is so high, I have trouble seeing another man." he comments about the current state of the world. "I heard it weren't like that in the past. Got any idea what happened?" he asks you.

Gamergirl /(Azgalor the Plague Champion)
The Sparrow lifts off with a few bullet holes from the angry Family mob but ultimately gets away.

"I...I can take care of myself, thanks madam. El Cero assures you that you will not go unrewarded." Dirk tells R.O.S.I.E. "Dear, would you mind if you drop me off somewhere not within the Cemetery Island? El Cero has had enough of this place." he makes a request.


The Servbots going down the right hallway reported mechs of all sorts in their destroyed state as well as a few bodies of the Chaos Marines. It seems Randy's mechs put up a fight. However, besides that nothing else was spotted.

The left hallway Aria took had a different story. The light source was apparently a refractor like Aria predicted but it was green. Not regular green but it was light green like acidic green. It stood in the middle of the large circular room with two more entrances in sight. Fetching this refractor could net a lot of zennies.

Then from the left entrance, Aria saw Randy emerge in his Pirate POW suit which looks like it has received damage and seems to be emitting some sort of green mist. His spiky red hair and brown eyes all were in a state of exhaustion and his fairly white skin had cuts and brusies. He looks up and sees his rival. "Aria! You're still here?! Didn't I tell you to-- Graah!" he is suddenly cut off when he is punched into the room by another Chaos Marine.

This Chaos Marine was different though. He had the large, bulky armor but instead of a fancy helmet, he had a gas mask with a tube connected from his mouth to the torso part of his armor. On one hand he has a silver and blue pistol-like weapon and on the other, his hand was enlarged which is probably made to punch things real hard.

"More intruders. More sacrifices for the Grandfather." he utters in a sickly, bloated voice.

(New enemy encountered: Plague Champion)

"Aside from some some cool cloud formations, I guess not." Neil answers you.

After eating the breakfast and touching down in the Archipelago. The two of you are greeted by a familiar face. "Heeey! I know you! You're that guy from the Holstox disaster!" the black-clad, gas mask-wearing man greets you. "You better not have spent that 50 zennies on a stripper. So anyway, what'choo doin' in the Archipelago?" he asks you.

"You know this guy?" Neil asks you. "He seems a bit... off."

The figure had heard you and started approaching you. He seems to grow bigger as he came closer. "Ah, a Renegade. Have you--" he suddenly stops when both you and him saw each other clearly. The figure wore big, bulky armor with gold-colored patterns on it. His helmet sported red eye sockets and a triangular filter. His size overshadows yours and he immediately aims his boxy gun at you and fires it.

You narrowly dodge the shot and the only cover in sight is the dead tree though you could use the bushes to hide your small presence.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Oersted »

Nearly getting hit by the other guy's gun Lloyd growled in annoyance "Oh come on, I just had to end up with an hostile didn't I?" he pointlessly complained as he quickly used the bushes the keep himself out of sight, although that would only work for so long. Lloyd knew that he had to think up a plan to deal with this idiot, obviously if he ran he could end up unintentionally bringing the bulky hostile to town and that would be the stupidest thing he'd ever did. As he tried to think of a plan he started moving towards the dead tree as it was the only viable cover he had at this point.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Scrapmaster »


Henry:"Now thats a good breakfast" Dex said satisfied as he felt the sky-taxi touching down in the archipelago "well, we're here" he said getting up as he then saw a familiar figure walking to him and talking to him "Hey, Nice to see you too" he said smilling as he then heard his question and then heard Neil commenting on him, "Someone I met at holtox..." he said as he continued talking to him, "those 50 zenny were well spent paying for me to get on this sky-taxi...but as for what im doing here, well im a digger, and I am looking for an engineer so I can get my license, and what are you doing here?" he asked him calmly
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Rezeed »

Rick wrote: As the two of you head back into the cabin, Rick answers your question. "Engineer huh? I heard Aeronautic Archipelago has plenty but we could just show you off practically anywhere and they'll flock to ya." He then adds. "And every single one will be a keeper."
"Ironic that a lot if not most of the places there requires a flying machine to get around. Or at least for the ruins and subgates for certain " I say, feeling a little bad.
Rick wrote: "I swear the amount of women in this world is so high, I have trouble seeing another man." he comments about the current state of the world. "I heard it weren't like that in the past. Got any idea what happened?" he asks you.
"I guess it could be because of the digger's life style and how popular it can be working with a digger. However, it could be that with how things led to today, the population took a blow in a way where the gender ratio was affected." I reply with some thought.
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by Gamergirl64 »

"Oh sure. My spotter and I thought you would be kind of sick of the place. We're on our way to the digger's guild, but if you want to be dropped off anywhere else, we'll be happy to drop you off." R.O.S.I.E. replied, with a smile.

meanwhile... (Funny, it was actually Aria, that went to the right, but I'll just roll with this, because it's much more interesting. :D)

"Randy!!" Aria immediately went to his side when he got punched. She looked up at the Plague champion. "Sacrifices, huh? You won't be taking us that easily. I came to get this guy, and I will leave with him." She said, before turning on her com. "Bring in my mecha suit. While you're at it, get some first aid supplies for Randy, here, and a second drache." She said, to her servbots back in the ship.

It wasn't long until a mecha suit, powered by two servbots standing on top of one another, came in at max speed, followed by a drache. When the Mecha suit arrived at the scene, the servbots hopped out, one with a first aid kit.

Aria looked at her servbot assistant. "Listen, I want you to get into that drache with Randy, and get out of here, so you can treat his wounds, then get him into a room in the ship. I'll handle this guy, here."

"Ok, miss Aria." Said the servbot, as it and the two controlling the mecha suit helped Randy into the drache that came with the mecha suit. After they got inside, the drache flew back to the ship, at the same time, the servbots that went to the hallway on the right came in.

"What do you want us to do, miss Aria?" One of the carrier servbots asked.

"Just wait until I need you." Aria replied, as she got into the mecha suit, then looked at the Plague Master. "Alright creep, it's time to fight!!" She shouted, as she started to shoot buster shots at it.

(Just a quick memo, only the speed, and laser special are at their max. The Buster power has been upgraded to a B rank, and the other buster stats are at D rank)
(EDIT: I hope this isn't too overkill, but considering the Chaos Marines survived tanks, carriers, and a drache, I'd imagine that the Plague master is pretty strong, so I thought that the mecha suit would put it at a pretty even match)
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Re: MGE Dash: PainKiller

Post by KillMoves »

(Okay enough Total War and more MegaMan)

You quickly move to the dead tree with the bushes hiding you. However, this did not stop the Chaos Marine at firing at your direction. You see particularly large bullets run past you, cutting through the vegetation effortlessly.

Eventually you reach and hide behind the tree. The firing isn't stopping and you hear the amount of wood being chipped off by the Chaos Marine's bullets. It appears the cover isn't strong enough to withstand your opponent's attacks.

"Me? Well I'm just seeing the sights. There's plenty to see and do in the new world after all." he answers, somewhat cryptically.
"Being a Digger lets you do that." Neil suggests.
"Digger? Psssh, Diggers are overrated." Keith rejects the suggestion. "I'll do things the North way."

"Oh you're looking for an Engie right?" Keith remembers your purpose in the Archipelago. "I know this one particular Engie who's hella good at pretty much anything mechanical. You interested?"
Neil merely looks at you with a 'This is a bad idea' face.

"That's... a pretty good guess." Rick replies. You get a feeling he didn't quite understand your answer.

The next day comes and you head into the bar without Rick. The retired Digger told you he has to do some errands and told you to go to the bar and hear the girl's answer.

It appears the girl is already there sitting at one of the tables looking deep in thought. She wasn't wearing her maid outfit instead she wore some pretty casual clothes: a simple green t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

She gets startled the moment she notices you. "Ah! M-Mr. Digger. Um, good morning." she greets you. "Uh, where's Mr. Rick?" she asks. This might be a good moment to get acquainted with her.

Gamergirl /(Azgalor the Plague Champion)
"Digger's Guild?" Dirk tenses up at the mention of the place but quickly regains composure. "Sure, El Cero is fine with that."

After a little while, Dirk catches both R.O.S.I.E. and Kaila in the Sparrow's cockpit. "Ah madam rescuers. I had planned to do this much later but I might forget."

"Ahem. As reward for your magnificent rescue of moi, I hereby reward you with one of these." the merchant then shows the sisters 5 cards with pictures and Roman numerals on them. "I was going to reward you with Digger gear but since my current inventory has been lost in Cemetery Island, this is all I can give you."

1) O/XXII The Fool - Teleports you out of the subgate/ruin
2) VII The Chariot - Grants you temporary invincibility for (4 updates)
3) XII The Hanged Man - Turns you incorporeal temporarily
4) XI Strength - Increases your health and damage temporarily. Will also enlarge you.
5) XVI The Tower - Spawns explosives all across the room/corridor

"To use these, simply hold the card in front of you and shout its name." Dirk tells the sisters. "Oh and if you use The Hanged Man, don't go into the light." he adds a warning. "Now don't be shy and pick one."

---(She did? I must punish myself for making such a horrendous mistake... *hits self with leather belt 20 times*)---

The Plague Champion merely absorbs the damage by Aria's buster shots as he closes in on the Pirate. He also shoots his pistol which fires five small, blue energy shots at Aria's mech, reducing it's shield to 98%.

His pistol might be quite harmless but the Aria gets the gut feeling the large fist will be not.
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