The Girl of your Dreams!

A Dating RP

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

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Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been busy with work and crap. I hope your not mad at me for being like this, but for those of you who know me form MGU, well., it's to be expected :oops:
Linzy simply blushed at the thought of his penis, giving a smile as if she were starving and looking off into space, blushing as she puts her hands on her cheeks and starts to moan "Aahhh..." She said suddenly feeling happy "I dunno..." She responded to him, but then she jumped on him "Hey, why don't we...wait we did that already..." She said "Wanna do it again?" She asked "Oh but thats boring, me your cool stuff then!" She got off him and started to jump excitedly

Marie smiled as she looked at the armor "Wow, nice piece of armor...I'll definitely look good on this!" She said with confidence as she stripped from her normal clothes, then putting on the armor that Julia gave her "Hows this?" She said having it on

"Wow, these clothes sure look nice, I'll pick this one!" she picked the Jill Valentine costume as she stripped from her clothing, then putting on the new ones "Hehe..." She looked at herself with a satisfied look "Man! I look good!" she said with confidence


(Currently asleep)

Piko flew and smiled "YAY!!!" She said as she suddenly started chanting words "Weilie nilie silly tienie!" Suddenly, a gold like trail of dust apppears on her hands, then shooting them at Marthy, they start to shrink him down until he was the same size as her. Now the same height and size, Piko's breasts seem larger than they did when he was bigger than her "See! I have big boobies!" she said hugging Marthy and squeezing his head between them

"That is fine, I shall take my responsibilities as your lover seriously. Commiting myself to you is my mission...and desire..." saying the last part quietly "Anyways, why don't you take a shower first, I will take awhile so I suggest you clean yourself up first. Meantime I shall make you breakfast..." She said smiling to Elric

"AAAHHHH!!!" Reedia moaned ever so loudly as she felt the combination of Sai's sucking and Anadiris licking together "You two sure are good huh?" The tendrils on her tail starts to wrap around the shaft of Sai's dick, rubbing the shaft and moving in piston like motions at the same time, flicking the tip of the penis teasingly. While the tendrils on Anadiris starts to rub the lips of her vagina, slowly moving as if licking the clit of her pussy

As Eli clicked "yes", a series of question appear on the screen

1. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care

2. What kind of Personality do you like in a girl. You can chose up to 4
A. Kind
B. Assertive
C. Tsundere
D. Yandere
E. Shy
F. Hyperactive
G. Forceful
H. Gentle
I. Simple

3. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care

4. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No

5. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No

6. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No

"A-" She was about to moan, but Cassandra blocked her mouth with her hand

"Keep your voice down you idiot..." She whispered to her as Hailey nodded, then letting go, Hailey held her own mouth, surprised by the sudden pleasure she felt from Tsar

"Uwaahh..." Letting out a few light moans, she feels her climax coming already from Tsar's skilled licking as her pussy started to quiver "Coming..." She cums on his mouth quickly, but her face showed slight dissatisfaction "Darn it...I didn't get to enjoy it as long as Cassandra did..." she pouted

Seino blushed at the compliment "Thanks alot Arc..." She smiled to him "Seems so peaceful here...I like it. But then again, It might bet boring, considering the fact that I can't spread my wings anywhere and fly...nor can I find someone strong enough to spar with me..." She complained a bit, but then stares back at Arc "But, I'm happy to sacrifice those to be with you, you've already proven to be a very loving guy after all..."

"NYUAAA!!!" She moaned at the sudden rubbing of her ears "Not there...too good..." Like a cat, she dug her claws on his right and left shoulders, then licking him on the neck, leaving an odd sensation of ecstasy due to her rough tongue and even licking his face as she ascends upwards "Your sweat taste nice..." She simply commented as her tail happily waved around, rubbing all over his body. Soon enough, she felt her climax closing in as her pussy tightened "I'm going to cum soon..." She warned T.J. as she moved her hips even faster and deeper on his dick
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

Marie smiled as she looked at the armor "Wow, nice piece of armor...I'll definitely look good on this!" She said with confidence as she stripped from her normal clothes, then putting on the armor that Julia gave her "Hows this?" She said having it on.
"Wow you look wonderful Marie, I'll show you the game on who the character is based on later, but you need one more thing ." Julia said before grabbing a replica of Commander Sheppard's signature weapon the N7 Eagle pistol that magnetics attached to her armor. "There now it looks authentic I would have gotten the Widow but the armor type was adept type Commander Sheppard so It also came the N7 Hurricane Sub-Machine guns." before handing her two matching weapons while looking over her body with her eyes before asking turning to ask Laila "How are we doing over there with your costume Laila?"
"Wow, these clothes sure look nice, I'll pick this one!" she picked the Jill Valentine costume as she stripped from her clothing, then putting on the new ones "Hehe..." She looked at herself with a satisfied look "Man! I look good!" she said with confidence.
"Damn straight you do Honey! now should I put the thing on you or leave it off and add the make up to show it was taken out?" she said holding a pod like device in her hand. " I think ether way you'll look hot" She said with a blush before she went to find the two Sub machine guns Jill used in RE-5. one thing could be said to go on in Julia's mind right now...

'Damn I might not be able to control myself tonight..." :nosebleed: :love:


(Currently asleep)
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Last edited by Kmon13 on Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
Piko flew and smiled "YAY!!!" She said as she suddenly started chanting words "Weilie nilie silly tienie!" Suddenly, a gold like trail of dust apppears on her hands, then shooting them at Marthy, they start to shrink him down until he was the same size as her. Now the same height and size, Piko's breasts seem larger than they did when he was bigger than her "See! I have big boobies!" she said hugging Marthy and squeezing his head between them
Marthy blushed when his head was between her breasts before moving his head out of them, still blushing "W-wow Piko, this is amazing." As he got a look at her body, he almost couldn't help it, now that he was around her size, the first thing he did was kiss her on the lips lightly "umm, w-want to get at it right away?"


Mara was on her customized desktop computer, after finishing with managing all the rent, paying the taxes, and even finishing with her job, she checked on some sites before going back to youtube to look continue watching the first arc of Homestuck, she wasn't really sure what to make of it, but after her brother Marthy showed her a few minutes, she grew to like it due to it's video game like style. she then paused it for a minute to get a glass of soda.
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It's alright, you do know how to make a great adventure RP in the meantime :goodjob:
Last edited by hothead1021 on Sat May 19, 2012 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Blue Oni
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I rub my chin and say "Hmm. Some cool stuff. Alright." I then move to the computer and say "Welcome to the Internet. You can find anything on here. And if you can't find it, it doesn't exist yet." I lift Linzy up and place her in my lap as I sit in the chair. Feeling a little frisky, I place my left hand on her left breast and massage it gently while typing and moving the mouse with my other hand. I open up what appears to be a porn game, where you need to dodge monsters and other sort of creatures, but failing to do so will get you raped by them in various ways.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by ShadowTengu »

"Huh, well... this is unexpected. Is this even a website or what? Some kind of flash?..." He said looking back at his door, then to the clock. 10:32 it read, his parents would be asleep by now but it was never a bad idea to be careful... Especially when browsing this kind of stuff. "Alright, I'll roll with this... unless this thing asks for my email... I've got nothing better to do anyway..." And with that he clicked through the questions.

1. Busty. "My last girlfriend wouldn't shut up about her goddamn B-cups. I said they were fine but no! Said I was pitying her... Sigh."

2. Gentle. "Heh, it would be a decent change from my current love life"

3. Older than you. "Not dealing with the statutory bullshit again..."

4. Yes.

5. Yes.

6. No. "I can barely handle my own mother... Having those two go at each other's throats isn't something I'd like to relive..."

"And, Submit... And here's the part where it links me to the dating site and asks me for my Email right?" Eli said in a deadpan tone, blankly staring at the screen...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"Hey..." Melona gripped on his hands and hugged him, wrapping her arms around him and clenching both her hands together "I wont let you go...I'm fine..." She said "Sorry for worrying you...I tried to yell...but that man forced my mouth shut..." She said as she started to tear "It's not your fault okay..." HEr grip getting tighter, not enough to hurt him. but enough to immobilize his movements, she simply hugs him, crying

As Melona crys into his chest Victor keeps his arms straight out behind her back as his spine straightens har her sudden close proximity.

"oh uh dont worry he only touched you on the face, we can kill the germs with mouthwash! when we "

["VICTOR WHAT IN THE NAME OF RUSSIA ARE YOU DOING?!!!! I will not forgive you ignoring the call of duty!"] a loud and brazen voice filled Victors thoughts

<huh? Father?> Victor thought jolting upright for a second time.

"No its not my fault and its damn well not yours" Victor said confidence returning to his voice.
"I know im not too confident about me when we get close, so im going to ignore my confidence from now on, and just keep going." Victor said returning Melona's hug with the strength of 3 Russian black bears(wtf?)

"I know that sentence needs work but it can wait..." Victor said into Melona's golden(?) hair.

"You didnt.." Helga looked at Natasha "Really?" She said as she face palmed

"Yea...HEY don't blame me! SHE insisted it!" Natasha replied as she blushed

"Horny bitch..." Helga simply said, then picking up Misha "Come on...lets go home..." She said as she started to walk to the parking lot

"Hey...wait up..." Natasha said as she soon followed
"Im sorry Helga I just got so excited when Natasha....." Misha said waking up a little and getting on her own two feet and walkin to the exit.

"Oh no what are we gonna do? We dont have enough beds to sleep on!" Misha said worriedly on the way home unable to come to any conclusions she unlocks the apartment and starts to clean off the couch and table of their miscellaneous items.
"It looks like im going to sleep on the couch... and Victor on the table......"
"So now that thats out of the way i have been so curious about were you came from Victor is right that your not normal people but ehat was your home like?" Misha asked as she plopped down on the couch.
The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

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"NYUAAA!!!" She moaned at the sudden rubbing of her ears "Not there...too good..." Like a cat, she dug her claws on his right and left shoulders, then licking him on the neck, leaving an odd sensation of ecstasy due to her rough tongue and even licking his face as she ascends upwards "Your sweat taste nice..." She simply commented as her tail happily waved around, rubbing all over his body. Soon enough, she felt her climax closing in as her pussy tightened "I'm going to cum soon..." She warned T.J. as she moved her hips even faster and deeper on his dick
I couldn't help but wincing slightly as she instinctively dug her claws on my shoulders, it was only a skin level scratch but still something told me that I would have to be careful with Mimika's claws in the near future or else I would end up as her personal scratching board... but I wouldn't mind since each one of them would be considered as a show of her love towards me...
My whole body shuddered as her tongue began licking my neck soft and lovingly, it was an odd yet incredibly nice feeling that got intesified as she started to kiss my face in such a feline fashion.

During her display of affection I could see how she resumed her lovemaking again, she made me cum two times in a row, she milked me almost completely dry and yet she was again trying to squeeze more of my seed... She seemed a succubus instead of a catgirl... Dealing with her during her heat time would be one hell of an ordeal, that I would delighfully go through.

My half flaccid manhood came back to life as she desperately tried to get the last spurts of my seed, my tired body trembled in excitement beneath her as her already full and almost overflowing honeypot tightened around my member, countless moans and love confessions escaped from my mouth as her love showered upon me, her pleasantly rough tongue kept kissing me, as her soft tail rubbed all over my body...sometimes getting dangerously close to my backside, looming over my back entrance... giving me the weirdly arousing idea of it going inside me, milking my prostate as her womanhood milked my rod... I should definitely ask her some time...
I felt the grip her womanhood had over my member tighter even more than before as she told me that she was about to cum.... I felt how my seed, or rather the remnant spurs left of it inside my balls, started its way up ready to hit her already full womb... something told me that the choices of her getting pregnant were incredibly high by that time...
"Fine, go ahead! I'm almost there too, so just go ahead and finish what you started and take of all my milk" I told her as I saw how her rythm sped up once again, making her hips look like a blur.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
Seino blushed at the compliment "Thanks alot Arc..." She smiled to him "Seems so peaceful here...I like it. But then again, It might bet boring, considering the fact that I can't spread my wings anywhere and fly...nor can I find someone strong enough to spar with me..." She complained a bit, but then stares back at Arc "But, I'm happy to sacrifice those to be with you, you've already proven to be a very loving guy after all..."
He gave a nod at her words. "Yeah, that us true, I suppose next time I'll have to take you somewhere outside in the country area nearby. At least there you can stretch out your wings." He said, smiling sweetly at her as they drove along. They were almost at their destination, and Arc decided to reach over after they spoke. With on hand on the wheel, his free hand rested upon her thigh, and gently gave it an affectionate squeeze.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"AAAHHHH!!!" Reedia moaned ever so loudly as she felt the combination of Sai's sucking and Anadiris licking together "You two sure are good huh?" The tendrils on her tail starts to wrap around the shaft of Sai's dick, rubbing the shaft and moving in piston like motions at the same time, flicking the tip of the penis teasingly. While the tendrils on Anadiris starts to rub the lips of her vagina, slowly moving as if licking the clit of her pussy

Sai and Anadiris faces flush at the feeling of more tendrils going around them*

*as Sai pumps himself in Anadiris, he feels that he is almost to his climax, pulling out at the last second to cum on both Ana and Reedia. he lets his mouth off of Reedia's nipple, circling it a few times with his tongue, than looks up at her, than down at Ana who is still licking at Reedia's nether lips*

Sai: have fun transforming Ana into a Dark Priest such as yourself. ill watch, it will be fun.

*Anadiris seems to pay no attention, and continues to lick Reedia. she runs her tongue in and around her pussy, flickering it occasionally on her clit. she takes her middle and ring fingers and very lightly penetrates Reedia's pussy as as she licks*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Wow, these designs look really nice Julia, I like you taste in clothing..." Marie said as she heppily twirled around as she moves around to make sure the clothes feel comfortable

"I'll say..." She said as she moved around as well to make sure she felt comfortable "Now...since we got comfy on our new clothes "So...what kind of human places are we going to huh? Maybe somewhere to eat huh!?" Laila asked as she smiled

"All you think about is eating you fat cow..." Marie said as the two suddenly stared at each other

"Heh, funny coming from Lizard breath..." They both gave an aggressive smile before smiling back at Julia "Hehe, don't mind us...just a friendly conversation..." Laila said

"Wait, I want to try this..." Piko said as she sat on his face, her wet pussy on top of his face "I always wanted to do this position!" She happily proclaimed as she started by grabbing his dick and massaging it with her hands, stroking it slowly in different motions, then focusing on the tip as she pokes the very tip "I see some liquid leaking out..." She licks the tip of his dick and smiles "'s got a salty taste to it!"

"Eh?" Linzy looked at the screen, never seeing a computer before, she seemed too distracted from the screen itself, ignoring the feeling of getting groped. Her ears then rose up as she saw the game being played " those monster things rape when they see humans huh? Kinda like what I do to you!" She said as she went back to snuggle him, focusing her attention on his waist as she hugs it tightly

As the questions were submitted, more popped up
1. Do you like swimming?
A. Yes
B. No

2. Do you like a woman who can cook and clean?
A. Yes
B. No

"Thank you..." Melona simply said as she wiped her tears and smiled, kissing him on the cheek "Okay then...lets get going then huh?" She stood up, her legs a little weak from what happened "Can you help me up please?" She asked


"Don't worry about it Misha...what's done is done..." Helga said

"And regarding the sleeping thing...don't worry about it okay? Helga can sleep on the floor no problem and I can easily fall alseep on a well built tree..." Natasha said with a reassuring smile

"Yea, so just relax and rest okay...your transformation just started to it's going to be problematic but...I'm sure you'll adapt...for now you should stay in your house..."

"AAHHH!!! Yes! This I'm almost there!" She meowed as the last few frantic thrust of her hips, she pushes her pussy all the way to her womb as the tip of T.J.s penis pierced inside her womb "CUMMING!!!NYAAA!!" She yelled as she orgasmed, the inner and deepest parts of her pussy were flled with nothing but soft, yet rough ville around the wall that could make any man cum in an instant.

"Hehe, trying to show affection huh?" Seino said as she placed her hand on his lap,rubbing sensuously around his groin until she reached the zipper of his pants "Oh I wonder...whats in here..." she blushed as she teased a bit "Do you have any family relatives by the way?" She asked making conversation "I have 3 sisters...all of them are youner than me, and my mother...oh now she is a fighter...let me tell you...sometimes when some dumb Order soldier tries to kill her, she simply warns them by setting their buts on fire..." Remenecing on her past a bit, she looks up and smiles

"It will take more time than that will take a month worth of this before she becomes one...but at the rate she's going...she might cut it in half..." She smiled as she let out a moan of ecstacy, feeling Anadiris dig her tongue in her pussy, licking the walls with her warm tongue "And might become an Incubus the same way too..." She said as she smiled before pulling his face deeper on her breasts
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by ShadowTengu »

"And- ?! Huh, more questions?... oh well. Clickity click!... Sigh I need a life." Eli said groaning at his attempt at humor.

1. No. "Sunbathing is one thing... almost drowning is another..."

2. Yes. "I honestly shouldn't complain, even though my mom can't be bothered to clean up the kitchen after a meal... *Grumble grumble*"

"Okay and NOW it takes me to the dating website and asks for my information!" He said as he looked back over to the clock. Even though it was a quarter after eleven Eli didn't feel tired, more bored than anything else...
Last edited by ShadowTengu on Thu May 31, 2012 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

Questions submitted. As the Question was answered and the message disappeared, a black screen followed
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Wow, these designs look really nice Julia, I like you taste in clothing..." Marie said as she heppily twirled around as she moves around to make sure the clothes feel comfortable

"I'll say..." She said as she moved around as well to make sure she felt comfortable "Now...since we got comfy on our new clothes "So...what kind of human places are we going to huh? Maybe somewhere to eat huh!?" Laila asked as she smiled

"All you think about is eating you fat cow..." Marie said as the two suddenly stared at each other

"Heh, funny coming from Lizard breath..." They both gave an aggressive smile before smiling back at Julia "Hehe, don't mind us...just a friendly conversation..." Laila said
"Don't worry about it I use to it," Julia said remembering two Co-workers at the college. " I work with people that do the same thing before finding a broom closet they should also be at the mall and don't worry I know a place that has a buffet that carters everything now I'll be right back I need to put some make up on for my costume and don't be to shocked with how I'll look okay girl..."

With that she went into the bathroom with the cosplay costume she had on a hanger marked and stepped into the back room and took her time putting on a tentacle wig blue make-up on areas of her body she knew would need it, then she put in special contacts before the final touch of her sexy red and black bodysuit with the gold trim...

She also put on the the markings she would need to mark her as a Justicar.

When she was finished what looked at her in the mirror wasn't a human... but an Asari Justicar...

"Hmm this is much better that the Miranda Lawson Costume..." she thought to herself before saying the the character line in a calm tone "Find Peace in the Embrace of the goddess." then she stepped out of the bathroom.

When she stepped out into the bedroom she greeted a shocked Marie and Laila with a kind introduction "Greeting Commander Marie Shepard and Jill Valentine, I am Samara and I your guide for this evening follow me to the large transport downstairs and we will begin our journey ." She said with a regal air of authority.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

Least liked Mamono:Mamono who rape!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by ShadowTengu »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Shadowtengu
Questions submitted. As the Question was answered and the message disappeared, a black screen followed
Eli stared at the screen, bewildered... "... Okay, you can turn back on now... ..." Eli waited for his computer to reboot, and sat back in his chair holding his hand to his head. He was sure that he had been duped into letting a virus into his computer system. "God. dammit. I... I don't even want to deal with this right now. Guuughh..." He groaned as he made his way over to his bed and fell into it. "I'll deal with that thing tomorrow... I mean it's not like I don't have the time for it anyway..." And with that Eli tried to relax in his bed...

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I pat Linzy's head and smile as I continue to grope, my cock becoming erect soon after. "But you haven't raped or attacked me. Rape would assume that I didn't like it. And how could I not like it when I have a cute little bunny girl like you~?" I give her soft bottom a squeeze or two and continue fondling her.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"Wait, I want to try this..." Piko said as she sat on his face, her wet pussy on top of his face "I always wanted to do this position!" She happily proclaimed as she started by grabbing his dick and massaging it with her hands, stroking it slowly in different motions, then focusing on the tip as she pokes the very tip "I see some liquid leaking out..." She licks the tip of his dick and smiles "'s got a salty taste to it!"
Marthy began to lick the inside of Piko's pussy while she was rubbing his shaft, he shuddered when she licked the tip, increasing his licking when she did it, obviously enjoying the massive amount of pleasure.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"Thank you..." Melona simply said as she wiped her tears and smiled, kissing him on the cheek "Okay then...lets get going then huh?" She stood up, her legs a little weak from what happened "Can you help me up please?" She asked


"Don't worry about it Misha...what's done is done..." Helga said

"And regarding the sleeping thing...don't worry about it okay? Helga can sleep on the floor no problem and I can easily fall alseep on a well built tree..." Natasha said with a reassuring smile

"Yea, so just relax and rest okay...your transformation just started to it's going to be problematic but...I'm sure you'll adapt...for now you should stay in your house..."

"No" Victor said simply as he lowered himself to the floor.

"No Im not going ot help you up." Victor said as he sits down next to Melona on the cold tile floor.

" After seeing what That blood child did to that steel door, there is no reason to worry over Misha... Which gives us time to talk about this" Victor explains before sighing a bit.

"I have never been in something like this...relationship as they call them never had time for the thought of what i would do if i found myself in one. How was i to react when you come leaping out of my desktop proposing we copulate?" Victor chuckled.

"What i'm Trying to say is i have not been able to give this or any relationship any thought... but now that everything is calmed down... I Think i'd like a second opinion" Victor says slowly sliding his hand atop Melona's sheepishly.

Victor hesitates as he think of what to say next causing a moment of silence.
"So what do couples.."

"Well What do you want to do... or know anything about me your wondering about...?"


"Whats gonna happen to me? Natasha said i would turn into a burplebee and I don't know if i want to or not... i'm just a bit lost is all" MIsha said admittedly before plopping down on the couch looking exhausted

"I just kinda want to goto bed son" Misha said yawning very deeply looks like she wont be awake much longer...
The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"It will take more time than that will take a month worth of this before she becomes one...but at the rate she's going...she might cut it in half..." She smiled as she let out a moan of ecstacy, feeling Anadiris dig her tongue in her pussy, licking the walls with her warm tongue "And might become an Incubus the same way too..." She said as she smiled before pulling his face deeper on her breasts
*Sai nuzzles himself into her chest momentarily, but backs up a bit*

Sai: i know...but i wana watch you 2 make lesbian love for a little while too. hehe

*Ana stops licking for a little bit so she can talk*

Anadiris: well...Sai did just finish on me Reedia...i think its time you and i play a little.

*she slides out from under you and pushes her chest against yours. you now see Ana's chest is about the same size as yours. she starts docking them together, nipples rubbing each other. she blushes and moans, holding you closes ans she docks with you*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

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"AAHHH!!! Yes! This I'm almost there!" She meowed as the last few frantic thrust of her hips, she pushes her pussy all the way to her womb as the tip of T.J.s penis pierced inside her womb "CUMMING!!!NYAAA!!" She yelled as she orgasmed, the inner and deepest parts of her pussy were flled with nothing but soft, yet rough ville around the wall that could make any man cum in an instant.
I was lying powerlessly as the overwhelming pleasure and the fatigue finally began taking a toll on my body, almost to the point of even feeling cramps on all of my body... A huge pang of pleasure wracked up my body as I felt how her hips sank even deeper, allowing my manhood make it all the way to her womb... thing that kept shooting jolts down my spine non-stop.
The feeling was even more intense as I felt how her womanhood clench on my member even tighter than before, the feeling was so overwhelming that I couldn't hold any longer... Before I could even realize I found myself shooting the remnants of my load inside her womb, filling her even more than before... If she didn't end up getting pregnant after all what she took inside... it would be a miracle...

I could feel both exhaustion and satisfaction washing over me as I laid on the bed, with her still on top of me, still joined... I was still trying to catch my break after this rough session, but it was definitely worthy... "Darn... That sure was amazing..."
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Well, I see were roelplaying a bit...sounds fun eh Marie?" Laila asked as she smacked her on the back, Marie smacked her back

"Yup! sounds fun! come on!" Marie said as she ran towards Julia and followed her


(I think they should be awake now)
Mayella: "..." Mayella got up first, seeing Binka hugging Kevin as she sleeps "Heh..." shook Binka "Hey Binka...wake up..." She said

Binka: "Huh?" She looked at Mayella "Oh...morning..." She smiled "Kevin is so comfortable to sleep with..." She yawned before getting up herself, careful not to wake Kevin "Maybe we should wake him up..."

Suddenly, a black portal appears at the screen of the computer, as it widened, it turned bright white as a black figure is seen. It was shaped like a woman, as the figure stepped out, her body seemed very wet, wearing see through Kimono, her hair is dark blue, her skin was light blue. She looked at Eli and smiled " summoned me..." She said in a calm voice

"Uwaah...your...getting me in the mood again..." Linzy said, her crotch where Garths dick is in between of starts to get wet. Her nipples hardening as well as she stuck her tongue out, letting out a moan "I can't help just taste and smell so good..." She moved as she faced him, her wet pussy laying on the shaft of his erect dick, she the reaches for him and kisses him deeply, moving her tongue and swirling it inside his mouth

"Aaaahh..." Piko moaned loudly as she felt Marthy's licks. Responding to it, she sucks on the tip of his dick, and while inside her mouth, she skillfully uses her tongue as she licks from the tip to the back muscle of his dick, massaging his balls while doing so

Melona gave a very heartful smile, blushing deeply and tearing while doing so "Oh Victor..." She hugged him as tight as she could before letting go of him "Why don't we start...with a wonderful dinner date huh? Maybe somewhere romantic...but I don't care long as your there..." she said "Then maybe later...we can get more...amorous after dinner huh?" She blushed


"Go and Helga will sleep with you soon okay...get some rest..." Natasha said before she went to Helga " think she'll be okay?" She asked

"How should I know...besides you were the one weak enough to do that too could have just said no...but it's too late for that...I'm sure she'll be fine..."

" want to play like that huh?" Reedia smiled as she pulled Anadiris back and started to rub, her tail coiling around her "Why don't I get a taste of what your pussy taste's like? With the lips of my pussy..." She got up and pulled Anadiris right leg up to where she could hug it, then moving the lips of her pussy next to Anadiris, she starts to rub her pussy against her's as she let out a moan

"Uaahh..." She moaned in a tired voice as she smiled at T.J. "Wow...that was amazing..." She started to pur again, but her purrs where light and relaxing "I feel so tired after that..." She dug her claws a bit on his back before clinging on to him, her tail wrapping around him "Good night..." meowed before snuggling him, pulling his head between her chest
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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