So, it seems attending to conventions has filled you with inspiration. Very well...
L337 m4n wrote: First step being putting my work online. Next step I'll figure soon enough.
The second step could be doing some colour tests when you have the time,
apart for continuing practising your line-art skills as well.
L337 m4n wrote: Curious about the inspiration? Ask and I'll say what was going through my mind at the time.
Let´s have fun trying to guess.
You called your first drawing the "lord of the flies", which is probably reminiscent
of the mythological "Beelzebub". One must remark that you gave it a very fitting
wicked appearance. The spikes coming out from its back and "shoulders" are quite
nice details, and so are the nerves on the wings. Its lower-right region is a bit of
a mess due to the pencil marks of what it seems a previous sketch you did before.
Anyway, overall very cool for your first attempt.
You second drawing is unmistakably a gas mask. You may have gotten the inspiration
from Peacekeepers´s outfit, or some outfit you used during a convention you attended.
A shy guy from Mario and the film "my bloody valentine" could have also helped...
The lines look somewhat discontinued, but this is probably due to scanning quality issues.
As such some details seem to have been lost.
Your third drawing "Franky the Cyborg" suffered from the same problems than
your Gas mask, and again this is a hardware issue. For that reason one is
unable to tell how "Franky" is indeed a Cyborg (unless one considers his face,
eyes and the thing he carries on his back), plus he seems to look armless.
A thing to highlight, and this is a character design issue, is that his legs look
a bit too thin in proportion with the rest of his body. One would expect stronger
looking legs for a being with a body built like "Franky".
That´s enough for today. Looking forward for more works of yours.
EDIT: apparently, you already post more works.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that in case you are looking for a decent drawing program,
you may want to check out MyPaint: