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Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:17 pm
by Severontous
Okay, back to being serious.

You want to know whats funny? This isn't really new news.
There is actually a EULA (the fbi blue screen that appears on each movie that nobody reads) law that was unable to be enforced for decades.

Did you know that when you buy a movie in the USA that by law you are only allowed to show it to three people per purchased copy? Lol thats right... That is what MS is really planning with this.

The blue ray player already has something like this where it locks your content until you update to the latest firmware.

What does that mean in 10 years if this launches?

No more movie nights with friends.
No more superbowl parties.
No more church lock-ins.

The end of fun social interaction?

All for $

Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:29 pm
by Feathers
I'll bite, I'm bored enough..

There wouldn't be enough jails / people would riot if they even tried that one.

"What are you in for?"
"I watched a football game at my friend's house!"
"What the f-"

This is not even a worry for me, I just don't see it happening.

Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:52 pm
by Severontous
No. That is why TECHNOLOGY exists.

This MS patent exists to control your content. Sure it is only xbox. But the process could be implemented on TVs, Laptops, smart-phones, tablets, and PCs.

Remember "the big switch" event for TVs?

Normal people like most members here who do not know how the industry works doesn't understand how much power corporations have. Thinking that they are immune just because they are one among millions.

Jails are hardly even used as a medium for punishment on cases involving the industry. They would just run your finances to the ground and ruin you.

It all comes down to what MS decides. In fear of losing gross worth the chances of the patent getting the greenlight is low.
But if it does then it is a wake-up call. Like it or not.

Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:49 pm
by Jinouga87
Posting this here since this will sortof say anything that I could say.

Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:49 pm
by Severontous
I'll leave my own too.

This is the guy that created the site that I have recently been linking articles from.

I highly enjoy the community and individuals there don't have their head up their ass sitting back on their chair each they.
If you want to know how the industry works. The news that you have to actually work for to get (and much more important and entertaining imo anyway) then watch a couple of those videos. I guarantee you will learn something.

Rather interesting community as well, in terms of friendly level they are at the same if not higher then the friendly level of here with us.

Also humerous.

Re: Kinect users beware....

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:55 pm
by Helios Leinheart
If you stay in the past, you don't have to worry about the future.