Reinhardt feels alright, but I can't help but notice that his shields die waaaaay too quickly, especially now with soldiers. And usually the opposing team is hammering the hell out of that shield.Pierce wrote:I've been putting some lean towards Junkrat and Dva recently to balance out being a heavy Soldier main. Reindhardt still remains good in my books up until you have an uncooperative team that runs past the very shield that protects them...
Sombra can also hack Rein to completely destroy the push.
I like him, he's one of my mains and all. But yeah. He also can't go toe to toe with other tanks other than Zarya and winston effectively. got too much health and Roadhog melts him. Zarya is dependant of her barriers and if you pin her or not.
On a side note, I find what they did to pharah very bad, balance wise. Sure she might have needed a bit of a buff, because of soldiers and mccrees shooting her down. but now? she flies wayyy higher and can stand in the air permanently if shes good enough, this make it so that even if you're competent with your aim with S76 and Mccree, you have to deal with your damage falloff at the range she'l fly at and where she will position herself.