Not so sure about that... It's true that share diet and somehow modus operandi (the same can be said about most of the slime family so far aswell), but her "styles" are too different Akanames are stalkers while Beelzebubs are pretty much the "raider" archetype (they swoop down and strike with all their erotic might, kinda like the werebats in that regards)... Not to mention that Beelzebubs are way moodier than Akanames in that regard (they will not "clean" you in a daily basis but when they feel like it).In other words, she's a Zinpanguese version of the Beelzebub.
Just my two cents about this matter, feel free to either take it into account or ignore it as you see fit (the only thing I ask you is not to retaliate because of it... which is an astonishingly common occurrence around these corners whenever I use my paws to type something).