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Re: Lilim

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:21 pm
by Shadow of Legend
FlashGrenade0 wrote:And y'know how sometimes those Yandere chicks seem to have all the foresight an' cunning of a weasel in its prime most'o the time? What about THOSE kinda Succubi? One of which that would throw the whole "Nice try, but love is supposed to be unconditional. That's how my love is. Now matter what you say or what you do, I will only love you and you will only love me.......right? *unnerving smile*"

That would probably provoke me to say, "Are you doubting me!? Doubting my loyalty!? Come here!" and proceed to bang her for the rest of the day.

Either that, or I'd accuse her of not really loving me, since she seems to not trust me, and trust is a very important part of love. At some point, I'd have to ask her why she's questioning me about that, since I'd have been displaying Jeremiah Gottwald-level loyalty to her the whole time.

Basically, the way I envisioned my "comeback" earlier would go is something like this:

Succubus: "I don't like it when you talk to other women."

Guy: "It's just talking."

Succubus: "Don't you see how they look at you!? When you talk to them, they try to tempt you! What if you give in?"

Guy: "If you really do love me, honey, you'll believe me and trust me when I promise that I'll be eternally faithful to you. You'll have enough faith in my love for you to know for certain that I'll never betray you. Ever. You doubting my loyalty like this is an insult to me and really hurts my feelings."

Succubus: *Freezes in shock* "...I've hurt you..." *Starts crying and glomps him* "I'm sorry! I never should have doubted you! Forgive me!"

In other words, the guy tells her that she hurt his feelings with her accusation of unfaithfulness or whatever, she freaks out over it, seriously thinking about "punishing" herself (probably by self-inflicted wounds, as that seems to be the most common thing for that) for doubting him, but he forgives her before she can and they have "make-up sex".

Re: Lilim

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:32 pm
by FlashGrenade0
Hmm. Must be my imagination, but I could SWEAR that Yandere's were more vindictive than that. Usually they'd go far enough to even threaten pain or ceased mortality on their lover if such comments were made.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:43 pm
by Shadow of Legend
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Hmm. Must be my imagination, but I could SWEAR that Yandere's were more vindictive than that. Usually they'd go far enough to even threaten pain or ceased mortality on their lover if such comments were made.

Well, from what I've read, there are two major types of Yandere; the "rival killing" kind and the "man killing" kind. It's probably a gamble, but if she's of the man-killing kind, she might either attack you for such a comment, or do as I envision/hope, and break down as depicted. If she were of the rival-killing kind, she might be more likely to respond "positively" to the comments, but... Yeah. I'm not completely sure. If she's not "that far Yan", she might be easily convinced, but if she's "full-on psychotic Yandere", it's probably a lot less likely to work.

I wonder how the Yandere in question would respond if after this:
Shadow of Legend wrote: That would probably provoke me to say, "Are you doubting me!? Doubting my loyalty!? Come here!" and proceed to bang her for the rest of the day.
...we are laying next to each other in bed and I ask, "Do you understand my loyalty and love now, or do I have to fuck you again?"

Re: Lilim

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:48 pm
by FlashGrenade0
Heh, unless she's got a huge thing for Femdom, I think you're good bro. :lol:

Re: Lilim

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:34 pm
by Katsoro
hay hay hay! the Lilim is NOT a Lamia but even if she was man killingly jealous I would still be more then happy to die between THOSE thighs.
Lilim: *throws knife to me* "No thighs for you! now die cheating scum, I'll follow you shortly."
Me: !Q.Q! x.x

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:35 am
by Vendettadabeast
if a lilim was a yandere i think she would more likely use her charm powers or some type of spell on her lover to make sure he is faittful or only thinks about her. She would probably have a spell similar to shirohebi's lust flame.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:24 am
by FlashGrenade0
Nawwwwww man, don't say that. It's already enough that when the Lilim decides to seriously use her charm abilities it's quite virtually impossible for a guy to resist. They DO NOT need fatal attraction spells.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:10 am
by Vendettadabeast
Hey i know its bad already with them having not chance in hell resisting charm spells, but it more than likely they have other spells too just saying, they are the DL offspring you know.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:13 am
by FlashGrenade0
I know, I know. It's just best not to even imply such an idea cuz then it may become a staple of their abilities an' I repeat: they're ALREADY too OP right now.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:20 am
by ShadowBladeX
Gotta agree with Flash on this one VD. The last thing we need is ways to make the Lilim even more OP than she all ready is.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:37 am
by FlashGrenade0
And epic seriously? That "Fatal Attraction" spell sounds like somethin' Druella already done cook'd up anyways! So it damn sure shouldn't be branch'd out to the rest'o the sisterhood!

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:05 am
by Vendettadabeast
If druella/dellera has such a spell, then it would possibly go without saying that her older sisters have a spell just like it too, i wouldn't be suprise if they taught it to her.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:31 am
by FlashGrenade0
Man that would soooo suck if that was true. :?

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:56 am
by ShadowBladeX
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Man that would soooo suck if that was true. :?
Amen to that brother!

Which makes me guys think that Druella's older sisters look different than the profile like she does or are they pretty much all the same except with different hair styles?

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:15 am
by Vendettadabeast
I would say they all have their own unique attraction and looks to them, but they all just keep their trade mark silver hair and red eyes from their mother.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:13 am
by FlashGrenade0
Well I'm sure there ain't no twins in that entire mix there, so if anything differentiating looks shouldn't be an issue whatsoever even among girls like THEM.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:22 pm
by dragonstryke58
There could be some twins. I don't see why it can't be the case. Just imagine having one of the twins finding a guy, then her twin sister decides to play a "prank" on can guess what happens next.

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:25 pm
by Pierce
dragonstryke58 wrote:There could be some twins. I don't see why it can't be the case. Just imagine having one of the twins finding a guy, then her twin sister decides to play a "prank" on can guess what happens next.
Delicious snu snu is my guess....

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:47 pm
by Katsoro
dragonstryke58 wrote:There could be some twins. I don't see why it can't be the case. Just imagine having one of the twins finding a guy, then her twin sister decides to play a "prank" on can guess what happens next.
twins? WHAT! dose that mean I can have two? :shock:

Re: Lilim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:03 pm
by GorgonMage
She's probably the monstergirl I would want to upset the least seeing as who her mother is. I kind of have mixed feelings about her. I agree with her wanting there to be peace between men and manomo but I don't like how she corrupts monstergirls to do it. And won't men become extinct if all the women in the world become manomo who only have female children?