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Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 4:02 am
by Fanfic Fetishist
Thought I'd give this a promotion, since I'm having a good time with it and could use some allies...

Marvel: Avengers Alliance!

It's a Facebook browser game, a 2D RPG with some decent, simple animations, a HUGE and ever-expanding roster of heroes and villains, and a pretty good story as well.

In the game, the player, or Agent, is a S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit just finishing basic training when a mysterious Pulse comes out of space, wreaking havoc on electronic systems worldwide and showering New York with crystals of Isotope-8: an unknown but versatile substance capable of boosting human strength, speed, and endurance. S.H.I.E.L.D. soon learns that it also acts as a catalyst to focus all kinds of elemental and energy-based powers: heat, cold, electricity, magnetism, water, momentum...even magic. And of course, Isotope-8 starts attracting every villain under the sun.

There is a LOT to do in this game. Villains to fight, heroes to collect, missions to complete, and so forth. You don't HAVE to spend money to get anything in-game, although doing so makes it easier to get the better heroes and equipment quickly.

The only real negative is that everything requires resources, which requires management of said resources, which can be a pain.

But anyway.

If you like traditional RPGs and simple but engaging gameplay, I highly recommend giving this a try! Also, if you add friends that are playing the game as allies, you can give each other items to help each other out!

If you're already playing and want to play, and wish to add me as an ally, then friend me on Facebook. I'll happily help you out. :D

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 4:12 pm
by Oersted
Oh, Avengers Alliance? I've played that for a while, been some time since I last played it, but it was still rather fun. I managed to get some interesting heroes and "not-so-heroes", like Dr.Doom and Sabrethooth. Speaking of Doom, when they first released him he was totally overpowered as he was immune to most debuffs and his Ring Imperial ability prevented foes from buffing themselves correctly.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:14 pm
by Fanfic Fetishist
Neat stuff. I plan to get Doom as soon as I can.

Right now they've got a Symbiote-themed SpecOps mission going, with Hybrid, Venom, Scream, and Carnage as the bosses, with Hybrid as the Group Boss. The reward hero for that is Anti-Venom (who looks and plays AWESOME) and the new lockbox hero for that is Sandman.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:17 pm
by Jinouga87
I killed my Hybrid on my own. Wasn't easy. This game is fun but it suffers from the standard social network game flaws.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:25 pm
by Rezeed
I haven't touched this game in ages. That was mostly because there were some aspects that made it more of a grind fest before it could get interesting or comfortable.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:29 pm
by Feathers
Sounds pretty cool but I am hesitant to use Facebook again.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:01 am
by Fanfic Fetishist
Jinouga87 wrote:I killed my Hybrid on my own. Wasn't easy. This game is fun but it suffers from the standard social network game flaws.
Such as needing a zillion friends to function properly, right? *chuckles weakly*
Rezeed wrote:I haven't touched this game in ages. That was mostly because there were some aspects that made it more of a grind fest before it could get interesting or comfortable.
Huh. I'm just starting out, so I haven't encountered that many problems.
Feathers wrote:Sounds pretty cool but I am hesitant to use Facebook again.
All things considered, understandable...

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:47 am
by Jinouga87
more like the most powerful item is $$$. Pay to win. It is a bit of a grindfest at times mainly for CPs.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:31 am
by Rezeed
Jenga is mostly right.
The stipulations for getting the nice items and actually good allies are SUPER EXPENSIVE so you would be grinding for days just to be able to do something about it. Sadly, you have to pay to ease the pain. Even then, some of these expensive allies aren't even worth it.

The only other way to get something nice is to really hope luck is on your side.

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 9:07 am
by Kmon13
I played it for a time however it started crashing on me a lot

Re: Marvel Avengers Alliance

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:56 pm
by Feathers
Jinouga87 wrote:more like the most powerful item is $$$. Pay to win. It is a bit of a grindfest at times mainly for CPs.
That's what I was afraid of. Well there's always DC Online or Champions online for superhero action..I sure miss my City of Heroes though. One of the best MMOs IMO. Here's waiting on City of Titans though!