DogKama wrote:I've written a couple of stories on Fimfiction(MLP fanfiction site)
Alright, time to call in the exorcists. Or maybe a couple Terminators. Or Chuck Norris. Or Subria...
LOL, I joined the sight about four years ago but I mostly write odd ball stories or stories with a dark and serious tone.
Note, I just posted the first part of this one shot and it will act as a test of sorts to see how people react to this style or writing. Ill give it a week or so to settle before either making edits to it or moving on to the second part.
Been real busy with my job and only just recently started writing the next part to this story. Here is little taste of what is too come, comments and thoughts are always welcomed.
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We marched with a near religious fever for the next week, only slowing when crossing rivers, detouring around townships, or the ever growing ‘monster dens’. What would have taken just two weeks’ time now nearly tripled our journey to the City-Den known as Languish Heart; a city located where the three largest mountain chains converge within the Border Kingdom of Korran, the last beacon of human influence before the dreaded wastelands of the Monster Realms.
Languish Heart, a city carved from the very stone of these three mountains has long been deemed a feat of human achievement and prestige since the very first days of human-monster conflict. Unknown time has passed since its establishment, but its golden age had long since passed into the annuals of forgotten history. Instead of a sparkling city carved from the blackest of rock and polished until even the sun hid behind the clouds from its shine, we are greeted to weathered city only distinguishable from the mountain rock because of a lack of guards patrolling the cliffs.
Feathers wrote:Also what really grinds my gears with a lot of stories, is when people grab a thesaurus and swap for rarely used words just to try to add "spice" (aka try to sound smart). Journalists (gaming included) are especially guilty of this, and it drive me insane when I have to Google a word that NO ONE would use in real life. Of course when you have people like Sheldon in Big Bang doing it, it can be amusing at least.
Actually I do that, and it is not to brag. I have read many fics where I get frustrated because people use the same words again and again. So I look up different words that mean the same thing I.E. synonyms. As a child I read the children's books from the "William" series. A series written by an author named Richmal Crompton. That series frequently used words like lugubrious, pugnacious, belligerent to name just a few "difficult" words. I also enjoy the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so to me it's normal, it has nothing to do with showing off, and everything to do with trying to be evocative.
Ahah wow what a late reply! Yeah you aren't that kind of writer so I wouldn't get that impression from you anyway. When I made that reply I was doing a lot of news reading, and some of the word choices they were swapping for were just so awful..