Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 3)

When humans and monsters put their pasts aside.

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Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 3)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Good day, gents and ladies. I'm Wodan Ymir the 2nd, and I'm here to share to you a story where some characters might seem too familiar to the ones who have read my first fanfic, St. Atreax Academy, in the old forum. Anyway, after a few weeks of thinking, planning, and plotting, I've finished the first chapter of my story. Anyway, I don't mind being nitpicked so don't hold back in your criticism and have fun reading.

Chapter 1:
Spoiler: show
Month 6, Day 10, Year 2021:

First entry for this day, I might write some more later on if something good happens. I’m glad that the summer’s ending and those two will be going back to the academy. Today’s the 40th year anniversary of the signing of the Human/Monster Peace Treaty and the start of a new school year for Feena and Akira, and the first day of Athuric’s teaching job in San Atruscan Academy. Athuric tried to rope me into the teaching job, which I simply said 'no' to his attempt to get me to teach since I have a job already. Besides, he has his wife to accompany him in the academy since they applied for the academy. What's there to worry about if Athuric's with Anneli... and Farina, their supervisor.

Looks like me and Kaede will be the only ones who will be left here while those two go and have fun in school. Kaede’s being an adorable pest as always, trying to use her cuteness to stop me from dating my girlfriend or force me to take her to my job at the D.O.C.S. Embassy since she’s been dying to go back there ever since I took her with me. Right now, I’m on a leave since Dad and Mrs. Masaharu went on their very first honeymoon and no one might be able to take care of Kaede. All I could do for now is to wait for them to come back so that I could finally stop wasting my leaves and get back to work.

Mom, I wish that you're here to see how much we've built after losing so much after you died. I hope that you'll continue to watch over us from the afterlife.


A notebook was closed and put in a desktop's shelf next to a book with a D.O.C.S. Primer on its spine and picture frame of four people, one is an adult and three are children, wearing black dresses and suits, by a black haired man in his mid 20's and leaned on the swivel chair that he is sitting upon. The man scratched his light brown skin underneath his plain white tee shirt and looked up on the ceiling. He closed his dark brown eyes and drift into a short nap, knowing that today might be a lazy day for him.

Nothing to do for the entire morning other than laze about and take a nap. he yawned as he removes his hand underneath the shirt, Maybe I should teach Kaede how to cook. She's been pestering me for a while on teaching her on how to do that for a while. he yawned once more as his mind drifts.

All of the sudden, a loud banging from the door rattled the room’s silence and dispelled him from his drowsiness. He murmured an inaudible cuss before standing up from his chair and opens the door to see who disturbed his nap. When the door is opened, the man was suddenly tackled by a blonde, little girl in blue pajamas who has fox ears and a tail. The little girl snuggled on the man that she just tackled and greeted him.

“Good Morning, Grey-nii~.” she sweetly with a Japanese accent said as her tail waggles and her ears twitches while she cuddled with him.

“Good Morning, Kaede.” Grey said in a deadpan tone as he tries to put her aside so that he could stand, “Would you please move off from me?” he asked the fox girl.

“Oh!” Kaede realized that Grey was on the ground and she was on top of him, “Sorry about that.” she removed herself on top of him so that Grey could stand up.

“Haven’t we talked about this, Kaede?” he said as he slowly stood up and dusted himself while he looked at her seriously, “Tackling a person in the morning is a bad thing.”

“But...” Kaede flopped one of her ears and looked at him with a sad look in her eyes, “That’s my way of showing affection to you.” she pouted, “Is showing affection illegal as well in the Human Realm, Grey-nii?” she asked.

“Well, people might get hurt if you always do that, Kaede.” Grey ruffled her hair and bent his knees to match her height, “No one wants to get hurt in the morning. Well... At least those who are not some Dark Elf’s hubby wouldn’t want to get hurt in the morning.”

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Grey-nii...” she apologized as her ears and tail dropped out of shame.

“No need to apologize.” he said as he stood up once more, “Anyway, I think we should prepare for this morning’s breakfast and wake those two bums up.”

“Okay~.” Kaede perked up her ears and her tail waggled once more and led the way outside as Grey closed the door, “Let’s make Feena-nee and Athu-nii’s breakfast taste great to start out their day, Grey-nii.”

“Right...” Grey’s now energetic tone is heard from the other side of the closed door along with the sounds of feet shuffling and alarm clocks ringing begins to fill the morning air.


The alarm on the study desk sets off in a book-filled room in the most obnoxious ways possible. The ring and the vibration of the alarm clock managed to topple down some of the few stacks of books that are positioned near the desk and sets off a chain reaction that turned the stacked books into the room’s floor carpet. The only place that was saved from the chain reaction was the bed that is with a large lump of blankets and sheets on top of it. The alarm’s ring may not have bulge the lump, or the chaos that happened in the room, but a leather bound book fell from the shelf on top of the bed to the centre of the lump managed to force movement on it.

“Ngruuuuuuh...” a groan is heard from a yellow green lump on a bed, “Ngoooooohhh...” as the blankets and sheets are removed to unravel a 19 year old young woman with an unkempt black hair and a loose shirt that covers her entire brown skinned body, “Stupid... alarm.” she grumbled as she threw a pillow on the obnoxious alarm clock, hitting the alarm and upsetting a few stacks of books near it, causing them to fall.

She then stood up and began to rearrange the books that are now on the floor and piled them all up in one corner to make her bedroom look clean. The multitude of books that are lying around were textbooks from her years in high school and elementary, novels of famous authors and philosophers of the 19th century, tourist’s guidebooks in different countries, and comic books that she got from a hobby convention that happened during summertime. The girl began to scratch the back of her head, and see if there’s anything missing after cleaning up the mess that happened in her room a while ago.

“Feena!” Grey’s shout was heard from the first floor, “Wake up! I don’t want to be blamed as the person who caused you to be tardy again.”

“I’m already awake, Kuya!” she shouted back as she puts her hand down and opened the closet, “And I don’t blame you for making me late all the time, you know! That only happened one time in high school!”

“Fine...” Grey shouted back from below as she hears the sound of food, frying in oil and pots boiling, “Just be sure to get ready for your first day, okay?”

“Okay!” Feena said as she took out a towel and a basket full of soaps and bottles of shampoo and conditioner and went out of her room.


The yellow floral pattern of the wallpaper was the first thing that Feena sees outside her room. She closed the door of her room and went to her right to the end of the hallway where a door with a hanging ‘Bathroom’ sign is hanging on the wall. When Feena made her way to the Bathroom’s door, she knocked the door first and waited for an answer for five seconds... there was none. She smiled and opened the door, thinking that she beaten her brother in using the Bathroom first. But then, Feena was surprised to see fox ears and three tails sticking out from the bathtub. She came inside and look inside the bathtub to see who is inside it.

"Good morning, Feena." a naked, three tailed, blonde fox girl who is at the same age as Feena is lying inside the bathtub that is beginning to fill up itself with water greeted her in a casual manner and with an accent, "I suppose that you wish to bathe, correct?"

"Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to take a bath, Akira." Feena answered back in a sarcastic manner as she puts her bath products on the counter with a sink near the bathtub and the towel on the towel rack, "Also, nice rack you got there, as usual." she praised Akira's C-cup breasts as she took off her clothes and exposed her sleek waist, and B-cup chest.

"Same goes to you as well, Feena. Your figure's quite amazing for a girl who shuts herself inside a very dirty room." Akira teased as she sat up and leaned to turn off the faucet, "Have you been undergoing some sort of a secret training regiment while Grey-chan and Athu-kun aren't looking?" she added as she makes room for Feena, who is now entering the bathtub.

"Not really." the human smiled, "I've been taking up some of Kuya Athy's exercise programs." she said as she gets comfortable inside the bathtub, "And took advices on what to eat and what to avoid eating from Kuya Rod." she added.

"I see." the fox girl then leaned back, "And I thought that you have that figure due to your constant running around inside campus."

"Well, you could say that I also ran around inside and outside the campus." Feena admitted as she washes her hair, "The classes that I take are not held inside one department building, you know."

"Oh my~..." Akira said as she helped Feena scrub her head with shampoo, "How long have you been doing this, Feena?"

"Well..." she put her index finger on her chin as she thinks, "I think I've been doing this since my 2nd semester of my first year, Akira." she puts her finger down, "Ever since I get to pick and choose on my schedules."

"And you've kept this kind of arrangement until now?" Akira asked as she turns around to be tended by Feena.

"Yep." Feena answered as she applies shampoo on her hair and began to scrub her hair, "I really don't mind that kind of arrangement anyway, Akira."

"You're their sister, all right." Akira jeered and mischieviously smiled at her, "Say Feena, we should go out and play at the Arcades after our classes with Lethe and Ord." she said in an excited manner, "I've heard that there's a team of Werecats and Nekomatas taking names and kicking butts in Armored Revolution."

"Hmmmm..." Feena smiled in the same manner as Akira's as well, "Why are we taking Ord with us? He always fails at using Daedelus Type Art. Mk.2 and Dragon Barrel, right?"

"True." the fox girl wagged her two of her wet tails while Feena washes the other one, "But Lethe and me helped Ord use ground mechs. He won't be acting like a retard waiting for a shell to hit his face anymore." she said in an impish manner.

The two grew silent after Akira's last statement and continues to wash each other for five minutes. The silence seems to be enjoyable at first until the fox girl decided to break the silence by asking one question that made Feena cringe.

"How's your love life by the way, Feena?" Akira asked inquisitively.

"What?!" Feena blurted out of surprise, "Akira, you should know already that I'm not going to talk about my love life since I don't even have one. Why do you still keep on asking me that kind of question?"

"Because I'm worried about you dying alone and uncared for, Feena." the fox girl said in a sing song tone as she wrapped her arms on Feena neck and shoulder from behind, "Whoever heard of a twenty year old single anyway?"

"Your monster folk logic is at work again, Aki." Feena sighed, "I'm fine with my current disposition anyway.” she answered her before standing up, “I don’t need a boyfriend that would make me happy… nor do I need a cock to make me feel complete.” she muttered the last part.

“Your human logic is at work, Feena~.” Akira giggled and splashed water on her face.

"Heh." she smirked as Akira splashed her as she rinses herself with clean water.


"Athy..." a naked, black haired woman with wolf ears sticking out of her head prods a naked, young man with the same semblance like Grey with her black fur covered hands, "We need to get up now." she said, "We'll be having classes for today and we can't be late right in front of our students."

"Five more minutes, Nell." the man named Athy said as he covered himself with a blanket, "I need my sleep..."

"Come on, Athy." Nell continues to prod Athy, "We can't be late in our first day you know." she added, "Farina might get pissed off with us if we're both tardy."

"Farina can wait..." he ignores Nell's attempt to get him off of his bed, "I'm too tired after what you did to me, last night..." he groaned.

Nell blushed when Athy said the words 'last night'. She and Athy decided to have some fun after receiving something that the two of them have always wanted two weeks ago: the approval of Headmaster Polyursica to allow them to become professors in the Academy where they are alumni members. They are not the only ones who are a part of the school's alumni that will be teaching, there are seven more of them that will be joining in, four of them are monster folks and humans who studied with Athy and Nell while the rest from a different Academy. Nell knows that if Athy doesn't wake up, then the two of them will get into trouble with their superiors. She then decided to shout...

"Grey! Athy's not getting up again!" Nell shouted as she watch Athy sitting up all of the sudden.

"After I'm done cooking your breakfast, I'm going to come up to your room and beat the hell out of you if you're not out of that bed, Athuric!" Grey's loud and serious voice can be heard from downstairs.

Athy's eyes shot open and panic took over. He jumped out of the bed and went for the small pile of clothes that was at the foot of their bed. Nell is quite amused on how her husband strongly reacts to Grey whenever he sounds angry. Though Grey wouldn't actually do such a thing in the morning, Nell knows that Grey will be more than willing to punch his brother in the face if he acts irresponsible.

"Ohgodohgodohgodohgod-..." Athy chanted "oh god" repeatedly as he immediately search for any boxers.

"My, I never thought that you are still afraid of Grey, Athy~." Nell teased him as she finds some clothes to cover herself up.

"He's freakin' scary once he gets angry, Nell." Athy put on his boxers and looks for a shirt as well, "Remember the time when I nearly raped Merrill since she forgot to wear her Restrictor back in High School? Gigi suddenly went nuts and punched me so damn hard that I thought I was gonna die." he recalled as he finds a shirt that doesn't smell like sex.

"Well Grey has to do that since Merrill was in danger." Nell said as she puts on her underwear, "Though I wished he didn't stop you from raping Merrill though..." she muttered.

"What did you say, Nell?" Athy asked.

"Nothing." Nell answered quickly as she handed Athy a shirt, "Hmmm, Grey's cooking chicken soup..." she sniffed the air.

"Hah…” Athy snorted, “Shall we go downstairs, Nell?”

“Sounds like a plan, Athy, lets.” Nell stood up simultaneously with Athy. The two of them head towards the door and exited the room.


Kaede, now wearing a green apron and a hair cap, took a chair and used it as a leverage to reach the countertop and to help Grey, who is wearing a checkered apron, in the kitchen work by cooking the rice and stirs the chicken soup every minute or so. Grey took out the pancake mix that he prepared last night and another frying pan. He removed the other pan that contains adobong manok, put the contents of the pan in a bowl, and put the pan in the sink for cleaning later on.

“Kaede, that soup is already cooked.” Grey said to the young fox girl, “You better put the pan away from the stove or else the soup might burn or something.”

“Okay.” Kaede tries to put the pan aside but forgot to use a pot holder, causing her to back off from the stove, shake her hands to cool it off after getting singed by the hot handles, “Ow! Ow! Owowowowowow! Fucking pan! Fucking, fucking shit of a pan.”

“Oh dear…” he sighed when Kaede shot a string of expletives to the hot pan, “Looks like you’ll be cleaning the toilets later on as well, Kaede.”

“Wait, what?!” the fox girl’s mouth fell wide open when her stepbrother punished her.

“How many times did I tell you not to have your older sisters’ tongues?” he said in a strict tone as he put away the hot pan that is filled with soup.

“But Aki and Feena are doing it as well!” Kaede complained, “Why can’t I do it, Grey-nii?!” she asked Grey.

“Because boys don’t like girls that talk like a sailor.” a wolfish voice from an open door said that made Grey groan a bit.

Nell, now wearing a loose, long shirt without a bra underneath it, entered the kitchen along with Arty, who is wearing a white shirt and a pair of boxers. Kaede greeted the duo with a smile while Grey sighed at the sight of the two who are walking around in their underwear. Arty scratched the back of his head when he saw his twin brother’s reaction to their appearance while his wife giggled at him.

“You know, you should get used to this, Grey.” Nell said to him, “After all, your work forces you to arrest naked monster girls whenever a chance and a reason is given.” she added as she and Arty sat down at the dining table while Kaede brings them the food that she and Grey prepared.

“No.” was Grey’s answer when she tries to use the work-related reason on him, “Just because my work involves monster folks, doesn’t mean that I’ll get used to seeing them in their birthday suits all the time.”

“But you still need to get used to it, Kuya.” Arty backed Nell up, “They can smell your weakness and they like it better when the guy that they bump into is a guy that has a moral of a priest.”

“I have a friend who got himself pounced and raped by a Succubus when she knew that he’s acting like a chaste virgin.” the Werewolf recalled as she filled her plate with food, “The Succubus enjoyed raping him until you arrested her for not following the laws of Human Realm.”

“That Succubus acted like as if she was in Old Oerth, Anneli.” Grey said to Nell as he laid down a platter full of hot pancakes on the table and took a seat, “She must have forgotten about the fact that New Oerth is a Human Realm.”

“Feena and Akira, reporting for breakfast~!” Feena, now wearing a pink blouse and black lean jeans, said in a cheery tone as she entered the kitchen with Akira, wearing a sky blue long sleeved blouse and grey jeans, “Oh my, Kuya and Kaede did a great job, huh?”

“Well I’m not going to send you four off with an empty stomach, you know.” Grey said as he munched on a piece of adobong manok.

“Rica’s such a lucky lady…” Nell said before drinking water.

“Yeah, she got herself a boyfriend who knows a lot about housework.” Arty added, “Have you seen her cook and clean, Akira? It’s like a mess, man.”

“Yes… I still can’t believe that Grey said that her cooking… whatever that piece of carbon was supposed to be… tastes great.” Akira shivered, “How did you manage to eat all of it, Grey-chan?”

“I… have no idea how I managed to get them down to my stomach.” he answered quietly as he remembers the time he was coerced into eating one of Rica’s cooking.

“Well, I’m done eating already.” Athy picked up his plate as he stood up, “And I think I need a bath.”

“Me too.” Nell also followed suit, “Let’s take a bath together, Athy~.”

“Sure." Athy said as he took Nell's plate and put it in the sink along with his.

"So Grey, any news about mom and dad?" Akira asked Grey, who is watching his twin brother and his Werewolf wife leave the room.

"Well Mrs. Masaharu and Dad are having fun in touring the African Union with Kashim and Fiora as their guide." Grey answers Akira while cutting his pancake into pieces, "I still can't believe that Dad was the person that Mrs. Masaharu was dating back then." he said while scratching his head.

"Mom said that you were one of her top students, Grey-nii!" Kaede piped into the conversation, "She always uses you as her example whenever Akira-nee is lazing around."

"Oh my..." Grey blurted out of surprise and blushed out of embarassment.

"Well thank you for keeping that one a secret, you dum dum." the older fox sibling sarcastically told her younger sibling while giving her a dirty look, "Mom always say that you always act so serious back then." she added while hiding her embarrassment, "And you were always angry whenever your friends or Athu-san goof around."

"They tend to get into trouble back then." Grey scratched the back of his head, "Me and Farina tend to cover up for their mess back then, Akira." he smiled as he remembers the old days, "Man, those were fun times back when we were all together... Now." he sighed while taking a bite on a pancake, "Kashim and Fiora moved out from here to the African Union to start a family, Lei went back to Old Oerth to help out in running Carnia, Manfred's with his harem in Canada, Amarita and Jasmina are travelling around the world, and Neuman is studying with Katarina and gang in Old Oerth. It's just me, Athuric, Rica, Anelli, Farina, and Rod who are still together."

"My, you sure made a lot of friends back then." Akira grinned.

"It's kinda sad to see them all go and strive on their own, you know." Grey sighed once more when he finished eating, "Then again, we all have dreams to follow." he stood up and took his plate with him, "Better hurry, you two. Tardiness on your first day in classes doesn't garner the professor's good side."

Akira and Feena's eyes widened when Grey reminded the two of them that they might get late. Wasting no time, they both started to shovel the food that remained on their plate as fast as possible. Kaede, now finished eating, went to her stepbrother's side and helped him wash the dishes. When the two finished eating, they went to the second sink and brushed their teeth as fast as possible. Nell, entering the kitchen wearing a blue and white tracksuit, opened the fridge and took three Bodigizer X bottles and put them inside her satchel.

"Nell, did you get the bottles?" Athy's voice can be heard from outside the kitchen along with the sounds of motocycle engines starting up.

“Got them, Athy.” Nell said as she puts them inside the satchel, “We might have a long day ahead of us. So I think I’m gonna get an extra energy drink.” she took another bottle of Bodigizer X.

“Welp… There goes my stack of Bodigizer X.” Grey muttered as he washed the dishes.

“You could buy another stash, Grey-nii.” Kaede whispered to him as she brought the remaining plates that need washing.

“I’ll treat you with a dozen of these once we come back from work, Grey.” Nell smiled and winked at him as she exits the room, “Anyway, see you later, guys.”

Grey silently cursed himself as he forgot the fact that the Werewolf has a better hearing perception and that she can hear his whispers like as if they were said in a normal volume. He then shrugged it off and decided to continue washing the dishes and see Feena and Akira, who went upstairs to get the things that they need, off before he could laze about.

Well, at least Kaede and I will be having this house for ourselves for today. Grey thought while he does his morning chores, Maybe I should invite Rica to stop by…
Last edited by WodanYmirthe2nd on Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 1)

Post by Hood »

I would like to see a bit more before giving you a good comment; specially, some info about the Human/Monster Peace Treaty, but i'm sure you'll give us more info about that later. Even though, I have two questions.

If I followed everything right, the familly is composed by:
*Human Father+Inari/Youko Mom (which seems to be Grey's teacher, also).
*Two human brothers, one of them married to a werewolf while the other one has a relationship with an (for now) unidentified kind of monster girl.
*A human sister.
*Two Inari/Youko stepsisters.
Am I right?

And...What kind of monster girl is Merril?
There are those who would scorn good-natured people. Even if God himself will
not show his face, a heartful person will one day take God's place in
visiting Judgement upon them. This is what is known as "Divine Retribution"
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High Priestess
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Re: Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 1)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Hood wrote:I would like to see a bit more before giving you a good comment; specially, some info about the Human/Monster Peace Treaty, but i'm sure you'll give us more info about that later. Even though, I have two questions.

If I followed everything right, the familly is composed by:
*Human Father+Inari/Youko Mom (which seems to be Grey's teacher, also).
*Two human brothers, one of them married to a werewolf while the other one has a relationship with an (for now) unidentified kind of monster girl.
*A human sister.
*Two Inari/Youko stepsisters.
Am I right?

And...What kind of monster girl is Merril?
Well, you got the first question almost right, though I am not telling you which one is it. I'm not answering the last question though, since it will kill the surprise... Unless you've read my old fanfic in the
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Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 2)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

The Chapter Two is now ready for reading. Enjoy.
Spoiler: show
“You know, you’re always that rude West American that I’ve known ten years ago.” a pale skinned gray haired, pointy eared woman in a black executive suit said to an African American sporting dreadlocks and wears round rimmed shades, a white doctor’s coat with a stethoscope hanging on his neck and underneath his coat is a blue long sleeved polo and light brown pants who is now seated in the black couch near a windowed door and across her while crossing her arms, “Why did you kick those men out in an unprofessional fashion, Rod?”

“Because they were badmouthing the monster folks…” the man named Rod said to the woman named Farina as he rubbed his temples, “Besides, those xenophobic twats were getting into my nerves anyway.”

“Well you could have just sic’ the Security on them, Rod.” a teal haired woman with curled horns and elvish ears and wears a midriff blouse and a lean blue jeans that shows her curvaceous hips and bottom next to Farina said to Rod in a teasing manner, “But then, how did those guys entered the campus grounds?”

“Well that question should be asked to the ones back at the Security Office, Allysa.” Rod said as he now covers his face with his hands and sighed, “I can’t believe that they allowed them to enter the campus just to try and draft people into their organization."

"Well we can't choose the people that come in and out of the Academy, Rod." Farina said with a hint of disgust, "Those neophytes in the Security Office are running the entire Academy after the bomb attack."

The three went silent when Farina mentioned the bomb attack. But they decided to shrug off such thoughts to prevent themselves from getting even more depressed.

“Any bets on Rod having 20 plus male students as his first patients of the year?” Allysa mischievously asked the two of them.

“Not on my watch, Allysa.” Farina balled her fists as her facial expression hardened, “Those little girls will have to cross my dead body first before they could touch them.”

“I’m going to need a stronger lock to stop them from entering the Infirmary.” the doctor said to the two, “Last year, I think. Five first year monster students broke into the men’s ward and fucked my patients.” he said while he reminiscence on the past events, “God, prying them off of the guys was a pain in the ass, Allysa. They were clinging on them like as if they were an irremovable stain on a cloth.”

“Well, what did you expect from us, Demon Realm raised monster girls, Rod?” the horned woman told the doctor in a teasing manner, “You should know this since me, Maggie, and Vivi once did it in our first meeting with Athy~.”

Allysa’s mind wandered off as she remembered the time when she and her friends made friends (by having sex of course) with the very first male that they’ve met and mingled with after migrating to the Human Realm along with her friends. They all met in the same infirmary on where they stand and were stuck in the infirmary for some reason. The three of them were knocked cold by their Siren friend’s screech when they scared her by accident while Athy was mauled by his prudish twin for following his feelings. Her body tingled as she remembered the very day her virginity was lost and unconsciously rubbed her snatch.

Meanwhile, Rod and Farina’s eyes rolled away from Allysa’s direction and sighed. They then looked at each other in the eye and looked away afterwards, blushing and smiling a bit. Rod tries to start a conversation but he couldn’t do so since Farina did it for him.

“So Rod how was your career in the Threewoods General Hospital?” she asked.

“Well, Threewoods gave me a year worth of experience. Especially in handling paranoid parents.” he answered Farina, ignoring the moans of the other monster woman, “Some parents are paranoid about letting their kids near monster kids since they might turn into them or invite them to the Sabbath or something.” he chuckled a bit, “I remembered one time when one of my patient’s mom rushed her kid to me after the kid shook hands with a Blue Slime.”

“Unbelievable…” Farina facepalmed, “We’re not as infectious as the first generations of monster folks. The Demonic Energy within us is stabilizing and some of us can function properly without wearing Restrictors. Back then, our ancestors run rampant, taking any man that they could wrap their fingers on and transform women who have their necks bare.” she rants to Rod with an irritated tone, “It was deplorable, I know. We let our Succubus part control us and make us do unspeakable things that drove the humans away from us despite the fact that we have turned our backs away from our old instincts.”

“Well at least you’re in control of your instincts now, Farina.” Rod smiled at her while rubbing his neck and felt two scars on it, “Well, almost in control.”

“I lost my Restrictor at that time, okay?” she said out of embarrassment, “I couldn’t find it in time when some mongrel crushed a bunch of garlic right in front of me and you.”

“Really?” he giggled as he looked at the now reddening face of Farina, “You didn’t make any elaborate plan with Nell when she passed right in front of us, carrying garlic and crushing them right in front of us?”

“Erk…” Farina winced, "Can we just drop the topic and talk about something else?" she requested in an irritated manner.

"Heh..." Rod smirked at Farina's attempt to change subject out of embarrassment, "Oh yeah, how's your old man doing?"

"Not too well..." her face dropped when the doctor asked the question about her father, "Father's depressed about what happened during that day by the minute. He's the only survivor when those bastards bombed the Security Office. His body is getting more and more frail by the passing day." she looked down on the floor, "Mother took him to the family retreat at the Union of Europa to help him recover."

"I hope your dad recovers, Farina..." he said in a soothing tone.

"Well enough about my family, Rod." she looked at him with a curt smile, "How are your parents?"

"Well, mom and dad are doing well back at home." Rod smiled, "They-..."

The doors of the clinic suddenly opened, dispelling Allysa’s sexual reminiscence and the conversation of Rod and Farina. They turned their attention to the one who opened the door, an black, leather skinned executive’s chair that is turned on its backside and a brunette little girl with a pair of curved horns and goat ears and wears a blue frilly dress. Her hands are like the paws of a lion and her feet are but black hooves. The chair rocked forward and backward while saying...

"Hi hi! Are we all having a pleasant morning today?" it said in a sing song manner, "It sure is a nice day to play around huh, Hannah~?" she said to the horned little girl.

"Polyursica, please..." Hannah lets out a sigh, "Can't you just put that chair back in your office and walk like everyone else?"

"But I like my chair~!" Polyursica whined.

"Do it. Or else we won't have cake and sweets for tea time later on." she threatened and gave her a nasty look while hearing Rod snicker.

"Fine... meanie..." she muttered the last word that she said to her before the chair poofed away, causing the Infirmary to be filled with smoke.

When the smoke cleared away, a being that is not even taller than a ballpen is now in front of Rod. She has a long, green hair and a pair of green, butterfly wings. She wears a small, white, frilly dress that looks quite like Hannah. Rod smiled at the Fairy in front of him and Farina spoke to her and said...

"Good Morning, Headmistress." Farina greeted in a casual tone, "What bring you down here in the Infirmary?"

The fairy headmistress hovered to the vampire’s face. She looked at her with a rather bored look in her eyes. She seems to be expecting something from her. Farina remembered one time when she met her for the first time along with Kashim and Fiora. The three of them were invited to a tea party when they drifted into the greenhouse by mistake at their first year in the Academy. Polyursica introduced herself by hovering onto her face and give her a bored look…

“Farina, have you asked Roderick to go on a date with you?” and ask a very blunt question like a childlike monster she is.

“Please don’t ask that question ever again.” the vampire covered her blushing face from the sight of others, especially to Rod who is now trying to peer unto Farina’s face.

“Can you get even blunter than this, Headmistress?” Allysa crossed her arms and palmed her cheek as she watch Farina with amusement, “As much as I like watching Farina getting flustered like a cute little girl, I really wouldn’t want to see her in this kind of a state while she’s working.”


Outside, Feena and Akira walks fast on the red brick paths, passing through the main office building of the academy that is still covered with scaffolds. The renovations that were being made last month are still unfinished after the Academy turned into a crime scene where a terrorist attack was made, causing deaths of both workers and security officers who were taking their lunch. The two saw lit candles and flowers that are being laid down by students and staff on the said area.

“Those men who died back there are heroes…” the fox girl said to her human companion as they walked fast, “They stopped a group of suicide bombers from entering the Main Building and died in the process…” she added with sadness in her voice.

“True.” Feena sighed, “The Church seems to be mute about the issue on the terrorists attacking San Atruscan.”

“Well they’re nothing but bureaucrats in priestly garments, Feena.” Akira scoffed, “Those men are nothing pompous virgins and a pack of xenophobes.” she said as she put up a mock face of an old man who looks like he’s having a constipation, “Those sex demons are the tools of Satan who do nothing but fornicate and make people sin.” she also make an imitation of a surly old man’s voice, “Do not be fooled by their innocent smiles for they will drag you to their beds and force you to mate with them… Stupid old men.” she said the last part with contempt.

“At least they’re losing followers to the Order after what happened in St. Pe- Rome where the Pope of the Church was put into trial after documents and evidences of him collaborating with the same terrorist cell that attacked the Academy.” Feena said to Akira as she snickered, “You should have seen him go on a meltdown when his aides revealed all of his connections and his collaborators along with the wiretapped records of his talks that were given by the Final Guards.”

“I thought that the Final Guards won’t go against the Pope?” the fox girl asked as they turned by the corner and went straight to a three story building made of marble and stone.

“The current chief was disgusted after being lied upon by his best friend, the Pope, Akira.” she answered her once more as she looked around and try to find where their classroom is, “The chief and his men were pissed off when the Pope wants them to lie for him by destroying the incriminating evidences that they offered tea to the Succubus officer that was sent to investigate on the case as they gave away the evidences.”

“201… 203…” Akira ignored the last parts of what Feena as she looked at every door plates, “Here, room 205.” she opens the door and enters the room.

“Great!” Feena said as they entered the room.


Inside the classroom, Feena and Akira saw empty 40 chairs that are neatly arranged, a clean blackboard, an empty teacher’s desk, and closed windows. The two couldn’t help it but wonder on why the room was empty and decided to take a look on their schedule…

07:00 – 10:00 Advanced Programming 05 Lab Room B205 M-F
10:10 – 12:10 Demon Realm History 02 Lec Room E501 M-F
01:00 – 02:20 Human Realm Biology Lec Room SCL1 M-F
07:50 – 08:50 Ethics for Comp. Science Lec Room A109 M-F

01:00 – 04:00 Human Realm Biology Lab Room SC103 W

10:00 – 12:00 D Language Programming Lab Room C601 T-Th
01:00 – 03:00 ACCS Lab Room C402 T-Th
03:10 – 04:10 English for Comp. Science Lec Room B301 T-Th

Feena’s face paled a bit when she saw the time of her first class for today, which is 10:00 am and the time as of now, 07:12 am. They were not supposed to be there early. They seem to have forgotten the fact that today was not a Monday but a Thursday. Akira’s face, which was once wracked with nervousness due to how late they are, lightened up so fast that her face might fall off due to how relaxed her expression is. Feena and Akira sat down on one the empty seats and reclined on it to cool off after running. The two looked at each other and sighed after panicking in the morning for nothing. They did not bother to look into their calendars to see what day it was today and ended up wasting energy for nothing.

“Great… Just great…” Feena said in a disappointed and relieved tone, “We just have to let Kuya rush us here.” she added as she sighed once more.

“Look at the bright side, Feena…” the fox girl stood up and stroked one of her bushy tails, “At least we have time to play until our class starts at 10 in the morning.”

Smiling at her fox stepsister’s suggestion, Feena stood up as well, went towards the door, and opened it.

“Shall we?” she pointed her hand outside.

“Let’s go then.” Akira smirked as they walked out from the room once more.


Grey lies down on the couch and watched the current events from his laptop. He ordered Kaede to clean the bathrooms due to her swearing while preparing breakfast. Kaede grumbled at her stepbrother for being a slave driver but when Grey asked her about what she said, she immediately made a beeline to the bathroom upstairs. Few minutes of browsing made him a bit drowsy until he saw one article…

Lescatie’s seal: Unraveling!

D.O.C.S. researchers revealed startling information today about Lescatie, the ancient city of heroes. The magical barrier that was said to have sealed 10,000 plus humans and monster folks inside it for six centuries is now entering a dangerous phase of decay. A report from an unknown source came in yesterday, telling us that the barrier has preserved the lives underneath it along with the raw Demonic Energy that was emitted by Lilim Druella de Ville and her army of transformed monster women. The report also said that the said energy that the fourth daughter of the Demon Lady and her army might reenergize the calmed Demonic Energy and put many of the Old Oerth’s human colonies into danger…

He couldn’t help but to get worried about that article. He once went to Lescatie when he was still an in-training agent. He couldn’t believe that a dozen of mages managed to seal a nation that is a size of the Hilde Principality*. The city was encased in a large, transparent, glass like material shaped in a large dome that many of the D.O.C.S. researchers could not comprehend. They say that the magic that was used to seal Lescatie was something too powerful for twelve mages to even handle. The Lescatians are quite dangerous once they get out and he might end up not coming back to Atruscia for a month due to work. He immediately grabbed his phone and browsed his list of contacts.

“Letticia… Orwell…” he mumbled as he reads the names in the contact list, “Karr-…”

The phone suddenly rang, nearly causing Grey to drop his phone on the floor. He looked at the screen and saw the name that made his eyes open a bit wider…

“Lei…” Grey whispered before answering the call, “Lei? Is there something wrong?”

[Grey, have you read the news about Lescatie?] a feminine voice is heard from the phone, [If you do, please ask your superior to remove you from the list of agents going there to investigate!]

“What are you talking about, Lei?” he asked out of curiosity, “Is there-…”

[She gave me a diary of a Lescatian, Grey.] she said as the sound of pages being flipped is heard from the other line, [I found your family name along with many other names in the diary while I’m studying it!]

“And what about my name in the diary that was given by her?” he asked with more curiosity this time.

[All of the family names here are the names of the Lescatians who escaped the sealing and are probably the target of the monster girls who are trapped in the barrier?] she answered while flipping more pages in a fast rate, [Mother got worried when she found a huge number of names from the diary and my sister’s last words before getting sealed. She might end up marching to New Oerth and hunt all of the descendants of the refugees from Lescatie-.]

“If she knows how to open a Dimension Gate to New Oerth…” Grey smirked as he used his free hand to type something on the comments bar of the said news, “Druella and her army of rape trains don’t even know what happened while they were stuck in the barrier for six centuries, Lei. How can she hunt us down if we’re in a different dimension?”

[Grey, she’s Druella de Ville. She’s the most radical Lilim amongst us. Even mother and father are a bit afraid of her back then.] she added as pages flipped more loudly, [We can feel her aura getting more and more active from Carnia as of now, Grey.]

“Oh dear… So the situation’s serious as it is, huh?” he sat up and put his laptop on the coffee table, “As much as I hate disappointing you, I’m still going there to see the current situation of Lescatie, Lei.” he said to her in a serious tone, “Upstairs told me yesterday to go there as soon as I’m done with my leave. And I also want to see what these Lescatians are.”

[You…] Lei’s voice has risen when Grey ignored her warning.

“Someone has to help out those human settlements near Lescatie if they awaken, Lei.” Grey explained his answer, “The Lescatians will be a threat to those guys living nearby if they decided to have a piece of meat on the way to New Oerth. Those human settlements are barely armed to stop that kind of attack, Lei.”

[We already sent our finest Dullahan and Golem divisions to those settlements, Grey. They will protect them and shield them from those Lescatians, Grey.] she said in a desperate tone, [Please don’t do this.]

“I’m still going in there to help out, Lei.” he retorted back, “I’m not going to sit this one out, okay?” he added, “Anyway, can we change-.”

Before he could finish what he said, Lei hung up on him. Grey sighed when he sees the ‘disconnected’ sign and puts the phone on the coffee table as well. He reclined once more and thinks about what he just said to her and the information that he got from her.

Gramps once told us a story about what his old man told him when he was a still a kid. A young man was running away with a group of orphans and his pregnant wife as they were being chased down by a Succubus, a Werewolf, a Roper, an Echidna, an Inari, a Dark Priestess, and a Witch. These seven monsters have been longing for him, waiting for a right time to speak of their love to him, and have been holding back their true desires.

A Lilim named Druella de Ville gave them an offering as she invades their homeland that they couldn’t refuse nor resist. They become monsters who are quite liberated and more open. These girls decided to take the young man that they wish to have after years of frustrations. The young man however, has decided to marry a young woman who bears his child. He knows that his home was lost and they are about to be found along with the other children that ran away from their homes as their parents turn into monsters. He looked at his wife, whose womb grows after months of hiding. He refuses to see her and the children be perverted by a monster who never knew what it’s like to be a human.

He decided to run towards the army of Order soldiers who are fighting against the Lilim’s army and hope for the best. The monsters that were lusting upon him for a long time… Ergh… I can’t remember the rest of it.

Grey grumbled when his memory failed him and yawned loudly while stretching his hands. He really wished that he could remember the other parts of the story that his grandfather told him when he was a child. He thought that he might be able to compare the story’s protagonist to his ancestors since he once said that their greatest grandfather was once a soldier from Lescatie. Though there was no mention of anything about the main character of the story being a soldier.

And there are at least a million Lescatian descendants right now that are mixed with ten billion humans of different ancestry and such. he smirked at the thought, How will they know if I’m a Lescatian grandchild?


In a well furnished room at the land where the skies are purple and the flora is quite alive. A young woman, who is wearing nothing but a black nightgown, her hair white and lengths down to her hips, and sports a pair of black horns, white wings, and a tail with a spaded tip, slammed her phone on the table. Breathing in an agitated manner, her fists shake out of anger and her chest rises faster, causing the lingerie to outline her perky chest. She first tries to tear her hair, causing it to get disheveled and messy. Then, she throws her chair near her desk chair to the other side of the room and smashing through the glass doors that lead to the balcony. Not satisfied with that, she repeatedly punched the stone wall in front of her till her strength wanes. Her delicate hands drew blood, trickling from her knuckles down to her floor, on a picture frame, and on the blank page of a book that looks quite aged. Her beautiful face is now streaked with tears and her teeth clenched to the pain, anger, and grief flowing into her mind and body.

“You bastard… You uncaring, suicidal bastard…” she sobbed and let her blood flow, “You’re a fucking bastard, Grey Crestwell!” she shouted at the top of her lungs before kneeling on the floor and continue to cry.

“Lelianna?” a concerned and motherly voice from the other side of the door is heard, "We can feel and hear your thrashing from the Receiving Hall downstairs to the castle garden. Is there a problem of some sort?"

"Nothing, mother." the girl said as she conceals the quaver of her voice, "I'm fine."

"I don't think so, Lei." a tomboyish voice spoke from the other side of her door as well, "Are you having problems with him perhaps?" she added as the knob of her door turned.

The door opened and two figures entered the room. Both of them have the same hair, tail, and horns like Lei, though one of them has a mature figure and air and wears nothing underneath her frilly apron while the other has a rather fit and mannish figure wearing a black and blue suit and tie that is meant to be worn by men. Lei frowned at the sight of the two who entered her room without any permission while they ignore her displeasure.

"Your father and I are quite worried about your state, Lelianna." the older succubus said as she sat down on a comfortable chair, "You have been obsessed with your oldest sister for quite a while."

"I may not know our oldest sister, but I think that you should relax, Lei." the tomboyish succubus suggested as her tail plays around.

"But I can't, Umbriel!" Lei exclaimed to the tomboyish succubus, "I'm more worried about my friends getting victimized by our long lost sister. And you!" she then looked at her mother with an angry look in her eyes, "How could you have left her unchecked, mother? Why did you let her do all of that?" she angrily asked her, "This all wouldn't have happened had you stopped her from the start."

Silence followed after Lei's last sentence. The two, younger succubi looked at their mother's expression suddenly changing. She seems to be distressed after hearing her daughter's outburst and couldn't speak for a while.

“What do you have to say for yourself, mother?” she said the last word with venom on it, “I’ve heard that you once approved the corruption of innocent children while their mothers beg you to stop.”

“Lilim Lelianna Ramone.” Umbriel tries to assert her authority as an older sibling, “Still your tongue and refl-.”

“Do you remember committing the murders of Chief God Zera and Demon Lord Belphegor?” Lei continues her verbal attacks to her mother and ignoring her sister’s growing anger, “Or that failed attempt to enforce your will to the humans who are only trying to find a new home after you corrupted theirs? Or maybe…”

Umbriel thinks of slapping her younger counterpart for saying it and prepares to move in and do so... Only for their mother to be seen standing up. Getting in between her two daughters, she then did what Umbriel intends to do, slap her in the face. The force of their mother’s palm snapped out Lei from her tantrum-throwing and calmed her down.

"You're right..." the older succubus' head hung down out of shame, "I was young and foolish back then, Lelianna. I never cared about anyone else’s feelings and thoughts other than my own. You have to understand how childish and pigheaded I was back then." she added, "Please don't remind me of those dark days. I'd rather forget about what happened back then..."

"Mother, you shouldn't blame yourself on what happened back then. We all make mistakes." Umbriel crossed her arms and said in a quiet tone, “And you should have thought about what you have just said, Lei.”

“I know… I shouldn’t have lost my senses back then…” Lei rubbed the part where she received the palm of her mother’s hand, “It’s just that-.”

“You’re worried about your friends, Lei.” the mother said as she look into her younger daughter’s eyes and put her hands on her shoulders, “Don’t worry though, I’ll ensure that your love interest will not fall into the hands of Druella if she broke free from the seal~.” she said in a carefree tone.

“Mother!” she blushed when her mother said the last sentence, “I’m not interested with Grey, okay? He’s already taken by a human-.”

“A human you say?” Umbriel looked at her in an inquisitive manner, “How did she manage to take away such a charming, young man from my cute, little sister~?” she playfully asked her.

“Oh stop asking about that, Umbriel~.” her little sister said as she playfully punched her on the arm, “Grey has his own preferences anyway. It’s not that I expect to fall under his expectations anyway.” she added and sighed about what she said.


In a vast, desolated plane, where nothing grows and the water is rather reddish. A moss covered path begins to appear and grass grows once more. Cracks can be seen in midair, making sounds that made nearby blue slimes run away from it. One blue slime looked back to get a last glimpse of the site and saw outlines of different shapes and sizes.


“C… back…”

“Plea… here…”

“.. ay… us…”

The gelatinous woman couldn’t move out of fear as the ghastly sounds of begging are heard. Harpy flocks flying overhead changed direction, Giant Ants scurried back to their nests, even a Dragoness passing by turned around to avoid it. The blue slime’s body seems to have been glued on the floor due to the fear she is feeling right now. She saw one of the figures move towards her direction, its hand is materializing and bearing a toothy grin on its rather blank head. The slime’s body finally stopped listening to its fear and scuttled away while it still can. The toothy grin of the faceless figure turned into a frown as it watch the slime go far.

“We… sa… hi…”
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Re: Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 2)

Post by Hood »

Really interesting indeed; monster chicks working in hospitals and...limiters, good idea to kept them under control. I also enjoyed the part where Lei confronts her mother. Seem the Demon Lord was a dickhead when she was younger and now, like every wise adult, she is regreting the stupid choices she made (Aaah, I can understand that feeling :cry: ). Great setting you are crafting here, man. It seems that Deruella is going to be a real pain in the ass in the hear future.

Can't wait to see your take on the fallen maidens and how certain Lilim is going to react when she sees the modern world.

There are those who would scorn good-natured people. Even if God himself will
not show his face, a heartful person will one day take God's place in
visiting Judgement upon them. This is what is known as "Divine Retribution"
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All done!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

I've finally picked my shit up and I am now posting my third chapter.

Chapter Three:
Spoiler: show
“Welp, as much as we like to keep our trip longer, we both have to back to Atruscia to get back to work.” a black haired man in his mid 50’s whose skin is brown and wears a white polo shirt and brown short pants sighed as he picks up his brown shoulder bag and a blue trolley bag from a trunk of a taxi cab, “This trip will be one of our most memorable things that we have taken in our life eh, Saki?”

“Indeed.” a woman wearing a green summer dress with a ribbon belt and has six bushy tails and fox ears agreed with the man as she wrapped her arms around his, “I hope that Kaede isn’t driving Grey mad, Will.” she said with a worried tone, “She could be a bit handful sometimes.”

“He’d probably made Kaede do some chores to keep her busy.” Will scratched his chin while paying the taxi driver from the window, “Here, thanks for getting us here.”

“No problem, friend. I lucked out when I saw you two hailing me and my taxi.” the driver said as the window pulled up, “I got you out from this airport. Now I drove you and your lovely wife back here.” he added before starting up the engine, “Have a safe trip, my friend.” he said last before driving away.

“Take care of yourself then." Will shouts to the car that is driving away from them while waving his hand, "Let's go Saki.” he said to her as he leads the way.

“Let’s.” the fox woman smiled.



“What was that?” a black haired boy wearing a green hospital gown sat up and looked around at the green tiled walls, “Who are you, damn it?”

“Soren, is something bothering you?” a man clad in white said as he puts on his gloves, cap, and face mask, “We’re about to begin the surgery, boy. You should lie down in bed so that I could apply the medicine.” he added.

“Doctor, did you hear someone say ‘darling’?” Soren asked the man, “I swore I’ve heard something.”

“I think there’s only me and you in this private ward, Soren.” he said as he prepares the apparatuses that he will use to apply the medicine, “No one could have managed to sneak in here and say that word without the nurses knowing about it.”

“But-” Soren was about to object but instead saw the gloved palm of the doctor to his face.

“I would like you to lie down, Soren, please.” the doctor said in a clam tone, “I promise you that if anything happens, I’d let you know. I won’t let anyone suspicious hurt you.”

Soren’s expression took a turn from worried to calm. The man smiled as he saw the boy lie down on the bed. He then put a mask on his face and activated a machine that will pump anaesthetics into the Soren’s system. It only took one minute before the boy fell into deep slumber. The doctor checked on the monitor’s screen and see if the vital signs are normal and stable.

“The patient’s asleep. You can come in now.” the man said in a calm voice, “Is the operating room prepared?”

“Yes, thank you for helping us, Dr. Arturiam.” another man clad in the same outfit as the other man opened the door, “He wouldn’t calm down when we tried to apply anaesthetics, sir. He went mad and nearly tried to attack us when we said no to his questions.”

“Well you people keep on denying his question.” Dr. Arturiam said in a serious tone as he removes the boy’s mask and hold on to the bed’s rail, “At least give him some assurance.” he added as he started moving the bed slowly to the door.

The other man did not speak any word and helped Dr. Arturiam move the patient to the operating room. He looked at Soren, who is now asleep and in a world where reality is absent. He is about to operate the boy on his arms and legs that were damaged in an accident. A smile is formed behind his face mask as he looked at boy’s peaceful face. But deep within his mind, he knows that the boy might not be able to use his limbs if the operation fails.

No... I must not fail him. I will do my best to get him back on track no matter what. are his thoughts as they exit the room and the door closes.

“Let’s make haste now, Samson.” Dr. Arturiam voice ordered on the other side of the door, “Every second counts.”

“Yes doctor.” the other man’s voice responded as the wheels roll on the marble floor.

Darling... a black wisp appeared on the spot where the bed was before disappearing in thin air.


“How’s it going, Rod?” Athuric, now in gray polo and black slacks, greeted Rod, whose head is slumped on the desk, as he entered the clinic, “Oh hey there, Farina.” he also greeted Farina, who is seated next to the male’s medical ward.

“Hey there, Athy...” Rod responded quietly to his greetings before groaning loudly, “Gods... Why is it that there’s a fuckton of them coming here just to have some fun?”

“Eight boys... All from the High School department...” Farina palmed her face and sighed out of frustration, “All of them got sent here after drinking a bottle of aphrodisiac by ‘accident’...” she added in a frustrated tone.

Athuric heard some rattling sounds in the male ward. Rod and Farina ignored the sound and continued to be gloomy and frustrated. When Athuric peered through the door’s window, he saw the three patients whose hips are moving erratically and wildly. He also saw bindings on their limbs and abdomen to hold them down their beds and stop them from probably attacking anyone out of lust.

“They drank a shot glass full of THAT.” the doctor sat up and leaned on his chair’s back rest, “Stupid kids. No one can’t handle THAT; not without having the urge to fuck while drinking it.”

“You mean the one that has Concentrated Honey Mead, Holstaurus Milk, Mandragora Root extracts, and...” Athuric cupped his chin as he tries to remember the ingredients, “What was the last-”

“Diluted Girtablilu Venom...” Farina answered, “Those dolts think that they can handle anything.”

“I’m guessing that some of the monster girls nearby got horny when THAT takes effect huh?” Athuric grinned while crossing his arms.

“They did when those boys tried to go naked in the Academy’s square after drinking THAT.” she answered the question with annoyance in her tone, “Rod, is the antidote on its way here?”

“Yes. But I forgot to ask what time they’ll get here.” Rod responded to the Vampire’s question, “Ooops."

"Twit..." Farina groaned at Rod's lack of thought.

"Yeah well Imma go now. Have fun, you two." Athuric said before leaving the room.

"Bye then." the two said in unison.


Well bugger... How the fuck did they manage to follow me... are the thoughts of a red haired, pasty skinned young man wearing a green and white checkered shirt and brown short pants and in his early 20's who is now cornered in the dark corners of two buildings in the Academy by three teal haired and curl horned Succubi wearing a skimpier version of the sky blue and white blouse and skirt High School uniforms, Fuck... Fuck... FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK. as his back touches the wall behind him.

"Look girls~. There's a delicious looking human here who isn't taken by anyone~." the Succubus on the left said as she licked her lips.

"This is a bad idea, girls." the redheaded youth tries to tell them off as they close in, "You don't want to get into trouble with them right?"

"Well we wouldn't go to an extent if the man that we are looking at wasn't delicious looking~." the Succubus on the right said while rubbing her crotch, "Your scent alone is making us horny... So this is what the smell of a man is~?"

"Mmmmm... I want to pin him on the wall and take him on the spot already~." the Succubus at the center closed on to the man with a drool on her lips, "Strip him-."

Before she could even finish her sentence and initiate the rape, all she saw was a hoof driving straight to her face. When it connected, the Succubus is thrown back towards the pathway. The two Succubi looked at the one who attacked their companion, a little and rather undeveloped girl who is not as tall as any of them with curved goat horns, lion's paws, goat legs, and black hair, tail, and fur covering her arms and legs. She wears a bright yellow shirt with a pink heart and a phrase within it that says, 'Lethe X Ord'. The young man looks quite relieved when he saw the little girl while his attackers aren't after seeing the little girl's red eyes making contact with their eyes and bore onto theirs.

"Where did you come from?!" one of the Succubi stuttered as she backs away with the other.

"The windows, bitches." the little girl pointed her hand on the large window at the right, "You forgot the fact that there are windows nearby, you boyfriend stealing skanks." as she comes forward while cracking her knuckles and neck.

"Well little girls like you shouldn’t have boyfriends like now right?!” the other Succubus said courageously and without any thought, “Wouldn’t he get into trouble-.”

What happened next before the Succubus could finish what she was saying was quite a feat to watch. The goat girl threw herself to the one that dared to say that she shouldn’t have a boyfriend and rammed her gut with her horns. Before the Succubus could even react after the sudden headbutt, she was lifted up on the ground and like the former who has fallen victim of her attack; she was thrown towards the main pathway, though she tumbled a few times before falling next to the unconscious Succubus. The last Succubus’ face is now filled with fear when the goat girl turned her attention to her. She tries to say anything but all that came out from her mouth were air and incoherent words. The goat girl grabbed her by the collar of her uniform, levelling her face to hers and said.

“Pick up your slutty friends and get lost before I lolify the three of you.” she said in a harsh tone and gave her an intimidating glare, “If I ever see you three making a move on my Ord, I’ll make sure that the three of you won’t be able fuck for three months. Got it~?” she said the last word in a dangerously sweet tone.

The conscious Succubus nodded hastily to everything that she said and immediately went to her two friends, who are now surrounded by other students. The goat girl hears one of the students surrounding the Succubi asking for help.

I could help them... If those bitches didn't try to rape Ord. she thought, Now then...

She then set her sights on the young man at the wall. When their eyes met, she immediately ran towards him and hugged him tight. The young man did not flinch when she almost spear tackled him and patted her head a bit before breaking off the hug to see her face and talk to her.

"Lethe, I'm sorry about bothering you." the redheaded youth apologized to the goat girl, "I should not have accepted their request to be guided here..." he added while looking downcast.

"I told you that Demon Realm girls are crazy when they're in heat." the goat girl responded to the name Lethe with an 'I told you so' tone, "Ord, you're too trusting for your own good, you know." she said with crossed arms.

“Sorry about that.” her boyfriend apologized to Lethe, “I shouldn’t have-.”

“Save it.” Lethe cuts off the apology that Ord was about to give, “They wouldn’t know that you’re taken since this Restrictor...” she raised her right arm and showed a bracelet with a sapphire gemstone encrusted on it, “Prevents me from marking you with Demonic Energy and not making you a target to those bitches.” she sighed before putting down her arm, “Now I know what those human girls feel when some whore tries to take their mates who are already taken.”

“Now now... Don’t get too sad, Lethe.” Ord attempts to cheer up Lethe, “Why don’t we go out after our classes and play around?”

“You... you’re inviting me to go on a date?” the goat girl was shocked at Ord’s last statement, “I’m usually the one who is inviting you to a date, whether you like it or not. Is there something wrong with you?”

“ What?" he blurted out of confusion, "Why are you surprised about that?"

"Because... Because..." she scratched the back of her head while thinking of an answer to her question, "Erm... Ah... You always invite someone to come along with us. Feena, Akira, my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crestwell, Dr. Ledd, some of my mom's Sabbath Chapter members..." she continues to list the people whom Ord invited as she counts her fingers, "You even invited Mr. Crestwell's scary twin brother! Do you have some sort of a complex or are you afraid to be alone with me?"

"Well... You did some stuff back when you first moved in here..." Ord said as his face took a shade of red out of embarrassment, "You entered my room and tried to rape me-."

"It was an accident, okay?! I thought that that was my room back then and you were some guy that my mom left inside my room!" she hastily makes excuses of her actions while flaying her hands, "Haven't we talked about this one incident, Ord?" she added with a flustered look on her face.

"You know..." Ord said in a serious tone as she gazed at Lethe.

"What?" Lethe gazed back at him.

Silence followed afterwards. Ord and Lethe continued to gaze at each other, ignoring the noises and the environment around them. She gulped a bit of her saliva as she waits for him to speak up. Ord's gaze seems to have started giving Lethe a chill on her spine as the silence continues for a minute.

"Ord?" she asked in a low voice, hoping that she wouldn't break his concentration in thinking and hoping that he isn't mad at her.

"Lethe... You look cute when you are flustered." he said in a straight and serious tone after two minutes of silence have passed.

Lethe smacked the back of Ord's head, forcing Ord to nearly kneel down in pain. She couldn't believe that her boyfriend still has the knack at fooling her into expecting something that she already knows. Ord laughed at Lethe's reaction to his not-so serious outbursts. The girl began to vocalize her complaints on his inability to get rid of his childish jives while the boy tells her to lighten up a bit... which made her deck him at the back of his head.


Somewhere near the Academy, Feena and Akira made their way to a building with a man-sized replica of an XN-Geist MK II and a signboard with a ‘Now Open’ next to its glass door entrance. When the two stepped at the rug, the door automatically opened itself, showing the arrays of large pods and console pads next to it. The sounds of explosion, gun fire, jet engines, and cursing were their welcoming party when they entered the place. They looked to their left and made eye contact with a lively looking brunette in a black shirt with a logo of a super deformed mech shooting another super deformed mech holding a beam sword. She’s rather happy to see the two of them enter and said to them...

“Feena~! Akira~! How are you two doing? It’s been a while, huh?” she said with a goofy smile.

“Hi Inah, how’s your vacation in West America?” Akira asked, returning her smile as well, “You sure did a great job renovating this place, huh?”

“Well I wouldn’t have done it without Grey and Rica~.” the shopkeeper said with a toothy grin, “Those two managed to attract a lot of customers by playing here.”

“Kuya said his team was the best team that was built ever since the Arturiam Corporations released the ACVR.” Fenna cups her chin as she remembers one of his stories, “And he won a lot of ACVR Team Battle Championships with Rica, Merrill, Jasmina, and Neuman. I remembered a lot of people coming over to our house and asking him to join their team.”

“Did he listen to any of them?" the brunette shopkeeper asked, "I mean, asking any from the Team Sorcerors to join their team and have their request accepted will-."

"Supposedly make their team a winning team? I don't think so." the fox girl's eyes squinted when she heard of such ridiculous notion; "Grey-nii told me that he's terrible at working with others who aren't his teammates. He usually trusts Rica or Merrill to snipe or ambush the enemies with Artillery Mechs, Jasmina to break defences and tank with a Super Mech, and Neuman to harrass us with his Support Mech." Feena couldn't help but nod on what her stepsister said, "We once tried to fight them, didn't end well."

"Really?" Inah looked at Akira's flustered face, "What happened?"

"Magnet Mines, Radar Jammers, Joint Breakers, and Energy Spikes were everywhere... We either got shot at the cockpit by Merrill or skewered with a beam sword by Rica." Feena answered her question in a depressed way, "Lethe usually ends up as Grey's target and Ord is turned into a bludgeon by Jasmina whenever they meet. It was scary as hell since Neuman will either mess with our mechs with his traps or jamming bits." she rubbed the back of her neck, "It was a slaughter in a grand scale to be precise."

"The only time we manage to score a kill on them was whenever we self-destruct and grab them or when one of them are careless enough to let us shoot them... which is almost near impossible on their part." the fox girl's ears twitch and remembers the shame of the past, “Seeing them fight was like seeing some anime mecha show where main characters kick the asses of the grunt mechas.”

"Indeed-" before Feena could respond to Akira, she was suddenly shoved away from the counter by a brown haired girl wearing a light green fit blouse that accentuates her well developed breast with jeans. "Ow! Watch it, Galuin!"

"Heh, whatever..." the girl scoffed before at her before diverting her attention to Inah, who doesn't look too amused when she saw her, "Hello Inah."

"Rani..." the shopkeeper's voice middles in between cold professionalism and cold feelings.

Akira's tails rose up and glow from its tip with blue flames while looking at the brown haired pale skinned girl with anger. However, Feena gave her stepsister a wary look, telling her that she must not do anything to cause any form of trouble. Reluctantly, the fox put off her flames but kept on glaring at the woman.

"I see that you are enjoying your work here in this creep infested shop." Rani sarcastically mused. Feena had to be held back by Akira to prevent her from giving her a piece of her mind by the use of her fist, "Just because my beloved Athuric-."

"You do realize that you've lost all of your rights to call Kuya Athy 'beloved' right?" the young Crestwell comments on the title that Rani used to her brother, "And don't even bother with Kuya Grey. He still hates you for what you nearly did to Rica and Nell during the good ol' days." she grinned in a sadistic manner, revelling on the indignant reaction of the brunette.

"Bitch, I'll call my beloved Athuric as such. I care not on what you think, Feena." she looked at her before turning her sights to Akira, "And you, thieving fox wenches like you should keep their hands off of my beloved Athuric while they stay at his home."

"And bitches like should stop treating people as things and know their places while they are at it. I may not be a nine tailed Inari, but that doesn't mean I don't have the power to destroy you." the fox step sister's tails are already raised in a threatening manner while it is wrapped with blood red auras, "Even with a Limiter attached, I can still literally wipe the floor with your face if I wished to do so."

"Heh, empty threats and airs, fox wench." Rani scoffed, "I'd like to see you dirty your hands, you usurper." Akira's glare on the woman that calls her threats as nothing serious intensifies, "And you, Inah, should consider yourself as lucky when my beloved Athuric decided to give you the needed money to fund this rat hole. Don't consider it as a form of affection-."

"Oh? Why should I consider his friendly gestures to me as forms of affection, you obsessed hag?" the shopkeeper is now biting back to Rani's attack, "When he decided to marry Nell, I've given up all of my claims for his heart, even if Nell offered to share Athuric with her. I accepted my defeat on that day and prayed to the deities that their union will be happy and well." she said without any form of regret while watching the arrogant intruder in getting more angry by every word that she said, "Unlike someone here who is inside my store, trying to pick a fight with me and hoping that the one sided bond that she harbours to my certain number one customer's older brother to flourish despite the latter's distaste towards her." every word that came out from her mouth from the implication that she have made is venomous and sarcastic

Rani leaned over to the counter and attempted to pull the shopkeeper's hair out of frustration. She couldn’t believe that such words came out from someone who was below her and wants to inflict pain on her for saying such things. However she was suddenly held tight on her left shoulder and was then shoved back to a wall back by Feena, who looked downright murderous at the moment. Akira’s limiter may have prevented her from letting loose her dangerous powers, but all she needed was to use the allocated power that the limiter allows her to use to shroud her entire body with an aura of killing intent.

“Leave.” was the only word that came out from Feena’s mouth. Though she wants to verbally abuse the one that dared to attack her friend, her anger might have jumbled her thoughts and forced her to say few words as an expression.

And without any hesitation, Rani clicked her mouth and left the establishment. Though she caused some damage to the door by kicking it, shattering the glass covers before leaving with a bitter expression and a hidden hand gesture that involves a raised middle finger.

“Is everything all right?” a voice near the trio asked warily, causing the trio to look at the source of the voice and be shocked at the sight of it.

Unknown to them, the some of the patrons heard everything that happened in the front. It was not their business to pry on whatever fight does a stranger gets themselves into. However, they all know who Inah was and liked her too well. Most of the regulars of her shop knows her name and considers her as a friend. They also like her for her happy and hospitable personality that makes them feel at home in her establishment.

The owner tried to apologize to the group whose time in playing was being sapped by the drama that just happened in front, only to be rebuffed by them. The suggestions of having her reported at the nearest police station before she causes more damage were given to her, along with other methods such as turning her into a monster folk like the monster folk patrons and getting her laid, though Akira commented on the last part being impossible due to Rani’s inability to be a decent woman.

“... That or her pussy’s something that could give men an erectile dysfunction.” Feena’s comment seems to have lightened up the dark mood that is starting to embroil the small crowd.

They all knew that the real reason behind the intruder’s attitude was because of Athuric, marrying Nell rather than her. She was not the type who would simply step aside due to her upbringings and tried to cause some trouble in their union by spreading horrible rumours about Athuric’s wife being the type that bites any human girl and turn them into monster girls out of pure amusement and backing it with false claims and photoshopped pictures. Grey and Rica however, being a part of large companies that deals with information and monsters, decided to do their own investigations to prove Nell’s innocence.

When the first plan failed, she then resorted to many, unsavoury tactics that nearly cost the lives of Rica and Nell, Grey's incarceration to a maximum security, and other mishaps to people who are related to her 'beloved' Athuric. Feena and Akira themselves were nearly kicked out from the academy when Rani used her authority as a teacher to tamper with their permanent records. Unfortunately, many attempts to pin the blame and accusations on her always bounces off and few of those that manage to get to her ends up getting lighter sentences. There are rumours of her having connections to the lawmakers in Atruscia that helps her clear her name and let her off with light to no punishment.

That alone made everyone who knows what Rani is and what she have done made everyone think that the system that runs their town is crooked and corrupt. D.O.C.S. wanted to intervene for the sake of their promising agent, Grey, but local magistrates and lawmakers are already out of their jurisdiction. Though the world is a better place to live for both humans and monster folks, many problems like corrupt officials, bureaucrats, criminals, and hateful people still exist. Others may deny it for all they want, but they still exist and rear its ugly head on daily term basis.

Well, at least we aren’t living in a world where being evil is a law and a norm. I don’t know what would I do if I ended up living in that world. Akira thought about the time when her stepbrother recounted the time when he ended up in a different Oerth, Grey was once transported in a dimension like that. He never thought that he could be that evil if he wanted to be like that. Nor believed that Rica could be extremely underhanded if she wanted to and our friends to be either sadistic, sleazy, cowardly, and downright twisted.


At the Demon Realm, the location where Lescatie was once located until it was sealed and displaced to an unknown dimension. A transparent image of the city that was once dubbed as 'The City of Heroes' is now present along with large, visible cracks on the magical barrier that covers the metropolis. Smoke and small fires are present on the rooftops of some buildings, proving the fact that the city is sealed at the week Lescatie is being overrun by the 4th Demon Lady's daughter: Lilim Druella de Ville and her army.

At the edges of the barrier are numerous, transparent figures of monster folks and humans who are either running away from the monster, fighting against them, or banging their hands, paws, claws, talons, and whatever appendages that they have on the already cracking walls of the barrier. If one who is outside is a human and tries to peer upon the insides of the barrier, the faces of the trapped beings inside Lescatie are either filled with fear, desperation, longing, lust, or hope and some will try to catch the human that they saw, only to butt heads with the barrier.

While Lescatie appears and returns to its original place and dimension at a slow and steady phase, a large number of armed humans and monsters are preparing for the worst if in case they receive the Lescatians with the ferocity of a sexually frustrated Ushi-Oni. Currently, the Demon Realm's 21th Division, the Barrier Masters of Zipangu, and D.O.C.S.'s Elite Guardians are building a perimeter to stop the Lescatians from going wild and stabilize the unstable concentrations of Demonic Energy that currently saps out from the barrier.

They also sent numerous seekers to find the one that informed them of the breakdown of Lescatie. Though many of the men, women, and monster folks do not know of the informer, but they have rumours and theories about him. Some says that he was the former grandmaster of the Stella Krux, a mage guild that helped in the great exodus that happened in the ancient times. Some says that the informer was the champion of the God of Balance and the current Chief Deity himself and fought toe to toe against the Demon Lady herself. And there's also the rumor of it being a Succubus who is as powerful and beautiful as Lilith and is actually related to the reigning monarch. It would take two two story D.O.C.S. Documentary Hall to file every rumours that cropped up for the past centuries about the informer.

But enough of that. Currently, at the outskirts of Lescatie. The Demon Lady's 24th Daughter: Lilim Umbriel Brionnac, who is now in a casual and suprisingly tact black business suit and tie with her bone white, heart tipped tail wrapped as a belt and the her wings folded neatly behind her, is now reading a report that is attached on a wooden, pink clipboard with a Hello Nekomata* logo on its back. Beside her is a starberry pink blonde little girl in a cute, white robe with red outlines and a Sabbath logo on its shoulders and tiny mini skirt that exposes her blue and white striped panties who looks rather worried as she watches the Lilim's frown go lower as she continues to expose herself to the report.

"We are screwed..." she uttered in a lustfree and pissed off tone, "We only have this much time before she comes out?!" she threw the report to the floor as hard as possible before picking it up and read it once more, "Are you sure that these numbers are not put in the wrong places, Louise?" she asked with a faint hope that she is right.

"Well... I hate to disappoint but those are extremely accurate. Mistress Eleanora herself made those estimates on how much time that we have..." the pinkette Witch sheepishly said to Umbriel, causing her face to get paler.

"I will make that goat grow boobs if her estimates are wrong." the cracks on the Hello Nekomata clipboard are more present on the part where she held it.

"She said that the estimates are 95% accurate..." Louise backed off from the Lilim when she spoke of the accuracy of her Chapter Mistress's report.

"Grow Holstaurus boobs... The lactating kind." the way she said the last part made some of the nearby Witches and Baphomets glad that they weren't the Demon Realm's Chief of the Magical Research and Development division that gave the tomboyish Lilim the bad news, "Shilekka, Ivaldi, Roa..."

Three witches in the same getup as Louise, only in the colours red and gold, blue and purple, and green and black, came to the Lilim. Shilekka's wild crimson hair is covered with a cat ear hood that has the same colour as her robes. The blonde Ivaldi sports twin ponytails tied on both sides of her head. While Roa's black and short hair is the opposite of Shilekka's hair style. The three are nervous when their commander, the Lilim, called upon them. After hearing her promised hell in a form of turning a Baphomet into an ugly creature with cow udders, who wouldn't be afraid?

"Any news from the Fae, the Desert Kingdom, and the Mist Lands?" the Lilim asked while giving back the clipboard to Louise and rubbing her forehead.

"The Fae's status is still unknown, bloody flies.” the redhead answered, spitting out the last words with a little resentment, “The Pharaoh couldn’t spare any of her soldiers due to the lack of their numbers after their fight with the Knights of the Order and the Mist Lands cannot be contacted when the Demonic Energy spiked up a while ago, ma’am.”

“Damn it... Of all the times, they just have to make themselves unavailable right now.” Umbriel felt her head hurt even more as the problems continue to stack up.

“We’re also getting reports of purple and black fires appearing and disappearing across both Oerths. They are all detected to have a small trace of Demonic Energy as well.” Ivaldi reported this time, “The most recent detection happened in Atruscia, or if Lady Umbriel wishes to be to be precise, the Atruscan General Hospital. Apparently, the energy that was detected from there lasted much longer compared to the other sites.” she then pulled out a map of Atruscia from her robes and hands it over to the Lilim, “It doesn’t help that the purple and black fires are mostly detected in Atruscia.”

“I’m getting a bad feeling about this...” this time, the green robed Roa spoke while cupping her chin, “This strange phenomenon might be connected to the sudden unsealing of Lescatie.”

“Wait... did you say black and purple flames?” Louise asked Shilekka, “And they have a trace of Demonic Energy, correct?”

“Yes.” Shilekka confirmed to Louise’s question. The pinkette felt something plummet down her stomach, “Why did you ask, Louise?”

“Daughter of the Almighty Big Brother... the barrier didn’t just go in a process of magical decay... It is also being destroyed from the inside...” she then looked at the report, “Not only that... They are making their own portal... a portal to Atruscia.”

*Imagine the MGQ's Nekomata posed and in a chibi form.
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Re: Age of Cohabitation (Chapter 3)

Post by Kmon13 »

So is this a back story to the St. Atreax Academy RPG because I just finsihed reading the first chapter and wanted to wait until I read at least up to the fourth chapter to give my comments.

But after reading the first chapter it made it very hard not to so I'll just say I hope you continue with it.

That is all...

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

Least liked Mamono:Mamono who rape!

Tales of the Black Rose Inn...
Destined Paths Of Eden
Lilith Academy Chronicles
Monster Girl Apocalypse Journals
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