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Walking Among Us (Chapter 10 Posted)

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:24 pm
by Hood
I already lost the count...anyhow, here we go again...

This is the story previously known as "Monstercest". I've changed the story's name, first, because momsters are trying to live normal lives with their adopted human children in our world, hiding at plain sight. Second and more importantly, after a while, "Monstercest" began to sound a bit silly if not stupid.

The setting:
Thanks to a certain catastrophe, all the inhabitants of a small Monster Girl/Mamono Queendom (Or Demon Realm, if you prefer) called Gerbera, are forced to flee from their home world, ending in our world. Here, with the abscense of the Demon Lord and her Demonic Energy, the girls have to discover new ways of living, since Demonic Energy (DE for short) used to be their main sustenance; not to mention that they will learn that our world, is a place a bit more "darker and grimmer" than their former home world (Let's call it Edeymn, shall we), and obviously, this world has it's own hazzards, like it's own supernatural beings and groups differrent from the Order with their own goals and agendas. Our humans are far more violent and that's why, the little of the Order that followed them (yes, they're here too) degenerated into something far more worse than it was originally (At least in this world. Since the first Order members who arrived at our world hundreds of years ago, are all dead, the "New Order" is enterely composed by humans from our world.)

Now, thanks to the lack of Demonic Energy, the absence of a Demon Lord and a Chief God, Monster chicks have a bit more of a free thinking process, what does this means? Although they still are horny sluts, their lust is seriously diminished compared when they were back home. Thanks to this, they can enjoy other things than just screwing, for example, they can have hobbies, develop interest in art (without being a Leanan Sidhe), enjoy a walk through the park in the company of their children, enjoy the beauty of nature, etc. This will give birth to certain "special" individuals or what would you think and say say about a Heavy Metal lover Nightmare or a Hippie Dark Elf that hates violence.

Humans of this world, although physically compatible with the girls and similar to the humans from MGE world (Edeymn, remember) are a totally different species, so the DE produced by the girls might affect them in a different way (More like the old DE used to affect humans in the MGE world, i.e. becoming more violent, not only lustful).

And I'll refer to all monster girls as "succubi" because like certain author of certain book said: "Due the influence of the mighty succubus who became Demon Lord, we monsters have all become like succubi" The main species will be succubus, with lilim and succubi as its main representative while the others will be like subspecies. I was thinking about calling them Lilim, since all monster girls technically are the children of the Demon Lord, but let see about this later.

And at last but not at least, Warning:This Fic Does Contains Adult Language and INCESTUOUS Sexual Content (Although...the charcaters are not blood related :| )

Chapter 01
Spoiler: show
"I'm tired, and it's really damn cold..."- Those were Robert’s firsts thoughts as the bus slowly began to move. While looking through the window, he saw the dark and gray sky; he felt the same at that moment, dark and gloomy. The day at school was uneventful and felt longer than usual.

"The last day of school before holydays always is, I guess" That was his last thought. His other classmates were the same, their faces showed tiredness and their eyes, the desire to return home as fast as possible.

"What a miserable day…" Robert sighed as he rubbed his temples, and at the same time, he was trying to find a comfortable position on the leather seat.
“Sick of the, long and boring day, Rob?” One of Robert’s female classmates asked him.

“Oh, hey Denise?” He answered to a Goth looking chick behind him. She got up from her seat, provoking her raven black hair to wave sensually. She sat near to the young man, placing her hands inside the pockets of her black leather jacket; said garment had the image of a flaming horned skull on the back.

The girl’s skin was pale white; but thanks to the nebulous atmosphere of the day, it looked more like ashen gray. Her deep, blue eyes were looking straight at Roberts’s. Her face was wearing a mischievous smile, and said smile, only enhanced the beauty of her porcelain like factions.

“So, watcha doin tonight, homie? Want to hang out with me and the guys for a while?” She asked with a more livelier attitude than the rest of the guys and girls inside the school bus.

“Sorry, De. Today is a really special night” Robert exclaimed with a smile, something rare for someone as serious as…well, no, Robert was not serious, actually he is quite… special, for the lack of a better word to describe him.

“Special night?” The Goth girl asked with curiosity.

“Well, you see, Amy…” Robert tried to find the words as his voice cracked a bit.

“Daaawwww, you always get all fuzzy and waffy when you talk about your lil sista…” Denise said, making a bit of fun of his friend.

“Shut Up…” He replied with embarrassment.

“Well, we’re near my lair sooo … send my regards to your mom, and congrats the little bitch, ’kay” Denyse concluded with a hard laugh while she got off the school bus as fast as she could.

“Hey!!!” Robert yelled at her, pissed because the little bitch his friend was talking about what his adoptive sister. But inside him, he knew that what Denyse said, was part fact, because little Amy could be quite “bitchy” when she is pissed.

Amanda or “Amy” was Robert’s adoptive, sweet kid sister. That sweet, blonde 12 year old girl, although, possessed the vocabulary of a drunk sailor, not to mention that one her favorite past times was learning bad words in other languages.

The “Blond Boomer” as Amy loves to call herself, may not be blood related with Robert and his mom, but a true bond existed between the three of them.
As far as Robert knows, Amy had a really troublesome childhood. Amy’s real father was an alcoholic bastard called Randall (or Randy for the few friends he may have), an unshaved, dirt looking loser whose unkempt blond hair, made him look even more disgusting. He used his own daughter to obtain money from the government; he didn´t care for his daughter, he only saw her as a tool to obtain money. And if you’re wondering about Amy’s real mother, well, she simply wasn´t there, however, Robert had a few theories about what happened to her(none of them were pleasant to hear and of course, he never has shared them with Amy).

When Social Services took Amy away from her biological father, they placed her in an orphanage, but little Amy constantly escaped from time to time.
Long story short, one day, Robert and his mother found her, hiding in their garage. She was hungry, scared and cold. To this day, Robert's mother keep saying that she knew Amy was hers the moment she laid her eyes on her. And who was Robert to contradict his mother (he always wanted a little sister).

Robert’s mom took her in for a few days until the guys of the orphanage finally found her. But guess what? Little Amy kept escaping from the orphanage and always ended in Robert’s home. Robbie and his mom literally felt in love with her, so, as a good mommy, she took all the necessary steps required to adopt her.

Obviously, they had to face Amy's biological father a lot of times, always showing himself at the worst time possible; like when they were heading for the amusement park. He just stood there asking for money, like if he was collecting the rent for having Amy. Robert and his mom looked at him without know what to do, while Amy hid behind her new mom’s legs. When they decide to simply ignore him, he dared to grab Amy’s new mom by her arm.

Bad move. The next thing he knew (or felt) was Robert’s foot between his legs. Unfortunately that idiot is still coming back to see what can he get from Robert`s mother or Amy.

The things escalated when he dared to ask Robert’s mom for some “special favors” if you know what I mean. And who could blame him. Robert’s mom, whose name is Levi, is a tall beautiful woman with very large (ok, huge) breasts, firm, muscular thighs and calves. She had a nice, round ass as well. Her body was sexy enough to match the beauty of her face: red lips, blue eyes, perfect smile, and deep black hair.

When Levi finally got tired, she got a restraining order that forbid Randy to come closer to them. But right now, Robert only desired to forget all the bad memories. The only thing inside his head was the thought of the freedom the holydays will bring. No more waking up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning, no more eating breakfast as fast as you can to arrive early to school, no more NOTHING.

Robert is finally going to have free time to spend with his family doing exactly what his little sister loves the most, NOTHING!!!!!!! But first, he has to pick her at the orphanage.

The young man got off the bus, and walked a few blocks until he finally arrived to the old and (according to him) depressing building. 2 huge sandstone pillars that marked the entrance of the orphanage welcomed him. Said building, possessed a feeling of sadness, dilapidation and decay, probably thanks to all the crushed dreams and hopes of hundreds of children who could never find someone who love them. Robert promised himself that Amy will never share their fate.
The day was dark and cold, but the moment the young man got inside the old building, he could feel how temperature dropped even more. He always got that kind of feeling every time the Levine family come to pick Amy. Robert never knew if the cold inside the building was psychologically provoked, thanks to the eerie atmosphere, or there was something else inside there.

“To think Amy spent countless nights here…it gives me the creeps…” He hastened his walk; Robert was in a hurry, He can finally take his sister out of this eerie place.

After a few minutes of walking that felt eternal, Robert finally arrived to the only nice place inside the sad enveloped building; the office of Amy’s social worker. With his hand shaking, Robert opened the door. Inside the room and resting on a chair was Amy, all her belonging packed and ready to leave. And at the other side of an old wooden desktop, the person who made the stay in this place endurable: Alexandra Einhorn.

Alexandra Einhorn or “Miss Einhorn”, as the children used to call her, was a kind and tall blonde beauty; her delicate factions were full of something that could only be described as maternal love and her ample bosom comforted the heads of tens of children before. Robert also wanted to be comforted like that.

“Rob!!!” Amy exclaimed surprised.

“Well, hello there Robert” Miss Einhorn said with her traditional warm smile.

“Hey there, Amy!!! He said as he came closer and petted his sister’s head.

“Good evening Miss Einhorn (Translation: Heloooooo, Nurse!!!)” He said as he stared at the glorious pair of “missiles” owned by the blonde beauty. If Amy was the “Blond Boomer” Miss Einhorn was the “Blond Torpedoes”.

“Eyes here, Robert!!!” Amy said, placing both index fingers right below her eyes when she noticed the place where his adoptive brother was aiming his stare.
“It’s okay Amy, your brother is a healthy young man and that proves it…I guess” The kind social worker said with a giggle. Robert blushed hard and casted his eyes away while Amy just sighed.

“We…well, let’s go” (Translation: Good bye, my sweet MILFA!!!) He said petting the head of his sister once more.

“Already??? What about, mom???” Amy asked exited, she got up from the chair in a single jump.

“I got out earlier from Hell’s Hole (Translation: School) so I thought, why should I kept the brat waiting three more hours; that way, we can save mom from a detour and all of us will be home earlier” He said with a sincere smile as he caressed Amy’s head.

“Thanks, bro!!!” Amy hugged his adoptive brother, and then she proceeded to grab her belongings.

“Mi…Miss Einhorn….Thank you…and…” The little girl’s voice trembled.

The social worker came closer to Amy and hugged her, she began to caress Amy’s head, and when she finished, she kneeled down and facing the little girl; she said with a smile.

“Now, Now… Today is your big day, so, tears are forbidden. And remember, you and your mom already have my address and my phone number, you are free to pay me a visit anytime you want and say hello.” She petted Amy’s head one last time.

The little girl did her best to contain her tears; she looked at her social worker, now friend, straight into the eye and smiled.

“This is only a See you later” Amy said with glassy eyes, nodding firmly. Robert took Amy’s belongings and headed towards the exit, then said his goodbyes to the social worker (Translation: He looked back at those glorious mammary glands for one last time); Amy did the same and both of them got out Alexandra’s office.

When the door was finally closed, Alexandra went near the window and closed its curtains. Finally, she turned off the lights. Then, she joined her hands and, like if she was talking with someone, she said.

“I´m so glad Amy, after all you went through, you have finally achieved happiness. Thank you so much, Levi, even though I had some doubts at the beginning because you are…well, what you are…everything turned out good and I´m sure you’ll be a good mother for those children” She concluded. But suddenly her relaxed facial expression changed.

“But Levi, when time passes and those children start to notice obvious things, what will you do? How will you tell them the truth? And more importantly, will they accept it? Will they accept you? Allow me to pray for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your family, my brave friend.” With her hands still joined, she closed her eyes as she began to whisper a few words in a strange language, a language forgotten long ago. As she recited those mysterious words, white and shiny sparkles appear or to be more precise, sprouted from her forehead. She just stood there, in the darkness of her office, with said sparkles as the only source of light.

When the children finally got out of the building, Amy looked at it one last time, she hugged her brother and both of them walked towards the street, not looking back. When they finally managed to get a taxi, Robert asked his sister.

“Happy?” Robert asked his kid sister.

“Of course I am!!!” She said enthusiastically. Robert couldn´t help but pet his sister’s head once more.

When they finally arrived to Amy’s now permanent home; both children got off the taxi and while Amy walked towards the entrance, his brother carried her bags. Robert handed his keys to his sister when suddenly; he could distinguish a lone figure walking towards them.

“Uh? Who’s…” But immediately, Amy’s brother realized who was getting closer to them, the problem was, Amy also discovered the identity of the newcomer. It was her biological father.

“Hello sweetieeee!!!” He laughed maliciously, getting closer with each step. Amy was literally petrified. When her brother noticed this, he took his keys from her hands and opening the door as fast as he could; he pushed Amy inside the house and slammed the door shut. Only then Amy was capable to react again.

She rose from the ground and ran towards the window; trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening.

“That was rude, son!!!” He said, trying to make fun of Robert.

“What the fuck are you doing here, asshole, you are forbidden to get near the house, remember???” Robert glared at him with utter despise.

“Has nobody teaches you to respect your elders, kid” He rubbed his chin as he gave the teenager the same despising look.

“I´ll do that the day you start acting like one, you poor imitation of a human being” Robert’s right fist clenched the moment he made that statement. Obviously, Randy noticed this.

“Ooooh, scary!!!” He laughed, making fun of Robert once more.

“You better be…” Robert said with a menacing tone.

“Look, brat, I came to talk with that sweet piece of ass of your mother, she promised me a date to talk about OUR dear daughter” He said with a grin; who knows what kind of dirty thoughts were passing through his mind at that moment.

“That’s impossible; my mom only goes out with men… small dick!!!” Robert grinned maliciously; making his best effort to suppress is laugh. What this idiot said about his mother raised his blood pressure to the limit.

“Look asshole, you better leave my sister alone and for your own good, stop bothering my mother once and for all.” Robert pointed his finger directly at

Randy’s face. If possible, he´d love to bite him and rip a chunk of his disgusting flesh. When the teenager met Amy’s bio father for the first time a few years ago, he entertained himself imagining the most disgusting and painful possible ways to get rid of him.

“Kid, you like it or not, she IS my daughter” Randy’s smile slowly began to disappear; his patience was also on the verge.

“How strange, because the little paper we got a while ago says “AMANDA LEVINE” Robert grinned once more, making fun of the fact that Amy now shares his family name, she wasn´t Amanda Summers, daughter of Randal Summers anymore, now, she was (officially) Amanda Levine, daughter of Levi Levine and Robert Levine’s sister.

“You fancy, little punk!!!” Randy began to walk in Robert´s direction but he stopped when he saw the young man taking out a cell phone from one of his jacket’s pockets.

“You know what, motherfucker, eat a dick!!! I´m calling Social Services right now” Robert threatened Randal; he stopped immediately at sole mention of the name.

“Your choice, sucka!!!” Robert has his finger already placed on the “redial” button.

“Fi-fine, but I’ll come back later!!!” He threatened. Extremely pissed, Randal crossed the street, disappearing from Robert’s visual field. After walking through the streets for a few minutes, mumbling all kind of curses; he finally entered into a small alley. He was visibly pissed and kept walking until he reached the deepest part of said alley. From within the shadows, the voice of a woman asked.

“Have you made up your mind?”

“Hell, yes!!!” he firmly said as a huge grin began to form on his face.

“Very, well…” The emotionless female voice answered.

Inside the house, Amy launched herself into her brother’s arms, she rubbed her face against his chest at the same time she tried to suppress her sobs. She was shaking like an abandoned kitten.

“It’s okay, he won’t bother us anymore” Robert said as he caressed Amy´s hair, they remained like for a while until she pulled her face from her brother’s embrace. He looked at his brother straight into his eyes and said.

“Please, don´t tell anybody that I cried…” The little girl begged him with puppy eyes.

“Yeah, I know, I know; your reputation, right?” Robert sighed. Amy, who considered herself the most hardcore and badass chick in the neighborhood, believes only a good for nothing idiot would cry. But, truth be told, she can be quite emotional, especially when mommy is around.

After the tender moment, Robert released his sister and finally, Amy was home. The only real home she has ever know; a small family house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and the small garage where Amy was found by her new mom. It wasn´t the biggest house ever but for Amy, it was more than enough, it was home.

The little girl literally flew into the couch, landing with a loud “poof” she stretched her extremities and hugged the cushions. She had never felt this happy to see the old couch again, the couch where she spent many afternoons with her new (back there) family, waiting for the guys of the orphanage to pick her up But from now on, she wouldn´t have to leave home and return to that place, it was for real this time; finally, she could spend 24/7 with her beloved family.

"Where's mom” She asked worried

"Working of course, remember, it’s barely noon” Robert said as he sit near his sister on the same couch

"Barely noon…" She said disappointed. Amy is really close to her adoptive mother, and who could blame her, because, for the little girl, her adoptive mother is the nearest thing to an angel; and her kids really admire her, she made a successful career and raised two children all by herself. She raised Robert (and now Amy) without any help.

Robert turned on the TV and began to zap through the channels. His expression showed that he still hasn´t assimilated his recent encounter with Randy. He suddenly remembered the time when the bastard asked Levi for sexual favors in exchange for leaving them alone. He even has the nerve to do it in the presence of Levi’s children.

“Mom’s…sexual…favors…SON OF A BITCH” Robert thought, grinding his teeth as he imagined his own mother’s body. He had to admit it, his mom was a beauty. Not every day you meet a mother of two with a hot body like hers.

"Damn, I mean, mom could make a pro model feel ashamed" Robert was right, and he had reasons to be proud. His mother works for a medium sized fashion company as one of their main designers. It seemed that her superiors recognized her beauty, because she was asked by her own company to do part time modeling from time to time. She even has appeared in a few magazines (to her son’s dismay).

“Come on, is not a sin to admire female beauty!!! “ Robert thought, feeling a bit of guilt at the same time, to be analyzing his own mom in that way.
Meanwhile, in downtown, inside an elegant building with a huge sign in its front where you could read:
Fashion for a Goddess
A beautiful woman with deep black hair is working on a drawing table. This woman is Leviya “Levi” Levine, Robert and Amy’s mother. Inside her small office, she was fully concentrated on her work, moving the pencil in her right hand as fast as she could through the paper sheets.

She was so assorted in her own work that she never realized when a hand tapped on her left shoulder.

“Working hard, I see” An elegant and British accented voice said.

When Leviya turned her head she was face to face with another beauty. Her face had a pale tone to it. Her eyes were of a strikingly pale blue. Her nose was simply perfect, there couldn´t be another way to describe it. Her raven black hair cascaded like a waterfall down her back, reaching almost to her waist. Her blood red plump lips, with what looked like a natural rose blush, brushed across her pale, porcelain like face.

Her voluptuous and sensuous body just stood there, with a pair of huge and firm breast as those of Leviya herself; her nice, round and firm ass was sight to behold. She seemed like a queen, high and regal, with a strange air of mystery and authority about her.

“Oh! Madame Vi…”Levi tried to speak but was interrupted by the regal looking woman.

“Please my dear, call me Vi or Miss Vi, I´m only five years older than you” The woman said with an elegant smile.

“That would be disrespect…” And again, Levi was interrupted.

“I insist. And if I remember correctly, today is a really important day for you, is not it? She said as she caressed the head of the other attractive woman.

“Yes, finally…My Amy…my little girl…” Her voice cracked a bit.

“Then, what are you doing here, go home with your children” She said energetically.

“Is it okay?” She asked surprised.

Miss Vi nodded. Levi got up from her chair as fast as lighting; she told Miss Vi her goodbyes and before she was able to get out of the room, Miss Vi told her.
“Congratulate the little bitch” Miss Vi grinned.

Levi blushed hard, because she knew exactly of what her elegant boss was talking about. A year after Amy arrived to her life; her mom brought her to her job. Little Amy literally attached herself to her mommy; even in the meeting room the little girl was glued to Levi. Unfortunately, (and not for Amy or Levi) that precise day, the company had deadlines to meet and certain boss was really stressed.

One thing lead to another and when Amy interrupted Miss Vi, asking her mom to take her to the bathroom, all hell broke loose. Levi´s boss screamed like a mad woman and demanded Amy to endure it. Levi began to sweat. Amy noticed her mother´s nervousness; the little girl just stood there glaring at her mom´s boss; then, she said.

“You are bullying mommy…nobody bullies my mom…” The elegant woman felt a cold child traveling through the entire length of her back.

The rest of the day was uneventful, but a time came when Amy simply disappeared from the sight of her mother. When Levi was about to leave her office to look for her daughter, the little girl simply appeared inside her mother’s office. Levi kneeled down and hugged her youngest child.

“Amy, sweetie, where were you?” That’s when she noticed, Amy was holding a screw driver and a small wrench. But before she could say or ask anything, a loud “SLAM” coming from her boss’s office startled her. The scream that followed next, left the young mother perplexed.
“WHO WAS THE BLOODY BASTARD THAT LOOSENED THE SCREWS OF MY CHAIR!!!” Levi looked at her daughter with an unbelievable expression; and before she could say anything, Amy told her.

“Tools are fun, mommy!!!”

Levi left the building, heading to the parking lot where her car was parked. Inside the office, the regal woman giggled and said

“My butt still hurts from that…But to think that you would become such a formidable mother…and to think that a simple human child would make ME feel…well…like that…” She concluded with a smile.

An engine can be heard and at the Levine household. Amy is the first to rise from the sofa.

"Mom’s back” She exclaimed with excitement.

When Levi finally opened the door of her home, her son helped her to carry all the stuff she brought back home Amy launches at her, hugging her with all her might, making her mother to almost lose balance.

"Amy, baby" She hugged her daughter with all her might

"Sup, mom? You're late, and what's with all this stuff?" Robert said with curiosity while checking the contents of the plastic bags. AT the same time, he thought that it would be a good idea to hide the fact that Randy showed himself this morning.

"Oh this, I only bought everything needed for the party" Levi smiled.

"Party?" Amy asked confused

"You didn't tell her, right?" Levi asked her son with a playful tone in her voice

"Naaah" Robert answered lazily.

"What is it mom? Amy became excited.

"Well…this is for…Your birthday party of course!!!!" Levi cried full of joy.

Amy's eyes were wide open. Her body started to shake while tears began to flow. Immediately the little girl covers her face with her hands, her mother hugged her tenderly.

"It’s okay honey, let it all out" Levi said tenderly at the same time she planted a kiss on Amy’s forehead.

“From now Amanda Summers is no more…and today…Amanda Levine is finally born” Levi said as her voice began to crack too.

Amy was shaking in her mother's arms; Robert got up from the sofa and began to pet Amy´s head once more, then, the little girl exploded in a rain of tears as the three of them shared a warm hug. This wasn't a welcome party anymore. It was a birthday party now, the beginning of Amy's new life.

Their tender moment it's interrupted by the nagging sound of the doorbell, ringing uncontrollably over and over again, like if some child were punishing the button just for the sake of a prank.

“Jenn…” Levi sighed; she was becoming truly irritated by the annoying sound.

Jennifer Reinhardt, Levi’s best friend and the person her children called “Aunt” She wasn’t their real aunt of course but who cares, she was cool and kind (she bought Amy and Robert a lot of violent videogames her mother would never) and her son Joshua, was like a brother for the two of them. They all grew up together like a real family.

“Jenn’s in da house!!!” The young looking woman exclaimed with her usual happy demeanor.

"Auntie!!!” Amy said cleaning the tears on her face.

"Oh, I see, they have already told you huh? You´ve always been a crybaby" She grinned.

"Hehe..." That's the only thing the little girl manage to say, she was too happy at that moment to articulate any words.

"Speaking of the devil” Levi crossed her arms over her chest.

“It’s been a while, Aunt Levi" Joshua, Jennifer’s son greeted his “Aunt”

“Hello there, honey” Levi said as she pinched her “nephew’s” cheeks.

“Co…come on!!!” Joshua said, unable to repel his “Aunt’s” advances

“You loved me to do this when you were small” Levi giggled.

“That…that´s not true!!!” Joshua tried to deny everything and without further advice, his mother did the same and said.

“Yes you did, who´s a cute little momma´s boy, you are!!! Yes you are, yes you are!!!” Jenn exclaimed with a goofy voice as she pinched her son’s cheeks

Robert and Amy just laughed while Joshua glared at them.

When everybody was finally inside, the party started. Not the greatest party of all time, but there was enough food, drinks and fun for the five of them. They were having a great time with this little party.

A few hours later, Jenn gave Amy the present she bought for her.

"Open it honey, you're going to love it". Amy slowly opened the box and...

" of War: God of War 6, the sequel where Kratos is reincarnated as a bad motherfucker and really pissed off puritan, and now he has to fight Dullahans, Impale Vampires and kill Succubuses and..."

At the sole mention of that phrase, "Kill Succubuses", Levi´s relaxed facial expression changed into an expression of concern and disgust.

"Succubi" Levi said with a serious tone.

"Eh? Did you say something mom? Amy asked. Her eyes were still glued to her new present

"Succubi, that's the plural of Succubus, not Succubuses" Levi said, crossing her arms on her chest

"Huh? Both of Levi's children exclaimed with confusion, meanwhile, Jenn let out an "Oh shit", smiting her own forehead with the palm of his left hand.

"And Second..." Levi was really angry, and to the surprise of everyone; she raised the volume of her voice more and more. The always smiling and kind Levi was mad, really mad. Even her daughter was caught off guard; Amy had never seen her mother that angry (or angry, in fact) before.

"And second...and second..." Levi wasn't raising her voice or crying out loud anymore, no, this time, she was actually screaming.

"How many time I told you Jenn, I don't want my children play that garbage, specially my daughter, she's just 13, for The Goddess sake...” She said extremely pissed.

"The Goddess????” Robert didn´t know what to think when his mother said that.

"Those stupid games only distort truth and spread hate and ignorance, making others believes that all those lies are true and..." The kind mother continued with her yelling.

"Oookeeeeyyyy girl, cut it out" Jenn went near Levi, trying to calm her

"No Jenn, Not this time..." Levi was not able to finish the sentence after she saw Jenn pointing her finger in the direction of her children, and when she saw the perplexed and confused look in both of them...

"I, err... I....." That's all she was able to say before her daughter interrupted her.

"Mom, it’s only a game" Amy said innocently, looking at her mother with concern.

"It's not like we were killing people, they`re monsters, right? They have to be killed. Levi placed her left hand over her chest and with a painful and sad look on her face she said.

"Not you, not my baby...Robert, please if anyone..." She begged her son.

"What can I say mom, I really enjoy tearing apart those MONSTER BITCHEs, and it's also a good stress reliever, right?" Robert said with a huge grin.

"No, this, this...this cannot be true, this…” Levi was at verge of tears.

Joshua simply stood there, nervously looking at his mother, like waiting for her to do something.

"You're right, honey, it's only a game and if you excuse us, your mother and I have to catch up a bit, so, why don't you enjoy your present". Jenn grabbed her friend and pulled her inside the bedroom.

When they were finally inside, Jenn closed the door and immediately after that, she placed her hand on the wooden door and started to recite some kind of…spell!!! Whatever she was saying it was uncompressible.

"Jenn… What are you...How could you...?" Levi asked surprised

"Wait a minute... Well, all set, now they cannot hear us" Finally, she withdrew her hand from the door.

"We need to talk, Succubus Leviathan" She concluded.
Chapter 02
Spoiler: show
Jenn finally closed the door, and placing her hand on it, she began to recite some kind of…spell!!! Whatever she was saying, it was uncompressible.

"Jenn… What are you...?" Levi asked surprised

"Wait a minute... Well, all set, now they cannot hear us but we can hear them" Finally, she withdrew her hand from the wooden door.

"We need to talk, Succubus Leviathan" She said with a serious tone.

What did you just call me??? Succubus Leviathan??? What’s up with the serious treatment Jenn? Did something happen? Levi sighed, exasperated at her friend’s words
"Yes" Jennifer sharply responded.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Jenn kept staring at her friend. Her sight contained a mix of and anger and concern. They stayed like this for a few moments until Jenn spoke once more.

"-Sigh-You really need to learn how to control yourself girl, you almost screw everything out there" Levi looked back at her friend with a face full of embarrassment.

"Did I…did I say something…inappropriate?" She asked.

"For starters, you said Goddess instead of God; damn it, your son's expression was priceless, and Amy was, if not scared, at least pretty confused" She scolded her

"What…what have I done....?” Levi, sat on her bed while she

"-Sigh-It’s okay… nothing bad happened, but you have to control yourself, you cannot lost your temper every time you hear someone says that all monsters are evil or succubi are sluts; what are you going to do next, slap Robert every time he said succubi are evil whores? " Jenn asked concerned about her nephew’s safety.

“I would never harm them!!! I would never do something that could endanger them!!!” Leviya screamed at the top of her lungs; she felt an immense guilt for her lack of self control; that single moment of weakness could have destroyed everything she has worked for so hard in the last 16 years.

Jennifer was about to say something when suddenly…


Thanks to her daughter’s yell, Levi got up; her maternal instincts at its peak, and those same maternal instincts triggered and amazing transformation. Her business suit dissolved into nothing, as if it had burned and turned into ashes; immediately, new clothes began to form over her sculptural body.

Her new set of “clothes” were composed by a black, tea drop shaped, micro bikini bottom, kept in place by a something that could only be described as a “micro lace”. A small gemstone decorated the front part of the minimal coverage thong. Two shiny, black bows decorated each side of the hips; the upper part consisted on two pieces of black fabric, big enough to cover the essential parts of Leviya’s massive breasts, joined in the center by heart shaped, golden ring. Each piece was connected to a leather strap and each strap, was attached to a collar placed over Levi’s delicate neck.

Her legs were covered by black, translucent stockings. Above said stockings, black, stiletto boots, protected the beautiful mother’s feet. Her forearms were wearing a pair of fingerless, black gloves.

But the clothes were not the only things that changed. From her lower back, a pair of black, bat wings exploded; her head was now crowned by a pair of dark, ram looking horns pointing forward. A tail sprouted from above her buttchecks and her former blue eyes were now red and slit.

When her hand was about to reach the door knob, something that looked like a translucent, purple rubber hose, suddenly wrapped around her. She was being pulled back; finally landing on the soft mattress. She became stunned for a few seconds; when she finally was able to open her eyes, she saw how that “tentacle” was connected to Jenn’s wrist, taking the place of her right hand.

“Jenn!!! What do you think you’re doing??? Amy, my daughter is…” She cried in desperation.

“She is playing the stupid game…” Jenn sighed; closing her eyes as she face palmed herself.

Levi blushed hard, trying to avoid visual contact with her friend; she was about to apologize when they were interrupted by the sound of a cell phone; whit was Jenn’s. With her remaining left hand, Jennifer answered her phone.

“Dr Reinhardt…Huh, huh…Oh, I see…fine, fine, I understand…and I even warned that idiot not to delay the surgery, but, Oh! He knows everything, right? Okay, tomorrow at 10:00…yes, be sure to get everything ready…yes, see you tomorrow, Nancy”

Is…is everything alright? The succubus asked.

“I gotta go…” She sighed. “But before…” she added. “The fuck do you think you’re doing??? You were heading straight into the living in your true form, what the hell is wrong with you? The children are there; what you think would have happened if they see you like that???”

“I…I…Oh my…” The succubus babbled; finally realizing what she was about to do.

“From brave and intrepid mother to doormat in less than 50 seconds, huh?” Jennifer sighed. Levi blushed and began to make sounds, like those made by a scolded child; she then glared at Jenn, like waiting for her to do something.

“W…what???” She answered bothered.

“Change back…” Levi said.

“S…stop acting like a child!!!” Jenn replied angry

“Change!!!” The succubus glared at her.

“No” she responded sharply.

“Pleash…” Leviya begged, making puppy eyes.

“No, I said!!!” Jennifer fought back.

“CHANGE!!!” Levi yelled, throwing a tantrum.

“Fine, fine I’ll do it!!! Just shut the fuck up already!!! Anything if that means you´ll stop acting like a retarded child!!!” She finally answered, totally annoyed. “And supposedly, you are the eldest…sigh”

Jenn removed her glasses and inhaled deeply. Her clothes began to dissolve over her body; her skin turned darker and translucent, until it became purple and semi transparent. Her long, wavy and silver platinum hair became almost violet, more like a wig made of violet jelly. It seemed like if someone had done a statue of her sculptural naked body using purple jell-o. And at last but not at least, something that could only be described as a grapefruit sized emoticon can be seen, floating…Inside her chest, behind her beautifully shaped c-cup breasts.

"Happy now?" The Dark Slime asked. Her discomfort was more than obvious.

"Nice to see you again... Dark Slime Jennevieve" The succubus giggled.

"Call me that again and I’m gonna introduce one of these happy fellas inside your asshole until they reach your throat” Pointing at one the happy faced, purple tentacles sprouting from her back, the Dark Slime threatened the Succubus.

“Why so mad? Levi shuddered at Jenn’s threat “You were the one who started to use full names"

Jennevieve frowned at Leviathan "Don’t use my complete name" she said, "Jenn or Jennifer only, Okay???”

The Succubus rolled her eyes, and then sighed “You still are…”

“Yes I AM” The Dark Slime raised her voice.

Meanwhile, Amy was enjoying her new present; Joshua was waiting for his turn to try the game while Robert was concerned about his mother's actions. Why did his mother say Goddess instead of God, and why did she get so upset when the Amy talked about killing succubi. He could also swear he saw a red glow in his mother’s eyes.

Amy suddenly rose from the couch "Need to pee" She stated as she nervously began her pilgrimage towards the bathroom. Robert just took his chance and brought his hand forward in an attempt to claim Amy’s joystick

"My turn" Joshua screamed as he snatched the game controller from Robert’s hands.

“Hey, what the fuck, man???” The battle for the input device began.

In her way to the bathroom, Amy couldn’t avoid to remember her adoptive mother’s words. She had never seen her with such a worried and sad expression before. But she calmed down, thinking that her mom might have been upset for the game’s contents. Because Amy knows Levi would never buy her something that violent. When she asked her mom for a game once, she received “Hello Kitty’s Adventure Island” Little Amy just stared her mom confused.

"Mom…How could you, I wanted Gears of Wars 3 and you bought me that crap…" She sighed; that single memory was enough for Amy to start shedding tears. That was the only time her mother has disappointed her.

She headed to the second bathroom of the house, the one close to the back entrance. Immediately she noticed the entrance door open "Did mom and Aunty went out to take a drink again?" she thought. "Mom, Aunt Jenn?" She asked while she peeked outside. Nothing, she proceeded then to go back inside the house when suddenly, she felt someone behind her. "Who..." were the only words she managed to say before all lights went out for her.
Chapter 03
Spoiler: show
"My head" Those were Amy's first words when she finally woke up. Everything was dark and quiet; she can barely see beyond the tip of her nose. Suddenly, she heard footsteps

"Mom? Is that you?” She asked a bit frightened but no answer was given.

"Was there a blackout? Mom? No answer again. She began to feel a bit of fear.

"Robert? Is that you? This is not funny" She yelled at the darkness surrounding her. At that precise moment, she realized she was not on her bed or the old couch, she was lying on cold, concrete floor and finally, she panicked.

"Who are you? What is this? Where am I? Where are my mom and my brother?” She screamed with fear.

"Your mother and your brother? Don't make me laugh, brat!!!!!" A harsh and sadistic voice said with disdain.

"That…that voice is…!!!" Amy thought "No, no, no!!!" She cried, and as her sight grew accustomed to the darkness, she became terrified when the truth was finally revealed. The voice came from the only thing Amy fears the most. Her biological father.

"That's how you say hello to daddy? Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!" He laughed mockingly.

"Why don't you come here, huh?" The dirty, unshaved, and dirty man said. He always have seen his own biological daughter as a tool for making profit. He grabbed Amy's arm and pulled towards him. The little girl was a sea of tears.

"Please, please, no…" She begged.

"Come on, come near your old man, let's remember the good old times, he, he, he" Randall said as he dragged her nearer. Then he started to try to tear Amy's clothes.
"No, No, mom, help me!!! Mommy!!! Please!!! Amy was literally howling for help, but suddenly...

"That's enough" said an emotionless, female voice.

"Oh come on, I'm just..." Randy could not articulate more words when he became fully aware of the hard, cold and sharp blade that was placed within millimeters of his neck.

"That's enough, do I make myself clear?" The cloaked figure said with a threatening voice this time.

"Okay, okay, sorry, sorry!!!" Randy answered; cold sweat was running down the entire length of his back.

This new stranger, a woman, was pointing a sword towards Randy's neck. Her clothes were a mixture of a nun's habit and a combat suit. While the central piece of her attire was the traditional tunic used by normal nuns, she was wearing combat boots and a pair of thick black gloves. Around her waist, a gun holder kept in place a pair of weird looking guns and behind her, another sword can be seen.

Randy got away from the girl as this "mercenary nun" got closer to her.

"My name, little one, is Sister Shannon LaMonde. You must be Amanda, am I correct?" Amy nodded nervously, still scared as hell; she couldn’t control her shaking.

"Do not worry child, I give you my word that no harm will be bestowed upon you". The nun said in a much more caring tone.

"Miss, where is my mom? Amy sobbed.

"I'm deeply sorry my child, she`s long gone". Sister LaMonde petted Amy’s head.

"That's not true!!! I was with her a moment ago!!!” Amy screamed in fear; how could this statement be true. Only a few moments ago, she was enjoying her welcome party.

"Oh, you mean the sinner" The weird looking nun said, regaining her strict expression and voice tone. She looked back at Amy with cold eyes.

"She'll be here, that, I promise you, and when that happens, I'll free you from your torment and I'll free you from the lie you have been living until now". And just like that, she left; leaving Amy really worried about the meaning of those words.


"So you really worked for them? How could you??? They were the worst murderers in this world’s history!!!" The succubus asked to her Dark Slime friend.

"Well, you have to do what you have to do in order to survive…and believe me, I already have enough feelings of guilt about that… And if I remember correctly, you promised me that you will be quiet!!! The Dark Slime glared at her friend.

Leviathan looked at her with a serious expression and sighed then, she said "Are you aware of all the things HE did???"

Jenn nodded as she kept her stare down. Next, she raised her head and asked.

“And you…when are you going to tell those children… Are they even conscious that they have a grandm…” But she was interrupted by Leviathan when she placed her hand on Jenn’s shoulder.

“I don’t know…I don’t even know if I have the courage to do it…” Same as Jennevieve before, she kept her eyes down, looking at the floor lost in thought.

Suddenly, the door of Levi’s bedroom opened violently.

Joshua landed hard on the floor, scaring the shit out of Leviathan and Jennevieve, especially the succubus, who became petrified, incapable to articulate a single word while her nephew keep staring at them in hell full succubi form.

Leviathan tried to speak, but her throat was paralyzed, only a few sounds were able escape from her mouth "Aaaah..., Eeehh..., Aahhh...this is...”

Suddenly, the young man broke the ice, asking angrily "What were you two doing? I've been calling for almost ten minutes"

"Sorry, honey" The slime woman said calmly, shaking her liquor filled glass without a care for the world.

"I used a little trick on the door" She giggled sadly

"That silence-wall stuff again? Mom, how many times I told you before that you should warn me when you use that CHEAP TRICK" The Dark Slime's son replied absolutely pissed.

"Watch your tongue young man!!! How dare you; talking back to me like that, I'm your mother, never forget that!!!" The slime woman, reprimanded her son. Leviathan only raised an eyebrow.

"Does…does he know? Does he know about me to?" The succubus asked concerned and scared, wearing a highly surprised expression on her face.

"Sigh…Yes…he knows. I decided it was time for no more secrets between us, We are mother and child after all" The Dark Slime replied, sipping her liquor.

Leviathan remained in silence, staring at her Afro-American nephew. Then, she nervously raised her hand and said…

Huh? Hi…dear…Well…this…this is…what…I really am…and…” Joshua interrupted her.

“It’s alright Aunt Levi; I’m up to date thanks to mom” The young man smiled. Levi returned the smile and when she was about to speak.

"No time for this aunty, something happened to Amy!!!" Joshua yelled at both succubi.

At the sole mention of her daughter’s name, the succubus rose from the bed, her tail swinging idly next to her, wings fully opened, almost throwing Jennevieve out of the bed and, her red slit pupils, ignited.

"What happen to my daughter?” She asked her nephew, this time, in an almost threatening tone.

Joshua looked at her with a mix of fright and amazement, her aunt had never looked so menacing before

“She…she was… kidnapped or something…” he said with his throat totally dry, especially when he saw her aunt black, bat wings fully opened.

“Where is Robert?” She asked again; this time, the red shine in her eyes augmented its intensity.

“He... he went after them…right now, he must be half way the old Hospital"

Joshua stated, still frightened and impressed, but even like that, you could tell there was anguish deeply wired in his voice.

“What the hell happened???" Leviathan screamed in full rage and desperation.

"He... he told me to call the police and…" Joshua answered as he landed on his butt. He was unable to continue, amazed at her aunt's appearance and the really menacing feeling emanating from her.

When questioned once again, he didn't know what to say, he was frightened to death; especially of Levi's blazing, red eyes.

With no more info available, the succubus started to shiver and, suddenly, something made "click" inside Leviathan's head, she was not thinking rationally anymore, her natural predatory instincts were "ON" once again. She desired to hunt, but not for her entertainment or her sustain, she desired to hunt but for the sake of her legacy, her children.

Her only priority right now was the safety of her descendants. Without any rational thinking left, the MILF succubus runs towards the back exit of her home and, wings totally opened, she launched herself into the air.

"Levi, wait!!! Jenn tried to catch her friend but the air blast provoked by the succubus wings threw her backwards.

“Aaahhh... it’s useless... she's not hearing anyone of us anymore" The Slime woman said and with a deep breath, she let out a long, deep sigh.

"After all this time, she's back in "hunter mode" again huh? How long has it been since the last time I saw her like this? But this time, she's not hunting for fun or for her sustain, she is hunting for the welfare of her children; hard to believe considering our dark legacy, but it seems that a mother, can truly beat a succubus, huh?" She finally stated.

Recovered from the shock, Joshua was finally able to get on his feet again, he then walked towards his mother, and grabbing her killer hips, he asked her:

"Aren't we the same, didn't Jenn, my mother, beat Jennevieve the Dark Slime?" Joshua asked while hugging his mother

"No" answered her mother "Jenn and Jennevieve came to an agreement"

"What kind of agreement?" Her son asked curious, resting his head on the slime's huge breasts

"Both of them agreed that you are the most important thing in their lives" Jenn said, kissing her son in his forehead.
"Yes…more precious than their own lives, and If they ever get the slightest glimpse of their actions harming or hurting you, they will leave everything they posses to you, and walk away"

They stood in silence in the same place for what it seemed like an eternity. Jennevieve was hugging her son in way she was giving the impression that, if she released him, something will come and take him away from her, and that, was her greatest fear.

Suddenly, without any warning, Jennevieve feels herself falling. As she slammed the floor, her entire body jiggled from the impact. When she finally regained her senses she found herself face to face with her son, sitting on top of her, looking directly at her eyes with a dead serious expression. Jenn tried to rise but Joshua simply did not allow it by putting his hands on her mother’s shoulders.

"Hun? What…What's the… Joshua!!! What’s the meaning of this???" She yelled at her son. Fear was clearly imprinted on her voice and face.

"Don’t you dare..." Her son replied, almost whispering.

"What...did you...?" Those were the only words that came out of the Slime’s mouth.

"Don’t you dare to leave me alone!!!" Her son screamed with all his might.

"I...I have no regrets of what happened that day, even if it is a bad thing in the eyes of the whole world, I don't care a shit about what everybody else thinks, because if we hadn't done that... if we hadn't done'll be..."

The Dark slime hugged her son as she sank his face into her cleavage.

"Come closer" She said tenderly, and at the same time, Joshua hugged his mother’s torso and pressed himself with all his might against Jenn's purple and soft body, sinking a bit inside of the slime woman, touching her core in the process.

The slightless touch of her son's body pressed against her core, triggered an incredible reaction in her. Little tremors went all over her already jiggling body.

", You are… you are pressing…my co...core!!!" She managed to said, barely thinking straight.

"Mom? What are y...?" The young man asked, still on top of his slime mother; but as he raised his face, his chest pressed even more against Jenn's core.

"Nooo, I think I'm, going to...mnnggghhh, ohhh!!! Nooo!!! I’m gonnaaahhh!!!" Jenn howled like an animal in heat as she reached an orgasm.

"Mo…mom, don't tell me you..." Joshua asked, still surprised at his mother's reaction.

A breathless dark slime, trying to regain her breath, only managed to grab her son's face.She stared directly into his eyes and asked him

"Are you really okay with this? Are you okay with me? A monster who's..." Before Jennevieve could finish the sentence, her son interrupted her.

"A monster you said? A MONSTER YOU SAID? Does a monster raise a stranger child as her own? Does a monster care for that child with all her love? Or maybe you’re right, a monster could never do that and you have been lying to me all this time and I'm not really that important to..." He was interrupted by an ear piercing scream.

"NO, IT WASN'T A LIE!!! YOU ARE DEARER TO ME THAN MY OWN LIFE!!!" The Slime screamed in desperation, followed by hard sobbing.

"Than my own life...Much more than my own life..."

Felling guilty for his comments, Joshua hugged his mother in a softer way this time, and once more, he sunk his face in the slime's huge breasts while tears began to flow.

"I’m sorry mom, I…I didn't want to hurt you, it's just...after what happened that day..."

Jenn simply closed her eyes and sighed.

"After that" Joshua said "When you explained me everything about you, succubi, especially the part of the destined one..."

Jenn opened her eyes and said, "You have been thinking if you are my destined one, right honey?"

Joshua nodded while he kept his head down, he was too ashamed to look at his mother right now.

Finally, Jennevieve spoke. "Joshua, listen, you…"
Chapter 04
Spoiler: show
A dark shadow flown over the somber country; huge, black bat wings keep it in the air while its ignited red eyes scanned the landscape, desperately looking for something. What was the terrifying creature looking for? Was she looking for preys maybe? Yes, she was, but her targets must be protected instead of being killed for consumption, because this time, her preys were her beloved children.

Suddenly, the succubus stopped abruptly. She caught a scent that she perfectly knew, and like a peregrine falcon that has spotted its prey; she swooped down at an amazing speed.

Meanwhile, on the ground, a young man was running as fast as his legs allowed him, and at the same time he was remembering the events that led to this situation.

Half an hour ago, he was watching his kid sister having fun with her new videogame. Amy got up from her seat after a while, claiming that she needed to go to the bathroom. The seconds became minutes and when 20 minutes had passed; Robert got up too and went to check on her.

“Amy” shouted Robert while he was getting near to the bathroom. There was no answer.

“Squirt, are you okay ins…” That’s when he saw it, the backdoor, opened. Robert went directly to the backyard, looking for her sister. Fear began to form inside him, it can be seen in his very eyes.

The backyard of the Levine household opened onto a forest of massive trees and dense ground cover.

“Amy!!!” Robert shouted again. The only answer he received was the silence and the darkness of the forest. Cold sweat started to run down the middle of his back, and when he turn back to get inside the house again, he saw something that, thanks to his anxiety, he did not see the first time he went through the door, a fluorescent envelope glued on the door. Inside, a letter:
“If you ever want to see the brat again, that Levi whore must come alone to the old hospital.
Yours truly
Robert’s hands started to shake as he holds the piece of paper. Immediately he went back inside his house and ran towards her mother’s bedroom. Joshua watched his cousin odd behavior from the sofa and knew that something was really wrong.

The Levine house was small, but for Robert, the way to his mother’s bedroom felt eternal. When he finally arrived at the door, breathless, he did not waste any time and started to bang it with his fists.

“Mom, open the door, Amy, she…!!!” But there was no answer.

Joshua came closer to his cousin and asked him “Bro… what’s wrong…What’s…”

Before he could finish the sentence, Robert handed over the fluorescent envelope to Joshua, and told him.

“Give this to mom and Aunty; tell them to call the police”

All said, Robert returned to the back exit and took a small lantern her mother keeps near the rear door, just for emergencies and ran into the darkness without listen to his cousin screams.

Robert Levine, Levi’s oldest child, he may look like an easygoing kid but truth be told, he was quite impulsive, always acts before thinking all the time, something that always made his mother to worry about him, because that kind of demeanor was something that always kept Robert in trouble.

But how come, an impulsive person like Robert, became so passive. Well, being a succubus, Levi has a vast arsenal of abilities at her disposal, one of them, was the legendary “charm or allure” ability that is so characteristic of succubi.

That’s right, the skill that allowed succubi to lure men into their nets. Unknown to him, Levi used a toned down version of her “charm” to keep her son in a lethargic state that made him more calm and stable, because she always feared that someday, thanks to his own impulsive nature, the final consequences of Robert's actions could end in something much worse than a simple injury.

And now, this night precisely, he had finally snapped out of her mother “charm” because with all the paperwork for Amy’s adoption, Levi had been too busy to “charm him” again and now, he was alone, at night, in the middle of a creepy, dark forest, and worst of all, he was heading to the abandoned hospital without a weapon or something to protect himself, only a small lantern to illuminate his path.

“The old hospital…” was Robert’s next thought, and that thought, really gave him the creeps. Hellin Middlewich Heilstätten Hospital for the Insane, isolated from everything, the hospital was built in an idyllic location chosen for its quiet and therapeutic properties.

The huge hospital was built in the 1850's and began to grow at a rapid pace and soon had a total of 45 buildings. In 1966 the hospital is reported to have housed 5000 patients. The hospital closed its doors in 1991; since then, it is decaying, forgotten and rotting in the middle of nowhere...well not really, only three and a half kilometers away from the residential area where the Levine household is.

Unknown to Robert, his mother was about to land on him when suddenly, Levi snapped out of the trance she was in, when she heard the voice of her son. “Man, this may sound gay but, I wish mom was here”

Thanks to that, Levi regained her conscience once more and in the last second, she violently flapped her wings and changed the course of her diving, quickly hiding between the branches of the nearer trees.

Robert felt the blast of wind above him, and he looked upwards with pure fright on his face. “What…the fuck…was that???” he said, with a trembling voice.

Meanwhile, Leviathan was hiding in the nearer tree; “Ouch…my left wing…Aaaaah my tail got stuck in the branches...” She said at the same time she was pulling her tail, trying to set it free and suddenly, the image of her son seen from above, came back to her mind;

“What…what was I doing? Why was I above Robert? Was I…hunting my own son? No, no, it cannot be, wait…wait…I…I remember, Amy, Joshua told me…and then…all… all red…

Her memories slowly started to come back “The only thing I remember is an immense desire to protect my children and to disembowel anything or anyone who dare to hurt them…literally” She thought all this while she was trying to free her tail.

She looked through the branches until she caught a good sight of her son

“Look at him, only thinking in the welfare of his sister, you came to her rescue without wasting time, and without think about the consequences as usual, nonetheless, I’m so proud of you my child”.

But suddenly, other thoughts appeared inside Levi’s head.

“You have grown so manly, so brave, and so handsome!!!! Just look at you my boy, that back, those muscles and that firm, tight ass, Oh my! He’s wearing the shirt I bought him; it looks so sexy on you, baby!!! Mmmhh!!! All the things I could teach you and Amy, and the things I'll let you two do me if you give me a little chance. Oh! The thought of my Robert and my Amy with me under the sheets…” She said at the same time she licked her fingers.

At the sole mention of her children names, her mother side took over again and…

“Robert…and Amy…with me under the sheets?!!!!! What, what am I thinking? They are my children, for the goddess sake…”

Levi was so concentrated in her personal struggle she did not realize when her son came closer to the tree she was hiding in.

“Oh no, he’s right down here. Stay still Levi, don’t move, and don’t breathe, Oh no… he’s going to see me”.

Robert began to search between the low branches and the foliage.

“What’s he doing?” Leviathan thought. Finally, the young man found what was he looking for, a thick and heavy piece of wood.

“I knew it, after all these years, the pieces of the old fence are still here”, he said grabbing the thick piece of wood

“Better than nothing I guess” Robert thought, and then, he looked at both sides, and specially behind him. When he was absolutely sure that anyone or anything was following him, he continued his way.

His mother, still hiding between the branches, waited for a while, and when she was sure her son was far enough, she finally released her tail and climbed down the tree.

“Forgive me my children, forgive me for not reveal you the truth, the truth about my real self” She remained in silence for a few seconds then said.

“However I sense the time to reveal you the truth is getting closer and I’m sure that, after this night, a lot of things will change”.

She then looked towards the direction of the hospital and closed her eyes for moment.

“I can feel them, I can feel my little girl crying for help, I can feel the fear, the anger and love emanating from my dear boy, I can feel the repulsive essence of that scum, and he’s not alone, there’s someone helping him”.

Suddenly, Leviathan remained in complete silence, and looked at both sides of the road, then she looked behind her. She was sure she felt someone was watching her. She became quite nervous.

“What is this I’m feeling inside that building and…its surroundings? I’m certain…it’s not… not human, nor succubi… What…what in the name of our Dark Lady is this?”

She concluded and with a worried expression on her face, she could feel a really cold drop of sweat running down her back as she made her way to old hospital, without notice the tall and pale looking figure that seemed to be observing her from behind a tree.
Chapter 05
Spoiler: show
Darkness claiming it all; the sound of silence all around the place and the stench of decaying prevailed in the environment. A normal human being would have not been able to see a thing in this place without the help of some source of light but, for a succubus, darkness mean nothing.

Leviathan’s blazing red eyes, the eyes of a succubus, allowed her to see everything like she was in broad daylight; however, something strange was happening, because the more she got inside the building, the more difficult it was for her to see through the dark veil that reigned in the place.

Succubi lie and thrive in the darkness, so, in some way, darkness was like an old friend for them, but even for the succubus Leviathan, the darkness and silence reigning in this place, were overwhelming. Suddenly something caught her attention.

Placed near the next corner, were the remnants of something that in other times was an information booth and behind it, a big, dusty old poster of a young mother holding her newborn daughter; that image was almost hypnotic, and Leviathan felt like it was calling her. Under the image, a few visible letters tried to deliver a message.

“Breastfeed your chi…”

“Breastfeed…” The succubus mother said in low voice and then, she began to remember.

“I… I used to play the breastfeed game with my Robert…when he was just a small baby…” The breastfeed game Leviathan was talking about, consisted in a small bottle, placed between her breasts, filled with milk; that milk went all the way to a small rubber nipple, thanks to a pump and a tiny hose.

Leviathan stuck said nipple to her breast with some tape, and that way, baby Robert could literally “feed” from her mother’s breast.

“I never had the chance to try this with Amy; she was like 7 when she came to our lives” The succubus whispered in a sad tone of voice.

Leviathan stared at the old poster once more and, like if she was falling in some kind of trance, images began to form in her mind as she lightly caressed the image in the poster with her fingers.

Leviathan closed her eyesand when she opened then again, she found herself in blank space, naked and holding a little baby in her arms.

“Uh? Who… who are you?” The baby looked at her and started to laugh, that’s when, instinctively, she knew.

“A-Amy? Is that…Is that you?” The baby laughed again and then, she crawled towards the succubus breast, and began to suck.

“No, Amy, stop, that’s… that’s dangerous!!!!!” Everybody familiarized with succubi lore, knew that, the smallest contact with their fluids, could be life threatening, and for small children it could be fatal, that’s why the succubus mother never allowed her son to suck from her breast directly.

But to her surprise, baby Amy parted from her nipple and just burped. Immediately she returned to keep on feeding.

“You’re…, you’re okay? Tears started to form in her eyes as she fell on her knees.

“Thank you, Thank you!!!!! This, this is like a dream come true!!!!! I’m able to feed my baby girl since the beginning” Suddenly, baby Amy started to grow until she became the actual Amy.

The now grown up girl stopped her feeding once more and separated her mouth from her mother breast and, with the cutest smile ever, she looked at her mother and said “Mamma…I love you”

Levi smiled and said “I love you too my bab…” Only to find her mouth blocked by her daughter’s lips.

“She…she is kissing me!!!!” The succubus thought as her adoptive daughter’s tongue wrestled with hers inside her mouth. Without notice it, Levi’s hands went all the way down through her daughter’s back until they reached Amy’s butt and started to play with her buttcheecks.

“What…what am I doing???” Amy was doing the same, but when she reached her mother’s bum, instead of playing with her buttcheeks, she began to tease her mother’s asshole. Levi only moaned as her daughter’s finger made circles between her buttchecks. Amy then, broke the kiss and said

“You’re so kind and beautiful, I love you mommy” That last word, mommy, made Leviathan to open her eyes, only to find herself sucking the fingers of her left hand, while the middle finger of her right hand was playing with her asshole through the fabric of her clothes.

When she realized what she was doing, her left hand smitten her own forehead as she tried to contain her sobbing with the hand that a few seconds ago was pleasuring her. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks, breaking on the hard, cold ground below.

“No…No…Noooo!!!!!! This can’t be true, I can’t possibly be lusting for my own children!!!” Leviathan slammed her fists on the ground as she coursed herself.

“Why…Why I have to be like this, a demon of lust, am I cursed? Can’t I just live a happy life as a normal mother with my children? I…I thought it was just the Order but now, even I think we are disgusting monsters, is destiny against us succubi, can't we lead a normal life !!!!!!!”

Her sadness and rage where so high that she could not hear the footsteps getting near her.

“Were they right about us? Are we that terrible? That sinful? Was our Lady wrong? I know it was only a dream but, what I can’t believe, what I can´t stand, it’s that I liked it so much, I liked when my daughter touched me!!!!! I liked when I thought about my own son as man!!! What… what kind of mother I am???” She continued slamming her fists on the ground; the sound of her clenched fists slamming against the dirty and decayed floor blocked the sound of the footsteps getting even closer to her position.

“I know I am a succubus…I know that my kind tends to have incestuous relations with their offspring, but being in a foreign world I…I…I always tried to raise them as a normal human mother. I can allow myself a single moment of weakness, in this world, something like that would ruin their lives”. She continued with her sobbing.

But suddenly, she finally felt a presence behind her and could hear a macabre voice saying “Mommy, Is that you?”

Leviathan literally jumped when she heard that, a voice that sounded miserable and frightening at the same time.

“That’s… That’s a girl’s voice, but that’s not Amy’s…” As hard as the succubus tried to see the owner of the voice, it seemed like the darkness that reigned in the place was masking whatever it was in front of her.

“It cannot be, I can’t see through this darkness” Leviathan raised her right hand and suddenly a burst of blue flames engulfed it, allowing her to see the thing that spoke. It was something came out from the weirdest horror movie you can imagine.

The dried corpse of a little girl in rags. But, the weirdest thing of all was the old and decayed teddy bear she was holding. The apparition spoke again as the succubus eyes became wide open and her jaw dropped.

“Why you left me here…” Leviathan was barely able to speak as the frightening thing was getting closer and closer to her.

“Why mommy… why… I loved you so much… that’s why…” In that precise instant, the skeletal girl ripped the head of her teddy, revealing a blade beneath it and launched herself at the succubus mother while she shouted.

“That’s why…I shall kill you!!!”

Instinctively, Leviathan deployed her wings and launched herself backwards as the nails of her left hand grew until they looked like five thin, sharp blades. The thing kept screaming.

“Die mommy, die!!! That way, we can be together forever!!!”

The succubus flight was interrupted when she crashed with something behind her and landed on her butt. When she opened her eyes, she got up nervously, as she assumed a fighting stance.

The creepy little thing was gone; Leviathan kept turning her head from left to right; she turned around in the same place as she breathed fast, looking for the slightest sign of her attacker.

When she looked down at her feet, she saw the ripped head of the teddy bear and, between her feet, was a small sign that said: "Children's Wing"

“What…what is going on here?” And that, was the only thing she was able to say as she tried to regain her breath.
Chapter 06
Can you identify the two references?
Spoiler: show
Robert was breathing fast, even though he has been sit for the last ten minutes. He arrived at the hospital gates before his mother, and found another envelope with a piece of paper inside.

“Last Floor, main building, bitch”. Surely, this letter was for his mother but, Robert bet they could have never imagined that the person who will come to the rescue would be him, not his mother.

“You’re dead, asshole!!! Not only you dared to kidnap my sister but also, you dared to insult my mother. I swear I’m going to make you regret the day you were born”. It seemed that Robert was now totally free from the effects of his mother’s “charm” and his true personality finally came out. All the fear he felt a while ago, was replaced by anger and an indescribable desire to literally dismember anyone or anything stupid enough to cross in his path.

When he was younger, he told Levi that he wanted to learn some kind of defense system to be able to protect her. Her mother agreed and enlisted him in a boxing school. There, he made a really good progress, but became quite a bit violent in the process.

Of course, her mother noticed this, but allowed things to remain like that for a while, until one day, she witnessed how Robert hurt a fellow classmate when said classmate tried to bully him. The next day, Robert was learning ballet.

He was so focused on his rage that he barely notice an old piece of paper, placed on an old and dusty chair, but somehow, it caught his attention. Robert took the piece of paper and realized it was a draw, a draw of a little kid playing with his mother. Then he started to remember when he was a young child. He used to watch TV with his mother on the cold winter evenings, hugging each other under an electric blanket. He had never felt so safe and comfortable before, and he loved every moment of it.

Obviously, when he grew up, that custom… well, they simply stopped doing that. He always wanted to tell his mother “Mom, let’s all the three of us get on the couch with the electric blanket again” but as a 16 year old man, he knew that was impossible.

Robert slowly began to fall into some kind of trance. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to imagine himself, alongside his mother and sister under the electric blanket, but something weird happened, because when the images finally formed inside his mind, instead of being laid on the couch, they were laying on a bed, a huge one. The three of them were naked and both his sister and mother were really close to him.

“Amy? Mom? What… what is this???” Robert asked nervously.
“Oh, nothing special really. We just want to show you how much we love you” His mother said with a warm smile.

“That’s right; I deeply want to show you how much we love you!!!” His sister replied. Robert looked at both of them with a doubtful expression; he looked at his mother and she answered him with the warmest smile and the cutest look ever; Robert blushed instantly.

Amy took her brother’s face between her hands and, looking at him she said

“There’s no need to be shy…” Immediately, she rested her head on his brother chest as Levi told him.

“Everything will be alright, dear” His mother’s lips were getting nearer and nearer to his own lips, Robert could feel the warm breath of the woman he loved the most.

Amy’s left hand traveled all the way down her brother's abdomen until it reached the place where his manhood was, and Levi’s hand had reached her son’s balls and started to squeeze them softly. Robert’s sister began to stroke her brother’s cock.

“Robert… you’re so big!!!” Meanwhile, Levi was sliding her tongue all over her son's chest.

“Robbie, you have grown so handsome, so… desirable” Levi stated; Robert's eyes were wide open as he saw what his mother was doing. Levi was holding her son’s hand and finally, she placed it on her huge and soft, left breast.

Roberts’s heart almost stopped, but the biggest surprise came when he looked back at his sister, because, cute, little Amy began to lick her brother’s cock.

“I may not have mom’s treasure chest but, I can do a lot of nice things for you” Amy finished; she introduced the entire length of her brother’s cook inside her mouth. The sensation was amazing, he had to admit it but, at the same time, unbearable.

And when he thought the worst was over, nothing could prepare him for what was coming next.

“Hero I go, honey” That voice forced him to open his eyes, and then, he saw it, the beautiful, naked body of his mother on top of him, about to introduce her son’s meat rod in her most sacred place.

“Mom, please…” said Robert over ventilated.

“Don’t be afraid” Levi whispered with a warm and gentle smile.

Suddenly, all came back to him; the reason why he came to this place, in the first place.

“Wait, I came to… Amy, I… I was in the old hospital so, how come she is here with me and mom…mom was with aunt Jenn at home… I came alone to this place” Robert said with a frown.

“What’s wrong, dear” Levi asked confused.

“This… ends NOW!!!” The young man screamed and, when he was finally able to rise from the endless bed, he pushed his mother backwards.

“Ro-Robert? what’s wrong” Amy asked frightened. Without a single word, Robert grabbed her from her throat, while his anger levels were rising at a high rate.

“You’re not my sister!!!” Robert said with a menacing glare, as he started to squeeze his sister’s throat. Suddenly, Amy’s body went limp.

“How dare you, how dare you to impersonate my mother and my sister, How dare you to insult them like this, you whores” said Robert as he was getting closer to his mother. He looked menacing, like a predator about to kill his prey.

“Robert, don’t, it’s me, mommy!!! Levi cried in desperation, crawling backwards.

A few moments later, Robert was standing between the corpses of his mother and his sister, waiting for this illusion to end, repeating himself

“This is only a dream, only a dream” He waited, and waited and nothing happened. Fear began to take form within him.

“Mo-mom? Amy? It cannot be, it cannot be you, right? You were with Aunty and Amy was…” His mother’s lifeless eyes looked at him and, at that moment, Robert remembered her words.

“Son, that behavior of yours is going to going to cause you so much trouble in the future, you have to learn to control your temper or you might end regretting it someday…”

That’s when he finally broke, falling on his knees, he desperately shaken the lifeless bodies of his family in a futile attempt to revive them.

“Mom…Amy…I’m sorry, please wake up, wake up!!!” A river of tears flowed from his eyes as he hugged the lifeless bodies of his family.

“I’m so sorry, mom, please, wake up, I promise that I’ll never disobey you again, I’ll do whatever you tell me.”Suddenly, an unbelievable shriek came out from his throat

“Somebody help me!!!”

When Robert opened his tear filled eyes, he found himself in the old hospital once more, and when he looked for his mother and sister’s bodies, they were nowhere to be seen

“Those… those words... Why, why did I forget them?” Robert got on his feet, feeling dizzy at the exact moment he got up; he almost landed on his face when he lost his balance. He proceeded to clean the tears from his face

“Man, I want to puke, unggghh…”

As he made his way through the hallway, he barely heard some footsteps approaching fast.

“Now what? I feel awful, mentally and physically, I don’t think I can defend myself against anything right now”. It was already too late when Robert tried to react; it was a direct impact, but funny thing, it felt quite soft. As Robert landed on his butt he heard a familiar and voice

“Aaarrgh…What the hell is it now?”

“Mom???” The young man cried with joy.

“Robert? Robert, is that you??? Both of them remained still, after their little experiences, they needed to be sure the person in front of them was the real one.

“Ro-Robert is that really you?” The succubus asked with fear.

“I…I could ask you the same, how do I know you really are my mother” The succubus son responded; he was really exasperated. Suddenly, Robert yelled.

“If you really are mom, I ask for your forgiveness in advance and…I’m sorry!!!” Immediately, Robert launched himself forward, arms fully extended; he continued his advance until both his hands reached two huge and warm meat orbs, soft as cushions.

The moment she felt her son’s hands over her perfectly round breasts, the succubus panicked, especially after her last experience.

“What are you doing???” Leviathan’s voice boomed at the same time her right hand slapped her son’s left check.

For a few seconds, Robert became stunned, the same as his mother, who kept her right hand hanging in the air after she slapped her own son.

“Robert Levine, what the hell do you think you’re doing, I’m your mother???” The succubus yelled really angry, but said anger disappeared almost immediately when, with arms fully opened, her son launched at her at full speed, and when he reached his target, instead of a perverted action, he hugged her.

“Mom it’s really you, it’s really you!!! You’re alright, you’re safe!!!”

“Oh my…Robert, it’s you… it’s really you; Oh lady of love, thank you, thank you so much” Fortunately for the succubus, her son couldn’t hear what she said, Both of them were really focused in holding each other.

“Mom…forgive me, please, forgive me, I’m so sorry” Robert sobbed. But as Robert was hugging his mother, he suddenly felt something strange at the end her back, near to her butt.

“Mo-mom, what…what is this?”

Leviathan broke the hug as soon she notices she wasn’t wearing her human disguise; she grabbed her son by the shoulders and said.

“Robert I need to tell you something, I need you to know, to know something about me, about your mother”.

Meanwhile, in the highest part of the building, Sister Shannon was tying Amy’s foot to an old, odd looking chair attached to ground, similar to those used by dentists.

“There, I hope it’s not too tight” The nun said as she looked back at Amy with caring eyes.

“Why are you doing this, we haven’t done anything to you” The little said with a trembling voice.

“Not you or your brother child, but your mother, a sinner, nothing more than a whore” Sister Shannon answered; Amy became enraged, she can’t stand that some stranger who knows nothing about them, dared to insult her mother, the woman who unselfishly took her under her care, the woman who did not see a problem child but her daughter.

“Don’t you dare, you hear me, don’t you dare to speak like that about my mom!!! Amy screamed with all her might, while giving the nun a killer glare that made her to feel intimidated.

“Both of you will make fine acquisitions for the Order” said the mercenary nun.

“That courage of yours and your brother will make you fine additions in our ranks” Sister Shannon smiled and that gave Amy the creeps.

“What do you plan to do with us?” Amy asked scared. The nun answered Amy with another smile that gave the little goosebumps.

“You two will be at the care of the Church of course, after I eliminate that promiscuous slut that calls herself your mother” That was her answer, then, she fell silence as she unsheathed her sword.

“Don’t you dare to insult my mother, you, dirty, fucking whore!!!” Amy screamed as she launched her body towards the now surprised nun, in the same fashion a tiger charges when it has spotted its prey; however, Amy’s flight was interrupted when the nun pummeled the hilt of her sword into the little girl’s stomach.

Amy, immediately, found herslef flying backwards, crashing against some old boxes filled with books.

“Please, I don’t want to hurt you, Sister Amanda” Shannon said with real concern. Amy was on the floor, puking and trying to grasp some air at the same time

“Cough!!! What…did you…Cough…call me?”

“Your new name of course, because when all this is done, your new life as a nun of the Order will start” The nun said cheerfully.

“You…Cough…are insane” That was all that Amy was able to say before collapsing on an opened old notebook. On its yellow pages, a few words, blurred by time, could be read:

“Run…Can’t get away…Always looking…leave at once“

And in the last line, at the bottom of the page, it could be read:

“Diary of Doctor Egon Spengler, October 5, 1991”
Chapter 07 (A few more references)
Spoiler: show
Leviathan broke the hug as she notices she wasn’t wearing her human disguise; she grabbed her son by the shoulders and said.

“Robert I need to talk with you, I need you to know something, something about me, about who I really am”.

“Mo-Mom, you’re acting weird, is that really you…?”The young man asked really worried

“Do you believe in the supernatural?” Her mother asked with a serious tone.

“We-Well after what I experienced a few moments ago, I-I do not know…” Robert said with confusion.

“Son, come near me” The succubus said and immediately, she hugged her son and told him:

“I love you, I love you so much, I love both of you so much, you two are my reason to keep living” Tears flowed from Levi’s eyes

“Mom…are-are you crying? The succubus’s son asked with concern.

“I want you to know that I will never hurt you or your sister and I need you to thrust me” Leviathan said as she put son’s hands her ass.

“Mo-Mo-Mom… ple-please…don’t do this cause…a few minutes ago I-I almost… with you and…” Robert’s voice trembled.

Suddenly, Leviathan slowly raised her son’s hands; sliding them over her warm skin. Robert could feel his hands traveling through his mother’s firm and soft ass; he felt her killer hips.

“Mo-Mom, I –I–I…” And suddenly, he felt it

“What-what’s this?” Robert asked; this time he really began to freak out.

“I beg of you my son, don’t be afraid, please, thrust me” Leviathan answered; she was at the verge of tears.

And coming out of nowhere, a source of bluish light shone above their heads, almost blinding Robert, who had to close his eyes to avoid any kind of damage.

“Keep your eyes closed for a while, and when you feel like it, open them slowly; but for now, try to feel what your hands are holding” Robert’s mother said, and he did. It was something, well, strange, like a large “hose” made of soft leather.

“Mo-Mom, what…what’s this? Do-don’t tell me this thing is…is attached to your ass” Robert was really frightened now.

“That, son, it’s my tail” She finally stated.

“SAY WHAAAT???” Robert screamed surprised as he opened his eyes, and in front of him, the weird yet beautiful sight of his mother, with some strange clothes that looked like they came from some fantasy (or porn) film, but that wasn’t the weirdest part. The strangest of all, was the shining tattoo on the left side of her hips; worst of all, when Roberts’s eyes finally adapted to the light, he saw the full picture.

“Ho-Horns…” whispered the young man. Yes horns were crowning his mother’s head, and not only them. Behind her mother, a pair of huge, bat wings was resting on the ground and, next to them a large, black shiny tail was moving nervously.

***************************************** Amy was unconscious, and inside her head, images took form.

“Mmmm, where I…?”.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself sitting on the floor of a dirty alley, wearing the same rags she wore the first day she arrived at the Levine household. When she looked at her reflection on an old broken mirror near a trash container, she almost faints. She was the same little girl that Levi took under her care, she was 6 ½ again.

“No…It cannot be” Amy sobbed. The little girl made her way out of the ally, only to find herself between a huge crowd.

“Mom!!! Mom!!!! Amy yelled desperately” Nobody paid her any attention.

“Mom!!! Robert!!! Where are you, please…” Amy ripped her throat as she began to cry.

Suddenly, among the crowd, she spotted them, Levi and a younger Robert only a few meters away. Amy ran with all her might, and when she finally reached them, she held herself from her mother’s skirt.

“Mom!!! The little girl cried as Levi almost lost her valance and Robert hugged his mother.

“Mom!!!” Amy yelled once more.

What Levi said next, shocked Amy like anything before.

“Brat, what’s your problem, let my skirt go…” Amy’s expression couldn’t be described with words; she could not believe the words that were coming from her mother’s mouth. At that precise moment a huge pair of hands grabbed Amy and lifted her. When she looked at the person who dared to touch her, horror invaded her; It was her father, Randy.

“My apologies for any inconvenience my child had caused you, madam” said the dirty man
Then, Amy would never forget what her mother said next.

“Is that girl your daughter? Please take her away, she is scaring my son and she dirtied my clothes, what a troublesome child you have”.

Those words, those cold words Amy thought she would never heard from her mother, hurt her more than any physical wound would.

“Mamma!!!” The little girl cried while her mother just walked away holding her brother in her arms.

“Now, now, don’t be sad, because we are going to have a lot of fun together” Randy ended his malicious comment with a grin as Amy cried for help.

“Mammaaa!!! Mammaaa!!! Don’t leave me!!!

Amy finally opened her eyes and found herself, again, in the last floor of the old hospital; as she tried to get up, an unbelievable pain in her abdomen forbid her to do so. She proceeded to clean the tears on her face and thought.

“They will come for me, I know they will…”

***************************************** Leviathan was holding her son by his shoulders. Robert was speechless, especially by the fact that the ball of fire that appeared on his mother’s hand, was now floating above them.

“Mo…Mo..Mo…Mo…” Was the only thing that came out of Robert’s mouth, so, Leviathan had to take the initiative.

“Do you have the slightest idea of what I am?” Leviathan asked, trying to look as calm as possible.

“Su-Su-ccu…” Robert babbled

“That’s right honey, I am a succubus” Robert’s mother finally stated.

“Succubus!!!” That word alone evokes images of sexy demons in the form of beautiful women who came at night to steal the essence of men, but, was really their essence only? Or something much more valuable?

And of course, Robert was familiarized with them; the gigs of succubi porn in his computer probe it. But been in front of the real thing was, at least, impressive, but discover that your mother IS the real thing…

Robert slowly began to crawl backwards; Leviathan could feel the fear and doubt inside her son. She knew that the time to tell her children the truth had finally come; now, it was all or nothing so she embraced her son, and placing his head closer to her chest, she started to sing:
“The other night dear,
when I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
in my arms
But when I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head
and I cried.”
This song, was a lullaby that Leviathan used to sing Robert when he was a little child; she used to sing it to Amy too, when she officially became a member of her family; in fact she stills sing this lullaby to Amy, but, if you ask, RLevi’s adoptive daughter would deny it. Leviathan continued:
“You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are gray
You'll never know dear,
how much I love you
Please don't take
my sunshine away”
“Those…Those wings, I have…I have seen them before…” Robert began to regain his senses, and suddenly...

“Of course you have” His mother answered.

“Don’t you remember; when you were 5, you fell from your tricycle, you began to cry and no matter what I did, you simply didn’t stop crying. I was desperate, I didn’t know what to do, so I asked you if wanted to see a magic trick” Leviathan said with a warm smile.

“When you said yes, I released my wings and immediately, you stopped crying. You were fascinated with them; I slowly moved them, first my left wing, then my right. After that, you laughed, and the rest of the day you kept touching them; I even let you hang from them, you really liked mommy’s wings” Leviathan said as she kept her son’s head close to her chest.

“That’s…That’s true, I-I remember but then why I…” but suddenly, Robert remained in silence.

“Dear…Are you Okay?” His mother asked worried.

“Mo-Mom, no offense bu-but, do you…do you really… eat souls?” Robert asked frightened.

“The short answer, no. Long explanation, until we get your sister back, Okay?

“Fi-Fine…” Robert exclaimed nervously.

Both of them rose from the ground. Leviathan, while holding her son’s hand, begged him.

“Please honey. I need you to trust me; , it’s me, mommy, even if I look like this, I’m still the same mother that loves you, the same mother that needs you, the woman whose life would be nothing without you two.” The succubus said tenderly.

“I-I-I trust you, but this is, you know, discovering that my mother is…”

“I understand; an immortal, beautiful and lewd being who needs sex to survive, that’s what you wanted to say, right honey?” Leviathan tenderly asked her son.

“We-well, n-not exactly. What…what I wanted to sa-say was…” Robert babbled once more.

“It’s okay dear, just let it out” The succubus caressed her son’s check.

“An incredibly sexy overslut who fucks guys to death like a whore in heat and stalks men in their slumber” Robert blushed with embarrassment.

Leviathan looked at her son with a really intimidating glare and told him.

“We don`t eat men, at least not in the way you are thinking… and you mister, are punished” She said dead serious.

“Eeehhh!!! Why??? Robert asked perplexed.

“What would you expect when you call your own mother an overslut and a whore in heat” The succubus crossed her arms over her chest.

“Come on, mom I have read a lot of stories, all you do and say is fuck, fuck, fuck and…”

Before he could continue, his mother interrupted him and, with a really menacing tone she said.

“You know… If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life punished, and trust me on this one, I can accomplish that, you better not complete that sentence…” The succubus glared at her human son.

“But mom…even in porn you screw guys like there is no tomorrow and…”

“Wait a minute…did you say…porn…you have…succubi porn???” She said with eyes wide open.

“Oh come, you’re a succubus and now you’re gonna get mad because I have porn…Oh shot…what did I say…” Robert gulped really hard.

Leviathan was now looking at her human cargo dead in the eye. Robert could swear there was a red glow in his mother’s slit eyes

“Huh…(Oh shit!!!) Eh… you know…(Fuck, I´m screwed…literally)… look amazingly hot with those wings and tail?

“Nice try kiddo. You’re punished…” She poked her son’s head with her index finger.

Incredibly, after the initial shock, everything returned to normal. Robert realized that no matter the appearance, this woman… eeehh…succubus, was still his mother.

“Say mom, do you…have you know, powers and stuff like that” Robert asked with curiosity.

“I guess” his mother responded more calm and relaxed.

“Oh, oh, oh…so… can you shoot laser beams from your tits??? He asked excited.

“Sweetie, you should try to watch less cartoons…” Leviathan looked at her son in disbelief.

Before any of them could do or say something else, both of them felt how temperature suddenly dropped. Strange noises could be heard; whisperings, footsteps, doors creaking and something that sounded like if large nails were scratching the walls. Obviously for Leviathan, this meant that something was about to happen.

“Mo-Mom, are you…you know… doing this?”

“Don’t…look at me” the surprised succubus mom answered as she enveloped her son with her wings, trying to shield him from any kind harm.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer to their position. Both mother and son tried to distinguish what on earth was approaching to them. When Leviathan thought she will have to use her “flame in the hand” stuff again, a bluish spark appeared around a corner and then other and other. Finally, they saw it; the dried and rotten, thin corpse, of what in other times would have been a patient of the hospital. Its remaining flesh eroded by time, ribs exposed and the remnants of a set of hospital clothes from the former glory days of the institution, covered its decayed body

Leviathan’s maternal instincts kicked in at their fullest; she tighten the embraced on son and her bat wings closed even more, as both of them tried to retreat. The skeletal intern slowly started to move.

“Mom, that-that fucker is coming closer” the succubus’s son stated scared.

“Child, you don’t need to remark the obvious” The succubus answered nervously.

But there was something strange with this “thing”; on his head a leather band could be seen; this band had small metal pieces attached to it. Smaller and similar bands were placed in its wrists. Before mother and son could realize it, a small lightning bolt landed near their feet. While Leviathan, thanks to her succubi nature avoided any consequences, Robert felt how tension traveled through his body, and fell on his knees.

“Aaaaarrgghhh!!!!!” he yelled in pain.

“Robert!!! “ The succubus mother screamed with a terrified look on her eyes, as she saw how her beloved son fell onto the ground, breaking the embrace of her wings.

Immediately, horror became rage. As she raised her son from the ground, her eyes began to shine in pure red, and her voice became like a sound of thunder. Facing this new treat she exclaimed

“You!!! You pathetic scum who doesn’t even have a name, how dare you to touch the most important thing in my life, my most prized possession, how dare you to hurt the legacy of a high rank succubus!!!!

While holding her son with her right arm, Leviathan lifted her left arm, and pointing her fingers towards the creature, which was ready to launch a second attack; the succubus simply said


And with that, her nails extended until they reached and impaled the electric cadaver.

Even in this precarious situation, the thing still tried to attack and began to store energy for a second blast. Leviathan became enraged as she saw how that thing continued on making efforts to hurt her beloved child.

With a small grin, she spoke directly to her ex-attacker-now-victim.

“Allow me to give you a proper farewell” And Immediately, she began to whisper a few words.

“I invoke the rites of fiery muspelheim, venomous servants, unleashed thy dark flames!!!”

And with that, purple flames erupted from her hand and traveled through her nails, engulfing the undead thing, ending its “no life” within minutes.

Robert watched speechless at the macabre spectacle and only managed to say…




“Oh no, I scared him again!!!” The succubus thought worried

“You’re so damn cool!!!” Her son said excited, and then he added

“Can I ask you for a favor?”

“Su-Sure” She said confused.

“Remember me to never piss you off again, ok” Robert said with a nervous smile.

Leviathan simply laughed, but when she looked around her, they were surrounded by an uncountable number of decayed corpses, each one weirder than the last, but, strangely none of them tried to attack them.

“Why aren’t they attacking us? Not that I’m complaining of course” Robert asked, hiding under his mother’s wing.

“They know what will happen to them if they dare to touch you” The succubus stated with an evil grin on her face. Suddenly, Leviathan saw the creepy little shit that attacked her a while ago. She decided to show her and all of them, the difference in power. She deployed her wings in full glory, making some of those things to retreat with fear. Then, she directed her speech to the spectral child.

“I’m so sorry for what happened to you…but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you touch me or my child…so, unless any of you are ready to put an end to your own existence…walk away” That’s all she needed to say for the corpses to form a path for her and her son.

After walking for almost 15 minutes maybe, they reached the staircase of the main building.

“A long way to the peak” Robert said.

“There’s no time to lose, we have been delayed enough; Robert hold on to me with all your strength, understood?” Leviathan instructed to her son as she opened her wings.

“Mom, don’t tell me you’re gonnaaAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhhhh!!!”

Before Robert could react, his mother launched herself into the air.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:02 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
Hm. What's the main differences between this and Monstercest?

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:08 pm
by Hood
Some gramatical mistakes corrected, some stuff updated also I wanted to change some things.

Spoilers!!! Read at your own risk!!!
Spoiler: show
I'm considereing what to do with Shannon, I still don't know if I shall keep her or kill her (Someone told me that I inserted too much characters, and maybe he was right.

I don't know if should intruduce Lotan this early, also, I want to make her a bit more sinister, not that happy, caring and easy going. She migyt want to get rid of Robert or keep him for herself I still don't know.

Maybe I turn Juliette into another kind of succubi, not an Alice after all, or maybe I don't even use her. I have to consider this yet

Waiting for your comments

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:13 pm
by MonsterGirlLuver
Spoiler: show
Lotan doesn't seem like she should be a bad character, but make her want Robert. It makes it funny. :3 Make Lotan And Levi sort of rivals.

Juliete was an interesting addition. Robert's family opposite. And being an Alice just makes it funnier. :D That's just my opinion.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:54 am
by Hood
Spoiler: show
But what about Shannon? And about Lotan, I want to make her a bit like I don't know...Lilth from Darksiders (not evil but if you don't know what she is thinking or what is she going to do. Also she likes to flirt with her guests, grandchildren in this case

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:15 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
Spoiler: show
If you plan to kill off Shannon, then do it in a redeeming manner. In the end, I feel like she should change in a way. See that Monsters are not all bad. Just my opinion. I always prefer happy ending over bad ending.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:44 am
by Kmon13
Okay I see alot of changes...

O man you've changed a lot of thing but kept some things stayed the same

all the same I'll read a few more before making snap judgements

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:23 pm
by Vendettadabeast
Spoiler: show
I think you should have lotan act more like royalty, but with the mysterious and flirty( or perverted)quirks, it wouldn't seem right for her to try to get rid of her child's son, but she could try to perverse him and make him more of a lech and corrupting him and the rest of the kids. (although making her like lilith from from darkstalkers is not a bad idea and i don't mind her being sinister. Please just don't make her cruel, at least not to robert and the kids)

I actually like juliette the way she is,but i would figure her being around lotan, she would be alot more perverse and try to do the same thing in her own way.

Shannon, its all about what you think you wanna do with her, didn't get to know much about her, even after she became a broken bird psycopath. so whatever you want to do with her is up to you.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:22 pm
by Hood
@V: I like that!!!
Spoiler: show
P.S. Were is my fav DarkSlime teacher?
@MGLuver: Kill her in a redeming way...mmm? Lesse, lessee...
Read again at your own risk
Spoiler: show
Actually I wanted to make Shannon a sex adict without becoming a succubus :twisted: (you know, being represed through all her life thanks to the Order teachings, and when she tasted her first cock... :twisted: but do not worry, I'm not planning to mindberak her, just show her that there are other pleasures in life ;) Not to mention that she will impress Lotan and she´ll adopt her, if I decide to keep her alive.
One guy told me that he liked Shannon because her mother was a Dullahan :mrgreen: but right now I'm still not sure if I should include her.

@Kmon: Yeah, I changed a few things. So what do you think?

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:40 pm
by Hood
One of the things I want to do is:
Spoiler: show
Make Lotan a lot more perverted and slutty, like a real succubus would be. I have in mind a scene where she anally masturbates with her own tail, other where she drinks a cup (a big one) full of a mixture of semen and milk (both of them, coming from her daughters and grandchildren) and some hevy stuff like that, because after all, she is a sucucbus. Do not missunderstand, she loves her family to death, but in different way than a normal woman would... She wants for all of them to remain together like a real family...through sex.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:33 am
by Kmon13
Okay I've read the changes and yeah I can say with certainty I'm impressed with the changes including Levi handling of her son's special actives ....

And if you do make Grandma Lotan slutty and perverted I know of an Hentai character with a girl that like eating semen-covered food that may give you ideas.

until then I'm going to be busy catching up with Monster Girl Apocalypse and the other fic I've been brainstorming since my finals so expect them soon ..... :hehe:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:08 am
by Hood
Glad you like it Kmon.
Also, Chapter 08 is up

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:24 am
by Kmon13
Where's Chapter 8 ? :^^;:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:37 am
by Hood
Can't post it. I got the "too few characters" error once more.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:14 am
by Hood
Chapter 08
Spoiler: show
On the last floor of the old hospital, Sister Shannon and Randy were having a little chat.

“Say, how did you manage to get inside that woman’s house?” Asked the nun; she was playing with a small pendant hanging from her neck. The pendant had a curious shape; it was a silver face or mask with pointed ears with two crossed swords behind it.

“Did you ever saw that episode of “Law and Order” where a psycho bitch hid herself in a box, and some guy delivers that box into a building where she remained quiet and immobile for a few hours until her prey got it´s guard down” Answered Randy, laughing lightly.

“Sorry, I do not watch TV” Said Shannon with an emotionless voice; she continued playing with her strange pendant.

Meanwhile, Leviathan and her son were heading, or better said… flying, to the last floor, but suddenly, Robert noticed his mother flight was becoming slower.

“You okay, mom? Robert asked, worried about his mother‘s welfare.

“I-I am a bit tired, I think we will need to make the remaining three floors on foot” Leviathan answered her son.

“Ok” He answered to his mother, while suddenly; he noticed a delicious smell coming from her. At the same time, Leviathan landed three floors below their objective.

“Weww…finally” Said the bat winged MILF.

“Mom…she smells so good” Robert thought as his hands remained attached on his mother’s hips. Regaining his senses, he asked

“Say mom…”

“Yes?” Levi asked back.

“Can you, you know…tell me more about you?” Robert blushed. His mother noticed the blush, but for the moment, she simply believed that her son was a bit shy about asking about her past, and who could blame him, she thought, asking your succubus mother about her (lewd) past could make any son blush.

“-Sigh- Robert…are you sure…I mean there are some details that…” Levi spoke nervously.

“Awww, come on!!! Mom, you’re a succubus; I know there must be some…exciting…details about your past, but, and I hope you can tell them to me later without omitting any single detail…” Robert licked her lips; he was wearing a perverted grin.

“Trust me Robert, I assure you that no mother would like for her son to know about her “peculiar past” Levi sighed.

“But…I mean; I just realized that maybe, I don’t know absolutely nothing about you” Robert stated as he slid his hand over his mother’s hips. Suddenly he remained in silence. Levi looked at her son.


“I’m not your real child, right?” Robert asked dead serious. Levi almost tripped when she heard that comment; she managed to maintain her balance, but could not avoid gulping really hard; obviously, Robert was able to hear it.

“Whe…where did you get that idea?” The succubus laughed nervously.

“You don’t need to hide it; I mean I´m human right? Because if I were not, you wouldn’t be that overprotective with me and Amy…that, and the fact that I haven’t manifested any especial ability, power, and let’s not forget about the absence of wings sprouting from my back.” Robert stated to his mother; he also felt a little tremor in her body. Suddenly the succubus turned and hugged her human cargo with all her might.

“Mo…mom?” The teenager asked surprised.

“I’m so sorry Robert…I always desired that this day would have never come…” The succubus said with a lump in her throat.

“So…it’s true…” Robert responded with mixed emotions.

“I want you to know…I want you to know that no matter what…” But Robert was not listening anymore. That last hug, the contact with his mother’s skin, triggered an unexpected reaction in the young man.

“Mom, your skin…” Robert said with a lost sight; his voice sounded tired

“Yes dear?” Levi asked confused, because she has noticed the change in her adoptive son

“It’s so soft and warm…” Robert whispered as he began to rub his mother’s back, his hands slowly descended until they reached Levi’s hips.

“Eeeeh? Robert, what are you…?” The succubus asked while her son’s hands made their way to her beautiful and firm ass. When his hands finally reached their destination, Robert squeezed Levi’s butt cheeks really hard.

“Mom… Mom…Mom…MOM!!!” Robert screamed again and again; desire filling his voice, the desire for his own mother.

“Swe…sweetie, what’s… what’s wrong; Robert, please react!!!” Leviathan yelled at her son, but her efforts to take him out of this strange trance were futile; she realized the moment when she was lying on the floor with her son on top of her, his lips only millimeters away from hers.

“Ro-Robert…” That was the only thing she managed to say before her lips where sealed with her son’s. Their tongues interlocked like two cobras in the middle of a deadly match. She could feel the tongue of her son reaching every corner of her mouth; even the deepest parts

“Don’t tell me…that hallucination from before, the attack and what Robert told me…Oh my!!! My pheromones!!!” Indeed, like any other living creature, succubi also exude pheromones when in heat or when they are excited; it’s like their last resource to lure men, or better said, it’s their triumph card, it’s what keeps men attached to them in their first encounter. Thanks to the series of events experimented by the succubus and son duo a few moments ago, she became quite excited, and her body’s natural reaction was, of course, the production and release of pheromones. Obviously, succubi pheromones were stronger than human pheromones.

As he was kissing his own mother, Robert’s hands slowly explored the rest of her body; her toned and sexy abdomen first, her beautiful and perfect hips next, and finally, her soft and huge breasts. When his hands reached at base of those fabulous flesh mounts, Robert broke the kiss and said:

“I love you mom, I love you so much!!!”

Leviathan was panting heavily, maybe a normal human mother would have been able to resist (maybe) but, she was a succubus and succubi are highly sexual creatures, a double edged weapon some people say. Her mother side was struggling with her succubus nature and her rational thoughts were banishing fast. It seemed that her pheromones, combined with the touch of her son, were affecting her.

“Aaaah…aahh…he’s such a good kisser… more… kiss me more, baby” Those were her lust filled thoughts at that precise moment, the same moment her son began to massage her breasts.

“Mmmnngghh!!! No…I have to…I have to resist, even if we are not related by…Ooooh!!!…” But Leviathan’s resistance was subdued when her son pinched her right nipple, making her howl like a she-wolf in heat. The howl that escaped from her throat was something unnatural yet sensual, and when her throat finally relaxed, it was her who launched at her son, kissing him with burning passion.

As Robert continued pinching her mother’s nipple, Leviathan’s arousal increased. Maybe, if she was at the fullest of her capacities, she might had been able to resist this kind punishment, but her motherly duties allowed her no time to feed; also, she made an oath a long time ago, swearing that she would rise her children as normally as she could . Robert began to kiss and lick her neck, slowly ascending in the direction of her face, and when. Finally, the young man bit his mother’s beautiful pointed ear; that was all she needed to say the forbidden words.

“I don’t care anymore…Robert, I beg of you…FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME NOW!!!”

“Yes, Yes I will mom, I love you… No, I need you; I want you; I DESIRE YOU!!! I MUST FEEL YOU!!!

Robert kissed his mother once more, pulling and sucking her tongue, tenderly caressing it. Leviathan’s moans were loud and continuous and her womanhood was getting wet. Her son continued pinching her nipple and without any kind of warning, he interrupted the kiss, pulling his lips away from his mother’s. Then, Robert’s fingers slowly moved over her top and pulled it downward. He covered her now bare breast with his fingers. The skin was smooth and warm to the touch, and the hard nipple felt as if it was on fire. Robert placed his mother’s nipple between his index finger and thumb. He squeezed it and Levi gasped, almost breathlessly. She arched her back and a loud moan escaped from her throat.

Robert slowly placed his mouth over one of his mother’s succulent flesh globes. He kissed down, and stopped, lifting his head up high backwards to look at the engorged nipple. With a primitive sound escaping from the deep of his throat, Robert dropped his head and surrounded the hard, erect and pulsating nipple with his mouth.

It finally happened, Leviathan reached an explosive orgasm and this time, it was no illusion, this time it was real, her son, a normal human kid, made her, a succubus, come. Her beautiful body convulsed uncontrollably and a small pond formed between her legs; her face was pure bliss.

“Do…me, Do me!!! Make me yours!!!” Those were the barely understandable words that came out from the succubus throat.

Robert carefully pulled down the lower part of his mother’s clothes, exposing her most sacred place; immediately he began to rub it with his middle and index finger.

“Stop teasing me, I want to feel you inside me, I WANT TO FEEL YOU INSIDE ME NOW, NOW!!!” The motherly succubus said desperately as her son tried to unzip his pants

“I…love you, I love you so much, mom…I love you and Amy so much” When he pronounced his sister’s name, Robert barely snapped out of his trance. Leviathan on the other side, was panting hard; she moved her hands over Robert’s nape and her legs slowly wrapped around her son’s waist.

Robert discovered his hands squeezing her mother’s naked left breast and rubbing her pussy. But the most shocking part was her face; her sight lost and her mouth took the shape of a wicked smile while her tongue hanged from it with an expression of full, twisted pleasure

“Mo-mom?” Robert looked at her visibly shocked; the only answer he received, were the most disturbing words ever come from his mother’s mouth.

“Fuck me…I beg of you…MAKE ME YOUR SLUT, ROBERT!!!” That was Leviathan’s final answer to her son; her face still distorted with pleasure.

“N…no…this…this cannot be…What…what have I done…” Robert said in extremely altered. But the young man has no time to be shocked; the grinding sound of an old door opening diverted his attention from his succubus mother; he felt prescience behind him.

A macabre gurgle could be heard, making Robert to turn his head back. He saw “it” the thing that made that macabre sound, like a mix of a baby playing with his food and a painful moan. The creature looked like a pale skinned woman, wearing a dirty, old, and in other times white straitjacket; her head was facing down and her face was covered by her long, black and dirty hair. Once more, the creature produced her disturbing sound.

“Mom, Mom!!! Wake up!!!” Robert screamed scared, trying to wake his mother from the lustful trance she seemed to be trapped in. Leviathan´s response was to lick her son’s check and begging for sex.

“Ro…bert …Hold me…Love me…make… me…YOURS!!!” Leviathan whispered in a trance-like state.

“Mom, please do not tempt me… Damn, she is…she is begging me to…take her, she sounds so erotic…and she is so…beautiful… Mom… Aaaaarrgh!!! What…what am I thinking…she is MY MOTHER!!!” Robert was struggling to control himself. The ghost or whatever the creature was slowly lifted her head, finally revealing her face. If she would have had a face.

Where the eyes should be, two black sockets “stared” at the succubus and her son; her nose was practically gone, the only remnants of it were shreds of dried and decayed skin hanging from the nasal cavity.

And the skin and tissue that should form the mouth and lips were practically gone; only eroded gums and yellowed teeth remained. Robert became even more alarmed when he witnessed how strange, black goo began to emanate from the thing’s mouth. The moment it made contact with the floor, small steam clouds rose, leaving a nasty burnt mark on the old tiles. Robert made desperate efforts to wake his mother, who had him hugged with both arms and legs, making very difficult for the young man to move.

“Wake up mom, wake up!!! We need succubi bad assery and we need it now!!!” Robert screamed desperately while shaking his mother as he tried to wake her up. Suddenly, the macabre woman sprayed at them directly from her mouth, something that looked like black, coagulated blood.

Robert hugged his mother and pulled her to the left, avoiding the decayed blood like liquid which reacted like acid at the immediate contact with anything in its way.

As the staircase handrail dissolved into nothing, Robert could hear a whisper in his mind.

“Tell her to protect you!!!”

“Huh, what… what was that?” Robert thought, but at the same time, the ghost-like woman raised gurgled once more. Robert heard the whisper one more time.

“Tell her that thou will give her what she wants but first she must protect thou” The voice said with a demanding attitude.

“Wha…what???” Robert asked confused.

“That creature is going to attack you again, and this time, you won’t have more places to run”. Whoever was talking to him was right, to the left was the old and thick wall of the building, and to the right, the blood-like acid, still dissolving part of the floor and the handrail. Robert had no more choices.

“Mom, listen to me I…I… will give you what you want but first, you…you must kick that bitch’s ass” Robert screamed desperately.

Leviathan raised her left arm and, pointing two of her fingers at the red dressed woman, her nails extended, and like a pair of huge scissors, she severed the specter’s head.

“Holy shit!!!” Robert exclaimed amazed as the head of the unholy creature that attacked them began to fall to the abyss made by the staircase; his mother’s nails retracted.

“Now, give her what thou promised” said the voice again.

“What? She is my mom!!!” Robert said scared, as his mother tried to unzip his pants.

“Cock…” Leviathan giggled.

“Mom!!!” Robert screamed as he tried to make his mother regain her senses.

“Mom, wake up, wake up, damn it” Leviathan still tried to remove her son’s pants.

“She is a succubus and she has not feed for a long time, if thou do not provide her with proper nourishment, she will remain like this forever” The voice said with anger.

“Nourishment? Don’t tell me you mean…” Robert asked worried, because he could imagine what kind of “nourishment” the voice was talking about.

“Indeed, your “male essence, your seed, In other words, your semen”

“This…This can’t be happening… Fine, fine; what should I do???” Robert asked desperately.

“Order her to suck your cock, that should be enough for now”

Robert looked at his mother who was desperately trying to unzip his pants.

“For…forgive me, mom…Levi, I command you...” But he was interrupted by the voice once more.

“Leviathan…” The voice said.

“What did you say?” Robert asked.

“Leviathan, that is her real name” The voice answered again.

“Leviathan…” Robert firmly said. He was nervous as hell.

“Yes…”Answered his mother looking at him with her sight lost.

“Give me a …a…oh shit, mom; I’m so sorry… GIME A BLOWJOB!!!” Robert screamed as he unzipped his pants and released his demon.

Leviathan began to lick the tip of her son’s dick before slowly licking around the head. Robert didn't expect what she did next. She circled the head with her lips and slowly sucked it into her mouth. Robert could feel her tongue circling the head as she sucked with enthusiasm. It didn't take but a couple of seconds before he shot his hot, sticky cum into her mouth. Leviathan didn't miss a drop and continued to suck until she milked her son dry.

When Leviathan regained her senses, she found herself in an empty dark space. She was lying down on the dark matter that formed this place. Slowly, she rose from the “ground”, only to find herself face to face with a pale skinned woman with long black, straight hair who was looking at her with curiosity.

Like her, she possessed wings, horns and a tail that identified her as a succubus too, but the main difference with Leviathan, was the color of her extra goods; with the exception of her black horns, her wings and tail were snowy white. She was sit on a strange sphere that give the appearance of being made of oil; swinging tentacles sprouted from it.

“Hello there, Leviathan; I haven't seen you in a while, MY DAUGHTER.” That was all what the other woman said.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:29 am
by Kmon13
Finally the appearance of Lotan in chapter 8 no less...

Now comes I want to see what happens next..... :hehe:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:02 am
by Hood
Kmon13 wrote:Finally the appearance of Lotan in chapter 8 no less...

Now comes I want to see what happens next..... :hehe: too, because I have no fucking clue of what is going to happen.
So...what do you guys say...kill or not kill Shannon?

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:51 am
by Kmon13
Kill her physically no too easy however killing her her "holier than thou" personality and make her Roberts cumdump/pet after Lotan has fun transforming her ... Yesss :perv: :nosebleed:

Besides don't you think The Demon World can use always use more Dark Priest doing missionary work. :info:

... wait that didn't come out right. :what!?:

Oh well. :whatever:

I'm making the last touches on casting grievances and going back over a few stories so until then I'll be watching. :goodjob: :^^: :haha:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:10 am
by Vendettadabeast
Hell she was spared,the last time, i say just break her, don't kill her.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:59 pm
by Hood
How should I break the (not so) innocent nun? Should I summon my Sanbun Kyoden and Bai Asuka powers? :twisted:
(P.D. I still hate those guys...Why RYOUKO...WHY??? :nono: )