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Monster Girl World chapter 8

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:19 am
by Akira444
[align=]Chapter 8-Tanya the Terrible[/align]

The Ledian Institute of Magical Research was a well-known prestigious university and lab located in Cetra, Teutlandt. Here, humans and monsters all over the country come together to work on researching the practical uses of magic and magitech in every day society. Many individuals had made their name here having invented some new spell or created a new form of prosthetic for war veterans with severe injuries. The scientists and other intelligent knowledge seekers were known as magic technicians, and their goal was to ensure that the average person’s life could be enhanced and preserved through the use of the natural forces that gave rise to magic.

To a common student of the institute, it’s not odd to see the typical braniac who’s obsessed with their work, trying to find the last equation to a formula that’s theoretical at best, worthless at worst. The cocky bastards who think they’re top dog because they created a new form of clean energy that requires a crystal the size of the freaking Taj Mahal. That arrogant vampire bitch who thinks that just because she discovered how to create ball lightning and turned it into a portable energy source. But there is a level beyond the obsessive theoreticians, the overachievers no one invites to parties and the egotistical assholes. That level is the Tanya level, occupied by one young woman, Tanya Braun.

Tanya was a gremlin who started working at the institute the previous year and she had quickly made a name for herself among her peers. She was a short woman, typical of her species, with long blonde hair tied into a high ponytail most of the time and big blue eyes that shined with determination. Her furry ears poked up from the top of her head and were always twitching from the loud noises of her office and lab. You would never see her without her green jumpsuit and goggles, even outside the lab.

Tanya had discovered a variety of breakthroughs throughout her career at the institute. Discovering that Dryads could just store nutrients into the roots on their legs and separate from trees to traverse as humans do, inventing a vaccine to prevent infection from matango spores, writing a book on creative insults to say to a vampire, creating a magical jewel for giants to change their size at will, creating a magitech wheelchair for sea monsters to use to move on land, those were just a few of the accomplishments she has under her belt.

The only downside to her is that she had a rather bad temper, a potty mouth, short patience for people who don’t immediately get her vision, and her mean streak. Tanya also had a domineering attitude that rubbed people the wrong way and was more akin to a despotic queen than a dedicated scientist. For this reason, she earned herself the title, the Dictator. Not many magic technicians would like being called a dictator, but someone like Tanya would probably wear the moniker with pride.

However, for all her achievements, all her awards and expertise in the nature of humans and monsters, there was one thing Tanya could never truly understand, and it drove her mad with frustration. And a frustrated Tanya was a dangerous Tanya.


Tanya’s angry shout rang through her cluttered office as the gremlin trudged through it to reach her lab in the other room. Because of her extensive work and often chaotic experiments, Tanya was allowed to use the institute’s attic as both her lab and office, due to the room it provided. It was convenient, as the woman had tons of books, papers, equipment and type writers (don’t ask why she has multiple type writers, but some think it’s because she breaks them in her typical rages).

Back to the young woman in question, Tanya was marching toward her lab in her usual get up, a cup of coffee in one hand and a clipboard in the other. She was calling for her assistant who was also a student at the institute.

“Viktoria, I swear, if you’re using the tesla coils to power that fucking cotton candy machine…”

“I’m here, I’m here!” A well-endowed wurm burst through the door-as in actually burst, the door’s in splinters now-and slithered over to Tanya with a
large stack of papers in her hand. “Sorry, Professor, I got distracted counting the beakers again. They all look the same, it’s hard to keep track.”

Tanya felt her eyebrow twitch and reigned her already razor thin temper in. Viktoria Romanova was an odd student at the magical institute…in that she was from a species who were barely smarter than a newborn slime.

Viktoria was a wurm with a round cherub face, auburn hair and hazel brown eyes with red scaled claws for hands, scales around her ears and jawline, and
a long, muscled red scaled serpentine lower half. The white lab coat she wore barely stayed buttoned around her large chest, and the fabric visibly strained every time she did a movement.

Now, you might be wondering why a wurm, a monster known for being simple minded and having an interest in nothing but sex, would be working at a high class magical institute as a gremlin’s assistant. The answer to that mysterious universal question is that Viktoria…is an enigma. She originally worked as a janitor while her boyfriend attended as a student to one of the second year classes, but by chance Tanya had caught the girl messing around with one of her equations for a potion that would’ve allowed a mermaid to grow two legs for a limited time.

Now, Tanya didn’t like anyone messing with her hard work, permission or not, and she would’ve skinned Viktoria on the spot and turned her into a pair of expensive boots, until she saw what the girl had done. Viktoria had solved a dead end she was having with the equation she was working on by just switching two numbers around and fixed the problem that had her stuck for a week. A simple answer that Tanya hadn’t even thought of.

To make sure this wasn’t some fluke, Tanya had Viktoria look at a few more equations she had on the backburner and to her surprise, the girl had solved them easily using the simplest answers one could think up. Of course, this was only when Viktoria herself was thinking about these things, and not when given a task to complete on her own. The bitch even suggested using copper for the tesla coils instead of any other kind of metal! It was genius!

And so Tanya snatched up the wurm and made the big dragon girl into her unofficial assistant, having her look over mathematical equations, formulas, and other problems that left her stumped to get her simple-minded input on how to solve them. Viktoria had made a name for herself in Tanya’s lab, but the girl was still a wurm, and wurm’s were known for being forces of nature when it came to basically everything, including sex.

“Where the hell were you? You know you’re not supposed to be in my lab when I’m not within eye sight of you.” Tanya growled.

“You said that? I thought you meant your office?” Viktoria blinked cutely.

“I said my office and lab. I fucking wrote it down on three chalkboards!” Tanya yelled.

“Oh, that’s what those were. I thought those were formulas you were having problems with. No wonder I couldn’t solve them!” The wurm giggled and bopped herself on the head. “Silly me!”

“Nyx give me strength…” Tanya ran a hand down her face and took a deep breath. “Look, did you clean the beakers and test tubes when you got here?”


“Did you make sure the floors and windows were clean?”


“Did you clean the generators and make sure they were plugged in?”

“Already done!”

“Did you turn off the tesla coils after using them to power your cotton candy machine?”

“Yeah!” Viktoria blinked before Tanya’s words finally registered. “Wait, what?”

A metal tray slammed into her face, courtesy of a well-practiced throw from Tanya that made the wurm clutch her nose painfully.

“Ow! Why did you do that, Ms. Braun?”

“I told you to stop using my lab equipment to power that stupid fucking cotton candy machine. The same cotton candy machine I told you to get rid of!”
Tanya snarled.

“But it makes great cotton candy!” Viktoria whined and held a stick of the fluffy pink treat out to Tanya (where she pulled it from, Tanya would never
know). “See, I even made one for you.”

Tanya’s teeth was audibly gnashing together in agitation at this point. She just got out of listening to the constant gripes of that annoying virgin Minerva
(owl mage) who worked down in the admissions office, and then had to deal with that arrogant vampire bitch Drusilla who lorded her massive fun bags over Tanya every chance she got. Add in having to deal with that moronic Baphomet in the magitech department, and her morning was already shitty. She really didn’t need Viktoria’s bullshit this morning either.

“Professor Braun?”

Tanya’s body seized up and she went ramrod straight as she slowly turned around to address her visitor. “Hello, Professor Quincy.”

Professor Damian Quincy was another popular magic technician at the institute who was rather well-acquainted with the ladies, human and monster,
whom he worked with. He was the tall, dark, and handsome man that noble ladies and middle class wives would fantasize about, with long black hair tied back in a long ponytail, piercing storm gray eyes, and a slender build that showed that he regularly exercised (an unspoken requirement when dealing with monsters, even on a professional level).

Damian was a technician who specialized in discovering new ways for the use of magitech. Having worked as a professor just two years before Tanya
arrived, he was the top dog of his own division, devising ways to mine ore, oil, and create energy without damaging the environment. This stemmed from his own upbringing in a land where the elementals were a very prominent and powerful part of his home’s lifestyle.

Tanya didn’t really know him that well on a personal level, but on a professional level, she was well-aware of how famous he was for devising sustainable
sources of energy, as well as magitech machines that could help people with physical disabilities. She also knew that he was somehow still single despite having nearly every monster egghead on campus clamoring for his cranium and his cock. Not even Drusilla the Vampire Bitch could seduce him. In fact, it seemed that the only woman Damien wanted to know more about was Tanya the Dictator herself.

“I see you’re having a rough morning.” Damien smiled down at the blushing gremlin.

“You could say that.” Tanya said, glaring at Viktoria.

“Don’t be too hard on her. She’s just trying to do her best to please you.” He held up two drinks for them. “Here’s some pink lemonade for you,

“Thank you!” The girl smiled and took the glass of the sweet drink from him.

“And here’s your cup of black coffee. I made it myself, since I know you’re picky about how it’s made.”

“T-Thanks.” Tanya cursed her red cheeks as she took the cup from him. Damn it, the bastard even knew how she liked her morning coffee!

“So, Professor, I hear that you’re leaving for the Lagrange demon realm this afternoon.” Damien said after taking a few minutes to watch the blonde
gremlin slowly simmer down as coffee filled her little body. “What could you possibly want to do in that place?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business, Professor Quincy.” Tanya huffed cutely, making him chuckle.

“You’re right, I’m sorry for asking. Don’t want to spoil the surprise, after all.” Damien said. “Say, would you like to go out for a drink tomorrow during

Tanya nearly spat out her coffee at the question. Was he asking her out? “A drink?”

“Yes. I know you don’t usually go out for lunch, but I was wondering that we can just spend some time outside and talk about…work?” He actually looked
sheepish when he said that and even Viktoria was surprised at this.

“Um…I’ll see if I’m open tomorrow…but don’t get your hopes up!” She added, trying to maintain her image.

“Great! I’ll leave you two ladies to your work. Have a nice day, Professor Braun.”

Tanya just gave a shaky nod as the man left her office, allowing her to let out a breath of relief. Beside her, Viktoria gave a loud squeal and snatched up
the gremlin into a hug.

“Professor, did he ask you out on a-“

“Don’t fucking say it!” Tanya growled into the wurm’s cleavage. “And let go of me!”

Yes, Tanya Braun was a highly intelligent scientist and magic technician, and she had solved many issues plaguing both humans and monsters in her strive
to test the limits of science and magic. For all her achievements, however, there was one thing that eluded her sharp mind.


Tanya Braun, for the first time in her life, found herself in love with a man…and she hated it.


Growing up, it became clear that Tanya was not like other girls, or even like other monsters. She had a one track mind when wanting something done,
and strangely enough she wasn’t all that interested in men or romance in general. Even monsters with single-minded obsessions in certain hobbies like lizardmen and hakutaku always had sex on their minds in some form. But Tanya cared only about one thing-her work.

It puzzled her mother and two sisters, of which she was the youngest, but Tanya didn’t know what the problem was. She just wasn’t up for things like romance and guys. All she cared about was making the next big discovery and solving another mystery that hadn’t been solved in centuries. She took solace in science and magic, for they described odd natural phenomena in ways that couldn’t be comprehended by the mortal mind. Love was too much of an enigma for her to really feel comfortable with, and she resolved to stay away from anything concerning it.

Tanya liked to explain how the natural world worked, and use those same rules to control it. Love was too random, too unpredictable to really understand or explain. Her teacher, Ms. Fritz (bless her soul), a Minerva, had taught her that love was one of those things that even magic couldn’t fully imitate. It was an emotion that could make or break empires, unite or shatter families and warm even the coldest hearts. Still, having never experienced romance before, Tanya couldn’t really get it at all.

Which was why she was so nervous around Professor Damien. He made her feel warm inside, made her feel like those stupid giggly centaur teenagers that pranced about talking about handsome princes. He was surrounded by hundreds of monsters every day, many a hundred times nicer than her, and yet he seemed to like hanging around her like they were old friends. He respected her skills, her determination, treated her like an equal, and he always seemed to enjoy watching her work, smiling that stupidly cute smile of his.

Yes, now she was calling his smile cute! What profound curse has fallen upon her?!

She needed to know what ailment or affliction had hit her in order to find the answer to this frustrating riddle. Perhaps if she concocted a potion of some
kind she could see if that man had cursed her or something. Or if she was sick with a wasting disease of the mind. There was no conceivable way she could be in love!

Which was why she took an airship flight to the dense forests of Cascada north of Cetra, where a portal leading to an abandoned monster realm resided. It was a rarely traveled place created from the mingling energies of a dark matter and a Baphomet for reasons Tanya didn’t know or care.

Monster realms were separate dimensions created by powerful monsters or born of massive amounts of demonic energy coming together that were connected to Eos through portals that were left in certain locations in the regions they were created. There is no tangible portal to speak of, but there are spatial distortions that are near undetectable to even the most magically adept humans. Only monsters can sense the difference in atmosphere, and for unwary humans waltzing into a monster realm unawares, they rarely notice what’s changed until its too late.

Tanya and Viktoria entered the monster realm with little fanfare and entered a forest of blue and green colored trees that glowed like lanterns under a dark gray sky. Viktoria sighed a bit at the feel of demonic energy washing over her, but Tanya continued on without a care.

“This isn’t a sightseeing trip, Viktoria, pay attention!” Tanya said, marching through the luminous forest.

“Sorry, Ms. Braun!” Viktoria quickly slithered after her boss, hefting the large carrier on her back. “What are we looking for, again?”

Deciding not to scold Viktoria for forgetting the list she claimed to have memorized before they left, Tanya decided to humor her. “We’re here for a
couple of ingredients to make a clear-mind potion, and no, you can’t know what it’s for.”

“Drat.” The wurm pouted.

“I’ll go ahead and find the ingredients. You stay here and don’t move a damn muscle until I get back, okay?” She ordered.

“Yes, Ms. Braun.” Viktoria nodded and started setting up camp. She knew they were going to be here a while.

Tanya knew that it would be faster if they both looked, but she didn’t want Viktoria coming to her every five seconds with the wrong ingredient, or
completely missing the one’s she actually needed. Better to just have her hang back and out of trouble.


No matter what type of monster realm it is, they all shared the common trait of being infused with demonic energy. The plants the air, the water, even
the soil. Tanya’s planned potion needed was just a couple of things common in a monster realm.

Finding the water took literally two minutes as Tanya walked over to the nearest stream and scooped up a vial of glowing pink water that was blessed with the magical power of an undine. Tanya was thankful for not running into one, elementals were so annoying to talk to, seeing as they rarely conversed verbally.

The next thing on her list were a couple of herbs that could be used to brew herbal water, something to add a bit of flavor and infuse the potion with potent demonic energy to give it more kick. They were commonly found near trees, grown from the enriched soil that was more fertile than the grandest farms in central Europa.

The third and last ingredient was the hardest to find-an Ebon Rose. They were a special type of flower that was rarely found in most populated monster realms. Ebon roses were formed from pure demonic energy, a rose that looked like it was made from ruby and said to be the physical incarnation of love itself. Tanya hardly paid attention to the fanciful rumors of the rose’s properties, but she knew that it held a special power that could determine what love sickness was screwing with her mind.

It took her a good thirty minutes looking for that dam flower. With this monster realm being relatively uninhabited, finding plants that were often farmed or harvested was a lot easier, but ebon roses weren’t the easiest plants to find.

‘Come on, where is it?’ Tanya glanced at her little device she created just for his purpose. A dowsing device that tracks specific wavelengths of energy, spirit, demonic or completely uncommon. Her device had led her deeper into the forest, a bit farther from the portal than she would have liked, given that this monster realm was largely unexplored and unmapped. ‘I don’t want to stay here any longer than I’d have to.’

Thankfully, her locator led her into a small group of trees near a sparkling lake where she saw her target at the foot of a large tree. It was a rose, but its petals were crystalline and red, as if they were made of ruby, and it emitted a soft glow that lit up its little alcove in the dark forest. It looked beautiful, and upon seeing it for the first time, Tanya now knew why it inspired such awe and wonder.

“That’s a damn good looking flower.” Tanya muttered, then she grinned wickedly and brandished a pair of cutters. “Time to cut it up for science!”

Tanya rushed out of the brush and ran for the rose, eager to cut it and bring it back to her lab. Sadly, in her haste to achieve her goals, she forgot the number one rule of exploring monster realms-always be mindful of your surroundings.

“What the fuck?!” Tanya screamed as she was suddenly snatched off the ground as a mess of tentacles ensnared her limbs. The slippery appendages wrapped around her limbs and restrained her movement before she could even begin to resist. When it spun her around, her fair features paled when she realized what she was caught by.

It was a tentacle plant. It basically looked like a tree, but instead of branches and leaves, it had dozens of writhing bioluminescent tentacles extending from its trunk like snakes, all eagerly waving around in the air. Most of the tentacles were smaller in girth, while one had a wider girth.

These plants were another feature of a monster realm that had little maintenance. They were essentially rape plants that snagged any female and started fucking her without hesitation. Even monsters were often caught unaware by them on many occasions and raped on the spot, though often without complaints (save for the monster on a short time schedule. There was a time and place for sex, and not on a work day). It was from these plants that the newly discovered Tentacle monsters evolved from, and now Tanya was caught in the clutches of a newly grown tree that most likely hadn’t had pussy in a long time.

“I fucking would get captured by a stupid rape plant! Fuck me!” Tanya raged, and quickly regretted her words as it started tearing at her clothes. “Wait, that’s a figure of speech you stupid weed!”

Her sleeveless white shirt and green shorts were ripped in half by two tentacles and her panties were shredded in seconds before a tentacle reached her slit, squirming around and stimulating the poor gremlin.

“Fuck off!” She growled, trying and failing to break free. “I have a perfectly busty wurm that’s perfect as your cum dump, so just let me go get her!”

The starved tentacle plant wasn’t in the mood for waiting anymore. Tanya grunted as she felt the direct touch of its slimy appendage on her nether. It was teasing her, rubbing along the lips of her vulva and grinding up into her.

Tanya was a virgin, which was odd for a monster of her age, and it was a bit insulting than she’d like to admit having a rape plant take her virginity, though not as much as being stupid enough to be caught by the plant in the first place. She glared down at the tentacle between her legs, which had pulled back to show her the string of her sticky arousal connected to its bulbous head. Then she suddenly felt something large and slimy prod at her backside.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” She screamed, but it paid her no mind as it still prodded at her puckered ring. Only a moment later, its force increased, stretching her entrance wide as the plant took her.

The gremlin could only scream as she felt her ass give way as the slimy appendage slipped in. she was actually thankful at this moment that all the tentacles were lubricated, as it made the strain a lot easier on her. Sure, she still felt uncomfortable as the large log was lodged into her bowels, but it was something she could get through without anything more than a limp.

Soo enough, the tentacle pulled out again, before pushing back in. Tanya, much to her own shame, found her arousal quickly growing and her pussy practically leaking juices down her thighs as she felt the cock-tentacle ram her ass.

Her whole body started to heat up, while her clit got painfully erect, making her remember that the slime on the tentacles also doubled as natural aphrodisiac to get its captured prey in the mood faster. She didn’t have any time to curse this wretched weed as the tentacle suddenly pulled out until only the bulbous head was in and it stopped its movements.

“About…fucking…time…” Tanya panted, thinking for a moment if it was already over, but she had no idea the lengths this sex starved tentacle plant would go to get itself off.

Tanya suddenly felt her bowels get filled once again, but this time, the tentacle wasn’t stopping. It punched through any resistance and dove deeper than it had before.

Tanya’s voice came out in a squeal as she felt the tentacle going deeper and deeper. It almost felt like a snake was wriggling around every curve in her guts. She didn’t know that a tentacle plant could do this! Was it supposed to do this?

Not that she could keep this train of thought long as the tentacle simply continued on its merry way, invading Tanya deep. She was actually wondering if this thing would ever stop, picturing it reaching the end of her bowels and then up in her…

Her eyes widened in horror when she realized that’s what it intended to do. This fucking tentacle was going to thrust out of her bowels, into her stomach and then through her throat until it truly speared her like a pig over an open fire!

“W-Wait…stop…” She could still feel it moving on, making steady progress, but as she felt it travel further up, she realized she was running out of time. Just as she felt the tentacle push through what Tanya guessed was her stomach, she took a deep breath just as it invaded her gullet, pressing her airways shut, and erupted from her mouth.

Tanya’s body went stiff. She spasmed as she felt herself unable to move her torso. The tentacle teasingly wriggled directly in front of her nose and eyes, though her gaze was blurry from tears and her mind was blank from the obscene situations she had found herself in. there was nothing she could do but hang there and twitch like a raiju hopped up on too much juice.

She didn’t even notice another tentacle reaching down to her quivering twat and swollen pussy lips. It gave a slight prod, making Tanya involuntarily moan out loudly and whorishly against the fleshy piece still stuck in her throat. Then it dived in, making her give a muffled scream as her moist twat was spread around the thick appendage, her insides being invaded and plunged open as it all too curiously explored every nook and cranny, and still pushed on. It started to hammer against the walls of her womb, rubbing along the now sensitive walls of her pussy as she remained impaled on its thicker tentacle.

Tanya’s couldn’t help but groan and moan as she felt her ass and pussy being fucked all at once. The slime with its aphrodisiac like effect helped heat her body up nicely and made her enjoy being the pre of this monster. She started to cry out in pure bliss as her clit got grabbed by a noodle-thin tentacle. It wrapped around the swollen clit, squeezing it and pulling it every which way.

A splatter of juices, along with the continuous orgasmic screams announced that the gremlin finally came. Her whole body was spasming, while the tentacles continued to fuck her up.

This continued on for a while. Tanya crying out her pleasure loudly and quite enthusiastically to the heavens while her body was played with fervently. A continuous schlick sound could be heard from her obscenely leaking pussy. Her arousal was practically overflowing as the tentacle inside her simply rammed her twat and womb, just as the other one did with her ass and esophagus. This thing was giving her the plowing of the century, using her as nothing more than a piece of cheap fuckmeat.

The thrusts of the tentacle in her pussy soon got more erratic. It was grinding hard against her insides, as the plant finally started to reach its own climax. A few more violent thrusts were all it took before the plant hilted itself in her battered womb and a warm spray of its hot gooey cum was coating her insides.

Tanya’s eyes were rolling to the back of her head, her whole body instantly being wracked with another orgasm. Her previous one didn’t even have the time to end as her mind seemed to be slowly fired by the pleasure that was provided to her.

All the while the tentacle began to pump its cum directly into her inner sanctuary, making it expand more and more. Tanya’s stomach was slowly bulging out, and before long making her look pregnant from the strain, as cum was stretching her womb out almost to its bursting point. Cum was practically sloshing inside the wildly orgasmic twitching gremlin as the tentacle plant finally decided to have mercy on her and pulled its tentacles from her.

As its second tentacle slid out of her cunt, the first tentacle retracted down into her gurgling maw, sliding down her gullet and going through her intestines before exiting her now gaping ass with a loud plop. Tanya was dropped onto the ground, her body still twitching, her tongue now hanging out of her mouth. A look of dumb bliss was on her face as the tentacle plant retracted its tentacles and slowly went back into dormancy.


Viktoria wouldn’t find Tanya until an hour later, where the gremlin was still catatonic from her thorough fucking from the tentacle plant that mercifully didn’t try to attack the wurm as she got her boss out of there. It was only by dumb luck that Viktoria also got the ebon rose too, mainly because it “looked pretty”.

Once she recovered back in her office, Tanya worked on her potion and completed it the next day. When she took it, it flared up her natural monster skills in finding a mate…which nearly led her to bowling over Damien.

When Tanya Braun realized that all the ebon rose had done was point her towards her “intended” she sat there on the floor staring into nothing for a full twenty minutes before giving the loudest scream she had ever gave within the halls of Ledan.