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Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:20 am
by Kaijin
Ladies and gentlemen, consider yourselves warmly welcome to this little corner of mine.
This time I wanted to try something different from my usual creative style, I chose to do something that could serve me as a test as a writer... and as gamer...
Yeah, that's right.
I'll be tackling the Pokémon series in a self imposed hard mode or better said I'll be Nuzlocking the series... My idea is eventually cover the five regions appeared on the series so far... If I manage to accomplish it or if my journey is bound to end before reaching the goal is something that time will tell...

As for now, sit back and enjoy my first run:

Epic background music

Pokémon Fire Red

Challege Rules

1-> If a Pokémon faints is considered dead and can never be used again.
2-> Only the first pokémon seen on each route must be caught (if it faints, flees, etc... tough luck)
2b-> If a route has other ways than catching Pokémon (fishing, surfing, headbutting trees...) besides the patches of grass an additional Pokémon can be caught
3-> Every Pokémon caught must be nicknamed
4-> If a Shiny Pokémon appears before me it must get caught (or tried to at least) regardless if it was the first pokémon seen on the route or not... Shiny Pokémon are too rare to ditch them.
5-> Gift Pokémon (game corner ones, eevee on Celadon, in game trades...) and event wise Pokémon (fossil, etc) don't count as "official" captures
6-> Dupe clause. If a wild Pokémon appear on a route and I happen to have one of the same line (i.e a wild Pidgey and I have a Pidgey or Pidgeotto) it can't be caught until my specimen is dead... If a dupe appears, I'm given a second chance on said route... if during the second time appears another dupe I'll be given a final third attempt... if during my third attempt yet another dupe appears... tough luck.
7-> External tools (Pokésav, Pokébox, etc...) are only allowed to evolve Pokémon that are unable to evolve normally (trade evolutions since I'm playing via emulator).
8-> Legendary pokémon must never be caught, if during my run I stumble upon one or I decide to find them I must knock them out.
9-> As long as I have Pokémon on my box I can try to restart the challenge regardless if my team has been wiped out... If I don't have any usable Pokémon on my time nor my box then it's game over.

Prologue: Getting Started

Welcome to the world of Pokémon

"Hello there! I'm glad to meet you all."
"My name is Samuel Oak, however people usually refers to me as Pokémon Professor. Feel free to do the same if you wish"
"This world we live in is inhabited far and wide by creatures known as Pokémon"
That's a Nidoran...
"Kid... don't dare to interrupt me..."
...and it's a female one...
"Stop ruining my speech, kiddo..."
But... I'm supposed to be the main character...
"This is MY show!"
"Now shut your trap up before I decide to kick your spleen!"
"Much better... Now where were we? Ah I remember now... Pokémon has several uses, for some people Pokémons are excellent pets, others prefer to use them for battling... As for myself? I study them as a profession."

"But enough talking of me for now... Tell me about yourself"
So it's my turn now?
"Yes, and better be thankful about it, kiddo"
"Now tell me, child... Are you a boy?"
You gotta be kidding...
"So... are you a booooy?"
Don't you have eyes on your face?
"Or a giiiiiiiirl?"
...Boy.... Are you happy now?
"Quite much actually... Now, please do tell me... What is your name?"
"Don't "huh" me, sonny"
...I can't simply believe it...
"Your name, NOW"
"So... You're name is Glenn, isn't it?"
That's what I told you... just five seconds ago...^^U
"Excellent! And now..."
"This punk over there happens to be my grandson..."
Yeah... I know...
"He's been your rival since both of you were babies"
Hell no! I've born in Sinnoh for Arceus' sake! I've only been Kanto for about... three months...
"I'm beginning to get incredibly pissed off, so just shut up and nod"
"That's better... Now tell me... What was his name?"
What the...
"Remind me his name, please"
You're a horrible, horrible grandfather...
"I know. Now the name, Glenn"
His name is Gary...
"So... his name is Gary..."
Can I go now?
"Yeah, yeah... Scram, kiddo"
About time...

Please forgive that old professor... He seems to have a desperate craving for attention...
Welcome! I'm glad to see that many new faces around here! My name is Glenn Lightblade and I'm 11 years old. I was born on Snowpoint City, which is actually on Sinnoh but for several reasons that don't actually matter as of now I find myself far away from my hometown, in another country: Kanto. I'm living with my aunt Vera in Pallete Town.
I guess that I'm your typical average kid... except for one little detail: I can understand Pokémon... I can't remember when this ability kicked in or if there's any reason behind it...

Home sweet home
"Anyway... I guess that there is nothing interesting to do in this little town... Better I find something to kill some time" thought to myself as I went to turn the NES on my room on.
There's always some time for Megaman
"Glenn!" A voice called me from the lower floor, it was my aunt.
"What do you want, Auntie?"
"Can you come down here for a moment?"
I turned my NES off... sigh... I just managed to kill Quickman... and I went down to the living room, there she was watching TV.
"Did you want something?"
"Actually yes, our neighbour the Professor Oak asked if you could drop by his lab"
"Ugh... that man... He gives me the creeps...." I thought out loud.
"Come on, don't be like that, dear! He maybe decides to give you a pokémon"
"Do you really think so, auntie?"
"Well there's only one way to check it out" She told me trying to get rid of my doubts "Besides both of my children are excellent trainers, so you have a lot of potential... if I can see it there's no doubt that he can too"

That's true both of my cousins are known for their skills on Pokémon training... The oldest of the two, Erika, is currently one the official Gym Leaders on Kanto, she is the leader of Celadon City's gym and can be quite fearsome... when she's not high on Oddish's pollen that is... As for the youngest, Veronica, she had even more potential... she decided to retire herself from training but before doing so she was an amazing water type specialist that managed to beat the gym challenge and became herself an Elite Four member! Now she's living on New Bark Town, Johto, where she teaches younger generations of trainers about training and taking care of water types.
I wonder if I can become a trainer as good as them... Well... there is only one way to check it out...

I decided to go out of home and...
"Ugh... I better go a catch a Pidgey rather than trusting in that old man..." I though to myself as I decided to go to the nearest patch of grass.
"Hold your Ponytas, lad!" I could easily recognize the voice... it was Professor Oak.
"What now?"
"What do you think you're doing, Glenn?"
"Can't you see it? I'm trying to catch a Pidgey"
"Are you crazy or something!? Don't you see that wild Pokémon live on the grass?"
"What's the worst that could happen to me? Would a Rattata nibble my toes or something?" I ask him half mockingly
"Whatever sonny, you're coming with me!" He said to me as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me to his lab.
"H...hey... Let me go!"

But alas, the old man paid no heed to my word and didn't stop as he kept on his way to the lab. Once there I saw someone I didn't expected to see...

"Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting!" The young that was beside me said out loud.
"Errr... what was your name...?" Asked the professor... However I wasn't sure if he didn't remember his grandson's name or if he simply wanted to make him even madder than he was now.
"Gaylo" I jokingly shouted.
"Yeah, right, right... It's Gaylo" Thought the professor out loud... seriously this man has the worst case of Alzheimer I've ever seen.
"It's Gary! G-A-R-Y!" Gary was beginning to lose his patience... If he ever had of that before that is...
"Now, now Gaylo..." The professor kept on his own world "I've called you because I wanted to give your own Pokémon"
"Really?" I asked totally pleased by the idea.
"Sure. Come on Glenn, go and pick one."
"But... what about me, gramps?"
"Now, now Gaylo... No need to be pushy, you'll have one too!"
"sigh... fine Glenn, go ahead a choose already" Gary gave up and decided that it was better to go with the flow...

I went to the table and there were three Pokéballs, perfectly line up... Grass, Water and Fire... tough choice... all of them seemed great choices to me.

Hmmm... which one should I choose?

...Two hours later...

"Come on! Pick one already!" Gary began shouting at me furiously
"Fine, fine" I said as I picked a Pokéball... at last... I had my own partner... A Charmander... then the ball opened and the Pokémon was there, in front of me, curiously staring at my eyes.
"Are you the lovely Ignis' trainer?"
"Ignis, is that your name?"
"Correct, Ignis is the lovely Ignis' name"
"Nice to meet you, my name is Glenn"
"The lovely Ignis is pleased with her trainer"

"Out of the way! It's my turn now!" Said Gary as he picked the Squirtle without even looking... Darn it... this guy seems to hold anything against me...

Once I had my first Pokémon I was ready to go home and showing it to my aunt, she would definitely be pleased to see it... but then...
"Wait Glenn!"
"What now?"
"Since both of us are here why don't we take on this chance and check them out?"
"Are you affraid, Glenn"
"Of course not... Bring it on!"

Are you ready to rumble?
"For Arceus' sake! Youngsters today don't have any kind of respect for nothing" Professor Oak exclaimed as we began battling.

"Ignis, are you ready?"
"The lovely Ignis was born ready"
"Fine" I said as I tossed the pokéball, Gary did the same, sending his Squirtle.
"Heh... You're puny salamander doesn't stand a chance, Glenn" Gary and his huge ego...
"The lovely Ignis is NOT a salamander... the lovely Ignis is a lizard, a proud lizard that will kick your sorry ass!
"Well said, milady. Ignis... scratch attack!"
"Right away!"

Even if it wasn't really strong the scratch allowed Ignis to gain an upper hand over the Squirtle that still didn't know what to do at all...
"Squirtle... Tail Whip!"
"That Squirtle is acting weird..."
"Don't let your guard down, he's trying to lower your defenses as much as possible to defeat you in one hit"
"The lovely Ignis won't allow that to happen!
"That's the spirit! Keep the strategy going! Scratch!"

The strategy worked perfectly and Ignis was able to take the Squirtle down with almost no effort at all... This girl sure knows how to hit hard. On the other hand Gary didn't seem specially pleased with this outcome.
"The lovely Ignis feel stronger now!"
"Damn! I picked the wrong one! This one is useless!" Gary was furious now
"Yeah... like a Bulbasaur could have done any better against a Charmander..."
"It's your fault! You damn weakling!" Gary began venting out his anger on the unconscious Squirtle, stomping his shell once and again.
" What are you doing!? STOP!"
"That's enough, sonny!" Professor Oak stepped in and managed to calm Gary down before that Squirtle could have suffered any major injury.

"HMPH! I will make my Pokémon battle to toughen it up... Just wait and see, Glenn"
"Glenn, Gramps... Smell ya later!"
"Hey Gary"
"Smell this!"
"Feeling's mutual"

Then Gary rushed through the door slamming it soundly behind it, his grandfather had a worried look on his face...
"This kid... What am I gonna do with him?"
"By the way Glenn..."
"Have you ever thought of taking the gym challenge?"
"Well... It's kind of my dream... but I don't know if..."
"You should try it. You have a lot of potential"
"Thank you" I answered politely "What do you think Ignis?"
"The lovely Ignis wants to show her beauty and power to the world. The whole world will love the lovely Ignis"
"It's settled then! We're taking the challenge... Kanto get ready! Here I come!"

And that's how my adventure starts... I've met my first companion, we've got through our first trainer battle and now we were ready to face the most important challenge so far... I'm excited! I can't wait to see Kanto with my very own eyes... I can't wait to catch more partners... As much as I rely on Ignis I won't get far with only one Pokémon...
This was meant to be start of something big...

.P.S.: Image
"The lovely Ignis to see that many new faces around this corner"

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:34 pm
by Kaijin
Chapter 1: The Journey starts

Once I finished talking with Professor Oak I decided to go back home to show Ignis to my aunt, she would probably be pleased to see her. I entered home and there she was... watching TV... as always... sigh... Auntie... maybe you should go out a bit more don't you think?

"Auntie! Auntie! Look!"
"Hmm? So Oak did give you a Pokémon of your own, huh?"
"Yep! Take a look at this. Ignis, I choose you!" I said as I sent my Charmander out.
"My, my... What a cute Pokémon you have there!"
"The lovely Ignis is pleased that someone acknowledges her beauty"
"I know" I said with a broad smile on my face.
"So... are you gonna take on the gym challenge, dear?"
"I will try it at least"
"You'll do fine dear... Even if you may have trouble with a Charmander at first..."
"Why's that?" I asked with a confused look on my eyes.
"The first gym leader is a rock type specialist... Maybe you should take a small detour on route 22 and try to catch a Mankey..."
"A Mankey huh... Sounds like a good idea to me..."
"But for know you should rest for a while... Your Charmander could definitely use a good rest"
"The lovely Ignis agrees with that idea"

And then I headed to my room to take a little nap, it would probably be the last time that I would sleep on this bed for quite a while so I tried to enjoy it. Both Ignis and I eventually fell asleep.
After a short while we woke up completely refreshed and ready to go.

"I should be going now, auntie"
"Take care on your trip, dear. I'll be rooting for you!"

And then I finally left home, my trip was starting for real... I was so nervous yet so excited at the same time... I began walking out of town... My first stop: Route 1

Starting point
"Where do we go now?"
"We should stop on Viridian city first, I need to buy some basic things such as Pokéballs and potions... Not to mention that there is a gym there..."
"Sounds like a plan"

We began making our way to Viridian City, only to be interrupted by Rattatas and Pidgeys... Pokémon... Pokémon.... EVERYWHERE! sigh... And I'm out of pokéballs...
"The lovely Ignis is fed up with Pidgeys!"
"I know..."
"The lovely Ignis is fed up with Ratattas!"
"Believe me... I know..."
"If the lovely Ignis gets to see yet another Pidgey, the lovely Ignis will scream!"
"Gee... simmer down... will you?"

Viridian City... at last...

The short was road... yet the trip was hellish... Those grass patches are infested with Pokémon... sigh... This will prove to be tougher than I expected.
"The lovely Ignis feels way stronger now..."
"Yeah grew up four levels... You're level 10 now..."
"The lovely Ignis feels hotter now"
"You got your first fire type move after all..."

The first thing I did after arriving to town was going to check the Gym. I just couldn't wait to get my challenge started... but once I was there ...
"Hold your Ponytas, sonny!" The old man lying on the ground shouted at me.
"Excuse me?"
"You can't go on! This is a private property"
"Errr... you're lying on the street..." I meekly protested at him.
"MY street"
"I only wanted to go to the Gym..."
"The Gym is closed anyways... It's been months since the Gym Leader was around this town for the last time"
"Wha... It can't be..."
"The next gym is Pewter City's"
"Could you let me pass then?" I was beginning to lose hope at that time.
"Grandpa! Why are you so mean?" The young woman asked the man lying on the ground before talking to me "Please excuse him, he hasn't had his coffee yet..."
"Neither did I... And you won't see me pestering people in the middle of the street..." I answered as I began walking away.

"What now?"
"First we should stop by the Pokémon Center, you need some rest after all that battling"
"The lovely Ignis agrees"

And there we were back to entrance of town, heading to the Pokémon Center, Ignis has definitely earned a bit of rest after all.
Healing time!

"Welcome to our Pokémon Center" The pink haired girl behind the counter cheerfully told me.
"Good morning"
"Would you like me to heal your Pokémon back to perfect health?"
"Yes, that would be really nice actually"
"The lovely Ignis feels tired..."
"I know"
"Okay then I will take your pokémon for a few seconds"

...A short while later...

"The lovely Ignis feels wonderful now"
"Glad to hear"
"Thank you for waiting now your Charmander is restored back to full health"
"Thank you very much... How much do I?"
"No, it's a free service" The nurse told me before I could finish my question "There are Pokémon Centers in almost every town of Kanto, be sure to drop by if you ever need our help again"
"I will, thank you"

I waved goodbye to the lovely nurse and then I headed to the PokéMart in hopes of buying some necessary goods for my journey... or so I thought...

"Excuse me, did you came from Pallet Town?" The store clerk asked me.
"Err... Uh... Well yeah..."
"Do you happen to know Professor Oak by any chance?"
"sigh... I guess I do..."
"I've got an order here for him and he's too busy to come and pick it up. Could you please go and deliver it?"
"I wanted to buy some pokéballs and poti..."
"Kay thanks..."
"I've got money to spare...."
"Kay thanks..."
"But I..."
"Kay thanks..."
"Simmer down Glenn, let's go back so we can move on for real..."
"I guess you're right..."

And now we were on our way to Pallet Town once again... Not the best start for a trip that's for sure but at least we could avoid grass patches on our way there.
"Thank goodness!"

Finally we reached our destination and head directly toward Oak's lab... only to find Gary yet again...

"Glenn, nice timing there! How's my old Charmander looking?"
"Looking great!"
"The lovely Ignis is cuter than ever"
"It's nice to see that she is growing more attached to you now" The old man smiled as he saw Ignis being so happy "By the way Glenn, what brings you here"
"This" I told him as I handed him the parcel I got from Viridian's PokéMart.
"Thank you for bringing it, Glenn. It's a custom pokéball I had ordered"
"Meh! Gramps, you don't even need this chump..." Gary Oak decided to open his humongous and poisonous mouth.
"Gee... Gary..." Oak complained about his own grandson "I have a request for both of you"
"What is it?"
"Hush you!" Gary was beginning to piss me off.
"Do you see those machines on my desk?"
"Those are my latest invention: the Pokédex"
"What's that, gramps?"
"For crying out loud Gary, stop being so pushy"
"Please go on, professor"
"Thanks Glenn, it automatically records any pokémon you get to see or catch. I guess it should be considered as a high-tech encyclopedia"
Both of us were silently listening Oak's explanation... quite a handy tool if you ask me.
"Guys, I want both of you to get one of these"
"Why, gramps?"
"I want you catch as many Pokémon as possible, in order to complete the encyclopedia. I would do it myself but sadly I'm getting too old for this kind of trips."
"I don't know if..." I was unsure of this.
"Think of it as a training for your challenge, it will help you to strenghten your pokémon" He told me as he handed me five pokéballs. "There you go, that should help you start your adventure"
"Tsk... I can do this perfectly on my own gramps"
"Whatever, Glenn. I'm gonna get a Kanto map from my sister, and I'll tell her to not give you any."
"Face it Glenn, you won't be necessary at all! Keep playing with your puny salamander!"
"Gary!" Oak was beginning to get irritated with his grandson's attitude.

Gary then left after laughing at me, how someone who got his ass kicked by me could react like that? Life is full of misteries...

"This grandson of mine..."
"I should be going now, professor"
"Sure thing, Glenn. Have a safe trip."

I left the lab after waving goodbye to Oak, I already said goodbye to both Oak and my aunt Vera, now I should drop by Gary's house and say goodbye to Daisy, she's always been nice to me... unlike her dickish brother...

I knocked on her door's house, I was a bit nervous I gotta admit it... then she opened the door and there she was sweetly smiling at me.

"Glenn! What a nice surprise"
"Err.. Hi... I..."
"Did grandpa sent you on an errand?"
"Well.. sort of..." I began explaining her what has happened in this day so far, a sincere smile appeared on her face.
"So are you gonna take the gym challenge?"
"Yes, I'll try it at least"
"That's amazing, Glenn" She seemed happy to hear it "Take this Glenn, it should help you on your journey" She handed me a town map of Kanto.
"Won't Gary get mad at you?"
"That kid is hopeless... Don't pay heed to whatever he says, Glenn"
"I guess I won't be seeing you for quite a while... so" I began talking until a noticed a Bulbasaur behind her "Is this...?"
"Yes, Gramps gave it to me... I'm happy to have a companion."
"So... will you be taking the gym challenge aswell?"
"No, not for now at least" She told me sincerely "For now I will enjoy some time with my Bulbasaur here"
"He looks happy"
"Thanks, Glenn" She made a little pause as she kept smiling to me "Good luck on your journey, Glenn. I'll be rooting for you!"

Daisy Oak, isn't she lovely?

I left her house and I finally was ready to leave town once and for all... My journey was about to start, this time for real.

"Pokédex, pokéballs, town map, potions... everything's in order now..."
"Is that girl your girlfriend?"
"What...? O...o...of course not!"
"Do you like her, Glenn?"
"Ignis!" I... errr... erm... well... Nevermind!" I tried to settle down "Are you ready to go, Ignis?"
"The lovely Ignis has told you that before, the lovely Ignis was born ready"
"Cool! Then let's hit the road!"
"Avec pleasure!"

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:57 pm
by Kaijin
Chapter 2: Making new friends

Crap's getting real

"It's been hours since we arrived to Route 1 and there is no Pokémon to be seen"
"Yeah... it's strange, before there were everywhere!"
"The lovely Ignis is getting bored"
"Yeah... I know...."
"Can't we go to Viridian City already?"

After a while we could see how a patch of grass began rustling heavily... A pokémon... at last! My first chance of catching new partners, making new friends... I wonder what will it be?
"Please be a Pidgey, please by a Pidgey..."
"If the lovely Ignis gets to see yet another Pidgey, the lovely Ignis will scream"
"Good morning! Wonderful weather we're having"
"Well... I can't say you didn't warn me..."
"Do we have to catch him?"
It took her a short while, but Ignis was able to weaken him enough for me to capture him... Things were looking good! My first partner.
"Ouch... that hurt... Could you be more careful, you scaly brute?"
"The lovely Ignis is not a brute, is a real lady"
"Does... she always talk like that?"
"It must suck to be you then"
"I guess... By the way are you okay?"
"I'll survive..."
"Glad to hear it... errr..."
"Icarus Featherline II"
"So... Feathers, huh?"
"Icarus... will do..."
"Welcome to the team, Icarus"
"Thank you and now... Don't mind if I do" Said the Pidgey as he decided to fly to the top of my head and rest there, making it his new personal nest.
"Go back to your pokéball..."
"This is more comfortable"
"Sigh... Oh well... for now it's time for you to grind a little..."
"I'm not scared of a bit of work so bring it..."

Once Icarus managed to catch up with Ignis, we finally decided to go to Viridian City... just to stumble into a pesky acquaintance again...
That man again...
"Well, well, well... Now I've had my morning coffee and that's all what I needed"
"Hooray!" I grunted as the old man was now out of the way or so I thought...
"What's that red "box" you have?"
"This... is a Pokédex..."
"So... are you working on it?"
"Duh..." This man is really, really dense...
"Do you know how to catch Pokémon?"
"Well... Look for yourself..." I said as I pointed at Icarus, who was still resting on my head.
"You don't? Well then... let me show you how..."
"But I..."
"Worry do not... I'll teach you"
"I'll share your suffering pal..."
After watching how an old man struggled to catch a Weedle... wow how exciting... I was ready to go but the man still had some more surprises...
"There, sonny. Now you know how to catch Pokémon... Educational wasn't it?"
"Not really..."
"Glad to hear that sonny. Now take this with you..."
"What... what am I supposed to do with this crap?"
"Enjoy this Teachy TV, sonny"

Teachy TV... overrated piece of crap...

Man... that geezer only wanted to get rid of that pesky TV that was older than me... way older than me. Once I managed to get rid of it and buy some goods from the Pokémart that I was definitely gonna need on this journey I decided to pay heed to my aunt's advice and take a small detour on Route 22, hoping to find a Mankey.

"Isn't it too early for us to go the Indigo League yet?"
"I'm only going to the grassy patch in order to find a new partner... We're at disadvantge against the first Gym Leader..."
"True that..."
"The lovely Ignis can take care of the whole gym challenge all by herself..."
"In your dreams, missy..."
"The lovely Ignis will roast you..."
"Enough already!"

Welcome to wild life

"This is my territory... Scram... now!"
"Talk about lucky... Icarus, do your job"
Right away boss, just leave it to good old Icarus" Said the Pidgey as he landed in front of the Mankey
"I told you pal, you can count on me."
Icarus did a good job at weakening her, but still the Mankey put quite a fight and I have to spend three Pokéballs to catch her.
"Very well I concede defeat, from now on I shall acknowledge you as my master"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Glenn, you should know Icarus by now and this one over there is Ignis"
"Likewise, name's Ryoko"
"We should go back to town and rest for a while..."

"Stop there, Glenn"
"Out of all places... what do you want Gary?"
"You can't go any further, they won't let you in without any badges"
"I know..."
"Then... what were you doing there?"
"Catching new pokémon..."
"You thought you could already enter?" I asked him before laughing at him... "Man... you're even more dense that I could imagine"
"Cut it out!" He yelled quite mad at me "Hey... since both of us are here... how about making a quick battle?"
"Tsk... Just bring it on"

It's clobbering time

"I'm not gonna lose this time! Go Pidgey!"
"Ignis, time to shine!"
"It's showtime!"

"A birdie? The lovely Ignis expected something cooler"
"Be on your guard..."
"Yeah, yeah..."
"You did well... for a Pidgey..."
"Ugh... Now I'll show you!" Squirtle, go!" Gary was beginning to lose his cool...again
"Good job Ignis, now go back and rest. Icarus can you handle it?"
"Sure, I'll take care of that tortoise"

"Sit back and enjoy the flight"
"Careful, Icarus. You're still hurt from Ryoko's battle."
"Don't worry about it, I'm fine"
"If you say so..."
"Ouch... tougher than I expected..."
"Man... I told you to not be so reckless! You gave me the scare of a life time!"
"Sorry... But look at the bright side, we won!"
"No fair... You lucked out there!"
"No, I won you fair and square, Gary"

He then went on his way to Pewter... I think.. But he still had time to babble about his superiority and lecturing me around... Man talk about sore losers...

"What now, boss?"
"First I'm getting you guys healed... Never scare me like that again, Icarus"
"Will never happen again, I promise"
"Glad to hear that... Then we should hit the road again... Route 2 and Viridian Forest awaits us"
"Route 2 is infested with trainers and Viridian Forest is teeming with bugs... Maybe we should let Ryoko to catch up with us"
"I can't wait to begin the training..." She told us cockily as she cracked her knuckles.

It was a long while, but at last Ryoko was on par with the rest of the team... Things were looking great for now, I managed to get half of a team, I managed to kick Gary's ass twice... Now Route 2 and Viridian Forest awaited us, the last obstacles before the first gym and new choices of making new friends.

.P.S.: Image
"I hope you like birds, guys. Since you'll hear me chirping for a long time"

"It's an honor to make your acquantance"

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:07 pm
by Chaos
Hehe, Awesome Fic Lumi. I love that this is kinda like a "Let's Play" in a way. I hope you continue on with more of it very soon. :goodjob:

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:21 pm
by Kaijin
You don't even know how much I needed these words.
It's the first time in more than half a year that someone actually has shown interest on a creation of mine... and giving me some actual praise even more...

Actually my mood has suffered a severe slump because of this, the lack of interest on anything I write (specially of the people who encourage me to try this when I asked for opinions and later they didn't even take a look at it) made me remember some incredibly painful words that were told back in the MGU, almost feeling the urge of stopping writing anything longer than a RP reply post.

However as long as there is someone to read my works, to make me feel that my efforts weren't in vain... Even if it's only one person... I feel able to pull off anything.
You have my deepest gratitude.

.P.S.: If I'm lucky maybe I could be able to pull off a new chapter some time during the week, but I have to reply on some RP first and maybe creating a new custom profile... it's been quite a few weeks since the last one I created...

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:53 pm
by Chaos
Hehe, I cant wait to see what more you can create Kaijin. I'll be sure to keep on reading your story for as long as you continue Glenn's adventures.

Keep up the good work! :cool:

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:32 pm
by hothead1021
I kinda like the idea of the main character understanding Pokemon, I'll especially be interested in the Unova Arc if he meets N but right now it's a fire red story so I won't get my hopes higher than they already are anytime soon

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:46 pm
by Chaos
Kaijin, are we gonna get a new installment any time soon? I really want to read more of this adventure. :pleease:

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:33 pm
by Kaijin
Replies' time

@ Chaos-> Thanks for dropping by, it's nice to have you around.

@ Hothead-> I've been taking a look at several storylockes and I've realized that almost all of them made Pokémon and human understand each others just for the heck of it... So I thought that it would be a great idea to make my main character a bit more special. About Unova arc it's still unclear who the main character will be, as I still have to create the timeline (the only games that follow a timeline are 1st and 2nd Gen games and I'll respect that part), so who knows maybe Glenn will be a full fledged adult once the Unova arc kicks in...

Thanks for dropping by.

@ Chaos (2)-> Yes, I realize that it's been way longer than I expected without any new updates, but social life and pretty severe creative slump have taken quite a bit of time for me to do so (and plenty of other stuff I have to write)... I'll try to get back to business as soon as I can.

Sorry for the inconveniences guys.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:12 pm
by Feathers
Yeah this is great stuff..Pokemon Master indeed. I like stories with accompanied imagery, helps me get into it better. You pulled this off perfectly. I also wanted to try something similar to this but never got around to writing to make an actual story. ^^;

Good work I'll be lookin' for updates too.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:47 pm
by axc_o
wooo, finally someone writes about the annoying parts of pokemon we all have had to pass through, I just hope your "fanfic-game" doesn't run out of batteries until the end of it. :D

bon voyage pal

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:50 pm
by Kaijin
It's definitely been a while since stepped this subforum, real life matters and fighting game tournaments took a huge toll of my time.
But not everything must be bad news... I've been plotting for a long time to get this one out of its grave and now seems like a perfect time to do so (I need something to clear my head and what better than gaming?)

I can't tell you for sure when there will be updates coming this way though, with a little luck maybe I'll be able to pull chapter 3 off by this weekend... but who knows.

As for now, it's time for some replies.

Replies' time

@ Feathers-> The man who gave the name to my Pidgey... I thought that I would never see you here (I heard somewhere that you get hooked to Pokémon thanks to the Unova arc games, but I couldn't tell for sure if it was true or not), but it's nice to see you around.
Thanks for the compliments, but I'm not sure if I deserve that much praise it's my first storylocke and I've seen plenty of these that are way better than mine... But it's nice to know you like it.

@ axc_o-> Welcome to this thread (and excuse the incredibly late welcome), glad you like it... And when comes to batteries, this project has been on hibernation mode for too long so that would not pose a problem ^^
As for wiping outs... Truth to be told I'm pretty confident in my Pokémon gaming skills, I think that I can pull it off with a few casualties maybe (hopefully not)... But one thing is for sure I'm thankful to be going through Fire Red (If I chose others such as Alternate Evos or Vega I would be toast).

@ hothead-> I know that I already answered your question, but during the time I've been off I had time to think about the plot more deeply and connecting the pieces of my story (assuming that I can pull off every chapter). And I can tell you that Glenn won't be starring Unova arc.

The progress would go pretty much like that:

Kanto -> Fire Red -> Glenn
Johto -> Heart Gold -> Glenn [3 years after FR] (I planned on choosing either Crystal or Lyquid Cristal (Crystal fan remake using Fire Red as a basis) and giving Crystal the starring role... But I discarded the idea since I'll be needing Silver)
Sinnoh-> Platinum -> Silver/Glenn [6 months to 1 year after HG] (It will be kind of a dual story locke, Silver will carry the weight of the story while switching with Glenn at some points. The arc epilogue will be starred by Glenn)
Hoenn -> Emerald-> Glenn [4 years after Pt] (It will serve as Glenn's big finale and if things go the way I have planned, it will be pretty epic... Thing that shouldn't be hard since by the end of Sinnoh arc Glenn should be quite the badass)
Unova-> White-> Sean [20 years after E] (It will be a new generation adventure, where Sean will try to follow his fathers footsteps)
Unova-> White 2-> Mireille [7 years after W] (For this one I intend to get an incredibly minor character from Black and White and give her the starring role... The name is a placeholder though).

Pretty much would be like that, however I've been studying the possibility of picking a romhack or fangame that happens in an invented region or has all the key characters (gym leaders, elite 4, champion) changed in order to have the perfect epilogue to Glenn's lineage.
I've been thinking in Pokémon Vega for this... But it has some serious pros and some serious cons:


+New region
+Lots of new Pokémon (well... incredibly well made Fakémon) and new evolutions to already existing ones (Absol and Sableye, among others, get a new evolution)
+ Manlichu


-It's only in Japanese (I would have to literally invent the plot as I play rahter than adapting the existent one like I'm doing with FR)
-Insanely hard
-Insanely frustrating

Vega Opening

What do you guys think? Do you want Vega as the end of my line? Any other suggestion?

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:09 pm
by Kaijin
Chapter 3: This is bugging me out

Our businesses in Viridian City were over for now, and more considering that the city's gym was closed for... only Arceus knows how long, and it was time to head to Pewter City... But to get there we should to go through both Route 2 and the Viridian Forest.

"Okay guys, now it's time to head to Pewter..." I said while barely stepping on the grass. "Holy!"

However I wasn't expecting to get jumped by a Pokémon so soon...


"Howdy! How are ya feeling?"
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... A trainer... KYAAAAAH! Take me with you!"
"I'm on it, boss!"
"Thanks, Ryoko. I'll leave it up to you"


"And that's how it's done"
"Remember me to never piss you off..."

And in a flash Ryoko weakened the Rattata allowing me to make an incredibly fast and safe capture. I've been in only three routes and I almost have a complete team!

"OMG, OMG... You're like so strong!"
"The lovely Ignis is having a headache of EPIC proportions..."
"I can relate..."
"Hiya! My name's Maddie, nice to meet you all"
"That voice is drilling the lovely Ignis' head"

"Okay guys... Now if you're kind enough to stop bitching for a while, it would be time to go to the forest" I sighed as I tried to instill some common sense to my partners, however it caught my attention that Icarus didn't say anything he was chirping cheerfully
"It's a All you can eat buffet!"

But he was partially right though, he saw food everywhere... I saw the perfect training ground... I had a flying and a fire type in a place full of bugs, this should be a cinch.

A walk in the park?

"O...okay... maybe it won't be so easy as I though...."
"I can't barely see a thing in here..."
"The foliage here is so dense that it actually covers the sunlight"
"The lovely Ignis got it covered"
"Talk about convenient..."

Who would have thought it? Ignis fiery tail would have an actual use... It was not a HM Flash, would be enough for us to navigate through this forest.

"Unholy shiny Arceus... Is that..."
"I ain't tackling that, sir"
"A full forest full of bugs and I stumble upon a Pikachu"
"Yet another rat..."
"Get it! I don't care who but someone jump out there and get that rodent!"
"On it <3"


"¡Hola señorita! ¿Qué hace una dama tan bella sola en este bosque?" (Hello there Lass! What's such a lovely lady doing in thise forest all alone)
"Like I can't get what you're saying and stuff"


"He's weird..."
"I know..."
"Do we have to really carry him along?"
"Hola a todas, soy Juan Pablo y seré vuestro guardaespaldas" (Hello to you all, I'm Juan Pablo and I'll be your bodyguard)
"Yet another bother..."
"The lovely Ignis agrees"
"If you're the weirdest of them all..."
" me..."

And we had another teammate... and it was another weirdo... huzzah... Once our celebrations were done, we were finally in our way again.
However the moment we were about to move...


A brat with a bug catching nest came out of nowhere...
"You're a trainer right" He asked me.
"Well duh..."
"Then we must battle!"
"Because of yeah!"
"...Just out of curiosity how many of you guys are out there?"
"Who knows but more than a few for sure..."
"And all of you will try to ambush me into battle..."
"Most likely"
"Can we battle now?"
"Fine, fine..." I sighed as I fetched a pokéball. "Maddie, give'em hell"
"Like totally!"
"Why couldn't I catch a Caterpie instead of her?"

After getting rid of that bug catcher I could finally press on and trying to make my way to Pewter... Except when trainers and wild pokémon said otherwise....

"Sigh... Trainers everywhere!"
"We've been here for hours!"
"Icarus, stop eating the local fauna dammit!"
"But they're too many of them and all of them delicious!"
"How long it takes to get out of this forest?"
"Estamos casi fuera, confía en mí." (We're almost outside, trust me)
"I don't know if I should..."


"And that was the last of them..."
"I feel like... funny..."
"Hold it for a sec... I'll give you an antidote"
"Thanks a bunch!"
"A sign! What does it say?"


"Finally! We're out of this forest!"
"The lovely Ignis doesn't want to go back to these woods..."
"Ni siquiera yo, que nací en este bosque, quiero volver,mi ardiente damisela" (Not even I, who I was born in this forest, want to go back, my burning damsel.)
"Fine then, let's move on... We have to tackle the rest of route 2 before reaching Pewter"

We were finally out of these woods, and the team felt stronger than ever after all these hours of "training", but the journey was about to get tougher with the first gym jsut up ahead.

"It's like... nice to meet you all.

"Todas sus damas me pertenecen" (All your ladies belong to me).

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by Kaijin
Chapter 4: Rock Hard

"Okay... We're now out of this forest"
"So now what?"
"A lil' bit more of training before hitting Pewter Gym of course, there are two lovely ladies that must be ready to kick some major ass..."
*Ryoko cracks her knuckles
"The lovely Ignis doesn't like rocks"
"I know..."
"Rocks blow rocks..."
"Talk about redundant..."
"The lovely Ignis is not going out..."
"You're my plan B dear, I'm not using you unless it's extremly necessary since Ryoko will be my main attacker for the whole gym"
"The lovely Ignis is rooting for the filthy monkey"
"¿Vamos a entrenar o qué?" (Are we gonna train or what?)

...After hours of beating countless Rattatas, Pidgeys and bugs... errr... "grinding"...

"All those poor rattatas..."
"No me siento ni la cola..." (I can't even feel my own tail)

Image -> Image

"" My jaw was completely open "Look at you!"
"I have hair! Look this lovely mane"
"Ignis have you se... god..."

Image -> Image

"When did you...?"
"The lovely Ignis feels sexy"
"Two pokémon evolved by the first gym, normally trainers have a Caterpie or a Weedle evolved...but this wow..."
"Well... Do I have to remind you that you don't have any of those?"
"Well... maybe if Icarus stopped eating them...."
"Hey! Blame Arceus for making them so tasty, not me..."
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...<3"
*Ryoko used Karate Chop
"Thanks Ryoko, you're a lifesaver"

We finally made it to Pewter City, and after a long and boring trip to the city's museum...

"The lovely Ignis agrees"

"My head like hurts... a lot..."
"I can relate"
"Like totally"

"I want my money back!"
...And no damn was given that day at the museum.

...Eventually made it to the first gym, our first challenge was finally here, this was real... I could feel chills running down my spine.

Gym time

"Okay guys, we're ready! Just focus and everything will go smoothly"
"HAH! Stop right there, kid!" A boy stepped before me as I entered the gym
"Kid? We're the same age... Maybe I'm even older..."
"You're 10.000 light-years from facing Brock"
"Enough!, let me show you why!"


"Nice job guys, now it's time to face the leader!"

And there he was, waiting for me in the midddle of a small promontory, slow and majestically waiting for my challenge.

"So you're finally here, huh? I'm Brock, Pewter's Gym Leader"
"Err... Nice to meet you?"
"My rock-hard willpower is more than evident even in my own team. My pokémon are rock hard, and have true-grit determination"
"So... All of them are rock type" I let out jokingly...
"How did you know?"
I shrugged my shoulders after hearing the unnecessary and pointless question.
"Never mind kid, show me what you've got!"
"Gladly! Ryoko, you know the drill"
"Yes master, leave them to me!"

It's showtime!
Pewter City Gym Leader: Brock Saunders (Age 19)
"I truly admire your courage kid, but it will take more than that to beat me! Geodude, I choose you"
"Ryoko, give them hell!"
"With pleasure"

"Ryoko, Karate Chop"
"Nice try, rocky"
"Wha...? It can't be... Aargh... It matters no more, Onix is up to you now"
"I'll handle this one aswell"
"Thanks Ryoko, you're a lifesaver"
*Ryoko blushes

"Not so cocky now huh..."
"What's so funny challenger?"
"Ryoko, Low Kick"
"I thought you'd never ask"
Brock's eyes opened widely in shock as a single kick was more than enough to neutralize that humongous rocky serpent in only one hit.

"Impressive Ryoko, not even a single scratch..."
"I was expecting a greater challenge..."

"I took you for granted and I lost... As a proof of your victory I confer you on this... the official Pokémon League Boulderbadge"
Boulderbadge Get!
"It will allow you to use FLASH outside battles, as long as it knows it first that is"
"Thanks, I'll be on my way now..."

As soon as I started to leave...
"Wait, take this with you"
"What's that?"
"This disc contains the TM39: Rock Tomb, give it to a Pokémon and it will be able to learn it. Rock Tomb will hurl boulders at your opponents with chances of lowering their speed"
"Well... If that's all... Then I must be on..."

"What now Brock?"
"Haven't we met before by any chance?"
"I get it... You kind of remind me of Erika"
"W...well, she's my cousin after all..."
"You're kind of cute, kid..."
"Glenn what do you say? You and me BREEDING"
"I...I'm a guy..."
"It doesn't matter...<3"
*Glenn used Sucker Punch... It was not very effective.
"It will take you more than that, cutie..."
*Glenn used Low Kick... It was SUPER EFFECTIVE.

Several minutes and miles later...

*huff* *puff* *huff* "I thought I was a goner..."
"Talk about close calls..."
"You almost got like totally raped..."
"So where do we go now?"
"Well according to the map there is a gym in Cerulean City"
"Sounds like a plan"
"The lovely Ignis will follow you anywhere"
"All right guys, let's get moving then"

My first badge... and my first lifelong gym related trauma, my career as pokémon trainer just officially started and I was thrilled to see what else had in store.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:23 pm
by Oersted
Just finished reading all of it, I have to say, I was laughing through most of it!
One of the things I like is that each of your pokemon have a different way of talking, I find it especially funny that Juan speaks in spanish(?).

Anyway, good job! I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:01 am
by hothead1021
PAHAHAHAHAHA Looks like Brock's getting a little desperate there :XD: Man that was good, and thank you for answering my comment and go into greater detail about it.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:14 pm
by Kaijin
Replies' time

@ Oersted-> Welcome, it's always nice to see a new face around these corners ^^
I'm glad you like it so far, as for personalities... Well every pokémon is unique in its own way and that's what I tried to accomplish, I'm glad that it turned out well. As for good ol' Juan Pablo, yes he talks in Spanish ^^

I hope to see you around in future updates ^^

@ hothead-> Well... When you've been turned down by almost every girl from Kanto to Sinnoh... you pretty much end up hitting on anything it moves, even Dittos XD
No need to thank me, I always thought that readers should be treasured without them fanwriters wouldn't have a reason to do what they do.
(By the way, I'll need to change the name of my Black and White 2 arc's main heroine or either give her a nickname since it's one letter longer than the slot limit... *sigh* I still wonder why they give so many space for pokémon nicknames yet so few for character names).

.P.S.: Due to health issues (stomach troubles) and other distractions such as White 2 or the Pokémon Adventures manga (you should take a look on it guys, it's pretty good), I haven't been able to touch Fire Red, however I'll try to at the very least have an update ready by this weekend... If I'm lucky two or even three.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:53 pm
by Kaijin
(Due to real life issues I haven't been able to get my hands on my VBA till now, so accept my apologies for that)
(I'm also quite surprise to see that this thread has made it into the home page's Hot Topic section for the first time... well...EVER. I don't know what to say but thank you to all of you who have actually made this feat possible).

And now it's time to get the ball rolling ^^

Chapter 5: Weird Trip

*huff* *pant* *huff* "I don't that Brock will be able to catch up to us now... Icarus, do you see him"
"Nope... We left him behind quite a while ago apparently..."
"That's sure a relief... Hmm? What a minute... I recognize that man..."

"Oh Glenn, I'm glad to finally being able to catch up to you"
"Are you one of Oak's aides, are you not?"
"And what are you doing so far from Pallet?"
"I was asked to deliver you this, so here you go"
"With these you'll be like faster than a Rattata"
"I think I'm in love with these shoes..."

Awesome aren't they? <3

"Well, I must go back to the lab. Good luck in your travels, Glenn"
I waved the aide goodbye as I realized that shoes had a note attached to them.
"¿Qué dice, jefe?" (What does it say, boss?)
"Hmmm let me see...
Dear Glenn, I hope you're faring well on your journey so far. This challenge is gonna be long and full of hardships, but I know that you'll be able to overcome anything it might appear on your way and I hope that these running shoes will be able to take you all the way to the end.
I'll always be rooting for you, so don't even think of giving up.

Love, Aunt Vera
"It looks like someone's getting a bit too pampered by his auntie, huh?"
"Well... Someone has to spoil me I guess... Both my father and older brother are nowhere to be seen since quite a long while ago... and my mother is busy in a faraway region snuggling Spheals..."
"What's a Spheal?"
"Hmmm... how to put it? It's like a Seel, but fatter, rounder, cuter and actually useful"
"The lovely Ignis doesn't like water types..."
*Sigh* "We should be hitting the road..."
"The lovely Ignis hates when her trainer ignores her magnificence..."

...However as soon as I set a foot on the new route ahead of us...

"What? I wasn't even..."
"Qué grande eres jefe, así se hace..." (You're so great boss, that how it's done)
"Mala suerte, jefe" (Bad luck, boss)
"Can I go on now?"

Great... first trainer in the route and... she was a weirdo... even if she was kinda cute... Time to move on...

"Wait what?"
"Can the lovely Ignis kill him?"
"I'd rather not break the law..."
"And knocking him unconscious as brutally as possible?"
"That sounds delightfully perfect..."

One quick asswhooping later...

"I think you overdid yourself out ther Ignis..."
"Nah... he'll be fine... in three hours or so..."

...Several weird trainers later...
"I'm fed up! Why are all the trainers in this route weirdos?"
"You... Did you touch me? Did you just groped my b..." A startled girl began accusing me out of the blue
"Hold on... I wasn't even near you..."
"I don't know how I should feel after hearing that..."
"Touch me...<3"
"Wait what?"

Several minutes of groping later...

"...<3 Soft..."
"Earth calling to Glenn"
*Ryoko used Karate Chop
*It's Super Effective!
"What was that for?"
"That girl left quite a while ago, apparently really happy... So happy that she even gave you her phone number..."
"Good to know...^^"
"There's no more trainer on this route, can we move on?"
"No... Time for a new catch"

"Are you okay buddy?"
"Get out of my mind and get into my ball...NOW!"
"'re scary..."
"Everybody...GET HIM!"
"Jefe..." (Boss...)
"Creo que deberías ver esto..." (I think you should see this...)
"What? Holy... Ignis stop licking that Nidoran's horn!"
"The lovely Ignis refuses to comply that command"
"That tickles..."
"My god... it's like she's fel..."
"The lovely Ignis is feeling funny..."
"A warm and fuzzy feeling?"
"Wha...NO!" I started searching for an antidote as fast as I could "Ignis don't go to the light... stay the hell away from the light..."

One antidote later...
"The lovely Ignis is feeling better now..."
"Never lick that Nidoran's horn again!"
"The lovely Ignis refuses to comply that command..."
*sigh* "What's your name little fella?"
"Who's daddy little powerhouse?"
"Yes, you are..."
"Erm... I don't think that hugging a poison type is a wise thing to..."
...Yet another antidote later...
"I curse you poison point..."
"Not your fault..."
"It's starting to get dark here..."
"Good point... We should get some rest before entering Mount Moon..."
"But where? We're in the middle of nowhere..."
"Talk about convenient..."
"Who would have thought that it would actually be a Pokémon Center right beside Mt. Moon entrance?"
"Who gives a damn... Let's spend the night here."

After spending several hours trekking on a route full of weirdos and even weird Pokémon, we were quite in rough shape and only Arceus knew what could have Mt.Moon in store for us...
"I hope they have TV in there"
"I don't want to miss my favorite show: My little Ponyta, my friendship is Magikarp <3"

"I'm gonna waff you all <3"
"With my horn if needed <3"
"The lovely Ignis volunteers"
"Ignis!" *sigh* "Why I only have weirdos in my team?"

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:59 pm
by hothead1021
....... that has to be... THE FUNNIEST CHAPTER YET :XD: :XD: :XD: Oh my god that was hilarious, and I liked how Ignis is having those urges already.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:54 pm
by Oersted
I have to agree with hot, this chapter was very funny.

Although I have to wonder why Glenn reacted that way at the sight of a Nidoran, I mean sure they're awesome but that reaction was er...weird, but not as weird as trying to imagine a Charmander licking a Nidoran's horn...>_>