The Girl of your Dreams!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

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I think you got your characters mixed up a little :lol:
"Oh dear..."Reedia blushed as Sai came in Well that you so interrupted least now you have two women here..." Reedia said as she hugged Sai and Anadiris "Come on...why don't we go sleep for tonight huh?" She asked smiling

Spoiler: show
Natasha moaned as she felt her end closing in "I knew that spell that....that Succubi would teach me would come in handy..." She smiled, reaching up to grope Misha's breasts, Natasha's artificial dick throbbing "I feel like cumming..." She moaned, thrusting her hips deeply one last time, she lets out a liquid similar to semen, it looked just like semen as well, but it was really her love juices, all with high concentrations of Demonic energy as it quickly fills Misha with unexplainable pleasure

"Very interesting dear...but don't fret...I can lend a helping hand if we do need help...I wasn't to avoid why don't we just try and run from any fights?" Melona asked as she smiled to Victor

"Hehe...okay I get it..." She smiled as she hugged Arc "Most women in my world can;t help but be foward with the man we love...because they make us so happy...I'll admit at seemed rather unreliable...but your such a sweet man...any girl would be lucky to have you...and I'm certainly happy to have you my love..."

"Oh...I can see precuaaahh..." Kathy moaned, feeling her climax building up as her love juices started to flow more profusely "Just a few more my love...keep at it..." Kathy moaned with a happy expression as she continued to lick the tip of Ikoru's dick

"Hey...nice groping there..." Aida smiled as moans from Ikorus impressive style of groping, the way he massages her breasts feel wonderful to her, his hands sinking inside as if they where memory foam
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
"Hehe..." Jessica smiled, then listening to Harvey "Okay Harvye...I'll cease from calling you master...I just thought you'd like it but, I guess I didn't know about your hate for slavery...but then again...I can't blame you." She said "After all...thats what my parents had to go through..." She said frowning a bit "But enough about that for now...Harvey..." Saying his name in a seductive manner "Now that you beat me, you better take responsibility okay?"
As he heard Jessica's acknowledgement of that decision, his features returned to a warm smile, though he briefly frowned along with her when she mentioned how her own parents actually did have to slave for others, which rather tore him up inside. His thoughts began to take on a more somber note as he began to dwell on what hell her parents could've been put through, but Jessica's voice snapped him back into the present. The combination of both her sultry tone and adoring expression elicited a slightly wicked smile from Harvey as he leaned in and took her into a deep kiss in answer.

"Don't worry about that Jess. Best believe I'll do my best to take care of you. It's not every day a guy as thick-headed as I am gets to call gorgeous girl like yourself his girl. This is gonna sound weird coming from me, but, I'm glad that survey sent you to me Jess." Harvey stated, purposefully hugging her in appreciation. :cool:
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Hmm...this all seems to be going well..." Mayella said smiling at Kevin, but then hearing about the views, she frowns " we have to go through some stuff first huh...does it involve that she devil that I met earlier?" She asked

"Possibly Mayella, but she is no she devil...that would be complementing her...let us give her the title evil woman as a more appropriate gesture..."
"Oh yeah I forgot she works at the Community College." Kevin said "And she'll have security stop Mayella at the door claiming she has a dangerous weapon!"

"Not if she has diplomatics papers for carrying one." Saeko said with a smile "...and if you are worried about their outward appearance causing panic or making them objects of lust to the young students Mayella and Binka has it covered."

"What do you mean by that?" Kevin asked.

"Now that would be telling dear but before you leave four girls would love to say hello to you." Saeko said before snapping her fingers.

On that signal four familiar faces came up the dojo stairs to greet Kevin...

"Honor, Jiel, Nyssa, Madrid what are you girls doing here?"

"We came to convince you to take Colonel's job as leader of CDF and Chimera Corp. but it seems your wives made you see reason." Honor said with a smile before winking to Binka and Mayella as a show of approval.

" I agree it a shame about the not being able to wear the teddy like I wanted to convince him to take the job." the North Korean officer said with a blush "But from what I heard before going downstairs make me happy to see he's in good hands."

"Are all North Korean Intel officers like you or do you just angry about loosing your chance again Jiel "Madrid asked before looking to Mayella and Binka "Don't worry Kevin see us more like sisters than girlfriend material so we leave him in your care."

"We'll also make sure the guy don't drag him to strip club before wedding." Nyssa said with an Impish smile.

Saeko just smile and said "Why Nyssa son wouldn't never allow his subordinates to do anything so improper," She said with annoyance. "Now I lets talk about you new eye color young man?"

"Well I'm kinda turning into an Incubus it like how Mayella and Binka are but male and I'm a little stronger now too now ....Don't tell grandfather I don't want him turning me into the modern-day Oba Nobunaga."

"Fine my son but trust me when he's too busy with medical troubles to worry about your changes." Saeko said with a frown "I'm sorry to say this but your grandfather is dying and now as the head of the Shiztoru Clan things will be run differently for now on.

"How so?" Kevin asked

"My first order of business as head of the Shiztoru family will be that you make peace with your grandfather before on his last days." his mother said to him with a face of resolve.

With a sigh Kevin just said "Fine mother I'll visit him at the compound as soon as we settle in, but don't expect me to play chess with him, or act like I should expect him beg for his forgiveness for my life choices." he said to her hoping that wasn't the point of the visit.

"Oh Kevin you misunderstand he want you to forgive him, and it was he who that bought your series and got it published." she said with a smile. "He's the one who wishes to apologize to you for his past deeds with you."

"He... got my graphic novel published... then that means?" Kevin said looking at her in shock.

"Indeed Comrade, He found Comicet was very interesting and found some of the more graphic works interesting." Nyssa said with a smile.

"But was picked up rather quickly too by your biggest critic within he Right wing party.. and believe you ask why I know it because she wore a blond wig and make up." Jiel said with a smile "She tried to pass herself off a one of those ganguro girls but with an ass and almost missed it I seen your book in her office."

"Mayella, Binka, remind me to give the Commander Iwato a signed copy of my graphic novel should we meet again." he asked his wives before thinking of the look on her face.
Last edited by Kmon13 on Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

Lost on the moment, I place my lips upon her nipple, suckling on it gently, giving soft nibbles to her tender nips. My cock becomes erect once more as I push against, eager to penetrate. My hands caress her soft fuzzy bum, one hand scratching just above her soft tail, at the base of her back.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Chaos
"Hehe...okay I get it..." She smiled as she hugged Arc "Most women in my world can;t help but be forward with the man we love...because they make us so happy...I'll admit at seemed rather unreliable...but your such a sweet man...any girl would be lucky to have you...and I'm certainly happy to have you my love..."
He listened to Seino speak, telling him how much she loved him. It was kinda hard to take in,seeing as he had known her for all of just over 12 hours. He held the beautiful dragon girl back. Even if he wasn't totally sure, he wanted to do his best to return the love that she had for him. He leaned up, smiling, and kissed her with loving passion.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Kathy's moans encouraged him further, causing him to lick her dripping pussy wildly, attempting to bring his beloved Grizzly to orgasm. His shaft pulsed and throbbed against their groping hands and tongues, as he continued to fondle and massage Aida's breasts blindly, only eager to bring both his lovers to orgasm.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Wodan
Sheva sat on the couch next to Elric "Hey Elric...when you get your energy back...lets get back to lovemaking okay? This time apply condom you humans call it to unsuccessful insemination..." Sheva said, her pussy still wet from thinking about the whole thing "Also Elric...I want to long have you been alone...or have you always been alone?"
"Well, first of all..." Elric put up an indignant face, "I was never alone. Are my friends whom we've met a while ago is a proof of me not being a recluse?" he said to Sheva, "Second, if you are about to ask about my previous love life then my answer is that my love life is unavailable until today. I chose to avoid entering any relationships with any women that I've met since I prefer to care less about such things..." he made his second point, "Third, I have a family... Why would I be alone when they are always there... Even if they were far away from here..."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Okay...hehe..." She giggled as Harvey hugged her, she simply hugged him back ""Now I get to spend more time with you Harvey..." Excited with her new life, she simply give him a loving hug, pressing her bare breasts on his head. Her breasts acting just like pillows "And I'm glad I'm here too sweet Harvey..."

"Sure dear, we promise to keep reind you." Mayella said

" and your grandfather seem to have some sort of scuffle from the any case it seems to be resolved now..." Binka said smiling "And abot you changes will take awhile before you fully change, but until then...we got some stuff to do..."

"She's right for once, lets get ready..." Mayella said

"My tail!" She felt him scratching near her tail, she simply writhes in pleasure, a rather weak spot for her, she drooled a little, her wet pussy clearly seen, she rubs her groin against his "I can't take it...I want it in..." With that said, she simply gives him a loving hug and pushes her waist down, the lips of her pussy swallowing the tip of his dick, then engulfing the rest in a second, then a small flesh was torn inside her pussy "Yaa!" She moaned in pain as her virginity was taken, biting down on Garth's right arm, but it didn't hurt, it felt like a small pinch

Seino smiled at Arc's act of love as he leaned towards her for a kiss, she pulled his head with her claws, pulling his head tighter with hers as their lips connect, making sure it stays that way as she pushes her tongue through his lips, wrapping around his tongue as if it was a snake coiling on it's prey

"Ikorus...CUMMING!" Kathy moaned as she felt his tongue deep inside her, releasing her love juices all over his mouth, flooding it, her body trembling from her climax "Not done yet...Aida...come on..." Kathy said as Aida smiled, they both then piss each other, but this time with his dick in between, as their tongues lick his tip, trying to taste one another

"Hmmm..." Aida moaned

"No, what I meant to...never mind..." Sheva said blushing as she turns her face away from his "Sorry for asking..." She suddenl hugs him "Elric...I don't know if your still in the mood but..." Still blushing, her vagina was still dripping wet "Can we finish what we started...I know it's pathetic of a blue oni like me to be asking for this...but it just felt so did for you didn't it? Or is it my body lacks the luster needed to satiate you needs...because from what I can didn't seem like you where enjoying yourself...was I doing something wrong? Where my techniques bland?"
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"Well, I am happy regardless of how Marthy is...after all I gave my first to him...and no matter what...he is my beloved lover..." Laura said as she blushed uttering her most honest words

"Aww...I think so too..." Piko said smiling at Marthy
Marthy blushes a bit, but then hugs Laura by her waist "T-thank you so much Laura." e then continues to embrace her. Mara smiles as she looks at the TV, so what were you guys doing anyway before I visited?" She asked innocently enough

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Chaos
Seino smiled at Arc's act of love as he leaned towards her for a kiss, she pulled his head with her claws, pulling his head tighter with hers as their lips connect, making sure it stays that way as she pushes her tongue through his lips, wrapping around his tongue as if it was a snake coiling on it's prey
Arc felt her clawed hands wrap round his head, and run through his hair as she pulled him closer and deeper into the kiss, her hot flexible tongue wrapping around his own. He moaned in pleasure, his mouth opening more as her tongue seemed to fill more of Arc's mouth than his own.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Sure dear, we promise to keep remind you," Mayella said

" and your grandfather seem to have some sort of scuffle from the any case it seems to be resolved now..." Binka said smiling "And about you changes will take a while before you fully change, but until then...we got some stuff to do..."

"She's right for once, lets get ready..." Mayella said
Saeko smiled and said "Well then I'll return to the hotel then strange thing though I sent Hans and Berrett out for Hot Wings and Stromboli and they are not back yet…. No matter we’ll eat at the Hotel you kids need to work on getting ready for shopping and your sabbatical.” She said before receiving a call on her cell phone “Yes Hans…..they what …. I wanted inferno sauce on Buffalo wings… fine but leave them a short tip and remember the blue wings…. Thank you have Berrett bring one of the buckets to the door before we leave for Kevin... thank you Hans.“ then she hung up the phone “I wanted to surprise you with wings and the restaurant gave us the wrong type of sauce making them wait longer sorry.”

"No worries mother we already ate earlier," Kevin said with a smile

"But a grown man needs lots of food after sex so he could please his woman or women in Binka and Mayella's case." Saeko said with a resolved face as she said "You're not single anymore Kevin and you need to take better care of yourself so take the bucket!"

((Doorbell rings))
Last edited by Kmon13 on Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"Oh dear..."Reedia blushed as Sai came in Well that you so interrupted least now you have two women here..." Reedia said as she hugged Sai and Anadiris "Come on...why don't we go sleep for tonight huh?" She asked smiling
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I saw the problem, and it has been corrected :sweatdrop:
Sai: alright.

* sai walks them both to the bed and has them sit down on it. he prepairs to lay in the futon her set up, but anadiris stops him moentarily*

Ana: um...sai. its alright with us if you sleep in the bed too you know.

*ana is still hiding the fact that she likes sai, and sai apparently still doesent see it*

Sai: well, alright. if its ok with you two.

*sai slides into the bed between both of you, and his face goes beet red, feeling both reedia's and anadirises breast press up against him*

Ana: you alright sai?

Sai: its fine...goodnight guys.

ana: goodnight sai, reedia.

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
"Okay...hehe..." She giggled as Harvey hugged her, she simply hugged him back ""Now I get to spend more time with you Harvey..." Excited with her new life, she simply give him a loving hug, pressing her bare breasts on his head. Her breasts acting just like pillows "And I'm glad I'm here too sweet Harvey..."
Though resting on Jessica's makeshift pillows were indeed comforting, Harvey wasn't tired anymore, and with the acquisition of his new girlfriend he was almost aching to take her out somewhere.

"Well then, I'm sure that particularly passionate romp of ours gave you an appetite, didn't it? Ya wanna go get something to eat? I think I still got a couple $20s left on me." Harvey offered
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Wodan
"No, what I meant to...never mind..." Sheva said blushing as she turns her face away from his "Sorry for asking..." She suddenl hugs him "Elric...I don't know if your still in the mood but..." Still blushing, her vagina was still dripping wet "Can we finish what we started...I know it's pathetic of a blue oni like me to be asking for this...but it just felt so did for you didn't it? Or is it my body lacks the luster needed to satiate you needs...because from what I can didn't seem like you where enjoying yourself...was I doing something wrong? Where my techniques bland?"
"Well, I did enjoy myself..." Elric said as he opened the packet that contains the condom, "Besides, the fruit's still making me hard... And I still want to fuck..." he puts on the thin rubber on his raging hard-on and llooked at Sheva with lustful intent, "Are you ready to finish our fun?" he smiled and suggested lustfully at Sheva.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikorus began to pant and moan, as his shaft pulsed and throbbed between their hungry tongues, more precum dribbling down the length. "Ooooh, Ladies....I'm....I'm...!" His body went rigid as he squeezed Aida's breasts firmly. Suddenly, cum erupted from his cock, splattering the two women in the face with his seed.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"We were watching Starwars!" Piko said as she flew around, imitating laser sounds shooting and explosion sounds

"Yes well...the movie was great no doubt..." Laura said looking at Mara "Hey Mara...why don't you and I spar a little?" She asked smiling

As if her entire tongue was taking up space in Arcs Mouth, she opens her own mouth to let out space, then soon pulling her tongue back, sliding and licking his own tongue as it unwraps on his, eventually she takes her whole tongue "Wow...that was a nice kiss..." She said hugging him

"Of course mother..." Mayella said

"Yes, I will..." Binka said as well, then hearing about the sex part, both Mayella and Binka blushed "Uh...well...lets just say that Kevin...well he is very good at that..." She said

"Yea..." The Dorbell suddenly rung, Mayella grabbed her claymore "Hmm!?" Pointing it at the door have a more intimidating atmosphere on you...if it is that woman again...scare her off..." Mayella said

"Right..." Binka said as she walked to the door and opened it "Yes?"

"Hehe...goodnight you two..." Reedia said with a seductive tone, her wings covering Sai, and using her tail, she pulls Anadiris on Sai's back while pulling herself in front of Sai, their breasts pressing against him even more tightly as her tail is now coiled around Anadiris and Sai "There...much better..."

"Sure, I'd love to eat...mainly meat though..." Jessica said as she got up "Not to be picky but...meat is just so good and tasty...sure vegetables are good for you but they taste bland..." She said as she started to put her clothes on "Know any good places to eat then with plenty of meat?"

"Uh..." surprised at Elric's Lustful eyes, she matches it with her own and gives a smile, her canine teeth on her left showed "Alright then..." She gently pushes Elric on the couch with her, getting on top of him "Alright...lets try this again..." she pushes her vagina on his dick, letting out a moan on pleasure "Aaaahhh...your dicks size is perfect...not too big...not too small..." She says as she starts to thrust pump her hips up and down on his hips, making seductive sounds with each wet, slap like sounds of their hips hitting each other

"Yes!" They both said as he erupted, they both kept licking him during his climax to try and lap up as much of the rising cum as possible, the excess firing off from the air and shortly descending on their chests and faces or leaking down his shaft. Lapping the remaining excess of themselves and his shaft and smiled at him, Kathy in particular got off him, only to move her face to his, her face showed lust

"Oh Ikorus...your so good at this..." She then kissed him lovingly. Aida just kept licking the excess and smiled

"Heh...well then...this time I'll get on top of him first..." Aida said as she smiled at him
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"We were watching Starwars!" Piko said as she flew around, imitating laser sounds shooting and explosion sounds

"Yes well...the movie was great no doubt..." Laura said looking at Mara "Hey Mara...why don't you and I spar a little?" She asked smiling
Mara grins and nods "Sure, i'll take you on." Marthy got in between the two with his arms formed in an X "Ohhh no you don't not in here, Sis, the last time you showed off your skills, I had a broken window, I don't want things to get worse, so take it outside!" Mara giggles and blushes with slight embarrassment "Oops, sorry about that, yeah we have to take it outside, say Laura, how soon do you plan to have the match?"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Of course mother..." Mayella said

"Yes, I will..." Binka said as well, then hearing about the sex part, both Mayella and Binka blushed "Uh...well...lets just say that Kevin...well he is very good at that..." She said

"Yea..." The Dorbell suddenly rung, Mayella grabbed her claymore "Hmm!?" Pointing it at the door have a more intimidating atmosphere on you...if it is that woman again...scare her off..." Mayella said

"Right..." Binka said as she walked to the door and opened it "Yes?"
Standing at the door was a tall older man with blond hair and a scar over his right eye and lover lip wearing a black suit and tie and in his hands was a large bucket of hot wings.

"Hello Fraulein I'm bringing the wings for you, Lady Mayella, and young master as Lady Saeko ordered." said the Older man with a bow before handing it the bucket of Buffalo wings to the salamander. "Inform the lady of my apologize about not entering but I be waiting outside with the car along with Berrette." he said before going back to stand by it.
Last edited by Kmon13 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
As if her entire tongue was taking up space in Arcs Mouth, she opens her own mouth to let out space, then soon pulling her tongue back, sliding and licking his own tongue as it unwraps on his, eventually she takes her whole tongue "Wow...that was a nice kiss..." She said hugging him.
When Seino's tongue finally retreats, and pulls her mouth back, Arc was left for a few moments with his mouth hanging open. When he closed it, he looked at the dragon girl as she spoke, nodding "..Yeah, you have a very....flexible tongue Seino..." he said, hugging her back.

".....Can I Have another?" He asked sheepishly.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"Hehe...goodnight you two..." Reedia said with a seductive tone, her wings covering Sai, and using her tail, she pulls Anadiris on Sai's back while pulling herself in front of Sai, their breasts pressing against him even more tightly as her tail is now coiled around Anadiris and Sai "There...much better..."
*Sai blushes a bit at the feelings of both their breasts, but cozies in and drifts to sleep. Ana also does so. the following morning, Sai awakes and sees that Ana is not in bed. he gently unwraps Reedia's tail from himself and goes into the kitchen. greeted by the sight of Anadiris naked butt, his face instantly goes red. she wears only an apron as she cooks some eggs and bacon in a pan. she turns and smiles*

Ana: good morning Sai. Breakfast will be ready soon. would you get Reedia up please?

Sai: um...yeah sure.

*Sai ruses out of the room, not wanting to be embarrassed any further from the sight of Ana's gorgeous backside. Sai goes to the bed and lightly nudges Reedia*

Sai: Hey, Reedia, time to get it, its morning.

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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