
Long intro? Maybe?

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Post by Hizumi »

Hello, The Monster Multiverse.

Figured it'd be good to post in here after i decided to join. Funny that a random Harem maker landed up making me decide to check this board out for the moment. So lets see, time to introduce myself.

I go by the pen name at times of Hizumi Ketsueki, it's also the name of some of my own rp characters of which i sort into arch types based on their own personality traits and so forth. Im also a "writer" of sorts. I've completed a fan fiction novel of the fate world, though i guess it isn't one that people would think of it. I consider my fan fictions to be more of a world fiction, as in utilizing the world given to me by the original writer, and putting in characters that follow the laws, along with minor changes that will add history to characters or add in some oddities. I am also an original writer, writing and generating a rather large world with many things in it (including monster girls). Utilizing a mass variety of my own twisted thoughts, with odd fusions and such. I am currently writing 2 other fanfictions, though i land up taking long moments in writing as i don't get writers block but a rather complete opposite event. I tend to plan out way to many things and get excited leading to outcomes that lead to no sense. So i have to take a pause, think it out break it down and try to write up something i would enjoy reading. As in the end, i don't like it, i will delete it all and write again. Blame Metallica for that one, as i have always done this, but James said it best, "If you don't make music you like, then why should anyone else like it?". It's an old quote, don't remember it fully but it was on those lines.

When it comes the to the monster girl world, i was first introduced to it about 2-3 years ago. At least the whole world in all it's hentai and such beauty. And the first thing i thought about was, this would make a totally interesting non-hentai world, ecchi if you will. And look and behold the monster girl series that came out :P. Though i was following that manga for sometime when i found it, and i thought it would be a good anime. My views on monster girl probably follows more influence to how i was brought into it which was monster girl quest, part 1 i believe. And from there it just exploded. I probably fall into those who don't think of monster girls as things to just bang and go. And often times in my stories have a long list of events or occurrences. With some being all rape wanting, while others wanting to take a different approach to the entire thing. As monster girls are "people" too. So i've always seen the encyclopedia as the point of view of a person looking at a group or one person. Writing in the topics of what they've seen, and then stating "this is what it is" when they merely mean like in all science, the average.

I have a drive to want to "dominate", now this may sound weird. But it's not necessarily in terms of sexual drive. Though some monster girls that's one of the ways you can dominate them. My want probably like some men, is that i'd rather control them and use them for my own want. Or keep them as my own. Most stories or roleplays i've participated in, that has come in handy. Often leading my character to not die, because of his use of those he has dominated and/or cares for.

I am a fan of anime, i do not consider myself an Otaku. As though people use it in a sort of american way, i see it more in the Japanese way. The term isn't a good term. But a word is a word, it's meaning is only based on the value that's placed behind it no? As such, i consider myself an anime fan, i don't have figurines, though i plan on getting some. I also have no real posters, i do have a painting by someone at one of the cons i went to that i bought. Aside from that, i tend to not fall too much into the otaku? My favorite Anime/Manga/Light novels, or a short list of them are, Black Lagoon, Highschool DxD, Monster Musume, Freezing, Noblesse, Gundam (usually anything gundam), Muv Luv, Another, Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka?, Kaicho wa Meido-sama!?, Kill La Kill etc..

I love lore, Warcraft, being one of the most well known worlds i have in my mind. Aside from my own world which i've been working on since the age of 7. I love learning the back history of characters and the story of worlds. As such my worlds and characters generally have a massive history, though i tend to start off all my characters past their beginnings, having their stories (and back history) told threw out the story instead of leading it as part of the introduction of the story.

I was born in Quebec, Canada. As such some consider me a French Canadian. however, i've moved out of Quebec 2 times to live outside it. First time in ontario, the second time and where i am currently, in the states. My first taught language was french, as such i used to be very good in the language. But my soon to be major speaking language is English. However, i was never "taught" English. It may sound odd, but there are reasons for that. So as such, certain grammar and other things may sometimes be missed by me. As i am constantly learning a english as a whole even though i've been speaking it for well all my life. I often pronounced words in french, even though the last time i've spoke french to a person was over...hmm 6 years ago, as i had an ex who only spoke french. Though she would try to speak english to me. We both agreed to just talk our ease language, and sometimes use the language we weren't used to.(though it was cute to hear her speak english)

I tend to enjoy almost all forms of music. The only type i can't stand at all, it literally burns me with anger and hate is country music. Though i don't honestly listen to Rap music, R&B or other forms of music much. I still can tolerate them. For some reason i can't with country. I love japanese metal, pop and rock music. My favorite bands over all, though a rather long list can be sampled as, Metallica, Megadeth, OZ, Gazette, Yōsei Teikoku, Alice Nine, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse etc.. I tend to sing at bars with live karaoke, or just karaoke with my friends. Singing songs from Disney, to Japanese openings to Metal songs. So far no one has shot me, so i'll say im good enough not to be booed off stage, or stabbed. However, that breaks down to the person listening to it. I have a trigger to sing when i'm happy, i don't considerate a problem. :haha:

My Favorite season is winter. I love the ice cold, snow, and the general feel of winter. I often would spend hours outside while in Canada just walking in the blistering cold just to feel the connection to it. I know weird, but i just loved it's feeling. My least favorite seasons is obviously Summer. I just don't do well in hot weather. However, the only thing i don't hate about summer is the outfits. Though, my hatred of sunlight, and basic vampire like existence tends to lead me to wearing 500 inches of sunscreen while outside so i don't just fall on my face and die :@_@:

My type of woman i look for---- :what!?: Ok i think i'll stop there. No need to go into all those details...unless it's warranted somewhere that i need to. I could careless of how shallow i come off as. But i don't think i need to alienate people from me either...much..

Anyways, if you want to ask me anything feel free to ask and i'll answer. It's just fun that way i guess. Pleasure to meet you all. :goodjob:
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Re: Hello

Post by Raet »

Hello there Hizumi! Glad to know that I am not the only one that thought this way:
When it comes the to the monster girl world, i was first introduced to it about 2-3 years ago. At least the whole world in all it's hentai and such beauty. And the first thing i thought about was, this would make a totally interesting non-hentai world, ecchi if you will.
Same as me, and it is one of the reasons Praxis came into existence, unfortunately it isn't quite as popular as the more raunchy settings. Still it is growing slowly, but surely.
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Re: Hello

Post by [BRindustries] »

Yo!^^ Welcome to our little side of the internet.^^
I gotta say, that's quite the introduction there, must've taken quite a while to put together. :P
I can find myself agreeing to a lot of points being made here, like monstergirls being "people", liking a broad range of music, the anime/manga selection, and the non-existent tolerance to hot temperatures or hot sunlight. :P (winter's where it's at :D)

So yeah, welcome.^^
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Re: Hello

Post by Feathers »

Welcome to TMM, it's nice to meet you too. We seem to have a lot in common right down to the love for Metallica. :) I also see monster girls as "people" and not simply rape machines. I enjoy well thought out lore and stories about them instead of just "adult content".

So recently, have you watched Dimension W (robot girl) and Re:Zero kara (elf/oni/vampire)? Some pretty good monster girl representation there I thought. :) If you are into dark anime, Re:Zero might suit your tastes.

Well then, hope to see you around here more in the future!
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Re: Hello

Post by Blake81 »

Ye gawd! Now that's one long and descriptive intro. :stunned:

You really put lot of attention into details, eh? I like that.

Anyway, welcome to TMM! :hi:
Hizumi wrote:As monster girls are "people" too.
Wiser words never been spoken. I myself also like to focus on the ''people'' aspect of my MGs, and not what makes them apart from humans.
Hizumi wrote:I love lore, Warcraft, being one of the most well known worlds i have in my mind. Aside from my own world which i've been working on since the age of 7. I love learning the back history of characters and the story of worlds. As such my worlds and characters generally have a massive history, though i tend to start off all my characters past their beginnings, having their stories (and back history) told threw out the story instead of leading it as part of the introduction of the story.
Ohhh! If you like lore like that, there's a game you might wanna check out; Pillars of Eternity. Created by the god-tier writers of Obsidian, this game has one of the deepest and most fascinating lore you will ever have the pleasure of reading. Not to mention a story that'll hook you up from the very game intro.
Hizumi wrote:I love japanese metal, pop and rock music.
Ever heard of IRON ATTACK!, UNDEAD CORPORATION and Foreground Eclipse? They're some of the best japanese rock and heavy metal you'll ever hear. Check out YT, which is full of their Touhou Vocals and Rock Remixes.
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Re: Hello

Post by Hizumi »

Raet wrote:Hello there Hizumi! Glad to know that I am not the only one that thought this way:
When it comes the to the monster girl world, i was first introduced to it about 2-3 years ago. At least the whole world in all it's hentai and such beauty. And the first thing i thought about was, this would make a totally interesting non-hentai world, ecchi if you will.
Same as me, and it is one of the reasons Praxis came into existence, unfortunately it isn't quite as popular as the more raunchy settings. Still it is growing slowly, but surely.
Hello Raet and indeed. Though it may be growing slowly, it will surely grow popular. I'm sure of it. Just some things take time. I'd much rather something take time, and is amazing overall with a good community and such. then something that just explodes into existence and is riddled with bugs and hate for outsiders.

[BRindustries] wrote:Yo!^^ Welcome to our little side of the internet.^^
I gotta say, that's quite the introduction there, must've taken quite a while to put together. :P
I can find myself agreeing to a lot of points being made here, like monstergirls being "people", liking a broad range of music, the anime/manga selection, and the non-existent tolerance to hot temperatures or hot sunlight. :P (winter's where it's at :D)

So yeah, welcome.^^
Yah i greatly love winter. Glad to see i'm not the only one. It didn't take too much time as i was writing and thinking at the same time. But yah...still time spent. When i realized how much i wrote it was like " :what!?: " so i stopped XD No need to get into too many of the more intense subjects when you first meet people in a fandom.

Feathers wrote:Welcome to TMM, it's nice to meet you too. We seem to have a lot in common right down to the love for Metallica. :) I also see monster girls as "people" and not simply rape machines. I enjoy well thought out lore and stories about them instead of just "adult content".

So recently, have you watched Dimension W (robot girl) and Re:Zero kara (elf/oni/vampire)? Some pretty good monster girl representation there I thought. :) If you are into dark anime, Re:Zero might suit your tastes.

Well then, hope to see you around here more in the future!
Great to see another tallica fan to. =D Indeed i've heard of both, and i've been watching Re: Zero. I like Re:Zero it's pretty awesome, and well placed out i find. i just hope that the light novels (im assuming it's that as the manga isn't much further from what i've been told.) are enough for it to possibly get a second or third season. Of course it's popularity and income also plays a role in that :P. As for Dimension W i haven't really looked into it. though it's been recommended by various people. i may check it out. who knows. :P

I'll try my best to participate =D

Blake81 wrote:Ye gawd! Now that's one long and descriptive intro. :stunned:

You really put lot of attention into details, eh? I like that.

Anyway, welcome to TMM! :hi:
Hizumi wrote:As monster girls are "people" too.
Wiser words never been spoken. I myself also like to focus on the ''people'' aspect of my MGs, and not what makes them apart from humans.
Hizumi wrote:I love lore, Warcraft, being one of the most well known worlds i have in my mind. Aside from my own world which i've been working on since the age of 7. I love learning the back history of characters and the story of worlds. As such my worlds and characters generally have a massive history, though i tend to start off all my characters past their beginnings, having their stories (and back history) told threw out the story instead of leading it as part of the introduction of the story.
Ohhh! If you like lore like that, there's a game you might wanna check out; Pillars of Eternity. Created by the god-tier writers of Obsidian, this game has one of the deepest and most fascinating lore you will ever have the pleasure of reading. Not to mention a story that'll hook you up from the very game intro.
Hizumi wrote:I love japanese metal, pop and rock music.
Ever heard of IRON ATTACK!, UNDEAD CORPORATION and Foreground Eclipse? They're some of the best japanese rock and heavy metal you'll ever hear. Check out YT, which is full of their Touhou Vocals and Rock Remixes.
UNDEAD CORPORATION, i've heard and loved all their remixes so far. Im also aware of pillars, it's a great game, and being it was made by Obsidian i didn't expect any less. They were the ones still publishing the Vampire the Masquerade books, among other world of darkness stuff too no? I mean white wolf made it still but yah. With Paradox's grabbing of White Wolf, i can't wait to see the release of a potential Vampires The Masquerade Bloodlines 2, or something in that sense. Hell even if that make a sort of Requiem Crusader kings like world i think that would be pretty damn interesting :P.

But Yah over all i try to get my intro's pretty detailed. Well as much as possible. Help give people a sort of look into who i am, which is generally what an intro is for isn't it? :P But yah i did forget some things i think. I"ll have to read it over and then maybe post in more, or just let it go. XD

Thank you all for the welcome. I do hope i can find some posts and such to do here. And maybe gamer buds or other means. Always fun to look around and see what is what. :P
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Re: Hello

Post by Feathers »

Gamer buds? What games do you play online?
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Re: Hello

Post by Hizumi »

Feathers wrote:Gamer buds? What games do you play online?
Hmm, i've recently slowed down when it comes to like MMO's. Though i do have some still. merely cause im not a huge fan of the communities, and most of it is of course first impressions. But being i'm generally a casual gamer it doesn't really help out much. I Currently have a few games, and others im willing to dl. Though i play Warthunder, World of Warships, and of course i was playing World of Warcraft (don't have it anymore, but i may get more time who knows). I play also Gmod though it's generally just custom maps, nothing really big like death run or whatever. And i have Starwars the old republic. I have other games, though mostly single player stuff.

I know they were at one point working on making a monster girl mmo. but i believe the kickstarter didn't really hit it's needed max. Which sucks, but from my understanding it may still be coming who knows. There is also a few other things too.

I love role playing, so i tend to do DnD stuff occasionally, but im more used to forum rp, without stats and just a general understanding of a characters limits. So you don't make you character op, you just know what you can or can't do type thing. Always wanted to do a monster girl rp, major problem? i generally don't fit in to much with already started rps. so i tend to just read and watch from a distance. that and 18+ and originality is always a problem on most boards in general. Being original is great, but being too original is hated on, so i try to make characters that follow "unoriginal" aspects to my mind atleast. it's just a whole magical fest.

Currently planning out stuff for a DnD 5e session maybe, and i keep thinking about the concept of having monster girls in it, but then i realize all the stuff i would need to write out, build them on and work on and im just like. "eh..." XD I know nothing about 5e mind you, but i have the books XD that's what i told my friend XD. Yay necromancer gooooooooo :P
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Re: Hello

Post by Feathers »

Apart from Blizzard games I don't do much online gaming. I do have ESO, PSO2, and Tree of Savior, but haven't played them much. A Monster Girl MMORPG would be so fun.
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