To the World of MGE

Shuu's adventures in the world of Monster Girls

Post and read continuous or multichapter stories and fiction involving monsters or other creatures from fantasy.
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by bobtheevil »

Years pass as the old trees wither in the cold of neglect.
When will redemption come?
Death can be merciful where love is cruel.

Sans mort, la vie n'éxiste pas, mais sans connaissance, il n'y a pas le bonheur, et sans bonheur, il n'y a pas la connaissance.

In honor of Hayao Miyazaki's last film:
Le vent se lève. Il faut tenter de vivre.
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

Sorry, I know what you mean. I really want to get back to this series, but unfortunately life has SUCKED the past couple years. I am not sure when life will get better so I can concentrate on writing, but hopefully that will be soon.
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by daeul »

why can't I find the 23rd chapter and the rest :( ? pls tell
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

My writing for this series has gone on hiatus due to a lot of real life issues over the past couple years. From the death of the person closest to me to increase in workload from my job to getting so many health problems, I just haven't found the time nor the resolve to work on any of my writing. However, I intend to start once again and hopefully finish this series, but I am not sure when that will be. I apologize to you and all the people who have been enjoying this story.
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by daeul »

You know, sometimes life is just suck. But you can't let it hold you down forever. In the end, you have to accept it and en(joy)dure its sucking :). You have the talent my friend, hope you can cheer up soon. You can enjoy your writing as much as we do ;)
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

Well...I just so happened to "squeeze" out Chapter 23. It's been a long while since I last wrote for this story...too long a while. I'm not sure how good it turned out. I hope you all like it. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things and start churning out more chapters at a regular pace.

Thank you to everyone who fell in love with this story and sorry to keep you waiting.
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by Firehorse32 »

Whoo HOO! New chapter! Now that's fresh! :info:
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

Chapter 24 is now posted. Sorry it's such a short chapter. No sex in this chapter, but there is an important new development! Hope it makes you curious.
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by [BRindustries] »

Dun-dun-DUUUUN!!! The childhood friend makes her appearance!(i'm guessing) That is quite the development indeed. :mrgreen:
Though it could also be someone who just looks alot like her, being that world's version of "Alex".

And that little "ordeal" with Ellie Mae has gotten me thrirsty. :^^: <milk nut

Overall they were fun to read, I'd love to see how Shuu's companions react to this little run-in. :)
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by daeul »

Heh heh I know you would be back my friend. AWWWWSOMEEEEE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

:XD: OH MY GAWD!! I finally finished another chapter! What's it been? 2 years?!

I know I left off on a cliffhanger...I'm sorry to all the people who were waiting for the continuation.

Things are still quite weird in my life, but I'm trying to resolve myself to get back into writing. If anything, I do want to finish the first part of my MGE story, so I hope I can at least do that.


Chapter 25 can be found here!
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by Feathers »

Wow I didn't even know you wrote fan fic! O_O
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Okay, I've read the entire story and I have to say my piece about this. The pacing needs to slow down a bit and since you're advancing the plot so fast that I might as well think that you're competing on a writing marathon. You shouldn't be in the hurry to get to the next point of the plot and do some narrative or two about the environment that you're in.
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by dragonstryke58 »

Thanks for the critique!

I must say that your advice is interesting because for the most part what I've heard is that the story seems so shallow and that there is no plot. I suppose the main culprit behind this is just the fact that I wanted to feature a new girl every chapter or two. New meetings = new stories. Therefore, I suppose when I get to the actual plot points (Chapter 16 and Chapter 25), it seems like it took too long to get there or too insignificant, or the pacing was just too mismatched (in your case).

As for lacking narrative about the environment they are in, I am admitting that I did not do very much thinking into world building which is why the setting seems so half-ass. The story mainly was meant to just build upon the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world, so I just threw random stuff together. In hindsight, it really is a failure of a creation.
I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: To the World of MGE

Post by unlucky13 »

How about a remake? As enjoyable as it is seeing the MC get it on with different MGs every chapter it dose feel very hollow since its like they have sex and he moves on kind of thing. A little more characterization, description, and development wouldn't hurt. Just my two cents really.
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