The Girl of your Dreams!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"So, you want me to lick it or do you just want to get to the main event..." Laura asked as she rubs the lips of her pussy in his dick, her love juices already flowing out from anticipation as she gives Marthy a few Teasing kisses on the cheek and lips
Marthy moans as he instinctively thrusted his hips as it enters Laura's pussy just barely "P-please Laura, I c-can't take it!" he moaned as he had a face of pure love and lust

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

Binka: "Right, the less the better..." She said
Yeah we don't want the old men I work with giving me the evil eye nor you the female students...and teacher giving you the shove speech.
Mayella: "By the way...your your a fighter instructor as well?" She asked
"Well I'm just an art teacher's assistant and I teach martial arts on Thursdays... which after tomorrow said teacher will freak when they find out I'm leaving." He said remembering how most of the students acted when it he took over for Dina Landers when she did Shown her work on the first friday of every month at the Local Art Expo. "The woman I work for allow me to teach when she showing her art in a studio downtown."
Binka: "Whatever the case...your students must be well trained in the art of fighting...I surely can't wait to see it..." She said excited as she smiled at Kevin

"Yeah I used what I knew to teach the student who to defend themselves against men of ill intentions... mostly gangs that like to steal and rape when they hear I'm leaving they'll be working hard to convince me to stay... Good thing I already chosen who would as the successor to teaching the class along with who would be in charge of sponsorship and training for the Martial Arts Finals Tournament next month..." Then he noticed the time on the Clock saying 12:45AM "But we should put this story on pause for now and get some rest since tomorrow will be a busy day for us."

Edit 03-29-12...(Sorry, I just noticed it didn't make sence :crying: :nerd: :nono: )
"Thanks...and..." Laila said as she looked at the graphic novel with a succubus on it "Wow...not bad...hey...who's think...Ex boyfriend huh?" Laila asked
"Yeah both me and my ex worked on it the character Ideas were mostly found from some myths and legend books an old man sold to us before he closed his bookstore." Julia explained before showing them the second edition of the book "As you can see I have the second edition of the book while Kevin still has the first edition."
"As much as we hate to meddle in other people's lives...we can;t help but feel who is he?" Marie asked as she herself is also curious
"His name is Kevin Tyler, he was a guy in my Art 101 class that I met during the study abroad program it allows student to study overseas in other countries." she explained hoping they would understand "I studied in Japan and had to wear a fucking uniform that was tight around my bust and made me look lame but when I saw Kevin it made it more bearable. He was average looking and even with the girls that swarmed around him he ignored them. I finally met him face to face when one of those Ganguro bitches think stuck up bitches with almond coloured skin who think if they wear short skirts and loose clothing that men will do anything they want.

(I figured you would response here....)

"Well Girls like her tend to have a problem attitude of dislike to other races and ignore them or while some think it's their civic duty to put non-Japanese students in their place or get them removed them from campus so with a group of her friends and figured I was an easy prey.... long story short I broke her nose." She said remembering what happened next. "It was after school on the way home that I would run into her again with their friends..." she said rubbing the scar on her neck before remembering how close the box cutter was to her throat that day she almost raped again. then she said "Maybe we should talk about it later when I know you better... It's a touchy subject"

(I figured you would as a comment here as well asking about what happened)

"Let just say Kevin came to my rescue and we were friend and after his grandfather deemed me unworthy for marriage and wanted him to break it off me I went back here to the united states and he followed telling me how he was willing to give everything up for me.... I didn't want him to do that so I did what I could to prevent him from throwing his life away...." she said remebeing what she said to him. "So to prevent him from throwing away his life I dumped him, acted like a bitch, and presented the graphic novel to a publishing group under my name alone... I kept him guessing by fucking him at random to keep him in my life. " she said holding back the tears. "But I starting to think maybe I was in the wrong... I should apologize to him tomorrow... and give those girls with him what we call the shovel speech before going our separate ways."

Last edited by Kmon13 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:51 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
"Uhh..." She blushed instensely as his face landed on her thighs, she simply smiled and picked him up, then kissing him on the lips "Silly..."She said as she placed him "Hold on..." Focusing real hard, a faint glow of bright light covers her, then a sudden cloud explosion fills the interior of the car, then as it subsides, Seino's wings, lizard like arms, legs, and tail where gone, her clothing looked like reptilian armor now as she kept the color of her eyes "Hows this?" with the form she had, she looked just like a human and no longer took up space in the car
He blushed profusely at her as she took his face in her hands, looking down in embarrassment. He took a seat back in the drivers side after the gentle kiss, looking at her.

"What do you mean hold o...?..gaah!" He yelped out in shock as the small explosion rocked the vehicle, filling it with blinding smoke. He shut his eyes, coughing slightly as the smoke began to clear. "W..what the hell did you d...?" He blinked his eyes, not sure what he was seeing was real. He looked the transformed Seino up and down.

"'s amazing Seino."

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I pay Linzy on the head and say "It's alright. Now hurry and wash, I'm hungry." I then pick her up and place her down so her back is towards me. I then slide my hand in between her legs and begin teasing her. "But let's see if you can wash like this~" I begin kissing and nipping her neck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
"I guess in your's called a global race of Monster girls are at a war with a human Religous group called the of cruel intent and ruled by a merciless Goddess...her plan is to eradicate our kind from existance for human growth...but I think she simply smiles upon watching the many Monster girls she massacred..." She said looking down "At least your world seems to be at some level of peace..."
Harvey thought about Jessica's words a moment. For one thing, she apparently came from a world of which he never heard of, so in every since of likelihood, it could be regarded as true. Then again, she DID exit into his room supposedly by computer screen, so perhaps it wasn't completely believable despite how true it may be. Nevertheless, those claims opened up a whole slew of further questions like why would this "Order" want to rid the world of seemingly mild-mannered monster women like Jessica? Or why is it that this "Goddess", which he would assume must govern their world somewhat due to context, is even thinking if she created the monster women only to see them destroyed? Such questions had disturbing possible conclusions, but Harvey pushed them from his mind as he answered.

"I see. Sounds like your world really bites right now. Though to be honest, our world ain't much better. You see, while this area of the world may not be at war with anyone, somewhere else in the world, a war is goin' on. Honestly, I can't remember ONE day when anyone never went to war with another country, be it a civil war in our own country, or some oriental countries across the globe. But none of that matters now......somehow, you managed to end up here, and although I can't say our world is any better, I can least show you plenty of the good points." Harvey responded with a warm smile.

Moments later, Mack returned, holding a moderate-sized notepad and pen in hand.

"Alrighty you two, have ya decided what you'll be having?" Mack asked brightly

"Yeah, me an' Jess decided we'd share the Big One." Harvey answered

"Ohhh! You guys must have QUITE the appetite. Haven't got an order for the Big One in little less than a month y'know! Well alright, one "Big One" comin' up!" Mack replied, pen scribbling before he briskly shuffled off into the kitchen to relay the order.

Turning his attention back to Jessica however, Harvey asked, "So Jess, you said you guys were "monster women", but I can't imagine that's what you're ACTUALLY called individually, so......if ya don't mind me askin', what does that make you?"
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"Here we go..." Natasha said as she picked Misha up with her hands, dressed and ready to go "I'll just let your rest on my body till you feel better okay? You'll soon learn how to control if you want a hybrid...maybe doing it with Helga next is the best thing to do...can't wait to see how that will turn out..." She said smiling
Thank you Natasha for everything, Its only been hours since we met and i really think both of you are... incredible.. really really incredible." Misha sadi clinging a little tighter to Natasha.

"Maybye we should ask Helga about that I might be jumping ahead of myself here.."

"I'm so sorry Victor...the man...forced me to kiss him...please don;t punish me..." she said as she started to cry
"Huh? Wha-" Victor said his combat mode completely fading at Melona's words dropping the knife and walking over to Melona.
"Why would i punish the weak? I am a great destroyer remember? I could never do that to the innocent i was raised to protect." Victor said
"I swear i will never bring harm to someone so beu-"

Thane could not believe it, this skinny white boy had pinned him in seconds and now that he had the killing chance he lets it go to comfort some whore?
Thane counted his lucky stars and he scrambled to his feet and upholsterer a small gun and brought it to bear on Victor whose back was turned to Thane.

"ALl right none of y'all move or ill blow up this 'comrades' head clean off!"
[" im getting the hell out of here!"] Thane thought
Last edited by Shadow Mann2330 on Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Wodan
" should have more faith in me...very well...if I find your ass sleeping in there, I will drag you out got it? I won't leave you there wiht the hot water running while your asleep..." She simply said as she got out of his hair and went to the bed, getting dressed "Maybe I should find more appropriate clothing...after all...these loincloth clothing doesn't seem to give me the dignified look I'm striving for..." She said
After taking a bath for ten minutes, Elric went back to his room (with a towel covering his lower) and heard Sheva talks about clothing and such. He wished that he could help her with her clothing problem but he remembered that he is not an expert in women's clothing. He then knocked the door and said...

"Sheva, I'm coming in." he said as he opened the door and entered his room.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

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Like engorging on a 5 star meal, she simply enjoys the taste and strong flavor of T.J.'s dick, her paws playfully gripping his erect member as the soft feeling of her pads rub against it while her tongue focuses on licking the tip of his dick as if she were licking herself clean, "Nya...such a strong smell and flavor coming from you T.J....naughty naughty..." She teased as her tail swinging around happily, showing her content with him as she soon puts her entire mouth on the tip of his dick, licking around everywhere and increasing the vibrations of her purring
I was still there lying powerlessly and moaning as she kept frantically liciking my manhood, clearly enjoying it with a somewhat entranced look on her eyes... it was almost as she was savoring her favorite meal... I wouldn't know what to say if that was creepy or arousing... I guess that it could be both... heck I could question the results of her treatment though.

" tease...." I weakly answered as she happily teased me enjoying both my member and my reactions, it was like I was both her playmate and her toy... I let out a surprised gasp as she swallowed the tip of my member and began sucking it... the feeling was overwhelming, countless pangs of pleasure began running trough my whole body as she happily kept licking and sucking me.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"Hehe...wonderful..." Reedia's tattoo markings then start to glow purple as a portal suddenly opens right in front of them "And here we go!" She said as she pulled Anadiris and Sai with her. Then inside the Pandemonium, the same feel of aura and sounds of pleasure could be heard everywhere "Here we are..." She said blushing
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sorry for the late reply Ace...i was busy with the con. :^^;:
Sai; thank you Reedia. Anadiris, i...

*sai simple bend down to kiss her, lockig his lips with hers and twirling his tounge together with hers. anadiris almost melts on the inside, the thought of sai about to fuck her for her 1st time a dream come true. Sai breaks the kiss and stares into her eyes*

Sai: Anadiris.

Ana: Sai.

*sai slides dow and lifts ana's hips into the air close to his face. her hips and legs high above her head and she corls up infront of him. sai rims her pussy with a gente touching before licking it gently, lapping up the juices that have already brgun to flow thanks to reedia. Ana moans very loud, and huffs her breeath at the pleasure from sais warm soft tounge on her pussys lips. she continues to muan, begging for more*

Ana; SAI! oh my,,,,it good! i love it keep doing that. reedia...enjoy yourself whatever you want with me or sai.

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Okay dear...I'll push it in deeper..." Moaning as she slowly pushes her hips even deeper inside her pussy as she held on tight to Scott " good..." she moaned as she looked into his eyes, simply kissing him on the cheeks as she delightfully licks it "Hehe...your such a perv Scott...I'll have to expell all that sexual tension in you daily..." She laughed as she kissed him on the lips.

"So let me get this straight a guy named Kevin was a guy you previously fought and eventually fell for huh?" Laila "Interesting...I'm sure Marie can relate..."

"That man I previously fell for was no more than a self centered bastard..." She said as she frowned. But as Julia explained further, the girls started to get more interested

"Nice to know your no weak skinned woman..." Laila added "Women who can;t defend themselves are practically weak in general..."

"I agree with the brute on this one..." Marie giggled as she looked at Laila. Then hearing about Kevin, they both sighed "Well it's obvious to me that you made a selfless, but rather stupid choice..." She said

"What do you mean!? She only did it to help him right?" Laila questioned

"Is it really helping seperating yourself from someone you care for? I say it is not worth it...perhaps you should confess to Kevin of how you truly feel...after all, at least you know he is a very noble man, any man like that would send a Lizardwoman's heart ablaze..."

" be honest dear...I got see I lack the ability to control my power once in awhile when I attempt a human disguise...I end up turning into my dragon form instead..." She giggled, but then smiled "with this, there should be more room in" She said looking around, looking at the air conditioner "Interesting...this releases cool air even though it's no so cold outside..."

"Hey!?" She moaned as she felt his hands teasing her crotch, she sticked her tongue out as she her body quivered "I can;t wash when your teasing me like least you make sure to clean nicely okay?" She pouted, but quickly smiled as she kissed his cheek "and your hungry huh? Me too..." She said as her own stomach started to grumble

"Well Harvey, I'm an Orc, my species are close to looking like pigs as you could tell, we like meat, a lot of it. Our kind usually form groups and attack men, since were kinda forced to, but not to hurt them no, we rape them. But of course, I'm no whore, I was a vergin till you came along..." She blushed

"Yea...lets..." Natasha said as she smiled and helped Misha up as she supported her to walk outside "Now those wings will start to feel natural eventually, but for now lets try and hid them huh?" She said "You have any sort of jacket or cloak that can cover them?"


"Hey, dro-"

"Enough!!!" Melona yelled out loudly as her body glew a bright light, causing Thane's eyes to burn from the intense light and blind him temporarily, while in the light, Melona grabbed Victor's arm and ran off

"Wait!" Helga kicked Thane on his gut to slow him down before chasing after them

Sheva still had her towel on her chest to her legs, she smiled as she saw Elric "Hey there, I gope that shower at least kept you awake for a bit..." She smiled " you mind me wearing these? There the only clothes I have with me really...unless..." She blushes and looks away "You want me to snuggle you naked...I won't force intimacy...I just want to know if you want to..."

Mimika stopped her sucking "Time to mate..." She gets on top of him, dropping her waist on his without a second thought as blood started to bleed out of her pussy, her hymen torn by his dick "Feels so good...your dick!" She kissed him rather frantically as she desperately wanted to taste the insides of his mouth some more as she started to thrust her hips up and down, doing it quickly as well

"Of course I will, I won't just stand here watching..." Reedia said as her tail this time spread into multiple tentacle like tendrils, covered with slime as they started to coil around Sai and Anadiris body, only to rub their bodies, a strange, but calming and pleasurable sensation could be felt from the,
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Hothead
"Okay dear...I'll push it in deeper..." Moaning as she slowly pushes her hips even deeper inside her pussy as she held on tight to Marthy " good..." she moaned as she looked into his eyes, simply kissing him on the cheeks as she delightfully licks it "Hehe...your such a perv Marthy...I'll have to expell all that sexual tension in you daily..." She laughed as she kissed him on the lips.
"Ahh, L-laura!" Marthy moaned as he began to increase the shaking of his waist "oh Laura, t-thank you." he spoke as he felt her marvelous breasts.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
" be honest dear...I got see I lack the ability to control my power once in awhile when I attempt a human disguise...I end up turning into my dragon form instead..." She giggled, but then smiled "with this, there should be more room in" She said looking around, looking at the air conditioner "Interesting...this releases cool air even though it's no so cold outside..."
When he heard about the bit on turning into a dragon, he blinked, and looked at her with surprise, and a tad of fear. If she hadn't gotten lucky with that transformation...He shivered, the thought too gruesome to dwell on.

He went on to checking his mirrors, smiling at the curiosity Seino showed at something as simple to him as an air conditioner. He could help but get a much more close look at her disguise. He wondered, could she maybe be passable enough to maybe take her for a drive in town?
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

Kevin's Loft....
(Will edit if need be... :^^;: )
Binka: "Right, the less the better..." She said
Yeah we don't want the old men I work with giving me the evil eye nor you the female students...and teacher giving you the shove speech.
Mayella: "By the way...your your a fighter instructor as well?" She asked
"Well I'm just an art teacher's assistant and I teach martial arts on Thursdays... which after tomorrow said teacher will freak when they find out I'm leaving." He said remembering how most of the students acted when it he took over for Dina Landers when she did Shown her work on the first friday of every month at the Local Art Expo. "The woman I work for allow me to teach when she showing her art in a studio downtown."
Binka: "Whatever the case...your students must be well trained in the art of fighting...I surely can't wait to see it..." She said excited as she smiled at Kevin

"Yeah I used what I knew to teach the student who to defend themselves against men of ill intentions... mostly gangs that like to steal and rape when they hear I'm leaving they'll be working hard to convince me to stay... Good thing I already chosen who would as the successor to teaching the class along with who would be in charge of sponsorship and training for the Martial Arts Finals Tournament next month..." Then he noticed the time on the Clock saying 12:45AM "But we should put this story on pause for now and get some rest since tomorrow will be a busy day for us."

Julia's Apartment
"So let me get this straight a guy named Kevin was a guy you previously fought and eventually fell for huh?" Laila "Interesting...I'm sure Marie can relate..."

"That man I previously fell for was no more than a self centered bastard..." She said as she frowned. But as Julia explained further, the girls started to get more interested
Julia told them how she met Kevin and how the popular girls tried to intimidate her. How she make them rethink their choice in prey and how she walked into an ambush before Kevin saved her.
"Nice to know your no weak skinned woman..." Laila added "Women who can;t defend themselves are practically weak in general..."
"Hey I had to toughen up due to were I lived Laila, there were times my stepfather was my enemy." Julia said before humming chestnuts roasting on a open fire. "I also had to make choices I come to hate myself for..."
"I agree with the brute on this one..." Marie giggled as she looked at Laila. Then hearing about Kevin, they both sighed "Well it's obvious to me that you made a selfless, but rather stupid choice..." She said

"What do you mean!? She only did it to help him right?" Laila questioned

"Is it really helping separating yourself from someone you care for? I say it is not worth it...perhaps you should confess to Kevin of how you truly feel...after all, at least you know he is a very noble man, any man like that would send a Lizardwoman's heart ablaze..."
"Marie did I mention the part about the cock blocking Amazon with the claymore blocking my path?" Julia reminded her new friend who was starting to look better ever second before snapping out of it and showing her drawling notepad to the Lizardman and Minotaurus to give drawn description of what Kevin's new friend looked like before saying. "But I still I agree with you about approaching him with my feelings but if anything it will have to be at the college campus, it a neutral location and if they do end up with him he'll kept them from drawing attention to themselves.... Now ladies follow me to my closet so we could find you something to wear."
Last edited by Kmon13 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:54 am, edited 3 times in total.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

Least liked Mamono:Mamono who rape!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I laugh and stop teasing her to wash off the rest of my body. I get out and say "What are you hungry for? And don't say carrot soup. I hate cooked vegetables. Bleh."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
"Well Harvey, I'm an Orc, my species are close to looking like pigs as you could tell, we like meat, a lot of it. Our kind usually form groups and attack men, since were kinda forced to, but not to hurt them no, we rape them. But of course, I'm no whore, I was a vergin till you came along..." She blushed
Harvey was intrigued by what she spoke of, and now knew that her species were called Orcs. Such knowledge however, reminded him of the many Orc enemies and variations of said enemy have been seen in the multitude of games he's played and recounted their oaf-like and usually ugly personages. Then, as he looked over at Jessica, he decided in his mind that if all Orcs looked similar to her, he may have had a more difficult time decimating them in the games themselves. Though what she afterward shocked him a little.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait.........your kind RAPES guys? I mean, I know FULL WELL that such a thing is possible for guys as well as girls, but, somehow that still sounds extremely unusual and wrong.......though I ain't dense enough to hold that against you. Like you said, you never had anyone before me, so that makes you different from the usual ones, now don't it?" Harvey complimented

As he said so, he stole another kiss with her after her blush from her latter comment, hugging her close after releasing her lips.

"Hey hey now. So was I, remember? Though I don't think I coulda asked for a better girl than you, y'know? What other dude can honestly say he has a girl that's got curves in all the right places, likes most things only men would usually like more often, and can fuck a guy senseless without mercy if he doesn't put enough effort up?" Harvey inquired as he shot a lascivious gaze her way.
Last edited by FlashGrenade0 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:" you mind me wearing these? The only clothes I have with me are really...unless..." She blushes and looks away "You want me to snuggle you naked...I won't force intimacy...I just want to know if you want to..."
Elric's tired body and mind didn't register most of Sheva's words. The sake that he drank along with Sheva is also taking its effect and began to play tricks to his mind. He couldn't even recognize most of Sheva's words other than 'snuggle' and 'sleep'. His body began to wobble a bit as the alcoholic contents of the sake makes him quite weak. He went forward to Sheva and pushed her to the bed... with his head on her breasts and using it as a pillow.

"Sheva... I wouldn't... mind at all..." he drowsily said to her, "Let's go to sleep now..."

He then fell asleep with his arms wrapped around her and his head cuddling her bosom. His mind didn't register the fact that Sheva is still half naked and only wears a towel to cover up her sensitive parts... nor the part where he pushed Sheva to his bed and fell asleep on top of her.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"Yea...lets..." Natasha said as she smiled and helped Misha up as she supported her to walk outside "Now those wings will start to feel natural eventually, but for now lets try and hid them huh?" She said "You have any sort of jacket or cloak that can cover them?"
"Yeah i have my jacket over there, help me put it on." Misha asked

Slipping on the jacket was enough to push the wings flat enough to be hidden, Misha walks outside with Natasha as a support. eventually leading them outside of the crowds and into a nearby food court which is currently empty, save for the two.
"I think we should wait for Helga to find us I didnt see her at the game store." Misha said partly wanting to rest as her body was really hot.

"Do you think she can find us? or feel us?" Misha asked worriedly as she tried to catch her breath.
"Hey, dro-"

"Enough!!!" Melona yelled out loudly as her body glowed a bright light, causing Thane's eyes to burn from the intense light and blind him temporarily, while in the light, Melona grabbed Victor's arm and ran off

"Wait!" Helga kicked Thane on his gut to slow him down before chasing after them
After running out of the room Victor tried to stop Melona but only managed to make black skidmarks in the floor as she dragged him along with unparalled strength even leaving Helga behind in the dust.

"Melona Slow down were far enough away!" Victor said trying to calm her down.
not that he could really blame her a guy had just tried to rape her and then shoot her..
but goodness could she move she was faster than any person he had ever met, even if she was a unicorn Victor did not expect such speed.

"Heh your kinda cute when your scared" Victor commented as Melona continued to drag him away from the crowds...

The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"Of course I will, I won't just stand here watching..." Reedia said as her tail this time spread into multiple tentacle like tendrils, covered with slime as they started to coil around Sai and Anadiris body, only to rub their bodies, a strange, but calming and pleasurable sensation could be felt from them
* the pleasure from the tendrils fillis their bodies. sai continues to lick Anadiris pussy, anas jiuces start running down her belly do to herposition, sai, being unable to take just teasing her anymore, Lays her down on her back again. Ana looks up at sai, confused moentarily on why he stoped*

Ana: sai...i want you to keep pleasuring me.

Sai: i am going to...

* sai strokes his already hard member, ans brings it to anas lips. he stars rubbing it againt them, and she moans form the touching. Sai slides himself into Ana, breaking her hymen, and gently begins to thrudt back anf forth into her. her juices and a small amout of blood come from her. Aa moans out, the breaking of her hymen not even painfull, as she is overwealmed with the feeling of plasure. she secums to sai having his way with her.

Ana: ahhh! sai! i love you! i love you so much! keep fucking me... ahhh! Reedia...i wana taste you like sai tasted me

Sai: hehe, i can fondle ansd sux on your chest too while you stradle ana, reddia-chan

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

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Mimika stopped her sucking "Time to mate..." She gets on top of him, dropping her waist on his without a second thought as blood started to bleed out of her pussy, her hymen torn by his dick "Feels so good...your dick!" She kissed him rather frantically as she desperately wanted to taste the insides of his mouth some more as she started to thrust her hips up and down, doing it quickly as well
She suddenly stopped sucking my member, thing that brought a slightly disappointed yet expectant look to my eyes, an eagerly impish smile appeared on my face as I heard what she told me... "Gee... what a thing to say... You could easily end up having a whole litter of kittens if you tell me things like that often" I told her as she got on top of me, lowering her waspish waist with no second thought, eagerly welcoming my painfully erect member into her womanhood...

The feeling of entering on her virginal womanhood was overwhelming, several jolts of pleasure ran down my spine non stop as I took her virginity... I was incredibly hard to believe that a virgin girl could be so good... so skillful... Man... what was the deal with those girls? I know that they were virgins since I took both of their virginities, yet they are way better at this than any woman I've happened to meet before... I definitely lucked out, that was for sure.

As she still sat on my manhood, she suddenly locked my lips as vicious and passionately as she could, her tongue frantically violating the inside of my mouth, as she began enjoying that her hips began moving... she began thrusting her hips up and down... in a frantic, quick manner... they almost began looking like a blur... "Got you... And I'm not letting you go" I thought to myself as my hands grabbed her waist and began thrusting, trying to match her almost inhuman pace.... I was beginning to get lost into pleasure, it was almost like I was falling into a pseudo rut state... she was right before, it was mating time and I was ready to enjoy it as much as I could.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

First guys, I want to deeply apologize for my great absence, I have been working on the clock lately on my job, but now I have some free time so I can get back here, and as I promised, I wont let it die like it did in MGU!

"What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you..." Laura moaned as she felt her climax coming with each thrust, the walls of her pussy tightening and rubbing against his dick as she pushes it deeper inside her, focusing on the tip of his penis "Marthy..." Letting out a moan before hugging him tightly and cuming, Her body writhing in pleasure as she kisses him deeply during her climax

"Hmm?" Seino saw Arc staring at her, she blushes in panic "What!? Is there something on my face?" She turns her face away, embarrassed "Hehe...guess not..." Looking into more of the cars interior from the seat belts to the radio "Hmm...whats this?" she plays with the radio out of curiosity as she accidentally turns it on "Wow...talking machine..."

"Really?" Laila said "An Amazon huh?" She said with a slightly curious tone "Well alright...lets go..." Laila said as she followed Julia

"Coming..." Marie said as she followed behind Laila


"Good idea..." Binka said as she smiled at Kevin and laid on the bed with him, Mayella joined soon after

"Good night dear..." Mayella said as she kissed Kevin on the cheek, and so did Binka

"I'll eat anything you want to eat!" She said with a smile as she got off the tub "What about something meaty!" She said hopping around, still dripping wet form the water

"Oh Harvey..." Jessica giggled as she was complimented by him "But are is wrong...but we don't get much of a choice...our people don't want to die out...we at least never kill humans...while humans of a certain religous believe we are monsters and kill us without mercy..." She said

"Aww..." Sheva said as she felt snuggled him gently "Elric...I love you so much..." she took her towel off, completely naked, she gets the bed sheets and covers him and herself with it, kissing his cheeks before falling asleep as well

Melona stopped as she got far away enough from him, Helga managed to catch up

"Damn woman..." Helga said breathing heavily

"Sorry..." Melona said as she simply went to hug Victor "You wont hate me right...because that man kissed don't think I kissed you on purpose right..."

"Well, I got to find Natasha..." Helga went to find them, seeing them in the food court "Hey guys!" She yelled out

"Hmm..." Reedia let out a lustful smile "Sure..." She pressed her chest on Sai's face as she got on top of him, sitting in doggy position as her pussy faces Anadiris face "Go on Anadiris...lick..." Her tail continued to pleasure both Sai and Anadiris

"Mom was feels amazing...NYA!!!" Mimika happily meowed as she kept pumping her hips vigorously on his dick, the rough insides if her pussy, the walls griping his dick "T.J...." She uttered his name as he gripped her but, she simply smiled at him as she tightened the inside of her pussy, having full control of all the muscles in her pussy as she focuses on his shaft, then the tip
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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