The Girl of your Dreams!

A Dating RP

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »


Julia's Apartment
"Really?" Laila said "An Amazon huh?" She said with a slightly curious tone "Well alright...lets go..." Laila said as she followed Julia

"Coming..." Marie said as she followed behind Laila
She takes them into her her closet to see what would be available for them to wear before looking at them closely again as she took out various female cosplay costumes from Mass Effect 1 2 and Tekken and Street fighter

"Okay I guess I could dress as Kasumi Goto but you girl still need something to wear... I guess you could pull off being a Female version of Captain Shepard Laila but I need to figure out what to use for you Marie" she said looking at her before saying " I could possibly make you look like Nina Williams you got her hight down... but the wig still won't cover the horns so if you girls know magic of any kind that would help me keep you out of the news it would be greatly appreciated." She said taking out a measuring tape. "I'll also need to break out the land rover since my car isn't a coverable."

Kevin's loft
"Good idea..." Binka said as she smiled at Kevin and laid on the bed with him, Mayella joined soon after

"Good night dear..." Mayella said as she kissed Kevin on the cheek, and so did Binka
"Good night girls sleep well for tomorrow will be big day for the three of us before we leave for Japan...and if your girl hear a beeping sound it my alarm clock set for 7:00 AM since I want to take your girls shopping before my job starts at 11:15 am. so get some rest." He said not knowing how true his words would be...
Last edited by Kmon13 on Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you..." Laura moaned as she felt her climax coming with each thrust, the walls of her pussy tightening and rubbing against his dick as she pushes it deeper inside her, focusing on the tip of his penis "Marthy..." Letting out a moan before hugging him tightly and cuming, Her body writhing in pleasure as she kisses him deeply during her climax
Marthy moaned as he came with Laura, he moaned "l-Laura" as he held her tight and writhed in ecstasy as he kissed her "w-wow, I never get tired of this. heh heh" he spoke as he panted a little

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Marthy and Mara: Thank you Minerva, for our bond with Megumi

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I stop Linzy in her tracks before she leaves the bathroom. "Woah! You're not done yet. You need to dry off." I grab a nearby towel and put it on her head so it covers her eyes. I then begin to move the towel so it dries her hair off. "Now just wrap it around your waist and drip for a few minutes." I then retrieve my own towel. "Something meaty huh? That doesn't sound right for a cute little bunny like you~"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
"Oh Harvey..." Jessica giggled as she was complimented by him "But are is wrong...but we don't get much of a choice...our people don't want to die out...we at least never kill humans...while humans of a certain religous believe we are monsters and kill us without mercy..." She said
"That's a very good point, Jess. Only true monsters would kill other living beings that aren't even threats mankind without any hint of hesitation. Hell, if I had the power, I'd show'em a thing or two myself. Though from what I can tell about what you're saying about them, they sound like those old-time medieval knights. Last I checked, they're pretty damn strong and they carry swords and spears, so I doubt I could be of much use on that regard......"Harvey finished, finding himself deflating in spirits at Jessica's side.
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
"Hmm?" Seino saw Arc staring at her, she blushes in panic "What!? Is there something on my face?" She turns her face away, embarrassed "Hehe...guess not..." Looking into more of the cars interior from the seat belts to the radio "Hmm...whats this?" she plays with the radio out of curiosity as she accidentally turns it on "Wow...talking machine..."
He couldn't help but let out a small laugh as the utterly innocent curiosity that she had in technology Arc took for granted. He took a deep breath, turning to her. "You know what, change of plans." He said, starting to back out of the driveway. "Since your disguise is ..well...." He stopped, deviating from his original train of thought of 'beautiful'. "very, very good..I'm going to take you into the city." He thought it would be also nice for him as well. He hadn't really had a day of fun in the city for a good while now.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

Melona stopped as she got far away enough from him, Helga managed to catch up

"Damn woman..." Helga said breathing heavily

"Sorry..." Melona said as she simply went to hug Victor "You wont hate me right...because that man kissed me.."
Victor panted as Melona finally stopped running, trying to catch his breath. "Damn....that was...gauuuhh.."

Eventually Helga declared she would search for Misha
"Hey make sure that--- that that bat girl isn't doing naughty things with Misha okay? Please try to convince her to go home" Victor said finally retaining his breath.

after Helga left the Melona and Victor, her turned to look at Melona crossing his arms and looking her over from a distance.

"Why didn't you yell? I would have kept you from him if you di- Not that its your fault!!! I just- you have to- I shoul."
Victor sighs and collects himself before continuing.

"You think that a man forcing himself on you will make me angry? I thought you would have better expectations of me." Victor said sarcastically before getting a bit closer.
You don't think I kissed you on purpose right...
Well... I don't know how you feel about me quite yet.. hell! im not even sure if your being paid to do this like at those freaky maid bars around here... Im not mad if that makes you feel better, but... it did seem rushed is all im saying..." Victor said avoiding direct eye contact for a second.

"But im not important right now your the one who just got assaulted... are you feeling alright did he try to threaten you? Ill go back and teach him some respect.. oh I'm sorry I...uh don't know why i.." Victor trailed off as he realized he had walked forward and grabbed Melona's hands.
"But are you really alright?" Victor asked slowly backing away...


"Well, I got to find Natasha..." Helga went to find them, seeing them in the food court "Hey guys!" She yelled out
"O-over here!" Misha yelled meekly before standing up and trying her hardest to hid her wings,
"Did.. you -gulp- Did you get it the game? we were just waiting here for you to come back cause we couldn't get inside the store..." Misha dropped off as Helga approached her face losing confidence in her lie.

"Maybe we could just go home im a little tired *yawn*" Misha said trying to not sound so obvious
"Maybe I'll could take a bath or or a shower...." Misha said letting out a cute little eek once Helga finally reaches the table.

["How could she not know!? Helga can read feeling s and auras and...oh no.."]
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »


Last chance for those who havent replied yet to do so now.
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Tsar CUBE »

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Pokemonaces wrote: @Tsar
"Ya-" Letting out a short yelp as Hailey used her mouth to cover Cassandras, Cassandras face was filled with ecstasy as she cummed, her love juices covering Tsar's face as he forces her to an orgasm, then letting go of Cassandras mouth after she seemed to stop

" almost got some attention caught..." Hailey said as she sighed "In any case...once the food gets here you can continue on your feast dear..." She said to Tsar
Tsar opened his mouth and drank her juices down before he began working on cleaning her inner thighs and pussy out of any left over juices. Once done he plants a loving kiss on her womanhood and rises out from under the table.

"That was a nice... appetiser..." he said blushing slightly and rubbed Cassandra's thigh with his hand before turning to Hailey. "Do you think I will have enough time to do the same to you?' he asked blushing and put his hand on her thigh as well, gently stroking it in a suggestive manner, "or are you not as bold as Cassandra?"
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Once again, sorry for massive lateness :pushups:
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

"Mom was feels amazing...NYA!!!" Mimika happily meowed as she kept pumping her hips vigorously on his dick, the rough insides if her pussy, the walls griping his dick "T.J...." She uttered his name as he gripped her but, she simply smiled at him as she tightened the inside of her pussy, having full control of all the muscles in her pussy as she focuses on his shaft, then the tip
I let out a really high pìtched gasp as she kept grinding my manhood, now more furiously than before, the feeling was incredibly overwhelming her unnaturally rough insides of her virginal womanhood were something far beyond comparation... she was driving me mad, I could easily get addicted to her enslavering cunt... I could do nothing but panting and moaning as her honeypot gripped tightly my dick, bringing me closer and closer to my climax by any second... My mind was going numb, my heart skipped a couple of beats as my name came out her lips, I could focus on nothing but on the lovely cat girl that was frantically bouncing on top of me.

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(OOC: Yeah, kind of late but life has been fucking me sideways lately...)
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Wodan
"Aww..." Sheva said as she felt snuggled him gently "Elric...I love you so much..." she took her towel off, completely naked, she gets the bed sheets and covers him and herself with it, kissing his cheeks before falling asleep as well
Next day, Elric woke up with a bad case of headache. He tried to sit up from his bed, only to see Sheva, in her birthday suit and her arm around his neck. Elric wanted to talk to her but his hangover seems to be getting to his head. He looked for his cellphone and see what time is it.

Found it... Elric weakly smiled as he rummaged his drawer near his bed, Guh... Paul and the gang won't be home by next month due to parents... he said while reading his PMs and when he looked at the phone's clock, 10:41 am... How nice... he sarcastically thought, I should've started my day earlier...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Alright...I'll try..." Saying so, Marie concentrated as a green light soon covers her entire body. Slowly her reptile like features started to slowly shrink from the light, then when it dissipated, Marie looked just like human. Her armor changed into a skimpy shirt and short jeans "There we go..."

" turn I guess..." Laila said as she started her transformation, with that a thick cloud covers her. Then it disspated, she looked normal as her horns, tail, hooves, and the hair on her lower portion of her body dissapeared. "I did it!" She said to Julia with a smile


"Really? You will? Thats so sweet!" Binka said as she hugged Kevin tightly and kissed him on his left cheek "Alright then...we shall go shopping tomorrow then!" She declared

"If you insist..." Mayella said quietly, but then kisses his right cheek and smiles to him "Good night dear..." She said as the both of them laid on his chest, then quickly falling into a deep slumber

Laura simply stood still after cuming, she looks at him directly at his eyes with her own "Hey...I think it's Piko's turn..." She said looking at Piko, who was hiding behind a glass, masturbating

"Eh!?" She blushed as Piko flew to another hiding spot behind the bed sheets, then poping her head out slowly "Is it my turn?" She asked softly

"Well, you said you didnt want carrots right? I like to eat meat to...well I like to eat anything new really...but to be honest, I love carrots...but whats the problem with carrots?" She then ponders and smiles "Ah ha! You must think it looks like your penis! Therefore you can't eat it when imagining it! I do it to...but I prefer yours..." She said getting lost in her mind for a second and imagining lewd images as she places her hands on her cheeks, blushes red, and starts to moan with a smile on her face

"Yea..." Jessica then smiled "But enough about that...lets talk about the good things...for one..." She takes out her napsack were she kept her valuables, there she picked off a strange, heart shaped berry, colored red with a pink tint "This is called a Demon cherry in my world...these taste simply amazing...and they carry beneficial values to humans..." She smiled as she said so

"City...hmm...must be populated with many humans..." She pondered, then smiling at Arc "Alright then...I don't mind..." She then looks at him carefully "Hmm...I havent really been focusing till now...but your cuter and more handsome than I thought..." She said as she flirted with him and smiled

"Hey..." Melona gripped on his hands and hugged him, wrapping her arms around him and clenching both her hands together "I wont let you go...I'm fine..." She said "Sorry for worrying you...I tried to yell...but that man forced my mouth shut..." She said as she started to tear "It's not your fault okay..." HEr grip getting tighter, not enough to hurt him. but enough to immobolize his movements, she simply hugs him, crying


"You didnt.." Helga looked at Natasha "Really?" She said as she facepalmed

"Yea...HEY dont blame me! SHE insisted it!" Natasha replied as she blushed

"Horny bitch..." Helga simply said, then picking up Misha "Come on...lets go home..." She said as she started to walk to the parking lot

"Hey...wait up..." Natasha said as she soon followed

"Hmpf! I'm willing to do it..." Hailey said "But if we get's in your head..." Then giving a gentle smile as she pulls Tsar's face on her crotch, pulling her panties to the side to expose her pink, moist pussy "Go ahead..." She said giving a lewd smile

"I'll let you know if anyone comes..." Cassandra said as she gave them a thumbs up

"Unya..." She let out a soft moan as she starts to slow down, but she starts tp push herself deeper and deeper "Aaaahhh...your dick...I want to feel it hitting my womb..." She complained as she sped up again, this time thrusting her hips roughtly as the rough flesh inside her pussy mercilessly rub against his manhood, giving an unyeilding amount of pleasure

"Huh..." Sheva woke up, yawning before she found herself naked "WAAAAHHH!!!" She pulls all the covers of the bed as her face turned pure bright red with sheer embarrassment "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!...Oh no..." She looked away as she covered herself as best as she could "I have forced myself onto you..." She said to Elric
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I pat her on the head and say "Nah. I like carrots. But only for snacks. And for your information, as you should know, my pwnis is NOT orange and pointy. So they do NOT look like my penis." I give her a slight tug on the ears and say "Now come on. I'll call for a pizza." I go to the phone and dial the local pizza place and order a Meat Lovers Pizza. After making the order I hang up and say to Lindzy "Alright. I got us a nice big pizza on the way. It's got all kinds of meat on it. It's gonna be about 15 minutes though. What do you wanna do while we wait?"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Alright...I'll try..." Saying so, Marie concentrated as a green light soon covers her entire body. Slowly her reptile like features started to slowly shrink from the light, then when it dissipated, Marie looked just like human. Her armor changed into a skimpy shirt and short jeans "There we go..."
"Wow you're I guess you do make a good Commander Shepard" Julia said as she looked at Marie's human form "Hell I can't wait to see you in that N7 armor you don't even need the wig."
" turn I guess..." Laila said as she started her transformation, with that a thick cloud covers her. Then it disspated, she looked normal as her horns, tail, hooves, and the hair on her lower portion of her body dissapeared. "I did it!" She said to Julia with a smile
Julia looks over her frame before taking out the two costumes before saying "I have two costumes that may suite your frame better than the Nina Williams costume... don't worry I'll tell you about the characters during transit." She said handing her a Bodysuit a small tag on the side that said Jill Valentine RE5, and a leather corset and pants set that had the tag that said Trish DMC. "Well try out which one you like and well pick up dinner at Chen's on the way back from the mall."

"Really? You will? Thats so sweet!" Binka said as she hugged Kevin tightly and kissed him on his left cheek "Alright then...we shall go shopping tomorrow then!" She declared
"Of course anything for my new wives," Kevin said with a smile looking at his new lovers. "I just hope the story owners don't act like pricks on sight like that romance movie Mom liked." he said remembering a certain movie involving a pretty woman....
"If you insist..." Mayella said quietly, but then kisses his right cheek and smiles to him "Good night dear..." She said as the both of them laid on his chest, then quickly falling into a deep slumber
"Good night Mayella... Binka both of you sleep well..." he said enjoying the warmth of both his new lovers as he drifted to sleep.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
Laura simply stood still after cuming, she looks at him directly at his eyes with her own "Hey...I think it's Piko's turn..." She said looking at Piko, who was hiding behind a glass, masturbating

"Eh!?" She blushed as Piko flew to another hiding spot behind the bed sheets, then poping her head out slowly "Is it my turn?" She asked softly
Marthy smiled as he turned to Piko "Of course, it is finally your turn." He said as he removed the bedsheets from his penis "G-go ahead, you can do whatever you want." he said with a smile.

(Poke can I add Mara to this as well? I want to develop both of their characters as well, and i'll kust have Mara have one lover if it's alright with you)
Last edited by hothead1021 on Tue May 08, 2012 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Wodan
"Huh..." Sheva woke up, yawning before she found herself naked "WAAAAHHH!!!" She pulls all the covers of the bed as her face turned pure bright red with sheer embarrassment "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!...Oh no..." She looked away as she covered herself as best as she could "I have forced myself onto you..." She said to Elric
"Calm down, Sheva..." Elric said with a straight face, "Nothing happened last night... I think..." he scratched the back of his head, "Besides, if we did something illicit last night... I'd be too exhausted to sit-up and very sweaty as well..." he said while trying to get up from his bed, "By the way, we're on our own for the next days to come..."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Tsar CUBE »

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Pokemonaces wrote: @Tsar
"Hmpf! I'm willing to do it..." Hailey said "But if we get's in your head..." Then giving a gentle smile as she pulls Tsar's face on her crotch, pulling her panties to the side to expose her pink, moist pussy "Go ahead..." She said giving a lewd smile

"I'll let you know if anyone comes..." Cassandra said as she gave them a thumbs up
Tsar decided to make it quick as the possibility of their food arriving soon was very highs so he began to lick her roughly and enthusiastically. His hands went down under her ass to massage her butt, squeezing it and groping it roughly as he began to eat her out. "Then you better come quickly so we wont be interrupted..." advises Tsar as he speeds up in his attempts to satisfy her.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

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Sorry i haven't posted in a while. I've been busy trying to find a new apartment :^^;:
"Hmm..." Reedia let out a lustful smile "Sure..." She pressed her chest on Sai's face as she got on top of him, sitting in doggy position as her pussy faces Anadiris face "Go on Anadiris...lick..." Her tail continued to pleasure both Sai and Anadiris
*Sai nuzzles his face into Reedia's chest and massages it lightly, pinching and playing with her nipples all the while. Anadiris does as she is told, and starts to lick at Reedia's tender "lips". the taste is amazing to Ana, and she buries her face deeper, having her first taste of pussy. she holds back her moans of pleasure as she licks, and allows her body to flood with heat and pleasure. Sai moves his face from between Reedia's cheat and starts sucking on her right nipple, holding her beck so that she wouldn't shy away from it...not that she would. all this while the tendrils from Reedia's tail continues to cover them both, and pleasure floods them to the point of ecstasy*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by ShadowTengu »

(Alright, guess I'll give this a try. Seeing how my past two attempts at getting into an RP have reached development hell I'm going to submit yet another application hoping that this one is a little more immediate in response... unless I'm doing this completely wrong/taking up space. Oh well here goes... tell me if I screw up please! First time rper after all.)

Spoiler: show
Name: Eli Brandam
Age: 19
Appearance: Male, messy black hair,droopy hazel eyes, perpetual frowner, thin borderline malnourished build, white skin, wears a gray old navy shirt and black jeans, wears a necklace with a sapphire encrusted in it.
Likes: Quiet, pizza, internet, video games(most genres), band, art.
Dislikes: Being taunted/picked at, misunderstandings, being disturbed during his day, his ex, depression.
Personality: Used to be a cheerful if somewhat quiet fellow, likes partying with friends and handing out with people. Now he's reclusive, antisocial, and depressed. Usually closing himself in his room when at home and tries to avoid being noticed when in public. He's starting to wonder about the worth of his life and has been sinking close to suicidal tendencies.
Bio: Eli was a member of his school's band(Trumpet) and an upstanding student, his personality and looks eventually got him a girlfriend and the two were quite the couple. Both were in band and had friends in it. Things were going good until a particularly messy breakup between the two caused Eli to lose most of his friends and support from teachers. His grades slipped, he quit band, and started getting picked on by most of the student body for breaking up with his so called sweetheart. Unable to cope with the massive negative backlash from friends and family alike Eli now spends most of his time on the computer trying to find meaning in his life. Even though he's graduated from high school now the depression hasn't left him. Recently took up drawing as a hobby(Not being good at it hasn't helped his mood much at all)
One day after the usual stress of coping with hassling parents and trying to find a job among other things. Eli sits at his computer, browsing youtube, facebook, and an archive of torrented anime when a message pops up on his computer...

"What the hell?! Meet the girl of your- ... Heh, it's like life just can't get enough of teasing me huh?... Huugh... Fuck it. I've got the virus protection who the fuck cares if I've got to deal with another trojan or spyware bullshit program!"

==> Yes.

"Sides, it's not like this day can get any worse..."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

"City...hmm...must be populated with many humans..." She pondered, then smiling at Arc "Alright then...I don't mind..." She then looks at him carefully "Hmm...I havent really been focusing till now...but your cuter and more handsome than I thought..." She said as she flirted with him and smiled.
Arc nodded as he started to drive off down the street, quickly getting into the small store district near where he lived.

"Yeah, its not a huge city compared to some round the world, but its still got a whole lot of people." he said as he continued to drive, thinking all the while where he should take her exactly. Her next words quickly knocked him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, uh..thank you... Seino." he responded somewhat dumbly. It took him a few moments before he responded.

"'re quite beautiful Seino."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

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"Unya..." She let out a soft moan as she starts to slow down, but she starts tp push herself deeper and deeper "Aaaahhh...your dick...I want to feel it hitting my womb..." She complained as she sped up again, this time thrusting her hips roughtly as the rough flesh inside her pussy mercilessly rub against his manhood, giving an unyeilding amount of pleasure
I let out a moan at unison with her as she kept frantically bouncing on top of me, gripping my member as tightly as she could with her virginal womanhood, driving me madder by any second... just to stop all of a sudden. My eyes locked on her with a dazed yet disappointed expression on them, an almost inaudible "Why?" could be heard coming out of my lips... Did she bring me to almost the point of climax just to stop now? Not fair...

My silent complaints eventually lead to an incredibly loud and almost animalistc gasp as I felt her inhuman honeypot tightening around my manhood even tighter than before, as her hips pushed against me even more, I could feel how my member was hitting her womb... We were now fully connected and she definitely loved the idea as she delightfully moaned as she started thrusting her hips again.

My hands tightened the grip on her slender waist as my feline lover kept with her assault on me, the pace sped down quite a bit but her thrusts were now definitely rougher... I could feel my body and mind overtaked by this unearthly pleasure she was giving me, countles waves of pleasure began taking over me as her honeypot kept gripping and rubbing against my manhood, as she kept mewling with ecstasy as my painfully erect member hit her womb once and again.

"Baby, I'm gonna give you a full litter of kittens!" I told her as I used my hands to bring her closer to me, to make her lie on top of me. My arms wrapped around her, hugging her both tight and lovingly, my lips sealed hers, letting her catlike tongue ravage my mouth as I kept ravaging her body, as I kept making her mine and mine alone.
An animalistic howl was blocked by her soft lips as I finally released all my load inside her, filling her womb with my seed, giving every drop to her as an act of both love and lust.
I broke the kiss and let out a relieved sigh... these lovely girls had drained me completely, they made me cum four times in a row... but it was definitely worthy... I was tired as hell, but satisfied and happy by this "ordeal".
One of my arms moved to her ears and started scratching it softly, a satisfied smile came to my face as I could do nothing but looking adoringly at my feline lover... "I could easily get addicted to this, you know?"
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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