Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

An RP about a school being whisked in a world filled with Mamonos.

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow of Legend »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:to Shadow of Legend:
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"Well, I have no idea nor any explanation about the events happening at the surface..." the Queen Ant said as she pats one of the younglings head, "And I don't have any idea about this school thing of yours... But I could give you an answer about the reason why many of the monster kinsfolk decided to assault your area..."

It all began after the Great Exodus of the Humans. Demon Lady Lilith de Reflann and her army has prevailed in prevailing against the Order after the majority of their manpower disappeared, leaving the Radicals of the Order without enough men to wield their shields and swords. The monster women began to take any humans that were left in the depopulated lands of the Order to either marry off or transform into their own kin. However, the humans who remained in this lands are either on hiding or protected by Chief God Kronos's champion, Ansem of the Els. The monster women were given no choice but to share their husbands or hunt hidden human settlements that were made by the Stella Krux, a mage guild that acted as a thorn to both the Order and the Demon Lordship.

The numbers of humans in the Demon Realm drastically dwindled in the late 1644 when a hidden human metropolis scorched themselves rather than be captured by the manhunters of our kind. The Demon Lady got worried when the shortage of the humans is becoming a major problem. Many times did she try to ask Lord Kronos on the reason why must he let the monster women suffer. Lord Kronos answered her by naming many of her crimes. He also added that the entire monster race will suffer for what she have done before letting them reestablish their connections with the humans, something that Lady Lilith would not put aside since the monster kin will die out before their sentences get lifted.

She ordered all of the Demon Realm's finest minds to find a way to solve the birthing problems and find a way to open a dimensional hole to the Human Realm if in case the birthing problem takes too long to solve. Many monster women began to join in finding a way to fix the problem that we face. Many of them failed in finding a way to fix the major human problems of monster folks. Years of failure began to take toll on many of our sisters' minds and morale. Many began to despair on the fact that tomorrow might be the day that all of the humans in the Demon Realm will disappear. Hope was about to fade... Until a Witch from the Fanelian Sabbath Chapter found a way to open a portal that can draw humans into the Demon Realm.

When the monster women found out that the humans are returning, many of them began to lose their minds on the possibilities of having a husband of their own. No longer will they share their fathers with each other, no more years of abstinence and sexual frustrations, the monster kinsfolk will be having their own husbands.

"... The Witches of the Sabbath needed to draw out as many humans as possible..." Aran said, "Therefore, they've devised a spell that can displace a large hold-out of human males into the Demon Realm." she added while playing with her hair, "They've already drawn 20 human areas into the Demon Realm. The monster folks found a husband within those drawn areas... We too benefited from these areas..."she said in a sad tone and fell silent for a while, "Excuse me for a while, young man... I need to gather my thoughts before I tell you more about the Demon Lady's daughter..."

I listen intently, taking in all the info. After hearing what these "monster girls" have been through, my eyes get a bit watery. I hope these ant-girls don't notice... Anyway, I notice that Aran is saddened by something and she falls silent for a bit. I hide my concern because I want more answers, though I do consider asking what's wrong in the off chance I might be able to help somehow. I finally decide to wait until I've heard more before I try to pry or offer to help with anything.

"Take your time. I'm not in much of a hurry."

Yeah, it's a half-truth. I do want answers as soon as possible, and I really don't want to stay this far underground any longer than I have to, but if she needs a moment to collect her thoughts, I'll give her one.
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Monster Scholar »

Never in a million years had Ikorus ever thought he would become a ladies man. I mean sure, he wasn't unattractive, but damn he never thought he'd have women swarming all over him. I mean sure, they weren't human, but they were human enough dammit! Not to mention pretty attractive to. No Ikorus! Bad Ikorus! No thinking with your wang! Think of the crushed pelvis you'd no doubt get!

And so Ikorus did what any sane man would do. Turn and run like a bat out of hell. He mad a made dash to the gymnasium, hoping he could allude the women in that place.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

Washu could no longer hold herself back against the thoughts, she had tried her hardest to resist to no avail.

(Washu will just have to keep doing this until i am able to act again...)
The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by ShadowBladeX »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:
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"With pleasure~" she said as she gently grind and shake her hips while moaning, "Oh my~. This feels so amazing, Tamaki~! I love the feeling of having something larger than my finger enter my insides~." she added while she steadily paces up and down on his wood, "I want to do this everyday in my entire life, Tamaki~!" as she leaned on his face and kissed him in a vigorous manner, raping his tongue with hers before breaking off to look at Tamaki's face, "I don't care i I'm infertile. I don't care if I can't have my own child~! I only want you, Tamaki!" she said to his face, "Nothing else matters!" while sucking on his neck and rubbing her chest on his.
Spoiler: show
Tamaki didn't know what to think as he felt Claveria grind her hips on his wood, the feeling of her inner walls causing him to let out a moan of his own, which only increased in amount as she began pick up her pace. His own moans would have permeated the room had she not clamped her mouth on his and shut him up while raping his own tongue with hers before she finally broke off, letting Tamaki finally gasp for air while staring her straight in the face as she spoke. Hearing her declaration and feeling her mouth sucking on his neck, along with her chest on his only helped to spark the feeling in Tamaki's body as he moved his hands to Claveria's head and lifted it up a few inches so he could look at her in the eye as he spoke.

"Nothing else matters except for you Claveria...All I want right now and forever is you!"
Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hoola hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! - Sergeant Avery Johnson (Halo)

My favorite monster girls (Names for those whom I remember. Will update when I come up with more names.
Spoiler: show
Number one spot: Liandra Aria (Salamander)/Lady Ryong (Ryu)
Serena Drakemore(Elf)
Tiamat (Dragon)
Leona DeLocke (Dark Elf)
Victoria Degale(Alp)
Xentheria - Lilim
Elizabeth (Eliza) Fatima(Lizardman)
Nova (Ignis)
Akira (Werewolf)
Sarah Del Rizer (Vampire)
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

to Kaijin:
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Feed... a dark and womanly voice spoke inside Siegfried as he humps Florin on her anus, Become... Incubus... it urged as Siegfried's body feels more energy flowing into his body... only to be used in the most carnal acts of pleasure.

The what is left of Siegfried's mind begins to break down as the lovemaking becomes more and more intense. His personality's starting to change, his original temperament is being replaced by something that one would find animalistic in terms of lust, and his willpower is being sapped by the pleasures that he is feeling on his loins right now. Every attempts of assertion of his will were thwarted by Florin's moans of pleasure and his orgasms. Nevertheless, Siegfried's losing his mind to the pleasures of having sex to the monstrous woman.

Take Demonic Energy... Become Incubus... the voice urged in a louder volume, Feed her Spirit Energy... Absorb Demonic Energy... it added, Become... incubus... it contunuously said as the coitus gets more and more intense.

to Oersted:
Spoiler: show
Archibal's attack was wasted when the last Orc dodges the attack. The Orc sidestepped from Archibal's attack and used her stone mace's handle to attempt incapatitation. However, Kas and Roderick charged together and hits her with their blunt weaponry. The Orc staggered when two simultaneous hits to her shoulder and hips connected with the tazer attack to her neck from his savior. The last pig woman fell down on the floor unconscious... But before she fell, she managed to swing her stone mace like a golf club and hits her last attacker on the knee before falling into a black out. Not only did she topple the young man, she also managed to drop her weapon on his injured leg, forcing him to bite his tongue as the pain shot straight to his mind.

Archibal tried to remove the stone mace that rests on top of the injured man's leg, only to find out that the mace was heavier than what he expect. The mace's weight is nearly equaled by an obese man. Kas and Roderick helped Archibal remove the heavy weapon that is crushing the young man's leg, though removing it was quite hard as well since these pig women's bodies strewn nearby that prevents them from getting a proper footing.

"Ahhh..." the young man said in relief as the weapon that nearly crushed his legs was removed, "Gods... That hurts..."

"G, can you still stand?" Roderick asked him after placing the hammer out of the way.

"Grey..." Kas said as he offered his hand to help G stand, "Let me help..."

The young man named Grey took Kas's hand and used it as his leverage to stand. After that, he let go of his hand and tries to stand up, only to wobble a bit and fall on the top of the pig woman he first knocked out. He tried to stand once more but just like the first time, he wobbled and staggered before falling down.

"Dammit..." Grey cussed at his newly acquired handicap, "This is really bad..."

"G, let's get you to the parking lot." Roderick said as he lifts up Grey's body and put his arm on his shoulder to support his body, "Doc, Art, and Rica's waiting..."

"Rod, let go..." Grey tries to push Rod and his strong arms away from him, "I'll be slowing you guys down... Go there before reinforcements arrive..." he said as tries once more, "I'm a dead weight if you take me with you..." he said as he winced in pain.

"Nope." he refused as the four started to move, "Rica made me promise to bring you back with us."

"Break the promise then..." Grey replied, "I refuse to be the reason why all of us get captured."

"But I have to keep my promise to your lady, G." Roderick said as he signals Kas and Archibal to follow him, "I won't leave my best bud to those monsters, okay?"

to Shadow of Legend:
Spoiler: show
After a few moments of silence, Aran composed herself once more and began to tell Sol about the Lilim Umbriel Brionnac. But before that, she ordered one of the nannies to get something in the nest's storage burrows. Sol pondered for a few seconds about what was the item that Aran ordered to take.

Few minutes later, the nanny came back with a portrait of a white haired woman whose beauty seems to have surpassed many of the monster women that he met and a body that all women would wish to have. She is wearing an armor that is made of diamonds and iron, though her ample chests was exposed on the opening of armor's chestplate. Her bejeweled skirts have red eyes on its edges and an inverted cross as a belt buckle of it. She holds a strange rapier that is made from precious metals. She also have a pair of horns on top of her head and bat wings that are coming out of her sides, both of them are colored white.

"She is the one who led the assault of your so called "school", Tony..." she pointed out on the photo, "She is Lilim Umbriel Brionnac: 28th daughter of the Demon Lady, leader of the group called "Returners" that communicates with the humans who are hiding in the Demon Realm to come out and stop living in fear and anxiety, and the one who led a group of monster women who are only looking for someone to love..."

to Monster Scholar:
Spoiler: show
As Ikorus ran for the Gymnasium's door, the monster women that are tailing him like a pack of stampeding bulls. Many of them are tripping, pulling, and throwing each other behind them to heighten their chances of getting the prize that is right in front of them. They're all imagining of the things that they can do to the man once they capture him, and most of these thoughts are either too lustful or too fuzzy to describe. Nevertheless, all of them are reaching for Ikorus. All of them are getting closer and closer to him.

to Shadow Mann2330:
(Please refrain from using one-liners. Because of that, you will be penalized and will not be be given any response until the next DM response)

to ShadowBladeX:
Spoiler: show
Feed girl... a feminine voice spoke within the bowels of Tamaki's mind, Become one... Become Incubus... it urged Tamaki.

"Well then..." Claveria moved her hips in a normal pace, "Make me feel alive, Tamaki~." she said while grinding his body and him moan in more pleasure, "Violate me until I can't think of anything but your sweet cock and coitus~." she added in a most sluttish way, "I want my body to be turned into a quivering mess,Tamaki~~~. Sprinkle me with your love!" she stuck her tongue out and picked up the pace.

Yes... Feed girl... the voice that spoke within Tamaki added, Make yourself into a monster... Become Incubus... Take Demonic Energy...
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Oersted »

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WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:Archibal's attack was wasted when the last Orc dodges the attack. The Orc sidestepped from Archibal's attack and used her stone mace's handle to attempt incapatitation. However, Kas and Roderick charged together and hits her with their blunt weaponry. The Orc staggered when two simultaneous hits to her shoulder and hips connected with the tazer attack to her neck from his savior. The last pig woman fell down on the floor unconscious... But before she fell, she managed to swing her stone mace like a golf club and hits her last attacker on the knee before falling into a black out. Not only did she topple the young man, she also managed to drop her weapon on his injured leg, forcing him to bite his tongue as the pain shot straight to his mind.

Archibal tried to remove the stone mace that rests on top of the injured man's leg, only to find out that the mace was heavier than what he expect. The mace's weight is nearly equaled by an obese man. Kas and Roderick helped Archibal remove the heavy weapon that is crushing the young man's leg, though removing it was quite hard as well since these pig women's bodies strewn nearby that prevents them from getting a proper footing.

"Ahhh..." the young man said in relief as the weapon that nearly crushed his legs was removed, "Gods... That hurts..."

"G, can you still stand?" Roderick asked him after placing the hammer out of the way.

"Grey..." Kas said as he offered his hand to help G stand, "Let me help..."

The young man named Grey took Kas's hand and used it as his leverage to stand. After that, he let go of his hand and tries to stand up, only to wobble a bit and fall on the top of the pig woman he first knocked out. He tried to stand once more but just like the first time, he wobbled and staggered before falling down.

"Dammit..." Grey cussed at his newly acquired handicap, "This is really bad..."

"G, let's get you to the parking lot." Roderick said as he lifts up Grey's body and put his arm on his shoulder to support his body, "Doc, Art, and Rica's waiting..."

"Rod, let go..." Grey tries to push Rod and his strong arms away from him, "I'll be slowing you guys down... Go there before reinforcements arrive..." he said as tries once more, "I'm a dead weight if you take me with you..." he said as he winced in pain.

"Nope." he refused as the four started to move, "Rica made me promise to bring you back with us."

"Break the promise then..." Grey replied, "I refuse to be the reason why all of us get captured."

"But I have to keep my promise to your lady, G." Roderick said as he signals Kas and Archibal to follow him, "I won't leave my best bud to those monsters, okay?"
"Gh!" The orc had dodged his attempt at tasing her and was about to strike him with her mace's handle only to be stopped by the others, sadly she still managed to make a pain out of herself by injuring the one who saved him earlier. After they managed to remove the heavy weapon from his leg he realized that his savior, revealed to be called Grey, could not walk in this state...

After the one they called Rod lifted Grey he started saying to leave him there, that he'd only slow them down, while normally Archibal would agree to leave him there this time was different, he owed his freedom to Grey and he won't pay him back by leaving him to get caught by the first monster that finds him. As he followed after Rod he spoke up "We'll make it, we just have to be smart about things." he said with slightly faked confidence, trying to cheer them up.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow of Legend »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote: to Shadow of Legend:
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After a few moments of silence, Aran composed herself once more and began to tell Sol about the Lilim Umbriel Brionnac. But before that, she ordered one of the nannies to get something in the nest's storage burrows. Sol pondered for a few seconds about what was the item that Aran ordered to take.

Few minutes later, the nanny came back with a portrait of a white haired woman whose beauty seems to have surpassed many of the monster women that he met and a body that all women would wish to have. She is wearing an armor that is made of diamonds and iron, though her ample chests was exposed on the opening of armor's chestplate. Her bejeweled skirts have red eyes on its edges and an inverted cross as a belt buckle of it. She holds a strange rapier that is made from precious metals. She also have a pair of horns on top of her head and bat wings that are coming out of her sides, both of them are colored white.

"She is the one who led the assault of your so called "school", Tony..." she pointed out on the photo, "She is Lilim Umbriel Brionnac: 28th daughter of the Demon Lady, leader of the group called "Returners" that communicates with the humans who are hiding in the Demon Realm to come out and stop living in fear and anxiety, and the one who led a group of monster women who are only looking for someone to love..."

I look at the portrait and nod approvingly. Nice. I wonder how different she looks in person...

I scoff, which turns into a snicker. "28th daughter? The Demon Lady must really love her husband."

As I absorb and assimilate this info, I try and think up what to do next, but draw a blank. I shrug, deciding to hear more, and ask, "So, why is there a group of humans hiding in this 'Demon Realm', and why are they living in fear and anxiety? I mean, sure, I can understand being a little disturbed by the aggression those 'monster' women have shown, but surely something could be worked out, right? And how did she actually pull this off, anyway? Magic? Technology? Both? Is it possible for me to speak with her, or is it a bad idea to try?"
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikorus couldn't help but yelp as he saw the stempede of women charging at him. He had to make it. He had to make it to the gymnasium!

And thank goodness he did. The instant he dashed into the gym, he immeditely turned around and slammed the door shut, forcing his body against it to try and keep the monster women from getting inside the place. He only hoped his frame would be enough to hold them off until another potential target got their attention. In the meantime, his eyes looked around, trying to find anywhere for him to hide once he was away from the door.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Kaijin »

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Feed... a dark and womanly voice spoke inside Siegfried as he humps Florin on her anus, Become... Incubus... it urged as Siegfried's body feels more energy flowing into his body... only to be used in the most carnal acts of pleasure.

The what is left of Siegfried's mind begins to break down as the lovemaking becomes more and more intense. His personality's starting to change, his original temperament is being replaced by something that one would find animalistic in terms of lust, and his willpower is being sapped by the pleasures that he is feeling on his loins right now. Every attempts of assertion of his will were thwarted by Florin's moans of pleasure and his orgasms. Nevertheless, Siegfried's losing his mind to the pleasures of having sex to the monstrous woman.

Take Demonic Energy... Become Incubus... the voice urged in a louder volume, Feed her Spirit Energy... Absorb Demonic Energy... it added, Become... incubus... it contunuously said as the coitus gets more and more intense.
(Author's note: Sieg's thoughts will be writen in italics and they will serve to establish inner dialogues with the voice invading him)
Spoiler: show
As I kept brutally hammering Florin's unnaturally tight asshole with little to no regard for either her pleasure or her welfare, I began feeling something weird... Something was beginnig to take over me, something different than the pleasure I was getting... It was like if something began spreading through me, something dark yet warm that began clouding my mind, my emotions, my actions...

A sadistic smile appeared on my face as I saw my inhuman wife totally under my will, moaning like there was no tomorrow... Enjoying that newfound massochistic nature of hers to the point that her previous attitude looked like just a petty facade by now...
As I kept indulging on the rough lovemaking, something or rather someone began ranging into my mind, intesifying the feeling that was taking over me.
"Feed... Become... Incubus... "
"G...gah...!" "Get out of my mind!"

The sensation kept worsening as the voice on my mind kept shouting commands that I couldn't completely understand... I could feel how my heart began beating faster, but it wasn't due to love like before... but from a sudden burst of adrenaline, my body was beginning to clearly enjoy this pseudo rut state I was going through.
"God... Your ass feels amazing!" I told her as I kept hammering her lovely ass while getting addicted to her moans "Keep moaning for me, my love... Come on, show me how much you being bent to my will... being my perennial lovely pet"

This was beginning to get intoxicating, my body was already acting on its own, focusing on getting as much pleasure from the elven goddess that was victim of her own greed, it didn't matter how hard I tried but my mind commands didn't reach it anymore... Then the voice began shouting commands at me once again.
"Take Demonic Energy... Become Incubus..."
"Stop it! That's enough!!!"
"Feed her Spirit Energy... Absorb Demonic Energy..."
"I have a life, people that is waiting for me, a future... You're taking everything away from me. Stop it, you have no right to do this!"
"Become... incubus..."
I'm not your puppet! You have no right to control me! Get...the...heck...out...of...MY....MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!"

As my mind tried to unsuccessfully fend that voice off my mind and get me back to my normal state, my body kept enslaving my previous captor, now thrall, as it sank more and more into this inhuman rut I was going through... I was near my climax, and judging by her reactions I could say that she wouldn't hold on much longer...
"Do you want it, right?" I asked her with a cunning grin on my face "Do want my seed inside you,right? Beg me for it, my love... Let me hear your sweet voice asking me to flood your insides, to paint them white... Beg me to make you mine." My thrusts at this point were franctic, so fast that my hips began looking like a blur... my body couldn't take it anymore, it craved to release everything inside of her
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by ShadowBladeX »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:
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Feed girl... a feminine voice spoke within the bowels of Tamaki's mind, Become one... Become Incubus... it urged Tamaki.

"Well then..." Claveria moved her hips in a normal pace, "Make me feel alive, Tamaki~." she said while grinding his body and him moan in more pleasure, "Violate me until I can't think of anything but your sweet cock and coitus~." she added in a most sluttish way, "I want my body to be turned into a quivering mess,Tamaki~~~. Sprinkle me with your love!" she stuck her tongue out and picked up the pace.

Yes... Feed girl... the voice that spoke within Tamaki added, Make yourself into a monster... Become Incubus... Take Demonic Energy...
Spoiler: show
"W-What!? Become...what!? Who are you!? G-Get out of my head!" Was what went through Tamaki's mind as he felt the voice ring out from the recesses of his head, the voice whispering sweet words to him while his own body betrayed his thoughts. Feeling Claveria move her hips against him, grinding against him, made him moan out in pleasure, her own honeyed words penetrating his mind and forcing his body to comply with the coitus. His own hands rubbed and grabbed whatever they could find, which happened to be her hips and with a firm grip, began to help her along with with her movements, his own voice betraying his own inner thoughts as he lets it out.

"I'll violate you all you want Claveria!"

Tamaki used his hands to keep pace with Claveria's own pace and even begins to help her move faster on his throbbing member, his eyes staring straight at her own, even as the small part of his mind tries to fight the voice within him and speaks to it.

"I don't want to become a monster! Stop this...please, stop this...I don't want to become a monster..."
Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hoola hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! - Sergeant Avery Johnson (Halo)

My favorite monster girls (Names for those whom I remember. Will update when I come up with more names.
Spoiler: show
Number one spot: Liandra Aria (Salamander)/Lady Ryong (Ryu)
Serena Drakemore(Elf)
Tiamat (Dragon)
Leona DeLocke (Dark Elf)
Victoria Degale(Alp)
Xentheria - Lilim
Elizabeth (Eliza) Fatima(Lizardman)
Nova (Ignis)
Akira (Werewolf)
Sarah Del Rizer (Vampire)
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

to Oersted:
Spoiler: show
Against Grey's will, the four of them decided that the main staircase is a sure fire way to get captured. They went for the fire exit that was at the end of the hallway and begin their descent from the Dormitory that is now turning into a brothel. They've passed by a few rooms with open doors and found some of their friends being fucked senseless by the monster women. The urge to rescue them surfaced within their minds, but the instinct to escape and survive overrides their desires and forced them to move along. When they've made it to the end of the hallway, Kashim opened the window and gestured Rod and Grey to come out first, followed by Archibal.

When it's Kashim's turn to exit, he was then dragged back inside by an unknown force. Archibal saw a white, snake tail wrapping around his chest and legs and pulling him away. Kashim held on to the door to slow down the being that is pulling him back.

"Kashim..." a sweet voice said and at the same time, sent chills to their spines, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Gnnngh... Get out of here..." Kashim said as he struggles to hold on to the door, "Please leave me before she calls the others..."

"Rod, put me down on the floor and pull him out of there." Grey ordered Rod, "And you," he looked at Archibal, "Help him in pulling Kashim out of there-."

"Too late..." Kashim said as he let go of the door and let himself get dragged.

"Holy shit! Kashim!" Rod tried to reopen the door but was locked from the inside.

"I knew that you will come back, Kashim~." the sweet voice said at the other side of the door, "I will never let you go... my dear Kassy~."

"I don't believe it..." Grey muttered as he hears the sound of clothes being ripped, "Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!" he slams his fists on the metal floors out of frustration.

to Shadow of Legend:
Spoiler: show
"Humans that remained in the pockets of uncorrupted Human Realms believe that the Demon Lady is evil and the monster kin are nothing more but corruptive forces that one should never associate themselves with..."Aran said, "We monster folks are still viewed as rapists, abductors, family destroyers, lover's banes, and depraved beings who are hellbent on enslaving humans with our bodies and empty words by the humans who remained in this land..."

"All we ever wanted is to live in peace with the humans..." Sisa said in a sad tone, "We intended no harm to the humans and yet they consider us as hostile elements that they should not be associated with." supporting the Queen Ant's testimony, "The Order of the Chief Deities brainwashed them to think that we are evil."

"And for your last questions, Tony." Karla joined in the conversation, "Have you not listened to what her highness said? If Witches are involved, then magic is clearly involved in the process as well, you dope." she added, "And what is this technology that you speak off?"

"Karla." Aran sternly called her name, "Do not talk to our guest in such manner."

"His rudeness needs to be repaid with rudeness, milady." she answered back, "How dare he disrespect you even though he is nothing more but a common guest. I should have called the Amazonesses over to have-."

"Karla." Aran called her with more authority, "Would you please leave the vicinity and cool your head off?" she ordered the younger Giant Ant, "Sisa, would you please accompany your sister outside?"

Karla and Sisa took their leave. Though Karla is doesn't approve of him and should not be left with their mother, the Queen Ant's orders are absolute and she can do nothing to overturn such order. After the two Giant Ants left, Aran sighed and said...

"Forgive her, Tony..." she said as she rubbed her temples, "She's been like that for the past days..."

to Monster Scholar:
Spoiler: show
When Ikorus entered the Gymnasium and looked around, he was greeted by the sights of his classmates and friends, all of them are being held down and being forced in a coitus with a monster woman. One tried to escape the grasp of a strange, purple colored liquid woman but got himself immediately captured by her with the use of her smiling tentacles and raped the man for his effort. Another student tried to crawl his way out but was then found by a woman that has a scorpion's half for her body and got stung by her tail and dragged back to a corner. He tried to exit the place but the other door was blocked by a group of blue, liquid women who are now making a man moan louder than the rest of them and the other one is about to be swamped by his pursuers. In other words, Ikorus is trapped.

to Kaijin:
Spoiler: show
"Please~." Florin begged as Siegfried drives his cock inside her tight anus, "Paint my hole with your sticky milk~. Mark my body with your essence~." she pleads on him to release everything, "Make it remember the taste of your virility, Sieg~."

Drown into the pleasure... the voice said as Siegfried releases his load inside Florin, Become a slave of her pleasure. it said as it gets more coherent and louder, Become an Incubus and enjoy the pleasures of a monster's body. it added as his reason starts to become twisted, Live for the sake of the monsters. Live for the sake of mating. Live for the sake of feeding.

"My insides are covered with my husband's cum~!" Florin shouted in ecstatically as Siegfried came inside her, "He's feeding me with his milk~!"

to ShadowBladeX:
Spoiler: show
You are giving your body up to the darkness? a gruff voice was heard inside Tamaki's head.

All of the sudden, Tamaki's sight darkens until he couldn't see anything. The darkness seems to have also driven away some of the growing lust that his mind is having a hard time keeping at bay. The darkness made Tamaki worry at first but it then calmed him down as he feels secure and the strange, feminine voice that urges him t become a monster is gone.

So, you're the descendant of the legendary Nosferatu clan.? the gruff voice asked him in a brash manner, How pathetic. You can't even control the darkness that grew inside you that I got forced to throw in some of my powers to keep you from turning into an Incubus.

Shadow Mann2330, please restart from your last DM response.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Oersted »

Spoiler: show
WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:Against Grey's will, the four of them decided that the main staircase is a sure fire way to get captured. They went for the fire exit that was at the end of the hallway and begin their descent from the Dormitory that is now turning into a brothel. They've passed by a few rooms with open doors and found some of their friends being fucked senseless by the monster women. The urge to rescue them surfaced within their minds, but the instinct to escape and survive overrides their desires and forced them to move along. When they've made it to the end of the hallway, Kashim opened the window and gestured Rod and Grey to come out first, followed by Archibal.

When it's Kashim's turn to exit, he was then dragged back inside by an unknown force. Archibal saw a white, snake tail wrapping around his chest and legs and pulling him away. Kashim held on to the door to slow down the being that is pulling him back.

"Kashim..." a sweet voice said and at the same time, sent chills to their spines, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Gnnngh... Get out of here..." Kashim said as he struggles to hold on to the door, "Please leave me before she calls the others..."

"Rod, put me down on the floor and pull him out of there." Grey ordered Rod, "And you," he looked at Archibal, "Help him in pulling Kashim out of there-."

"Too late..." Kashim said as he let go of the door and let himself get dragged.

"Holy shit! Kashim!" Rod tried to reopen the door but was locked from the inside.
"I knew that you will come back, Kashim~." the sweet voice said at the other side of the door, "I will never let you go... my dear Kassy~."

"I don't believe it..." Grey muttered as he hears the sound of clothes being ripped, "Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!" he slams his fists on the metal floors out of frustration.
Archibal was feeling pretty useless at the moment, as he and the others continued on their way he saw other students being raped, some of them he knew, it was sad but he could not help them, as even attempting to save one could potentially get them all caught...After a while they reached the end of the hallway, then the one called Kashim opened the way, Archibal was the third one to exit, right after Rod and Grey. He turned around just in time to see Kashim get grabbed by a white snake tail, his and Rod's attempt to help him failed before they even had the time to reach him... "Tch...Damn." he said, seeing this turn of event as a proof of his own powerlessness Archibal was both angered and saddened, but there was nothing more he could do... He sighed before saying "We...We can't help him now, we should get going or else the same thing will happen to us."
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow of Legend »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote: to Shadow of Legend:
Spoiler: show
"Humans that remained in the pockets of uncorrupted Human Realms believe that the Demon Lady is evil and the monster kin are nothing more but corruptive forces that one should never associate themselves with..."Aran said, "We monster folks are still viewed as rapists, abductors, family destroyers, lover's banes, and depraved beings who are hellbent on enslaving humans with our bodies and empty words by the humans who remained in this land..."

"All we ever wanted is to live in peace with the humans..." Sisa said in a sad tone, "We intended no harm to the humans and yet they consider us as hostile elements that they should not be associated with." supporting the Queen Ant's testimony, "The Order of the Chief Deities brainwashed them to think that we are evil."

"And for your last questions, Tony." Karla joined in the conversation, "Have you not listened to what her highness said? If Witches are involved, then magic is clearly involved in the process as well, you dope." she added, "And what is this technology that you speak off?"

"Karla." Aran sternly called her name, "Do not talk to our guest in such manner."

"His rudeness needs to be repaid with rudeness, milady." she answered back, "How dare he disrespect you even though he is nothing more but a common guest. I should have called the Amazonesses over to have-."

"Karla." Aran called her with more authority, "Would you please leave the vicinity and cool your head off?" she ordered the younger Giant Ant, "Sisa, would you please accompany your sister outside?"

Karla and Sisa took their leave. Though Karla is doesn't approve of him and should not be left with their mother, the Queen Ant's orders are absolute and she can do nothing to overturn such order. After the two Giant Ants left, Aran sighed and said...

"Forgive her, Tony..." she said as she rubbed her temples, "She's been like that for the past days..."

As I take in and sort all of the info, I think about what to ask next. So magic is real, eh? If it's possible in the least, I want to learn it. And these monster girls are victims of propaganda? I doubt I can do anything about that, but whatever. I need to get back above ground and see if it has calmed down yet. I think I should find this 28th daughter, chat with her a bit, and see what I can do for learning magic.

I ignore Karla's insults and haughtiness and watch her and her sister leave the room. Afterward, I turn my attention back to Aran and say, "Would that have anything to do with her being involved in this 'invasion', possibly relating to a certain kind of frustration?" I expect that she'll realize I'm referring to sexual frustration. I continue, "Regardless, I doubt there's anything I can do about it... Now then, I need to get back above ground, and I want to see about talking to that Lilim Umbriel Brionnac woman. If it's possible, I want to learn magic. Also, there's a chance that everyone might benefit somehow from me meeting with her." I pause, fighting my urge to smirk as I ask, "By the way, this 28th daughter... Is she single?"
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by ShadowBladeX »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:
Spoiler: show
You are giving your body up to the darkness? a gruff voice was heard inside Tamaki's head.

All of the sudden, Tamaki's sight darkens until he couldn't see anything. The darkness seems to have also driven away some of the growing lust that his mind is having a hard time keeping at bay. The darkness made Tamaki worry at first but it then calmed him down as he feels secure and the strange, feminine voice that urges him t become a monster is gone.

So, you're the descendant of the legendary Nosferatu clan.? the gruff voice asked him in a brash manner, How pathetic. You can't even control the darkness that grew inside you that I got forced to throw in some of my powers to keep you from turning into an Incubus.
(Note: Don't know if I still need to use spoilers, so I decided to play it safe and use them just in case.)
Spoiler: show
Tamaki didn't know what to think as the voice in his head changed from the feminine one that was urging him to become a monster, to a much deeper male voice that was speaking to him. Fear slowly took over Tamaki as darkness took over his sight and when the lust that was taking over his mind was slowly ebbing away, he mentally breathed a sigh of relief...and actually felt himself calm down. The feminine voice was gone and here, in the darkness, he actually At home. This didn't last as he heard the gruff voice speak to him again and what he said confused and slightly insulted him, something that Tamaki commented on when he spoke to the voice with his own mind.

"Nosferatu Clan? Controlling my own darkness? I don't know what you're talking about, but you...seem to know just what is going on with me and what this incubus is, so please tell me what's going on with my sight, my body, this darkness and why I feel so at ease with it when I should be scared out of my mind...And...Thank you for helping me. Pathetic it may be, I have no idea how to control this darkness, but you helped me so thank you...Whatever your name is."
Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hoola hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! - Sergeant Avery Johnson (Halo)

My favorite monster girls (Names for those whom I remember. Will update when I come up with more names.
Spoiler: show
Number one spot: Liandra Aria (Salamander)/Lady Ryong (Ryu)
Serena Drakemore(Elf)
Tiamat (Dragon)
Leona DeLocke (Dark Elf)
Victoria Degale(Alp)
Xentheria - Lilim
Elizabeth (Eliza) Fatima(Lizardman)
Nova (Ignis)
Akira (Werewolf)
Sarah Del Rizer (Vampire)
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

Spoiler: show
When Washu tried to get out of the Janitor's office, she felt an overwhelming surge of lust and hunger within her. Her body disobeyed her mind and knelt down on all fours and on the floor. Her need to fornicate and absorb spirit energy suddenly flooded every fiber of her thought, forcing her will into a corner. Washu couldn't move from where she is kneeling. Her will and instinct clashed in an effort to control the body of the redheaded Lesser Succubus.

Suddenly, Washu's back was grabbed by the very prey that she have captured. He lustfully smiled at her and plunged his cock into her wet snatch, forcing her will to drown into the waves of pleasure and feeding. The will of Washu is now lost inside the pleasure controlled mind of hers.
Spoiler: show
The man Had only touched Washu's thighs for an instant before she quickly hit him with her clenched fist and re-pinned his arms to the floor.

"NO!! don't you touch my body human! You don't deserve to lay your hands on me!" Washu screamed out of lust clearly lost to the pleasure.

<" Oh that had to hurt"> Washu thought in her head the only thing she could still control.

"You don't ever touch me without my permission, ill teach you a lesson you won't forget." Washu said softly into the mans ear.

Washu strained to control her tail concentrating on wrapping it around the mans cock, briefly surprised at the good tail-eye coordination as if she had lived with it since birth.
Setting the tail in tightly took some time and for the hardest part she willed the tail to bend into the mans penis and slowly pushing inward.

"Tell me how does that feel? Are you sorry yet?" Washu said seductively as she pushed ever so slowly coming to a stop to let the man catch his breath.

"no you can't be serious.. thats got to hurt... ALOT....wait your not gonna YOU CAN"T JUST DO THAT!!!"> Washu screamed at herself knowing what she had planned next.

Washu had a wonderful idea to punish her slave, she began to shake the coils of her tail to stimulate the manhood, all the while keeping the tip dead still.

'SO does it feel good? are you gonna cum? what will happen when you do that's alot of pressure your dealing with~' Washu stated as she continued to pump.

<"There inst that much pressure really its only about a tablespoon of fluid">

["Oh do be quiet dear im trying to focus its not very easy with only this tiny tail"]

<"Oh im sorry its just...who is this?!?">

The pumping increased and the tip began to withdraw from the mans cock but slowly ot avoid hurting it, removing it completly without harm.

["Well I'm you the new you Darling~"]

<"You're telling me that no you can't be... god im bipolar!"">

Feeling the male organ twitch Washu plunged down onto it swallowing it along wiht the tail as she waits in anticipation for the climax.

["Almost dear you see i've always been with you, just tucked away behind that brain of yours Now that im free its my turn to take the reigns"]

<"This is my body I don't know how that flying bitch managed to put you in here but this is my body and-">

["Thats wrong dearest~ I've always been here inside of you all she did was bring me to the surface....and let me have my fun~"]

<"Then why were you telling me to feed? if you could control my body why would you bother speaking?">

["Thats not me dear i'm only doing what it says to do... And does it feel good!"]

<"Thats it! it has to be that succubus that raped me! that bitch is messing with MY mind. oh i'm gonna tear her a new one when I-">

["Yes, yes we know undying revenge and all that; I'll let you do that as soon as I'M done!"]

The internal debate ends as Washu is forced into silence the unknown force now ignoring her thoughts and focusing on raping her slave....~
The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
Spoiler: show
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Kaijin »

Spoiler: show
"Please~." Florin begged as Siegfried drives his cock inside her tight anus, "Paint my hole with your sticky milk~. Mark my body with your essence~." she pleads on him to release everything, "Make it remember the taste of your virility, Sieg~."

Drown into the pleasure... the voice said as Siegfried releases his load inside Florin, Become a slave of her pleasure. it said as it gets more coherent and louder, Become an Incubus and enjoy the pleasures of a monster's body. it added as his reason starts to become twisted, Live for the sake of the monsters. Live for the sake of mating. Live for the sake of feeding.

"My insides are covered with my husband's cum~!" Florin shouted in ecstatically as Siegfried came inside her, "He's feeding me with his milk~!"
(Author's note, like on the last issue Sieg's thoughts will be displayed on italics)
Spoiler: show
An amused smile came to my face as I heard Florin begging me to paint her insides white, Was this the same Florin that repeated me over and over that I, and probably every human male, was nothing but a toy meant to sate her lusts? Couldn't be... But thruth to be told... I didn't care about that, since thing I wanted now was to sate my very own...

"Well... Since you're asking so nicely, I'll guess that I can happily oblige to that request..."

However before I could actually indulge on the sweet relief of release, the voice that was plaguing my mind came back and this time sounded even louder and more insistent than before...
Drown into the pleasure...
"You again?"
Become a slave of her pleasure.
"Stop pestering me!"


My heart began beating faster as the voice kept going louder and louder by any second on my mind, as if it reacted to something... I actually began having an incredibly ill omen about all this...
Become an Incubus and enjoy the pleasures of a monster's body.
"Enough! Leave me alone... Make it stop!"


My heart raced at that point, as I finally felt how my mind began to change almost at the same time that I felt how that strange warm and somewhat dark feeling took over my body... I was beginning to lose it, I was beginning to lose what it made me be me... Sieg would exist no more and who knows what would replace him... me...
Live for the sake of the monsters. Live for the sake of mating. Live for the sake of feeding.

My mind screamed in agony as I released my load inside her once again, marking her for the fourth time in a row... After that everything went back to "normal" again... Calmness came back, my heart finally stop its frantic races, the voices now were gone... In that bathroom there were only two people: my wife and me...
However there was something different from before... I couldn't tell why nor how... but it was like the old me was gone and replaced by someone else...But I couldn't know for sure...

"Sake of feeding?" I muttered in an inaudible way to myself as I remember the strange voice's last words "I've been living for others' sake until now, now it's time to think more about myself... I shall be the one being fed..."
Then I looked at her, my wife as she could do nothing but being taken over by ecstasy... She looked radiant, almost if she was shining of pure happiness, she looked more beautiful than ever... Those final words began making sense now, it was like a Quid pro quo... one I would easily come to get used to...

"Glad you loved it that much... Since I'll be sure to indulge on you as much as I can every day" I caressed her hair and her face as I kept talking "So work hard and keep showering me with your love"
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikorus groaned. Guess in hindsight running into a large, spacious building was a bit of a stupid idea. And njow he was trapped, all these women in here, and a stampede trying to break down the door out there. He looked around, immediately seeing the seating for the basketball games. Would there be any way to get to the windows? Or even hide in the storage room? He took a deep breath, counting to three before making a mad dash for the equipment storage room, hoping to get into there before anyone spotted him.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

to Oersted:
Spoiler: show
Rod quietly picked up Grey, who is also silent, after seeing their friend get dragged inside by a monster woman. The three of them made their way downstairs without making too much noise as they take a step on the metal staircase. As they descend from the 3rd floor to the ground, they hear the moans and throes of pleasure as they went. Each of them makes Rod grit his teeth even more as he hears them. Grey's expression however, was akin to a person who was shell shocked after seeing a horrifying sight. They couldn't do anything to save the person whom they consider as a friend. All they could do is to move on and get out of the Academy while they can still move freely and unhindered by any monster woman.

They all knew that there might be no hope for them outside the walls of the Academy, these 'women' are out for their bodies. They have no choice but to escape while it's still possible. When they've managed to get down to the first floor, the bushes nearby rustled all of the sudden.

"It's us..." Grey said monotonously, "No need to try and act violent..."

From the bushes, five men, two are 6th grade students, one is a bespectacled brown haired, chubby college student holding a cricket bat, and the last two are high school students came, came out from hiding. The chubby college student came forward and said...

"Grey. Rod. Are you guys all right?" he asked as he shoulders his bat, "Where's Kashim by the way?"

"Fiora got him, Al." Rod answered him quietly, "We tried to help but he decided to get captured on purpose to stop her from attracting those bitches. Kashim's getting himself raped for all we know."

"Damn..." Al clicked his tongue and swore, "We better get to the lot. Doc's waiting for us and-"

The ground suddenly trembled a little, nearly toppling the two elementary students near them. Grey looked around and see what is going on, he looked to his right and his skin paled. A black haired horned woman, whose skin is quite bluish-green, whose skin are heavily marked with runes and tattoos, whose lower half is that of a tarantula, runs straight towards them with her giant, furry, paws open and looks at them with a lustful and hungry expression. She is also licking her lips as she closes the gap between them as fast as possible. Most of them, are now standing in fear as this woman gets near towards them. The fear of moving seems to have taken over and freezes them on the spot in the process.

to Shadow of Legend:
Spoiler: show
Suddenly, the grounds rumbled before Sol could even ask a question. The Ant children were immediately led towards the exit by the nannies that are now present. Aran looked around and see if any of the children were left inside the nursery. She then saw something forming up on top of Sol. Sol looked up and saw a naked brown woman with leaves and saplings sticking out of her hair is hanging on top of him. Before Sol could react, the woman suddenly grabbed him with her large, clay-like hands and got dragged upwards and into her large bosom. Aran tries to grab Sol but the abductor was too fast for her and immediately burrowed upwards along with Sol.

to ShadowBladeX:
Spoiler: show
Feh. It seems that your folks never told about your ancestors... Nor the existence of those monster women... the gruff voice spoke to him in a rude manner, Well, I wouldn't blame 'em since you live in a dandy fairy tale world where rape and corruption's the least of your damned concerns. They probably decided to hold off that small information to keep their little snowflake from going crazy and abnormal due to that knowledge. he added, Well, I wouldn't instruct you on how to use your powers since we Endor Demons only teach a spawn of Nosferatu who is aware of our existence since childhood but...

Suddenly, a pair of purple eyes suddenly flashed in front of Tamaki, followed by a blue fires appearing right next to the purple eyes. The blue fire's light flooded the area where it appeared and a strange being made of black energy is seen in the center of the blue fire. The black energy formed an entity that is shaped of a strange beast wearing a violet and gray armor. Its arms sprouted out and grew a pair of large bracers that has the same color as its armor. The beast's purple eyes looked straight into the eyes of Tamaki and said...

"I'm going to make an exemption for you, boy." he said as his face formed a wicked and toothy grin, "After all, your body's actually the thing that I need to stay alive and not monsterized."

to Shadow Mann 2330:
Spoiler: show
While Washu rapes her prey inside the janitor's office, the door flew open all of the sudden and a teal haired woman with black wings, horns forming like a large headband, and wears something that one could consider as a nun's habit, entered the room. The woman also carries a book with her and began to chant something that caused Washu and her prey's lust to spike up all of the sudden. The man that Washu is lusting upon suddenly came a lot and covered her and the nun with semen. The smell and the taste of the semen addled their minds even more and made the two of them wet and hungry for a meat stick.

to Kaijin:
Spoiler: show
The door flew open before Florin could answer Siegfried. She sat up all of the sudden and see who the intruder is...until she got hit on her forehead by a bucket. Florin reeled as she got hit by a blunt object while Siegfried was suddenly dragged out of the room even though he isn't fully clothed. Siegfried's instincts kicked in and decided to get violent to the ones that hurt his wife. The one who pulled him out, a young man in a hoodie and a crowbar, was suddenly punched by Siegfried towards an open door in front of the bathroom, knocking him out in the process. The other one, another young man in green tank tops and cargo pants, was attacked by Siegfried and pushed the unfortunate young man towards the arms of a bull woman that Siegfried saw outside. The young man screamed and called him a traitor and a scoundrel before getting himself dragged away, but Siegfried ignored him as he needs to tend on the unconscious Florin.
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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Shadow of Legend »

WodanYmirthe2nd wrote: to Shadow of Legend:
Spoiler: show
Suddenly, the grounds rumbled before Sol could even ask a question. The Ant children were immediately led towards the exit by the nannies that are now present. Aran looked around and see if any of the children were left inside the nursery. She then saw something forming up on top of Sol. Sol looked up and saw a naked brown woman with leaves and saplings sticking out of her hair is hanging on top of him. Before Sol could react, the woman suddenly grabbed him with her large, clay-like hands and got dragged upwards and into her large bosom. Aran tries to grab Sol but the abductor was too fast for her and immediately burrowed upwards along with Sol.

The ground starts rumbling, causing me to frown. The ground rumbling while I'm under it is very unsettling, after all. I watch as the nannies lead the kids away, Aran looks around, and her gaze stops at something above me. I follow her gaze and see something forming, which turns out to be a naked woman with brown skin, plant-like stuff in her hair, and freakishly huge, clay-like hands. The next thing I know, she's reaching for me and I can't move. My eyes are too busy scanning her body, and with my mind busy admiring and rating each part of her body, I can't react in time to even try to move. Naturally, I don't make it obvious that I'm ogling this woman. Once she has me, I find myself pulled firmly into her cleavage. I want to ask what she's doing, ...and find out how I managed to luck out and wind up with my face between a nice pair of tits, but before I can say anything, as I catch a glimpse of Aran reaching for me, probably to stop this woman from kidnapping me, I am whisked away. Instinctively, I hold my breath and close my eyes as I'm carried in an upwards direction.

When we finally stop, I resume normal breathing, look around, and say, "Okay, being abruptly taken like that has put me in a bit of a bad mood, partly because you interrupted me when I was trying to get some answers. Who are you, what are your intentions, was there a reason for the timing of your interruption, what are you, where are we, and can you answer any of my questions?"
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Post by Oersted »

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WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:Rod quietly picked up Grey, who is also silent, after seeing their friend get dragged inside by a monster woman. The three of them made their way downstairs without making too much noise as they take a step on the metal staircase. As they descend from the 3rd floor to the ground, they hear the moans and throes of pleasure as they went. Each of them makes Rod grit his teeth even more as he hears them. Grey's expression however, was akin to a person who was shell shocked after seeing a horrifying sight. They couldn't do anything to save the person whom they consider as a friend. All they could do is to move on and get out of the Academy while they can still move freely and unhindered by any monster woman.

They all knew that there might be no hope for them outside the walls of the Academy, these 'women' are out for their bodies. They have no choice but to escape while it's still possible. When they've managed to get down to the first floor, the bushes nearby rustled all of the sudden.

"It's us..." Grey said monotonously, "No need to try and act violent..."

From the bushes, five men, two are 6th grade students, one is a bespectacled brown haired, chubby college student holding a cricket bat, and the last two are high school students came, came out from hiding. The chubby college student came forward and said...

"Grey. Rod. Are you guys all right?" he asked as he shoulders his bat, "Where's Kashim by the way?"

"Fiora got him, Al." Rod answered him quietly, "We tried to help but he decided to get captured on purpose to stop her from attracting those bitches. Kashim's getting himself raped for all we know."

"Damn..." Al clicked his tongue and swore, "We better get to the lot. Doc's waiting for us and-"

The ground suddenly trembled a little, nearly toppling the two elementary students near them. Grey looked around and see what is going on, he looked to his right and his skin paled. A black haired horned woman, whose skin is quite bluish-green, whose skin are heavily marked with runes and tattoos, whose lower half is that of a tarantula, runs straight towards them with her giant, furry, paws open and looks at them with a lustful and hungry expression. She is also licking her lips as she closes the gap between them as fast as possible. Most of them, are now standing in fear as this woman gets near towards them. The fear of moving seems to have taken over and freezes them on the spot in the process.
Archibal was quiet as he followed Rod, while Kashim's capture didn't weight as heavily on him he knew that to the other two this must've been a crippling blow to their morale, and the other captured students they could hear didn't help at all, things were looking pretty grim in his opinion, but he couldn't give up now, he had dreams he wished to accomplish and getting continually raped by a monstrous woman wasn't one of them, not to mention he still had to pay Grey back for freeing him earlier.

After a while they finally got to the first floor, he then heard bushes rustle, and after Grey called out to them a bunch of students came out of said bushes, one of them started to speak with Grey and Rod as Archibal quietly listened he could feel some kind of thumping from the ground, and soon enough it got stronger in intensity up to the point it almost caused some of the students to fall down, looking around he tried to see the source of the shaking, and when he did he felt completely terrified, the creature heading for them looked like some kind of spider woman, but compared to all of those monsters he saw this one looked much more like the monsters he read about in books. Looking at the others he could see that they were all terrified to the point of being unable to move...

His mind told him to run but his legs won't budge, looking on as she was closing the gap between them he finally managed to overcome enough of the pure terror he was experiencing to be able move again, as he was about to run he looked at the others "H-hey! Guys, snap out of it! We have to move before that thing gets within arm's reach of us!" he said in a shaky voice, trying to get the other students to at least try to get out of the way of the spider monster charging them.
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