The Girl of your Dreams!

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This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Vendettadabeast »

Gamergirl64 wrote:Bella growls quietly, annoyed with Casey's sarcasm.

"Calm down, Bella. He's just in denial." Eillen says to Bella.

"Of course, and we were chosen because we matched the answers you chose." Elizabeth says. "You chose that you wanted girls that are agressive and dominant. You also chose tall and busty, for physical appearence."

Bella stretches, a little, showing off her genuinely large breasts.

"You wanted girls older than you. Other than our 'costumes,' you should tell how old we seem by looking at us." Elizabeth says. "You also didn't want us to be loyal to you, nor the other way around, so don't expect us to possibly flirt with other guys we meet. And that wouldn't be too much of a problem, considering a certain ability we share."

Eileen's body starts to glow, and all of her mantis features disappear, and she looks like a normal girl. "Now do you believe me when we say that we aren't human?" She asks.

"You chose more than one girl, which is why there's three of us. Of course, I'm sure you'd probably would have wanted more, but for now, there's only three of us." Elizabeth says "Considering how much you freaked out with just us, if there WERE more, that would probably create bigger problems."

Eileen transforms back into her original form.

"You said you were into fighting." Elizabeth says. "I, myself, am very skilled with swords, and Bella and Eileen, here, are masters in hand-to-hand combat."

Bella shows off some fighting moves.

"You said the animals you like were dogs, reptiles, and insects and bugs." Elizabeth says. "Judging by how we look, can you tell that exactly the point to that question was, now?"

"You also typed in a bunch of random letters for the hobbies and fears, so we don't know if our interests are the same as yours, or different." Bella says. "So now do you have enough evidence to believe us, or are you still i
Now dumb founded with his mouth hanging open casey can't even mtter a word correctly

Casey: thi-th-this isn't possible, it was just a internet quiz, no how, creatures like you hw are you guy even real, i thought it was just a joke, there is no way, i gotta be dreaming. *slaps himself and pinches his cheeks* come on wake up ths is just a dream

He continues to try to wake himself up

Casey: This is crazy,never in history as somethig as crazy has happened to me * He sits down on his couch and stares off, trying to process inhs head whats happening is really happening* so that quiz wasn't a joke spam?
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis noticed that a message appeared on his screen before his monitor suddenly went black. ‘Oh great.‘ he thought and tried to start his computer again. ‘It was a virus which destroyed my computer. I will try to fix it tomorrow.’

He was a bit annoyed but decided to go to the living room to watch some t.v. He watched the news because there wasn't anything else which he liked on. And there wasn't any formula one on t.v. since it wasn't the season for that.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@Shadow of Legend:
"It should be obvious." Rubi says. "Of course I'm not human!" She notices the weapons in his room. "You have quite the collection of weaponry, here."

All three of the girls shake their head.

"I'm afraid not." Elizabeth says. "It was not at all a joke."

"So what should we do now?" Eileen asks.

"Oh, I know-" Bella says before getting interrupted by Eileen.

"No, Bella, we'll have to wait until he's a little more comfortable with us, before doing that." Eileen says to Bella.

"Whatever." Bella says, feeling annoyed.

A blue portal appears in front of the computer and a girl with red hair, brown eyes, and red dog like ears and tail steps out. She is wearing a pink shirt, and a purple skirt. "Where am I?" She asks as she looks around. "This place looks so different than what I'm used to."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis went back to the other room when he suddenly heard someone. He noticed a girl standing there when he got to his computer room. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?” he asked not knowing if she had any bad intentions, although it didn’t look like it. But then he noticed that she had dog like ears and a tail. He wondered why she was wearing that and if they were fake, because they looked so real.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

"Hm?" She looks at Dennis. "Oh, hello!" She says with a smile as her tail starts to wag. "You must be the one who summoned me here!" She walks over to him. "I'm Jessyka." Jessyka reaches her hand out for Dennis to shake. "Nice to meet you!"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Shadow of Legend:
"It should be obvious." Rubi says. "Of course I'm not human!" She notices the weapons in his room. "You have quite the collection of weaponry, here."
Yeah, that probably wasn't the best way to word the question... She's not human, so what is she? Asking her what she is might sound degrading, though, and I'd rather not insult someone I just met, accidentally or otherwise.

"Yeah, I suppose I do. My Dad and I both like guns, and I like swords and archery, too." My bow is in the closet right now, though. Doing my best to carefully pick my words, I try to change the subject back to her and this, uh, event. "A bit of a warning before we go any further; should you choose to sit," I start, pointing at the chair next to my video games table and the other one at my computer, "Lucky will probably try to climb up in your lap. That said, would you mind telling me a bit about yourself, those reptilian features of yours, and maybe some details about that quiz, as in what the deal is behind it?"

(What kind of skirt is Rubi wearing? Depending on how things play out, my character might try to sneak a peek up it. He is a healthy young guy, after all. :P )
Last edited by Shadow of Legend on Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
From the hate-scorched sky!
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We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis felt a bit nervous because there was a stranger in his house. “Summoned you? How would I have done that?” he asked a bit nervously. She seemed happy and her tail was wagging. Dennis tried to calm down a bit when she walked towards him, not really sure what to think about this situation. “I’m Dennis. It’s nice to meet you too.” he said and shook her hand shortly to be polite. Dennis looked at her ears and tail again. “Are those real and if so what are you?” he asked.

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

I poke Linzy on the ear. "I see what you did there. Now hurry up and eat." After finishing off the pizza, I pull Linzy into my lap and sit down on the couch. "So, what shall we do now?"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@Shadow of Legend: (a rather short skirt. But if Anthony sneaks a peak, he might need to watch out as he could probably get kicked in the face. :lol:)
"Alright." Rubi goes to sit to sit down in one of the chairs. "Well, I don't know much about the quiz. It seems to be something to bring kinds from my world to this world. I guess you might say I'm an Allien, but the concept isn't quite the same." She says. "I'm the youngest of three girls, and all the girls in my family all have reptilian features. The girls on my mom's side, that is. I'm part of a species called 'lizardmen, but since every kind of monster girl is female, hence the name 'monster girl,' I guess a more fitting name would be 'lizardwomen.' But whatever." She crosses her legs. "No idea why exactly the quiz if used for how it's used, but I guess it's to connect our two worlds together, or something. I don't know." She puts her leg back down. "So, how about you tell me about yourself?"

"Well, I guess you can just call me a weredog, or something, because I don't think my kind really has a name." Jessyka says a little unsurely. "But yeah, my ears and tail are real." She says with a smile. "And you called me here. You were looking for the girl of your dreams, and I was chosen to match what you had in mind as your perfect girl, so here I am. I'm supposedly the girl of your dreams."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Shadow of Legend: (a rather short skirt. But if Anthony sneaks a peak, he might need to watch out as he could probably get kicked in the face. :lol:)
"Alright." Rubi goes to sit to sit down in one of the chairs. "Well, I don't know much about the quiz. It seems to be something to bring kinds from my world to this world. I guess you might say I'm an Allien, but the concept isn't quite the same." She says. "I'm the youngest of three girls, and all the girls in my family all have reptilian features. The girls on my mom's side, that is. I'm part of a species called 'lizardmen, but since every kind of monster girl is female, hence the name 'monster girl,' I guess a more fitting name would be 'lizardwomen.' But whatever." She crosses her legs. "No idea why exactly the quiz if used for how it's used, but I guess it's to connect our two worlds together, or something. I don't know." She puts her leg back down. "So, how about you tell me about yourself?"
As Rubi sits down I quickly grab Lucky and drag him over next to me, then I sit in the other chair and pick him up, holding him in my lap. My sore shoulder doesn't approve, but this should keep him from bothering her for now.

After listening to her, I shrug, cringing slightly as my shoulder once again reminds me of its condition. While she was talking, my attention was drawn several times to her and her reptilian bits, this time mostly her hands and feet. Her legs are pretty nice, too. I managed to keep from trying to follow them all the way up, though, even through her crossing and uncrossing of her legs. "Well, I don't know what your world's like, so I don't know how much you'll understand, but okay. I'm still working away at getting my college degree through a distance learning program. I went with distance learning because of several reasons, one of them being the little problem of the distance I'd have to drive to get to any actual campus around here. I doubt you've seen what it looks like outside, but we're just about in the middle of nowhere out here. So yeah, driving distance and travel time would be a pain, therefore distance learning was better because it allows me to do my school work from home. Aside from studying, I take care of our five pets, keep the bills paid and budget tended to, and do the grocery shopping. Basically, I tend to things here at home while my Dad does his job as an over-the-road trucker. Coincidentally enough, he just left this morning to return to work after enjoying his home time."

I don't know when he's going to call, but when he does, I think I'll hold off on mentioning Rubi. It'd seem strange that I suddenly met a girl not long after he left today, and I doubt he'd believe the details. ...Damn, Lucky's heavy! I think my legs have gone to sleep... I carefully set him down on his feet but continue to hold him and pet him. Suddenly, I'm hit with the idea of trying to catch a glimpse of Rubi's panties while disguising it as me petting Lucky. Would she notice, though? It's definitely rude and inappropriate to do something like that, especially with a girl I just met a few minutes ago, but I'm a guy and she's a girl, she's good looking, and I'm kind of curious about how much of her body is scaly and how much is "human-like". Finding out the answer to that would require that I see her naked, though, and it's a little too soon for that. ...After summoning up all of my willpower, I decide not to try anything.

"By the way, based on what you said and if my guess is correct, that quiz's main purpose would be to pair you and others from your world up with the 'most appropriate partner' possible. Speaking of which, after I finished that quiz my monitor went black. Is my computer and stuff alright?"

I wasn't in my room when she appeared, so I don't know how exactly it happened. If a "lizardman" like her exists on another world somewhere, then it might not be too farfetched that magic exists, too. Either that or this was the result of some high-tech equipment, something more advanced than anything we have here... Still, hopefully my computer is okay so I can look up stuff on the internet if she needs clarification on anything that I can't sufficiently explain in words. I also need it for school, of course.
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@Shadow of Legend:
"Oh, that thing you took the quiz on?" Rubi asks. She looks at the computer. "Have you tried pressing that button?" She asks as she points to the button that turns the monitor on and off.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Shadow of Legend:
"Oh, that thing you took the quiz on?" Rubi asks. She looks at the computer. "Have you tried pressing that button?" She asks as she points to the button that turns the monitor on and off.
Judging by what she just said, she doesn't know what a computer is, which would mean that either she grew up out in the sticks or her world's technology level isn't as high as that of my world. Either way, I press the button and watch as my monitor turns on, relieved that everything is fine. Good thing, too, because I've got a few things I'd like to show her. My porn and hentai collection is not among them, at least not for now.

"What's your world like? And why would 'monster girls' be coming to this world? Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining, I'm just curious."

The temptation hits again, but I fight it off, thanks in part to the sudden wonder of what we're going to do about sleeping arrangements. There's my bed in my room and my Dad's bed in the living room. Mine is the more comfortable one, and I doubt she'd want to sleep in a hospital bed, anyway, which means that unless we sleep together, we'll have to take turns, which- no, I'd just let her sleep in my bed and I'd sleep in one of my chairs in that case. ...She's not privy to what I'm thinking, is she? I'm pretty sure I'm not showing anything that might hint at it, but...
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Vendettadabeast »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Vendetta:
All three of the girls shake their head.

"I'm afraid not." Elizabeth says. "It was not at all a joke."

"So what should we do now?" Eileen asks.

"Oh, I know-" Bella says before getting interrupted by Eileen.

"No, Bella, we'll have to wait until he's a little more comfortable with us, before doing that." Eileen says to Bella.

"Whatever." Bella says, feeling annoyed.

Casey tilts hishead backand laughs hysterically

Casey: Wow what are the chances, i mean wow a portal opens up from my computer to bring me creatures from anither worldto be my soumates,wow

He continues to laugh hystrcally for good couple of minutes then he calms down and stands up

Casey: I think i need a glass of water *he gets up and walks nt his itchn and gets an ice cold water to drink*
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis noticed that Jessyka was a bit unsure when she told about that there wasn’t really a name. “I have never heard of people who have the ears and tails of a dog. I only heard fantasy stories about werewolves and vampires.” he said and wondered what kind of place she would come from.

“I thought that it was just a quiz. I never expected that the girl of my dreams would just suddenly appear here.” he said. He still couldn’t really believe that a girl with dog ears and tail just appeared in his computer room. “Uhm, do you want something to drink?” he asked. He didn’t really know what to do, since he isn’t so good in talking with girls.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@Shadow of Legend:
"It's a lot different." Rubi says. "There's no technology stuff like you have, here, and there's a bunch of different species of monster girls. There are humans like you, too." She looks at Lucky. "There are also animals like that, there, too." She looks back at Anthony. "Hey, do you have anything drink around here? I'm a little thirsty."

Elizabeth walks to the kitchen. "By the way, we can't return to our world, and since we have nowhere else to go, considering the fact we never been to this world, before, we'll be living with you." She says.

"That would be nice." Jessyka says with a smile. "What do you have to drink?"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"" Laila said witha confused look "Oh right, yea you got it!" Marie simply smiled seeing Laila

"And this strategy guide, it must be a book of great insight to aid you on this...videogame. But I must say that I look foward to dinner." She said

"Food is the only thing you think about marie..." Laila said

"Oh, like your any better?" Marie replied, but when they saw the gamestore, they were fasinated by the game booths and TV "wow...these videogames look cool..." "Marie said

"Yea..." Laila said as they were both rather surprised


"Oh I you are another who shares the feelings of love to Kevin huh? Well then..." Mayella said as she pulled his zipper down and pulled his dick out "Go ahead...a female must alway assert their dominance to the male." Mayella said

"Mayella!" Binka said as she blushed "Eh look uh Miki, if you want Kevin so much then go ahead, and Kevin, I'm sure you two had a wild connection back then, just make it up....but nows now the best time is it?" Binka said as she put Kevin's dick back and closed his zipper

"*Sight* Have it your way..." Mayella said as she sat quietly

"Hehe...Mayella can be odd...anyways lets go." Binka said

"Well, I am feeling hungry...some provisions would be nice..." Laura said as she smiled, letting Piko sleep on top of her head "'s funny...I've had to keep an eye on this little one for see her parents had died when she was young. It was her mother's wish for me to act as her friend and guardian..." Laura said as she smiled

"Oh...I'm so terribly sorry Elric...I promise that I will do whatever it takes to pay for my mis..." Sheva then saw Elric, still on his underwear, she blushed deep red as she turned around " go do that..." She said


As the questions were answered, a small text ops up
*Survey complete.*
The computer's monitor then goes black. But then a portal appeared right afterwards, the portal expanded as the insdide of it was pure white. A silhoute of a woman could be seen, though it looked odd since it looked like it had wings, but another one was also seen. they both stepped out. One girl had light purple hair with green scaly wings feet, though her chest was covered with a scaly breast cover, and her eyes were yellow. The other girl had white fur, her skin was brown with blue eyes, wearing a bra and panties that were white and covered in fur, her hands looked like furry mittens with claws. Both of the girls looked and smiled at Vianne

"Hello!" both ogf them shouted

"Okay." Linzy said as she staretd to eat the pizza, her face blushed with delight as she took her first bote "Wow, it taste really good!" She said. Then hearing his question, she smiled "Oh, why don't we go somewhere and have fun huh?"
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

“Well, I have coffee, tea, diet coke and some other things.” he said and gave a small smile back. He didn’t have any alcohol in house since he didn’t drink that.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Shadow of Legend:
"It's a lot different." Rubi says. "There's no technology stuff like you have, here, and there's a bunch of different species of monster girls. There are humans like you, too." She looks at Lucky. "There are also animals like that, there, too." She looks back at Anthony. "Hey, do you have anything drink around here? I'm a little thirsty."

Sounds sort of interesting. The lack of technology might be difficult to deal with, though... I guess I was too surprised by this sudden development to think of it, but yeah, I should have offered her something to drink.

"Sure, I've got water, milk, Dr Pepper, and A&W Cream Soda. Which would you like?" I ask as I get up and head for the fridge. Having let go of Lucky to do so, he quickly sits down at Rubi's feet, wagging his tail and leaning against her legs, obviously wanting more petting. Somewhat embarrassed, I force a smile and a laugh and say, "Looks like he likes you." ...Do they even have soda in her world?
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Vendettadabeast »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@Vendetta:
Elizabeth walks to the kitchen. "By the way, we can't return to our world, and since we have nowhere else to go, considering the fact we never been to this world, before, we'll be living with you." She says.
Casey:Great more good news ,*but in his mind he was panicking,"They're gonna live with me dear god, what do i do, i mean,i can't put them out, if i try i'm prety sure they would'nt let me,what they hell is my parents going to say when they come to check on me"

He refilled his glass of water and down it like he was taking a shot, he was begining to worry about the situation even more and try to think how was he going oto handle it. He filled u his cup again hen drnk it down and then breathed in and out slowly.

Casey: Well okay, since you guy are gonna be living here, i guess i might as well get you girls settle in and show you around * he placed his glass down and walked back into the living room* Okay so i'll go get the guess room clened up and blow up the inflatable bed you guys wait here and watch t.V.

He turn the television on and placed the remote down on the table

Casey: You can watch whatever you want, just please don't break my flat screen
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

Jessyka thinks gor a moment. "I'll have some tea." She says.

@Shadow of Legend:
Rubi pets lucky. "He's rather lovable." She says with a smile, then looks at Anthony. "Dr. Pepper? A&W Cream Soda? What are those?" She asks while looking at Anthony.

"Why must he assume that we're gonna break something?!" Eileen asks in an annoyed tone.

"Well, considering the fact that you broke his computer, I would assume the same thing, too." Elizabeth says in a joking voice.

"Shut up, Elizabeth!" Eileen says. "It was an accident, for crying out loud!"

Meanwhile, Bella picks up the remote control. "The technology in this world is so fascinating..." She says as she presses the button to switch between channels.

Elizabeth pushes back Eileen to keep from getting attacked by her when she notices a giant praying mantis eating someone on the tv. "Hold up, Bella, what are you watching?"

"I'm not sure." Bella says. "It looks like the show's about a giant mantis that eats people."

Elizabeth looks at Eileen. "Hey Eileen, it looks just like you!" She says with a laugh.

"Shut up!" Eileen says in an angry tone of voice.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and looks at Bella. "Hey Bella, can I see that thing?"

"Sure." Bella hands Elizabeth the remote.

"Thanks!" Elizabeth starts flipping through different channels. "This world has such weird technology..."
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