The Girl of your Dreams!

A Dating RP

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

Rubi stares at the slice of Pizza. "That's supposed to be food? Doesn't look like it." She lets out a sigh. "Well, it smells appetizing, so I guess I'll try it." She picks up the slice and takes a bite out of it. Her eyes widen, as she slowly chews. She never tasted anything like pizza, so she didn't know what to expect. It surely tastes better than she thought it would taste. After swallowing, her expression turns back into the indifferent expression she had, before. "It's not bad." She says, crossing her arms.

Jessyka wakes up to the smell of breakfast. "Mm, that smells delicious!" She gets up and follows the smell, to find Dennis cooking. "Oh, goodmorning!" She says with a smile.

@Vendtta: (I kinda forgot about what I said about where each of them lived. :^^;: Think you can refresh my memory, a little?)
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@SoL:
Rubi stares at the slice of Pizza. "That's supposed to be food? Doesn't look like it." She lets out a sigh. "Well, it smells appetizing, so I guess I'll try it." She picks up the slice and takes a bite out of it. Her eyes widen, as she slowly chews. She never tasted anything like pizza, so she didn't know what to expect. It surely tastes better than she thought it would taste. After swallowing, her expression turns back into the indifferent expression she had, before. "It's not bad." She says, crossing her arms.

I start off smirking slightly, glad that she seems to like it, but raise an eyebrow when she goes straight-faced again.

"Well, eat all you want, up to half. Not to brag or anything, but I can eat one of these pizzas by myself in one sitting if I'm hungry. Anyway, we'll see how you like chicken lasagna or chicken alfredo tomorrow. Hell, we might even try both. For now, let's just get you used to your new home, get you settled in, introduce you to my three cats, let my shoulder heal, and we'll have our little competition tomorrow."

I wonder... Will she blush if I ask her? Only one way to find out...

"...Speaking of which, uh, in the unlikely event that I lose, it won't hurt my chances with you, will it?"

I'll wait until we're done eating before I try to ask why she didn't want me to touch her tail earlier.
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis noticed that Jessyka had entered the room. “Good morning.” he replied. “Have you slept well?” he asked while getting two plates before putting a slice of bread on both and put the scrambled eggs on top. He brought them both to the table and set them down. “What do you want to drink?”
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Taintedone »

If this RP is still running, I'd like to join if I get the chance.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@Taintedone: Yeah, it's still running. Me and the owner of the RP have been quite busy. (I'm his assistant, btw, so I will be the one taking in new members, since he already has a lot of members he needs to reply to.) So feel free to make your character, and I will get you started. :^^:

(in other words, sorry for not being here, a while, guys. I just seem to get busier and busier, after every post)

"I lived in an ancient ruin, in the desert." Eileen says. "Well, I did for a while, before I got bored and left, to travel the world, then I came here."

"I was the leader of my pack." Bella says. "We didn't have a specific 'home,' in the forest, we roamed around during the night, and either sleep on the ground, or in the trees, in the day."

"I shaired a home with a bird girl. Her species are called harpies." Eileen says. "We lived on a clifftop at the edge of the forest, in a small house. It was a pretty nice view, up there." She says with a smile.

Rubi looks away, avoiding eye contact with Tony, and blushes a little. "... Maybe, but maybe not." She says, then looks back at Tony. "But since I'm here to be your 'dream girl,' that would most likely be a no."

"Indeed, I have slept well." Jessyka says with a smile. "I would like some water, please." She then looks at what Dennis is cooking. "What are you cooking?" She asks.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote: @SoL:
Rubi looks away, avoiding eye contact with Tony, and blushes a little. "... Maybe, but maybe not." She says, then looks back at Tony. "But since I'm here to be your 'dream girl,' that would most likely be a no."
(I'm assuming she showed up barefoot, since Lizardmen probably don't need shoes with their "normal" feet, but if she's wearing sandals or something, I'll edit as needed.)

As soon as I see her blush I find myself fighting to keep from smiling. Because I'm not done with my half of the pizza yet, I go ahead and "hide" it by taking a bite. Once she tells me that bit about how, win or lose, it most likely won't hurt my chances with her, I once again use the pizza to hide my smile. I'm going to have a lot of fun teasing her, I can tell. It's always fun to tease a tsundere. I just hope I don't go too far. It's easy to get carried away, after all.

"Once you're done eating, is there anything you'd like to do? Maybe watch TV, learn about the internet, play a video game, take a shower, or something? On that subject, what about your clothes? Is what you're wearing it? If it is, then we'll have to see about buying you some more clothes soon. Since it'd probably be a bad idea to not disguise your feet, I suppose we could have you wear one of my pairs of boots until we can get you some shoes or something. Going barefoot in public isn't a good idea, after all." ...As nice as those reptilian feet are... I don't have a foot fetish, but damn if her feet don't interest me greatly. Anyway... "So, anyway, once you're done eating, it's your choice for what to do."

And I'll ask about that tail as soon as she's done eating, too.
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Taintedone »

Okay, here I go.

Name: Steven Bennet
Age: 22
Apperance: 5'9" tall, short messy brown hair, Blue eyes, athletic build. Caucasian/tan skin, Solid black T-shirt with a skull on the back covered in blue flames, Blue jeans and Black shoes. Wears a chipped gold ring on his right hand ring finger.
Likes: Games, movies, anime, making friends, going to parties (provided he knows someone there).
Dislikes: Arrogance, condescending attitudes, disrespect.
Personality: Upbeat smartass. He always likes to make people laugh. Has a strong sense of morals and does not wish harm on anyone. Suffers from an inferiority complex and usually values others opinions before his own. He sometimes worries he appears weak to others around him so he is sometimes prone to biting off more than he can chew to compensate for his apparent weakness.
Bio: Born an only child, Steven was given everything he could have wanted growing up. As a result he grew up ignorant of what it meant to work for what you wanted. His parents tried to give him valuable skill such as learning the piano but it didnt make him a better person. His grades and social life began to slowly decline until when he turned 18 and graduated high school, he joined the army to develop a sense of confidence, discipline, and courage. After enlisting for four years, he has emerged a stronger person for it but sometimes has problems realizing it himself. He now lives in his own apartment going to school on the government's payroll. however, he views his new life as more than a little lonely.

Steven sighed as he entered his empty apartment. He unloaded his backpack on his desk chair and sat down on his bed. class had ended for the day and his weekend had begun. He wasn't feeling to motivated to start his homework yet. He wanted to relax first so he opened his laptop and decided to go to youtube to watch some abridged videos. Those always put him in a good mood.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

@SoL: (yeah, she showed up barefoot)
"Video game..." Rubi takes a bite out of her pizza. After swallowing, she thinks for a moment. "That sounds interesting. I think I'll try doing that." She says. "What I'm wearing is pretty much it, since I wasn't allowed to bring anything with me. I guess buying new clothes would be a good idea. I tried wearing shoes once. Didn't really like it. I like going reptilian barefoot, better, but... Since I'm here as the 'girl of your dreams,' and to learn about this world, I guess I'll deal with it."

Suddenly, a window pops up on the screen. "Want to meet the girl of your dreams?" It says. There are two buttons on the bottom. One being green, and saying "YES," while the other is red, and says "NO."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Taintedone »

Steven was laughing away at the videos he uploaded when he noticed there was no longer any sound. He looked to his computer screen and saw an odd window asking him if he wanted to meet the girl of his dreams.
"Huh? Just great.... this is probably some kinda virus.... (sigh) Why do some stupid punks get a thrill out of bugging people with this crap?..... Oh well.... I may as well.... Might be fun. It's not like this thing is legitimate anyway."
He casually moved his cursor over YES and clicked.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

Once you clicked YES, a series of questions popped up.

1. What kind of personality do you like in a girl?
a. Sweet and loving
b. Aggressive and dominant
c. tsundere
d. Yandere
e. Gentle and well mannered
f. horny and naughty

2. What kind of physical features would you like in a girl? (select up to three)
a. tall
b. skinny
c. busty
d. flat
e. don't care (please note that if you pick this, the other options are automatically cancelled out and will not apply to the amswer)

3. Do you like girls that are...
a. older than you
b. younger than you
c. don't care

4. Would you want the girl to stay loyal to you
a. yes
b. no

5. Would you stay loyal to your girl?
a. yes
b. no

6. Can you handle more than one girl, or is one enough for you?
a. More than one. I'd prefer a harem
b. Just one. I'd prefer one girl to be with.
Last edited by Gamergirl64 on Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Taintedone »

Steven blinked as a new slew of questions popped up on his screen.
"Okay.... Well, here goes nothing."
He looked to the first question.
"Huh... whoever made this thing covered a wide selection."
He debated a couple of answers before deciding to go with F.
question 2.
"(blush)... Wow.... not subtle at all..."
Selects C.
Question 3.
"I've always had a thing for older girls."
Question 4.
"Stay loyal? Duh!"
Question 5.
"I return loyalty."
Question 6.
"Oooookay?...... This is unusual.... ummmm..."
(Blush) selects A
He then clicks continue.
Last edited by Taintedone on Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by unknown »

Dennis grabbed two empty glasses and filled one with cold water for Jessyka and one with milk for himself. He noticed her looking at what he was making. “I’m making scrambled eggs.” he said while grabbing two plates. “Did you ever had that before?” He was just finished and placed two slices of bread on each plate and put some of the scrambled eggs on top of each slice. He turned off the fire and brought the two plates and glasses towards the dinner table. “Here, this one is for you.” he said while putting a plate on the table for Jessyka.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Vendettadabeast »

As Casey finished his pizza sliced and listened to each of the girls origins,he was quite intrigued by their stories on where they came from and how they got here.

"Wow,it seems you guys had some interesting live before coming to my world." He said before woffing down the last bit of his slice. 'So how was it like living in your old homes,I mean I never been outside of my country and only traveled a few states, but I'm sure you guys homes in your world was an exciting place to live."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow of Legend »

Gamergirl64 wrote:@SoL: (yeah, she showed up barefoot)
"Video game..." Rubi takes a bite out of her pizza. After swallowing, she thinks for a moment. "That sounds interesting. I think I'll try doing that." She says. "What I'm wearing is pretty much it, since I wasn't allowed to bring anything with me. I guess buying new clothes would be a good idea. I tried wearing shoes once. Didn't really like it. I like going reptilian barefoot, better, but... Since I'm here as the 'girl of your dreams,' and to learn about this world, I guess I'll deal with it."

(Missed a day due to my new job and a clusterfuck-level miscommunication with the nurses at the hospital, the in-home nursing service, and a few other things relating to my Dad and his condition, which resulted in no time to do anything, as well as getting an hour of sleep at most. Also, you have me as answering the quiz again. I haven't started a second character.)

I nod and say, "Yes, it would be best to try to blend in as much as possible so as to avoid problems. Honestly, I'd prefer that you stay in your 'true' form as much as possible, and since we'll probably spend most of our time at home, that should be easy. The few times we go into town shouldn't be too much of a burden on you as far as wearing shoes goes."

I glance at my stack of games behind her, then look back at her and ask, "What kind of game would you like to play? A single-player game, maybe with me giving you tips, pointers, and advice, or a game that allows for multiple players, which, depending on the game, may allow us to play together or against each other? Since you most likely don't know much about video games, being that you're from another world, if you want me to suggest a game to play, I can do that. Just tell me what you want to experience and I'll try to find the closes thing to it I have."
From the hate-scorched sky!
With righteous anger in our hearts!
We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
Thou art the innocent blade----Demonbane!

Lemuria Impact:

Lemuria Impact translation:
"In this World of Light, there is no place for you of the Darkness!
Thirst not! Hunger not! Return to the Void!
Lemuria Impact!"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Uh..." Marie didn't know exactly how to react, but seeing the others stare at her with anticipation, she simply smiled "Sure, I'd be glad to give you this...interview..." Laila shrugged her head

"Ha, you want to interview her? Please, she'll bore you in a second. I can give loads of entertainment...especially for some of you on the crowd..." Laila said with a blush

"'re such an attention whore...and a whore..." Marie said, Laila heard her and glared at her

"Well at least I'm not boring as hell...your like a brick wall..."


"Hmm...this music is rather interesting, the music we have back at home is simply traditional music, and with instruments made of natural materials..." Mayella said

"Yea, as for me, well I just sometimes whistle a tune as I hunt my prey down, kills time, but a bad a idea since they often hear me." Binka said

"Yea...there's a saying called...stalk the prey, not lure the prey. Idiot." Mayella said

"Oh leave me alone, I get bored stalking them, it takes too long." Binka complained

"Stupid could I make such minute mistakes...All that I have caused Elric so far is nothing but grief. I must focus and do everything perfectly!" She said with a determined face, adjusting her glasses, she set's the plates on the table, then placing the slightly burnt, but otherwise edible eggs and sausage on the plates, she grabs two glass of water and places them on the table "There...I will not fail this time..."


"Oh? I'm guessing this Kuya is a relative of sort huh? Well in any case, the name is Winry" The brown skinned girl said, shaking his hand vigoursly with surprising strength

"And I'm Severa, nice to meet you." The winged girl said "I suppose your surprised? Were surprised ourselves, we didn't know that teleportation spell would actually work. The powers of the succubi never cease to amaze me..."

"She will most likely refer to you as her big brother, though it would be awkward. But she is still but a child, so it doesn't surprise me." Laura said "She also loves to be a mischievous little gal, often making me chase after her on a game of hide and seek or tag, she really is full of energy..." She then places Piko gently on the bed, then getting up "So what are you cooking?"

"Hey stop! I'm ticklish on my feet! But I like to run around an open field quiet honestly, or should I say hop. But I imagine this place has more than that, so why don't we do something you want for a change? You've been doing stuff for me, so let's go wherever you want okay? I won't mind!" Linzy said with an enthusiastic smile

@Lone wanderer
Paula stared at Marcel, looking at an underage and rather gullible boy, she hugged him back gently, her breasts tenderly pressing against his head "Oh little boy...can you tell me your name? Your new mama would love to know it."

"Eh wha-NYAA!!!" Mimika jolted in surprise, she let out a lewd moan afterwards

"Haha, see your weakness wasn't even that hard to-whoa!" Macy was surprised when T.J. Carried her, she blushed, seeing his gentle face smile back at her, telling her that she is no trouble for him even without her wool "Oh T.J. Your so sweet!" Macy said, kissing him back when he kissed her

"Hey! I want to join too!" Macy said as she jumped on T.J.s back, her claws dug slightly on his shoulders, her tail waving around in excitement "I'll help you get her nice and clean!"
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Wodan
"Stupid could I make such minute mistakes...All that I have caused Elric so far is nothing but grief. I must focus and do everything perfectly!" She said with a determined face, adjusting her glasses, she set's the plates on the table, then placing the slightly burnt, but otherwise edible eggs and sausage on the plates, she grabs two glass of water and places them on the table "There...I will not fail this time..."


"Oh? I'm guessing this Kuya is a relative of sort huh? Well in any case, the name is Winry" The brown skinned girl said, shaking his hand vigoursly with surprising strength

"And I'm Severa, nice to meet you." The winged girl said "I suppose your surprised? Were surprised ourselves, we didn't know that teleportation spell would actually work. The powers of the succubi never cease to amaze me..."

Few minutes later, Elric is now dressed in his cream colored shirt with a pair of blue jeans and got back to the kitchen afterwards. He then overheard Sheva, setting up the table for breakfast and muttering about her failings a while ago. He couldn't help but to sigh at her determination to be a perfectionist. To him, being one is an unattainable dream that nearly ruined him had his friends not snap him out of it.

But he find it cute and heartwarming that she is trying her best to keep him happy. He may not know her for more than a day but she is someone that he wouldn't mind being with.

Still, she has a long way to go... he smiled before entering the kitchen and saw the food that nearly turned into carbon had he not stop the small fire. Burnt... reminds me of what Mark nearly did when he cooked. "Well now, I guess that we are having eggs and sausages huh?"


"Huh... Succubus magic?" he said as his hand is being shook by Winry, "I am so confused right now that my instincts to run out of this room and scream for the officers are being overridden by it..." he said with a straight face while his hand is losing its feeling as the beastwoman shakes his hand, "Could the two of you please be kind and give me an explanation of what am I staring at and how you managed to get here?" he asked suspiciously. Anyone who saw two people come out from nowhere can be suspicious to them without question until their intentions are cleared, "My hands are losing its feeling, Winry."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"She will most likely refer to you as her big brother, though it would be awkward. But she is still but a child, so it doesn't surprise me." Laura said "She also loves to be a mischievous little gal, often making me chase after her on a game of hide and seek or tag, she really is full of energy..." She then places Piko gently on the bed, then getting up "So what are you cooking?"
Marthy nods "Well I'm cooking stuffed lobster for us, it's been only yesterday since I left it in the fridge to thaw out and thought it'd be a nice time to serve it before it goes bad." he said "If you'd like I can also make a side of salad and fruits for variety, other than that, to drink we have water, fruit juice, or soda." he said

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Gamergirl64 »

Once you clicked continue, more questions popped up.
7. Are you into fighting?
a. Yes
b. no

8. What kind of animals do you like? (Select up to three)
a. Dog
b. cat
c. Bird
d. Fish
e. reptile (lizard, snake, etc.)
f.rodent (mouse, rabbit, etc.)
g. Hooved mammal (horse, cow, etc.)
h. Amphibian (frog, turtle, etc.)
I. Insects and bugs

9. What are your hobbies? Fill in the space available.

10. What are your fears? Fill in the space available.

The finish button blinks at the bottom of the page, waiting to be clicked once you answered the questions.

Jessyka's tail wagged as she smelled the aroma of the eggs. "I don't think I have, before." She says, then sat at the table. "Thank you for the food!" She says with a smile, as she looked at Dennis with her tail wagging.

Bella finishes her pizza slice. "Yeah, it was exciting. I liked going out and finding men to mate with." She says.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "Yeah, thing about Bella's type. Back in our world, werewolves travel in packs, and rape men wondering in the forest. They would also go to nearby villages and rape men there." She says. "But anyways, the desert was a pretty nice place to be. I knew a few other monster girls there, a Spinx and an Anubis. They were nice, though the anubis was a little paranoid whenever the spinx went near her husband."

Eileen shrugged. "Well, I didn't have the most interesting life. Just got to do whatever I want, since there was nobody to stop me." She says. "It was fun stealing the honey from the honeybees, though."

@SoL: (I'm sorry. I guess I just got a little mixed up, there. :^^;: I've edited it out for you)
Rubi thinks for a moment. "I'm not sure what I'd want to play. Maybe we should try a single-player gaame, first." She says. "Then move onto a game with muktiple players, where we're playing alongside, then against each other."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Taintedone »

Steven looked at the new questions and debated.
#7. Are you into fighting?
"Hmm... I'm not crazy about fighting but That doesn't mean I hate it."
#8. What kind of animals do you like?
"Uhh.. Well, I am a dog lover, so.. A.... I have always liked snakes and lizards, so... E... And I always liked the cattle at my grandfather's farm ... G.
#9. What are your hobbies?
"Argh... I've never been any good at answering these.... Everything I can ever think of to say sounds so typical and boring....... uhh... I enjoy anime, video games, practicing Jujitsu, Playing the piano,.... Yeah... that covers most of it..."
#10. What are your fears?
"Uhh.... this is embarrassing. I don't like being alone. Not thrilled about heights. And I'm not big on spiders either."
After finishing up his response, he clicked the "Finish" button
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Uh..." Marie didn't know exactly how to react, but seeing the others stare at her with anticipation, she simply smiled "Sure, I'd be glad to give you this...interview..." Laila shrugged her head

"Ha, you want to interview her? Please, she'll bore you in a second. I can give loads of entertainment...especially for some of you on the crowd..." Laila said with a blush

"'re such an attention whore...and a whore..." Marie said, Laila heard her and glared at her

"Well at least I'm not boring as hell...your like a brick wall..."
Before they could get into a heated argument Julia jumped in while staying in character “Commander Shepard ! Ms. Willams! You should settle your differences later right now you have a public that wants to know you.” She said using the Justicar’s tone of voice that commanded respect before looking to the newscaster “Madam news caster could you give me and these two a moment alone first besides we don’t want to lose our place in line?”

“Okay hurry up we’re live in 4 minutes.” The Reporter said pointing to the cameraman behind with the camera and the could see the light indicating they were broadcasting live was still off..

“Okay girls no fighting unless it the kind that involves a bedroom, whip cream, chocolate, and me wearing a red wig .” She said getting Laila’s attention due to the mention of red wig while Marie wanted to know if she would be in the chocolate and whipped cream before

“Now Marie I’m going to give you a crash course about Commander Shepard for the fanboys who will no doubt be trying to talk us up later…”
Julia filled Maria in about Shepard, her mission and who she chose as a lover and what choice she made at the end of Mass Effect 2

(( Kmon: I chose the Justicar as both male/female and destroyed the station too… No I didn’t hit that annoying reporter who shown up on the citadel twice. ))

"Hmm...this music is rather interesting, the music we have back at home is simply traditional music, and with instruments made of natural materials..." Mayella said

"Yea, as for me, well I just sometimes whistle a tune as I hunt my prey down, kills time, but a bad a idea since they often hear me." Binka said

"Yea...there's a saying called...stalk the prey, not lure the prey. Idiot." Mayella said

"Oh leave me alone, I get bored stalking them, it takes too long." Binka complained

“So what type of prey do you hunt on your world Binka?” Miki asked with a smirk.
"Miki stop prying!" Kevin said with annoyance.

"Hey I want to know as much about the new lady's of my young lord as possible Kenji-kun," she said staring up the car and driving toward the city stopping at the first light.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

Least liked Mamono:Mamono who rape!

Tales of the Black Rose Inn...
Destined Paths Of Eden
Lilith Academy Chronicles
Monster Girl Apocalypse Journals
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