The Girl of your Dreams!

A Dating RP

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Stripers!? How dare you desicrate and make fun of my title as an Amazoness warrior!" She said getting up with a rather unpleased look on her face
"Hey you're missing the Key word of Not in my sentence Ms Amazon...ness and don't even get me started on the boy comment around here it kinda along the lines as me saying Striper due to my father's half of the family!"
"Relax will yah? Calm down..." The Salamander looked at Kevin "Sorry about that...Mayella is very am I. My name by the way is Binka..." She said, then smiling "So...what was that odd drawing in which you tried to hide from us?" She asked in a rather curious tone
"No problem Binka and I'm not really hiding anything from anyone" He said before going into his drawling Desk and shown them two black and white copies of Something called Lilith Academy Chronicles Squad D's first Mission* (I figured use that) and the finished drawling of a Dragon woman fighting alongside humans and other monsters as they liberated a town from bandits. Then he explained why....

"It was a concept idea for a manga story idea I was working together with someone and after doing all the work of drawing and inking the storyboards along with that cover the person who modelled it not only took one of my copies to pass of as her work but dumped me when she found out I broke off from my family money good thing about that story I still got it published under my name bad thing my grandfather thinks I'm wasting my time and should go into the family business like he and my mother groomed me for." He said before sitting back down only to answer the door again after hearing a buzzer sound. "Excuse me ladies I be right back my ... or should I say our takeout delivery has just arrived I hope you like Itailian food."

Answering the door he paid the takeout delivery guy who noticed the girls in the mirror behind him and heard Kevin ask for the box and bag saying "Thank you for the food and before you ask about the girls you see in the mirror they're models for my manga novel so here a free copy of Black Rose Inn with a 50 Dollar tip so have a nice day." then heard the door slam before walking back into the living room saying " I hope you ladies like takeout foods like Buffalo wings and Italian Stromboli I wasn't actually expecting company tonight but I guess it what the Chinese mean when they say Living in interesting times huh."
Last edited by Kmon13 on Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

[Huh...this is an very different from all my guesses. ^^]

When the rather tall female suddenly stepped out of what he could swear was just thin air, he barely kept a hold on his laptop, swallowing a growing lump in his throat. Backing away slowly, only to trip backwards, landing with a heavy seat in an armchair as he looked at her.

" did you....out of thin air?"
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by dragonstryke58 »

Pokemonaces wrote:
Spoiler: show
Suddenly a portal opens up, widening slowly. Then two female figures are seen, one comes out, she had black dog like paws, feet, tail, and even ears, her clothing suggested that she was related to the Egyptians, with a yellow and blue tie and wearing a somewhat skimpy panties. Also carrying what seems to be a gold scepter. Then the other figure was a green skinned woman, her lower half was snake and she had a yellow gem on her forehead with green hair, her clothing also seemed skimpy with slightly larger breasts than the other girl. They both looked at Saiha, the snake woman smiled while the Egyptian one gave him a cold stare "Hi must be the human who summoned us..." The snake woman said
Not noticing the two had appeared out of thin air due to his concentration on cooking, Saiha immediately spins around upon the snake woman's words, surprised there was anyone other than him in the house. As he does so, a plateful of chicken curry and rice flies off the his dinner plate and onto the two girls.

I thought that love had given up on me...but while I was here, I found that love had different shapes and was in different places. I experienced so many types of love. After traveling this world, I can say this for certain: I love monster girls! --Shuu from To the World of MGE
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kaijin »

(OoC: Time for me to start. Since it's a new beginning I'll be using a new character instead of the one I used on the other run.
It's time to see what luck has in store for me)

Name: T. J. (Theodore Jay) O' Flannagan
Age: 20
Nationality: English (With Irish and American citizenship)
Appearance: Average height (somewhere between 180 and 185 cm tall) and average to athletic build, short and spiky red hair, pale skin and green eyes. He's often seen wearing comfortable clothing such as sports clothes or jeans.
Likes: Sports (He plays rugby on his free time), Literature, cinema, videogames
Dislikes: loud noises (specially during night time), hypocrites, flatterers
Personality: T.J. is a rahter blunt and rash guy (specially when drunk) and he is not affraid of telling whatever comes to his mind (specially when drunk) but regardless of that he can be a rather loyal, caring and helpful person.
When it comes to women he is actually quite distrustful of them, due to him having bad experiences with them in the past and due to that he tries to avoid getting involved with them as much as he can.
Bio: Born in Truro (Cornwall, England), T.J. is the 5th child of an Irish family (and the only boy). His family moved to the US when he was really young, however despite the fact of growing up far from his homeland he never forgot about it and he thinks of coming back someday in a not so far away future.
T.J. left his family house, to live in campus in order to get a more "authentic" vibe of a college student's life... However things didn't fare too well for him, he found a girlfriend... that ended up cheating on him with his (now) former best friend and roommate...
...As for the time being he tries to search for a brighter outcome in life, however luck doesn't seem to be on his side lately...


"Not the best day ever, huh?" I thought to myself as I was still sat in front of one of the library's computer, trying looking useful information for an essay that I had to write and didn't even began yet...
"Dang it..." I muttered as I was beginning to get angry with everything that surrounded me... It was getting late and here I was, in front of a computer, looking for things that I would probably have forgotten by tomorrow, but anyone is waiting for me on my room. I was now alone since the backstabber of my friend left with that wench of a girlfriend... Maybe I should go back home, to listen my mother telling me once and again to look for a wife, she always pressures me to give her lots of grandchildren... What's the point, really? She already has plenty of them, I have four sisters and all of them are mother by now...

*Sigh* I tried to forgot about my rantings and laid my eyes on the computer screen once again... "Great, spam... If the computer gets infected by some sort of virus, the staff will chew my out..." I complained to myself as I clicked on it without realizing, I didn't know why I did it... I normally didn't give a damn about this kind of sites.

*Do you want to meet the Girl of your Dreams?
Click Yes to continue <-
Click No to exit.


Are you looking for...
A. A wild girl who likes to party!
B. A Girl who is simply happy being with you. <-
C. A Girl who can't live without you.
D. A Naughty Girl who likes it rough.

What personality do you look for in a woman, you can choose up to four.
A. Kind <-
B. Patient <-
C. Kuudere
D. Yandere/Yangire
E. Tsundere
F. Dominant
G. Gentle <-
H. Well mannered <-

"Don't these sites normally ask information about yourself?" I thought out loud kind of confused "Whatever, let's see where this takes us" I said while clicking the options of the questionnaire.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Guess there was some more questions to this. Not a problem. Ikorus read over them quietly.
1. What activities would you do when on a date?
A. Go somewhere relaxing
B. Stay home and get to know each other more
C. Going to a restaurant
D. Having fun on some amusement park
Well, there was really one thing he would like to do. After all, he always picked the most exciting route. He selected D. Having gun on some amusement park.
2. Do you have any certain fetishes?
A. Yes
B. No
He blinked as he read this question. Fetishes? Well, they did always make things more exciting. So why the hell not? He clicked Yes.
3. Do you like a girl who likes to get intimate quickly?
A. Yes
B. No
Getting right to the action and excitement. Ikorus liked that. Yes.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Name: Marthy Ambrosius
Age: 18
Appearance: (Minus the staff and cylinder on his arm of course)
Spoiler: show
Likes: Cherry Blossoms, cooking, video games, romance, movies, Mythology, books, staffs, going out for nightly walks, sweets, drawing
Dislikes: needless violence, non fried tofu, too much loud noise, needless trouble.
Personality: Shy, soft spoken, honest, trustworthy, kind, slightly insecure, protective
Bio: Marthy is a highly intelligent person who actually graduated college and earned a degree in computer programming, he lives comfortably from preforming software jobs he takes. He lives in a good apartment with his albino pet spider money (I know, I love em).

Marthy just finished his software task and sends it back to his client to finish another lonely day. Trying to shake the depression, he decided to go look up videos for fun while His Pet Monkey Saru-yuki slept in her bed, during one of his searches, Marthy comes across a strange popup that said "Do you want to meet the Girl of your Dreams?" Marthy looked at it and adjusted his glasses "Hmm, this could be spam, but Something tells me that it is at least safe, alright, i'll give it a shot." And So, Marthy clicked "Yes"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

Suddenly, a portal opens up, as the portal's size increased, two feminine like figures where seen. One came out, she had pale skin with strong red eyes, her hair is long and white. She had light purple hair color and wearing a one piece that had a V shape, barely covering her breasts. She also seemed to have a tail and wings with a black color outside, but light pink. Then the second figure came out, this one had purple hair, her skin was slightly darker, but still light color with blue with a hint of purple hair and red eyes. Her clothing was also a one piece, but it covered her whole breasts except for two heart shape holes at the top part and a zipper at the bottom of her chest, she also had a tail like the other girl and wings with purple all around. They then looked at Tsar and smiled. "Hello..." They both said seductively

"Thats much better..." She said giving a surprisingly warm and calm smile, her canines are her top left showed as she did so. "Anyways...that message you have gotten is a chance to meet with the girl of your dreams...apparently I'm your kind of girl. I am intelligent, but I like to have fun..." She said as she suddenly changed her warm smile into a somewat devious look, but then she changed her smile to a warm one again as she tilts her glasses up

As Misha clicked yes, a series of question pop up
1. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care

2. What kind of Personality do you like in a girl. You can chose up to 4
A. Kind
B. Assertive
C. Tsundere
D. Yandere
E. Shy
F. Hyperactive
G. Forceful
H. Gentle
I. Simple

3. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care

4. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No

5. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No

6. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No

Mayella looked at Kevin as she calmed down, but keeping a rather intimidating look at him as she sat down "Hmmpf!" She laid her claymore on the floor "So...this is your source of sustenance..." She said looking at food she has never seen before, as an Amazoness of pride warriors, she hunts her food.

Binka smiled at Mayella's curiosity "'s basically chicken and I think the Buffalo term means its hot..." She said, then Mayella looked at her

"But it says Buffalo wings? Is it possible that in this world, Buffalos have the ability of flight?" she asked looking at Kevin

" summoned us to see your perfect date Kevin...we seem to fit your needs..." She said smiling and blushing "Tell me...since you like to fight...are you by chance a warrior of some sort?"

She looked at Arc and sighed "Oh called for filled out that survey and according to it's results...I seem to be the one to whom fits your desires..." She seemed to be more gentle as she picked him up from his shirt "Now...what is your name so I can properly address you? Mine is Seino..." She said

The two girls where surprised as he spilled chicken and rice on them. The Snake woman simply scrubbed it off while the Anubis angrily threw a piece of the chicken on him "YOU LITTLE..." She yelled out as she started to get closer to Saiha, but then the snake girl wrapped her tail around her waist

" was an accident..." She said smiling to Saiha "It's quiet alright...anyways...nice to meet you..." She said offering her hand "My name is Enchantra while my rather...impatient friend here is Elenei..."

After answering those questions, more popped up, these where marked red

1. What type of animals do you like?
A. Lizards
B. Any beast animal
C. Aquatic animals
D. Bird animals

2. Do you like a girl with a happy, peppy attitude how loves your company?
A. Yes
B. No

3. Describe a perfect date you'd enjoy?

4. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care

5. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care

6. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No

7. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No

8. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No

After clicking submit, a message popped up
*Survey complete*
The computer screen then turned black

As Marthy clicked yes, a series of questions popped up

1. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care

2. What kind of Personality do you like in a girl. You can chose up to 4
A. Kind
B. Assertive
C. Tsundere
D. Yandere
E. Shy
F. Hyperactive
G. Forceful
H. Gentle
I. Simple

3. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care

4. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No

5. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No

6. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikorus paused and stared at the blank screen. What the heck? Was it some sort of elaborate virus that crashed the computer or something? Or maybe some sort of power surge? Ikorus sighed and shrugged. He got up and headed for the living room. May as well watch some TV or something.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

*starring at the 1st question, an immediate sence of confusion comes over me*

Sai: Busty?! flat chested...what kinda questionnaire is this :shock:
well i guess if i wanted to be honest id like a nice busty girl

*clicks b*

*scanning over the personalities, Sai ponders what kind of girl he wants*

Sai: well...i do want her to be kind...i like shy girls...definitely gentle...Oh! Tsundere!

*clicks through A,C,E,H*

Sai: hm...age really doesn't matter to me, id be happy to just have a girlfriend

*clicks c*

Sai: well, if this this were legit, i would most definantally be loyal to her, and id expect her to do the same

*clicks A, than A again*

Sai: can i handle more than 1 girl...with my bedget, and lack of experience, no way

*clicks b*

*sai clicks the button to submit those answers and waits*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hot
As Marthy clicked yes, a series of questions popped up

1. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care
Marthy looked at it and gave a straight answer, the size of a woman's chest really didn't matter to him, they were nice, but Either way he clicked "C"
Pokemonaces wrote:2. What kind of Personality do you like in a girl. You can chose up to 4
A. Kind
B. Assertive
C. Tsundere
D. Yandere
E. Shy
F. Hyperactive
G. Forceful
H. Gentle
I. Simple
Marthy gave thought to this one, he wanted a woman that was kind of course, he thought that it was kind of endearing for a woman to be a bit Tsundere, he always admired the assertive types, and he liked the gentle types, so with that in mind, he chose "A", "B","C", and "H"
Pokemonaces wrote: 3. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care
"Hmm, to be honest, young or old, each has there own appeal so here's my answer." Marthy then clicked "C"
Pokemonaces wrote:4. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No
When Marthy saw this he adjusted his glasses "Of course I would." He chose "A" with absolute confidence
Pokemonaces wrote:5. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No
Marthy clicked "A" Again, if he is going to devote himself to his girl, then he should at least want them to be devoted to him as well.
Pokemonaces wrote:6. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No
"Huh? more than one?" Marthy tilted his head to the side for a bit, this was a rather odd question for a quiz like this to ask, but then again, from his past experiences with the internet, he learned that anything can happen, so he clicked "A"

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Tsar CUBE »

Spoiler: show
Suddenly, a portal opens up, as the portal's size increased, two feminine like figures where seen. One came out, she had pale skin with strong red eyes, her hair is long and white. She had light purple hair color and wearing a one piece that had a V shape, barely covering her breasts. She also seemed to have a tail and wings with a black color outside, but light pink. Then the second figure came out, this one had purple hair, her skin was slightly darker, but still light color with blue with a hint of purple hair and red eyes. Her clothing was also a one piece, but it covered her whole breasts except for two heart shape holes at the top part and a zipper at the bottom of her chest, she also had a tail like the other girl and wings with purple all around. They then looked at Tsar and smiled. "Hello..." They both said seductively
As Tsar was mashing the power button, the crazy portal thing opened up next to the screen, causing him to jump back in shock and trip over the chair, which sent him tumbling to the ground. His hands shook a bit as he watched two gorgeous and outrageously dressed females step out of the portal and into his room to tower right over him as he looked up to them from the floor.

He was completely in shock and awe as he sat on the floor looking up at them, his eyes slowly tracing up the zipper and two the two heart shaped holes on one girl before surveying the other fully as well and swallowing nervously as he could not beliee his eyes at what he was seeing before him.

As they both said "hello" seductivly, Tsar felt an onset of an erection but shook his head to clear it up and jumped for his bed, drawing a katana from behind it and turning to face the two gorgeous women with it in his hands.

"W-who the fuck are you two?!" he demanded in a somewhat shaken voice, "what are you doing here and how the hell did you get in and what do you want from me?!" he fired off more questions at them, still somewhat shaken by the experience.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

A portal suddenly opens, as it got bigger and bigger, a feminine figure is clearly seen. Then stepping out of the portal, this woman had green skin with purple like tattoo markings on her right side of her body, wearing little clothing on her chest and waist as she had long, messy white bluish hair and red eyes. Then suddenly another girl comes out, this one seemed a bit of a klutz, she bear like features with the small bear ears, her blueish grey eyes, her brown fur covered her arms and legs, but her breasts seemed large, her hands where paws and so was her feet. The girls looked at Ikorus "Hi there..." The bear like one said waving her left paw

After submitting the results, a single question appeared, this one was marked red

1. Are you a religous person?
A. Yes
B. No

After the questions where submitted, a few more popped up, these were marked red

1. Whats your preferred meal?
A. All meat
B. Little meat as possible and plenty of vegetables
C. Both

2. Are you used to being bossed around?
A. Yes
B. No

Both of the girls laughed at him, the girl with the white hair snapped her finger as the katana he was holding loosened off his grip, then being set gently aside next to him "Calm down..." she said walking close to him and running her fingers from his chin, then moving her index finger slowly downwards his chest " look strong..." She gave him a wink "My name is Hailey..." She said

The other woman walked behind Tsar, then wrapping her tail on his legs, she places her left hand gently on his hair "And mine is Cassandra...a pleasure to meet you..." she said right on his ear.
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikoru's eyes widened when the portal opened, and just simply stared as the two rather interesting women stepped out. What...the heck was going on? All of a sudden two, clearly inhuman (unless they had really good makeup artists) women, just emerged out of a portal that came out of nowhere.

As the bear girl waved and greeted him, he slowly rose his hand in a small wave, still looking dumbstruck by this. "Hello..." he said softly, looking back and forth between the two.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

*looking at this question, stares at it oddly but than smiles. Taking up from his neck the 10 pointed star, he kisses it and stares at the computer again*

Sai; of course, I am highly devoted to the Great Goddess herself Veanous. Vea, if this is a sign, i thank you so much.

*clicks A*

*after submitting, sits and waits again for the survey*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:After the questions where submitted, a few more popped up, these were marked red

1. Whats your preferred meal?
A. All meat
B. Little meat as possible and plenty of vegetables
C. Both
Marthy had an idea that the red questions were important so he figured he'd take them a little more seriously, considering his diet is a mix of anything, except raw tofu, he clicked "C"
Pokemonaces wrote:2. Are you used to being bossed around?
A. Yes
B. No
Marthy thought about this, he wasn't really sure what to say, he always followed rules and directions. so with that, he clicked "A" and submitted his answers

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Hey there boy!" The green woman with horns said as she patted his left shoulder, but not knowing her strength, she patted to hard as she managed to force Ikoru down the ground "Oh, sorry about that..." She said laughing with pride "My name is Aida!" She picked Ikoru up and licked his neck seductively, but then quickly lets him go "Hahaha..."

" fair..." The bear like girl said "My name is Kathy..." She gave him a bear tight hug as she copied Aida, then letting go with a giggle

As the last question was answered, a message popped up
*Survey complete*
The computer screen then turned black

After clicking submit, a message popped up
*Survey complete*
Then computer screen then turned black
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »


Arc let out a small yelp of surprise as the tall lady, by the name of Seino lifted him up off his feet, her golden eyes boring into his hazel green. " name is Arc...c..could you please let me down..?" He says, feeling his brain giving all sorts of warnings as the lizard like lady's claws held him up.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Oh relax..I won't hurt you..." She said letting him down "I would never harm a human who seeks companionship like I..." She said blushing, but her dragon pride kicked in "But that doesn't mean that you will treat me like garbage got it!? I expect a good date, you better be able to prove and give me your best shot..." Calming down, she sways her head away from his and sighs
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:After clicking submit, a message popped up
*Survey complete*
Then computer screen then turned black
"Ehh!?" Marthy was surprised when the screen went black, he looked around the computer to find what was wrong, could it have been a blown fuse? could someone have been messing around with the apartment's circuit board again? "Hmm this is indeed strange" Marthy spoke as he looked at the Computer

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

As the last question was answered, a message popped up
*Survey complete*
The computer screen then turned black
*sai looks at the black computer screen in shock, his eye twitching. he goes to press the power button again but sees the computer isnt turning on*

Sai: well now this is just f***ing perfect. i have the worst day of my life and i cant even sooth my downed self with a few f***ing computer games. :x ugg.

*sai walks over to his futon, and lays down, facing away from the computer*

i'm just gana nap now...worst day ever. :cry:

*sai starts to slowly drift of too sleep, all the while he is imagining a beautiful girl in his mind, like the one he described for the survey, he starts to drool at the thought of a beauty like that actually coming to his doorstep*

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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