Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 2/8

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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

That sounds like a plan. *skates backwards near the ohers*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

Damien makes his way down to the infirmary It must be on his person...where else would he keep it? he thinks as he opens the door. Millissa greets him at the door back from her trip to the mainland.
"Ah! Damien where's Noboku? last time i seen him he was lying in a bed...but i can't find him..." She looks at him with watery purple eyes, her lower lip quavering.
Damien in a cool soothing voice says "Don't worry Millissa he's just fine...i moved him up to his room for more privacy...don't want all the kids bothering him as he rests...do we?"
"I guess not..." she says drying her eyes. "So what brings you down here then?"
Damien gives her a sharp look, "It's none of your concern now leave me...go tend to the P.E. class...i'm sure they need you. that insane amazon would put those kids through anything..."
"Yes sir!" she hurries to step out the door.

Looking around the room to make sure he's alone walks to the wall to reveal the hidden room containing Noboku, "Hello...old friend...i've come to ask you for that card...hope you don't mind i search you...seeing as your in a coma i doubt it hahahaha!" he proceeds to check all the pockets, not finding it he gets angry. "Curse you WHERE IS IT!?" he pounds on his chest, then seeing he stirred a bit takes out a needle and injects some more medicine into him.
"Now we can't have you waking up just yet...i'll find it...no matter where you hid it i'll fucking find it... YOU HEAR ME YOU OLD FUCK! I"LL FIND IT!!"
He then regains his composure, "(clears throat) sleep well Noboku." and steps out.

As he leaves Eurythsues spots him leaving the infirmary and runs to catch up with him. "Hey Damien i've been looking everywhere for you! listen i need to whole school to come to the gym i got two teams ready to put on a great game...it's called Rollerball! it's this new sport they created in Russia."

Damien looks at her coldly his black eyes boring into hers not really hearing or caring for that matter about whatever she was going on about.
I could care less about your stupid little game...but if it's another deadly game...
"What is this Rollerball you speak of? is it dangerous?"
she then tells him about the rules and how they game is played...
Damien listens and his features are getting harder and harder.
"NO ABSOLUTLY NOT! I'm tired of all this dangerous messed up games you play with these students...I FORBID ANY AND ALL DANGEROUS ACTIVITY! for now run P.E like it's suppose to be..."
Without another word he turns from her and walks off. Eurytheues looks sullen and unhappy when she returns to gym.
"People it's over no more deadly games or anything you can come out of the arena...Damien has called it off. class dismissed.

Heero breathes a sigh of relieve as he takes his skates off and gets ready for history.
All the other students have either happy or disappointed faces as they leave for the locker room to change. Jordan as usual "You all are just lucky...we could have beaten you to a bloody pulp." as he heads into the locker room...where Heero and others can hear some commotion going on.
just then Millissa walks into the Gym and almost immeditly spots Chris, "YOU!" She shouts
Last edited by Heero on Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Oersted »

Hearing that the game's canceled I sigh, whether of disappointment or relief I'm not sure, and then speak up "Well, I'm happy no one will risk getting badly injured but I'm a bit sad for the teacher, you know..." after that I go to change but before I get a chance to I hear something going on, by the looks of it the nurse just challenged Chris to a rematch, I chuckle at the scene "Of course, with gym canceled there had to be something crazy to compensate, eh?" I turn to Chris and put a hand on his shoulder "I hope you're ready because she looks ready to rumble." after saying that I step back still laughing a bit.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Drack »

When I hear the game is canceled I shrug "Oh, well...at least we got a small workout getting ready.." I start my way to locker room and spot the nurse challenging Chris and blink walking over "Damn, this looks serious I think I'll stay and see how this one plays out....good luck Chris, I wouldn't hold back if I were you she looks like she's going to go all-out.." I walk over to Kiel "...So, who are you rooting for?" I chuckle a bit myself
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*sees Millissa and starts to freak out* Great not again... she's going to kill me! Noooo!!!! *uns around in circles*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Oersted »

As I'm about to reply I see Chris freak out and raise an eyebrow "Er...I was going to say Chris all the way but...now that I'm seeing that I'm...not too sure anymore, I guess I'll just see how it goes." I say as I shrug and then look at Chris "Calm down Chris, she's not going to kill you, well, she might hurt you, a lot...But remember one thing, she's the nurse, I doubt she'd knock you around too much, I mean she's the one that's going to have to fix you up afterwards, right?"

(Yes, I know that what Kiel just said probably won't help Chris at all, but I couldn't resist.)
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*shakes Kiel over and overr again* She pure evil! I dueled her once before and she turned very scary! She will kill me!
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

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"Whoah!" I'm understandably surprised when Chris starts shaking me back and forth, but after a few seconds I push him back "Come on, get a hold of yourself, geez."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

Heero walks over to Kiel and Chris, "Dude it's fine don't worry...i'm sure nothing can be as bad as what we almost had to do...i'm pretty sure that a few of us would have died playing that rollerball game. So don't sweat it, just go with the flow. We'll be right behind you all the way."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Drack »

I nod "Chris, she seems to have a grudge against you....so you might as well get it settled now, if you try to run away now its only going to make it worse for you later and this is only the second day of school so you would have A LOT of hiding to do, so you might as well just stand up and give it all you got we all got your back man." I give him a reassuring thumbs up
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

Alight then. If it'l get her to stop chasing me I'll duel her...
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

"Alright Chris time for you to feel my wrath! First i set on card face down then summon Genini Elf in attack mode!"
"It's your turn." she says glaring at Chris with a wicked grin on her petite face.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

I'm not falling for your act this time! I summon Axe Raider in Attack Mode!


Next I equip him with Fusion Sword Murasame Blade! His attack rises by 800!
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Swo ... same_Blade

Axe Raider attack Geminu Elf!

*Axe Raider leaps forwards to slash Gemini Elf*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

"HAHAHA Fool i activate my trap hole! say goodbye to your axe raider!"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

Damnit! I end my turn! Looks like you're not playing games either!
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

"Of course i'm not playing around...just because i look like a little girl doesn't mean anything! I summon Breaker the magical warrior in attack mode!
With his effect he gets on spell counter on him which brings his attack up to 1900! now go gemini elf and breaker! Attack!

Millissa: 8000LP
Chris: 4200LP
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*goes flying from the attack* Is that all?
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

"Fore now...by next turn i'll have my revenge. i end."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

(That might be true since I have nothing good to use. Also do I keep my sword card since Trap Hole was used?)
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 6/8

Post by Heero »

(yeha u can keep it since trap was used before u activated it.)
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