Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 2/8

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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

if it didn't hurt to even move, this might have been the point where Alex started laughing. However, in his current, nearly crippled state, he could barely manage a raspy chuckle.
"You can put..... Your worries to rest..... I will win..... You have earned..... My respect..... So I won't.... Insult you by..... Assuming you won't be able..... to turn this around if you....... Have another turn..... So I'm going to...... Finish this..... Right here..... and now.... I'll switch my Zombie Master into..... Attack mode.... And activate.... His special effect..... So, if I discard..... My Despair From the Dark...... To the Graveyard.... then I can.... Special summon my..... Paladin of the Cursed Dragon...... back to the field.... But that's not all.... Next I'll play the spell card..... Book of Life.... This will let me summon..... My Despair From the Dark.... Back to the field..... and Banish your Sacred Beast..... From play...."

"As I said before..... I'll show you my respect..... by hitting you with everything..... I've got..."
His voice suddenly turned into a roar.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I look on and watch as Uria is suddenly destroyed "Its gone now so we are fine, so first the Seal and now a Sacred Beast this day is getting crazier and crazier..." I pause and let out a sigh "come on we are almost to history class so we should focus on the seal for now Uria and its owner can wait for another time." I keep going towards history class
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Christy smiles and bows her head, "You really are something amazing...i'm glad i got to lose to a strong duelist like you." As the monsters unleash their full force on her she flies out the window bloody and broken, falling 5 stories and hitting the ground below hard....She staggers up to her feet and looks up at you and gives you a wave and tosses a vial up at you. "That will help heal your burns faster than anything Millissa can do..i'll see you during the tournament!" she yells before limping off.

Heero steps out noticing Uria isn't outside and turns to Kiel, "Yeah he's a oddball all right...i guess all we can do now is just head back to the shop and wait for the others."

@Connor & Chris:
You guys get to the History room and find Raphael sitting at his desk reading a mag, flipping through it lazily..not even noticing you two.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

When Heero says the only thing we can do now is go wait for the others at the shop I nod "Yeah, let's go."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

As we arrive I see Raphael sitting at his desk reading a magazine not even aware of us and decide to speak up "Sir, the two of us are doing a little research mainly about Dartz and his infamous Seal of Orichalcos card, and was wondering if you could help us learn a little more about it."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

At first, Alex had a smirk of victory even though he was battling his pain. He felt he had every right to smile. He had gone toe to toe with a Sacred beast.... AND WON!.... though he did not come out of the battle unscarred, the victory was still his. His smile turned into a blink in surprise when Christy was thrown for the edge of the school through the window. He had been so caught up in the duel, he had forgotten that the force from such an attack would be enough to send anyone flying... And he also didn't consider the five story drop that would soon follow. He went as fast as he could to the window in fear for her health as he looked down to see her broken body. He was shocked and somewhat relieved that she seemed to have survived. This was not out of concern for her life, but out of desire to compete with a worthy opponent again. He reached out to grab the vial she threw to him and looked at it curiously. When he saw he begin to limp off, he knew he had to join her. He wasn't going to let her get away.
He took off his black jacket and tied the sleeves together so that when he jumped from the window, it acted like a parachute and slowed his decent as he landed near her.
"I'm not about to let my greatest challenge leave my sight and take the risk of dying before I get to fight her again."
After he landed, he drank the vial.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

@Connor & Chris:
Raphael looks up from his mag. to see two of his students standing before him. He closes the mag. and sets it down and leans forward on his desk clasping his hands together, "Now what's with the sudden interest in this particular card?" he asked with a suspicious up-raised eyebrow.

Christy turns to find Alex standing beside her drinking the vial, "Hmmm? what's up handsome?"

@Heero & Kiel:
they make it back to the card shop and hang around there, "So who do you think has the sacred Beast? and do you think the other two are on the island as well?" Hero asks leaning against the wall arms folded over his chest and looking around at the other students.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

When Heero asks me who I think owns Uria and if the other two sacred beasts are on the island too I bring a hand to my chin "Hrm, honestly I'm not sure who it could be. As for the other sacred beasts being here, call it a hunch but I think they are, those kind of cards tend to attract each other if you know what I mean." that said I sigh, starting to think this might be a sign of things to come.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

"Piss off I ain't your friend! I found this card on the ground, abd as far a why I didn't use it. GO FUCK YOUR SELF!"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Despite his injuries, Alex had managed to find his voice again and he stood up and trembled slightly before he spoke.
"You're hurt..... bad..... and I don't want to take the risk of losing a duelist of your caliber.... I'm going with you to make sure you'll be alright..."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*loks at Raphael not sure what to say*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Gary's eyes flash angerly, he steps up right into Nathan his face just inches away from his, in a low voice he says, "You better watch your tone around me you low-level insect. I showed you haw good i am...and you wouldn't want me to sqaush you even further do you?"

"Well...Arn't you sweet? walking a lady home after you beat her hehe...i could use the company." Christy says as she turns and starts walks, her tail curls up and strokes your face.

Heero takes in what Kiel says about the Sacred Beasts, " It would be an honor i think to go up against a Sacred Beast...Or a God Card."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I pause for a moment as telling Raphael the truth won't work as he will likely not believe us, so I decide to think quickly and appeal to his ego "Well, sir it's for the knowledge of course a good duelist must be prepared for anything, and it's not likely we will come across this particular card in our life's we should be prepared anyways, so we came to the most knowledgeable person here about the history of duel monsters to broaden our knowledge about it."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

He watched her as she teased him affectionately. He was surprised that she still spoke so clearly and moved so easily despite looking like she had been blown half way to hell. A light blush coated his half charred face as her tail caressed his face and he moved to catch up and walk with her.
"If I might ask.... How did you get your claws on a card like that?"
He was, of course, referring to Uria.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

@Connor & Chris:
"Really? and what do you have to say about it Chris? Are you all for learning about this card? And why come to me after class hours to learn when all you had to do was bring it up in class? Frankly i don't see any point in broadening your little minds with such trival things when you all don't even pay attention in class! OH yes you may think i'm not paying attention to you as i talk but i'm not blind, i see people like Nathan snoozing away or others who look off in space bored. theirs only a small handful of students who actually take notes and seem like they want to learn a little something about history."
Raphael while talking has gotten up out of chair and paced in front of Connor and Chris and stopped in front if them, hands clasped behind his back and looking down at them in a regal manner.
"There must be some explanation as to why you are both here asking for the history of this rare and powerful card....Care to tell me or are you going to stick with your story of just wanting to broaden your knowledge?"

"Uria? Mmmm that's a interesting tale...As i was traveling the world looking for talented duelists to sate my hunger, Which i thank you for." She smiles warmly are you. "i came across this island off the coast of okinawa, japan...i felt a power calling to me, the feeling was orgasmic, i couldn't sleep or concentrate on duels because of it. so a began my search which lead me to the island with a school much like this on it...but it looked more like high school than this university so a scoured the island from top to bottom...The power i felt while there was invigorating. I had never felt more alive in my life until i stepped foot there. of course by then the school had closed down so no one to play with...I grew frustrated...Until i came across this old man in a tank. His name was Kagemaru...after asking him about the power i felt he explained that it was one of the 3 sacred Beasts that was locked away and i demanded for him to show me and he said not without a duel...So we dueled...he defeated me but i got him to tell me where they were hidden...I dragged his old ass out of the tank and tortured him until he gave me what i wanted...Then i took the key then killed him. Afterwards i found the place and looked upon the 3 Sacred Beasts and this Baby-- She holds up Uria-- was glowing. And thats how i have it. of course i when to Kaiba Corp and had them make two more copies, Their not perfect...one's blue and the other is green...but the real one is red."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

I struggle to my feet. "Don't you dare talk down to me you piss ant!" I struggle off to the card shop. (Drack I'll send you the deck later I'm working on it right now.)
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Gary watchs Nathan stagger toward the card shop cooly, "Well i did what i could...if Damien doesn't like it then he can deal with it." he saids to himself and walks off.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex raised an eyebrow slightly at her lust from the power of the card. It was unusual but not flat out weird. He continued slowly walking with her as she explained and the story took another interesting turn when he heard that she killed the man who sounded like he was guarding the beasts. He looked at her curiously but continued on.
"Hmm.... Quite a story. I too have been searching for competitive battles.... But ever since I came to this island, I've either been too powerful or too weak to my competition here.... You were the first one to make me feel so alive..... Thank you."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

"Your welcome, same goes to you...it's been a while since i summoned Uria..it was fun!"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

I chuckle when Heero says that fighting a sacred beast would be an honor "I agree, heck I wouldn't feel that bad losing my win streak against one. Of course I would do my best to win."
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