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Post by Amanomiya »

Hi folks, just to get some more exposure, I'd like to place Titanomachy here. A setting I've been slowly working on, hope you enjoy.


The World of Oikoumene

As you probably know, almost a hundred years ago the titans escaped from Tartarus, the prison they had been incarcerated in since the first Titanomachy. Since then, they have begun a war against humanity with the objective of wiping out the gods’ source of Ambrosia, namely the faith of us humans. Denied faith as waters for the growth of Ambrosia, the gods will wither and pass away as any mortal being would. To this end, the titans have created armies, hordes and individual monsters that desire nothing more than to kill, destroy and devour us humans. However, to counter this, the gods have created hekatonkheires, creatures that combine the features of monsters and human women.

Unlike the monsters of the titans, the hekatonkheires feel affection for, and even a desire to protect, humanity. Also, thanks to the foresight of Odin, they were created with the ability, and desire, to breed with humans, thus bolstering their numbers and providing hope to humanity which bolsters the faith the gods recieve. While the hekatonkheires aren’t all as devoted to humanity as others among their races, none have sided with the titans due to the natural instincts given to them by the wise gods.

Within this book, I will identify both the titan’s monsters and the hekatonkheires that serve the gods. I will describe their appearance, their behaviours and where they can typically be found. I will also add personal observations and mention any alliances or predilections they may have. I will also describe the gods, their pantheons and how they are acting against the plots of the titans. I will also describe the titans themselves and do the best I can to give outlines of their recent actions and their future plans.


Ambrosia, the food of the gods, without it, they would be as mortal as you and I, yet with it, they are the gods you and I worship. Grown in the heavens, and watered with the faith of humanity, Ambrosia is the divine food, and even a mortal eating some will find the ravages of age falling away from them, given a new lease of years if they have the favour of the gods. In the same way, Ambrosia provides the gods with energy and life, letting them expend their divine energies without lessening themselves, while also giving them their ageless forms.

How is Ambrosia Created?

Ambrosia is created as a natural by-product of the faith humanity has in the gods. The god realms of each pantheon naturally transform the faith of humanity into Ambrosia, typically in the shape of a fruit with an unusual appearance. The faith coming up from the material plane is distilled by certain plants in the heavens, refined and then growing as fruit on these divine plants.


The Pantheons
Each of the pantheons is a collection of gods that cooperate to rule over a racial group of human’s they have chosen as their people. For example, the pantheon of gods that Zeus rules over is the Hellenes, and Zeus’ pantheon is called the Hellenic pantheon, or more commonly, the Hellenic gods. Each pantheon is ruled over by a single deity, with some excpetions, and the rest of the pantheon's gods fulfill specific roles such as controlling the cycle of seasons in their domains, or inspiring mortals to love one another.

At this time, there are at least eleven known pantheons, with more possibly existing beyond the seas or on other planes. Each pantheon contains dozens of deities, for example, at this very moment I can recall the names of more than forty members of the Hellenic pantheon. As such, while I will do my best to mention each major deity, a full listing of the divine members of each pantheon would be a book unto its own.

The Hellenic Pantheon
The first group I must mention are the gods of the Hellenes. A powerful and large collection of gods ruled over by Zeus, while supported by her siblings Poseidon and Hades. Each of the three siblings ruling over the one aspect of the Oikoumene. The skies and heavens for Zeus, the oceans, seas and rivers for Poseidon and finally, the land and underworld for Hades. Other major deities in the Hellenic pantheon include Dionysus, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Hera, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and Ares. While respected among the other pantheons for their intelligence, many of the other pantheons see the Hellenic gods as flighty, irreverent and too interested in their next sexual conquest to be taken seriously. If it weren’t for the charisma of Zeus and her close relationship with Odin, and thus the Aesir, it’s unlikely the Hellenic pantheon would lead the other pantheons as it currently does.

The Aesir
A combined group of two former rival groups of gods, Vanir now work with the Aesir, oaths of loyalty and care for the Norse peoples now binding the two former pantheons together. The leader of the Aesir is Odin, a beautiful and forceful goddess who traded an eye for a drink from the Well of Mimir. What she gained from this trade is unknown, however, it is rumoured Odin is obsessed with thwarting Ragnarok. Asides from Odin, the other major gods of the Aesir are Loki, Freya, Freyr, Hel, Frigg, Baldur, Heimdall, Tyr, Thor and Sif. The other pantheons see the Aesir as a proud, belligerent and warlike pantheon. However, in these troubled times they’re seen as valuable allies, their belligerence valuable and appreciated. It must also be noted that the Aesir and Hellenic pantheon are fast allies thanks to the romantic infatuation Odin has for Zeus.

The Amaterasu Kami

Led by Amaterasu, this is the pantheon of the Nippon Isles. Every member of this pantheon is a former spirit of nature that, through the nourishment of human faith, managed to become divine beings in their own right. Other than Amaterasu, other Kami of note are Hachiman, Izanagi, Izanami, Raiden, Susano-o, Tsukiyomi, Uzume, Fujin, Inari, Omoikane, Suijin and Tenjin. Unlike the other pantheons, while they still care for the humans within their domain, being elevated spirits of nature in general, the Amaterasu Kami are more concerned for their lands and maintaining harmony in the natural world. While the other pantheons enjoy their support, they find it hard to truly trust what they perceive to be a bunch of upstart nature spirits. Meanwhile, the Amaterasu Kami find it hard to be truly interested in the Titan’s attacks against humanity since thus far the war has had little impact of the lands of the Nippon Isles.

The Azayan
The Azayan pantheon, led by Huitzilopochtli is the combination of two former pantheons. The Aztlanti and the Maya, two closely allied pantheons that went to war with the other pantheons more than a hundred years ago over the use of human sacrifice in rituals, they suffered heavy losses against the other pantheons united and are now a shadow of their former power. Other than their war chief Huitzilopochtli, the other gods of note within the Azayan pantheon are Xipe Totec, Xbalanque, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Hun Batz, Xochiquetzal, Tlaloc, Chalchiuhtlicue, Tlazolteotl, Mictlantecuhtli. This combined pantheon still smarts over the insult and losses they suffered at the hands of Zeus and her allies. While they’ve given oaths to not allow their follows to perform human sacrifice, nor to raise arms against the other pantheons, the Azayan gods still their followers to ritually let blood or to dedicate menstrual cycles to them. The other pantheons think of the Azayan gods as barbaric, staid and aggressive, but at this point, that’s something that can be put to use against the titans.

The Celestial Bureau

The pantheon known as the Celestial Bureau is led by the god known as the Jade Emperor, a title that changes hands among the Celestial Bureau as need demands. From an outsider’s perspective, the Celestial Bureau can look chaotic and inefficient, but this is actually part of their divine mandate and function, creating efficiency from chaos. Strongly opposed to the titans for the disorder they represent, the Celestial Bureau include the following gods, the title of Jade Emperor currently held by one of their number, Chang’e, Fu Hsi, Guan Yu, Guanyin, Houyi, Huang Di, Ne Zha, Nu Kua, Shennong, Sun Wukong, Hsi Wang Mu and Yen Lo Wang. The other pantheons see the Celestial Bureau as pessimistic and sometimes unfair to their chosen peoples, but these gods believe that sometimes an individual must suffer for the greater good of the all.

The Innu
The Innu is one of the largest pantheons, second in power only to the Hellenic pantheon. Led by Ra, a powerful god of the Sun and Justice, the pantheon is violently opposed to the Titan’s attack on humanity. Many of the Innu having mortal familial lines they care for deeply, even their aristocracy, the Pharaohs, being descended from Ra himself. Gods of note other than Ra include Ptah, Sekhmet, Bastet, Hathor, Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Set, Neith, Horus, Anubis and Sobek. While the other pantheons think that the Innu are a little too traditionalist and staid, they recognise that their love for humanity and their domain is powerful and love can be a great ally during the horrors of war. However, the Innu do have one quirk, they refuse to work with, or even talk to, members of the Azayan pantheon, seeing them as barbaric savages as hungry for blood as any Titan.

The Tuatha de Danann
The Tuatha de Danann is a small, but boisterous and energetic, pantheon led by the god Nuada. Nuada is a goddess known for her fair and even-handed leadership, as just at court as she is honourable in battle. Thus far, the depredations of the Second Titanomachy have not affected their lands, the Isle of Albion, yet still they rally to the banners of Zeus. Manannan mac Lir, Ogma, Lugh, The Dagda,, Aengus, Brigid and the Morrigan make up the rest of the pantheon of note. Their battles against the Fir Bolg, and their leader Balor, are still within the living memories of humans, and as such they are seen as masterful warriors by the majority of the other pantheons. However, what the other pantheons don’t know, nor suspect, is that Nuada is still of cordial terms with Danu, the Titanic parent of the Tuatha.

The Yazata
A truly ancient pantheon, whose power was once far greater than that of the current Hellenes, they are now led by Mithra. Valuing order and stability to an extent that even surpasses that of the Celestial Bureau or the Bogovi, the Yazata are not only violently opposed to the Titans, but also place unusual taboos and ritual demands on their peoples. Alongside Mithra, the Yazata includes Anahita, Haoma, Ard, Mah, Vahram, Atar, Sraosha, Vanu, Tishtrya and Zam. Now much smaller in power, and less in number, than their past glory days, the Yazata don’t resent the newer pantheons, despite occasional grumbles about upstarts and whippersnappers. The other pantheons also appreciate their fervour for battle with the titans, their strategic clarity and the wise council they give that their breadth of experience has given them.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


“Let’s see how long you can take my hat…”
Fairy Genus
Sidhe Tribe

Allegiance: Tuatha de Denan, Titania
Home: Arcadia, Forests, Mountains
Temperament: Fierce, Lewd
Diet: Omnivorous, human faith

Fierce warriors, Recap’s are a type of fairy, equal in size to a young human woman, which is found in the forests of Arcadia. The Redcap’s heavy iron boots, large pole arms and red caps marking them out from amongst other monsters you might encounter there. Before the gods captured and repurposed them, they were horrid creatures that would kill human travellers to dye their caps in blood, the act giving the species their name. However, since the beginning of the second Titanomachy, there are other fluids that capture their interest much more than blood.

Proud and independent warriors famed for their skill at arms, a small cadre of Redcaps act as the honour guard of the Fairy Queen Titania. Steady supplies of human men, those who’ve found their way into the Arcadia and become lost, are given to this Redcap honour guard in payment for their services. However, many Redcaps still value their independence and live without working for the Fairy Queen Titania. Instead they opt to roam forests hoping to chance upon a man.

A man who finds himself in the Arcadia best take care if he hears the heavy foot falls of these sidhe, their instincts driving them to attack any human men they discover with the magical silver scythes, spears and pikes they wield. Once a man has been subdued in this manner, his desire to escape slain by the magical weapons, the Redcaps will follow their perverse desires. Taking off their red caps and placing them over the man’s genitals. A slow and sensuous session of forced masturbation then occurs as the Redcap drives the man to orgasm in her hat. The red cap is also a magical item, the semen and lust it absorbs over years of use making it’s insides an extension of the hekatonkheires will. Finally the cap, now filled with the man’s sticky deposit, will then be placed back atop the Redcap’s head. Redcaps love nothing more than the feel of slimy semen rolling down their faces, and sticking to their hair.

However, as hekatonkheires, their assault won’t end there. The smell, and feel, of semen on the Redcap’s face and hair will drive her wild with lust. Seized up in the heat of the moment, she’ll suddenly want her insides painted in the same way as her hat. Straddling the man, she will force him into her as she begins to ride him again and again. The Redcap uses her small vagina, milking her victim many times over the course of their love making session. Finally, if pleased by the man, she will take him as her husband, giving him a red cap that matches hers as a sign of their marriage, spending the rest of her life having sex with him to help produce ambrosia for the gods.

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


“You’re not going to turn down a drink are you?”

Centaur Genus
Divine Tribe

Allegiance: Hellenic, Dionysus
Home: Olympus, Forests, Plains
Temperament: Drunken, Fierce, Extremely Lewd
Diet: Omnivorous, Ambrosia

With the upper half resembling a human woman’s and the lower half of a leopard, these hekatonkheire are the handmaidens of Dionysus. As such, they’re drunken and licentious revellers who love to drink and have sex even more than the average hekatonkheire, seeing it as part of their divine mandate. They are also powerful sorcerers, the thyrsus, the magic staff they wield, allowing them to cast powerful enchantments that can drive entire towns into inebriated orgies if they desire.

Asides from the aforementioned thyrsus, the Maenads are also well known for carrying a variety of other symbols holy to Dionysus, including a snake, the wine asp, and an amphora of sacred wine. The turquoise wine asp’s bite induces a sense of euphoria, arousal and inebriation, all states sacred to Dionysus, goddess of wine, parties and pleasure. The sacred wine they carry in their amphora is created by mixing a fine wine with the venom from the wine asp and a single drop of their own viscous venom that drips from their fingernails.

To the monsters of the titans, this fingernail venom is an absolute poison, even the barest of scratches envenoming them, draining them of their will to fight and if untreated, transforming them into a new maenad. However, when drunk by a human in the form of the sacred wine, or introduced into their body via a scratch, it will drive the human mad with the desire to breed. A man so affected becoming painful erect and willing to ignore the unusual form of the maenad, ravenously thrusting into her feline half, finding the shape and feel of her genital congruous with a humans, despite its unusual location.

It is rare to find a single maenad on by themselves, the race typically not liking to be alone for any length of time. Instead they typically roam in a familial pack which leads into another unusual practice amongst them. Maenads enjoy having their wild sex in an orgy. The general lusts on display, and lack of inhibitions it represents, giving them even more pleasure and exciting them as they engage in wild group sex with the men they’ve discovered. Maenads happily exchange partners between the members of their pride, jealousy an alien concept to them when it comes to the pleasures of sex. It’s not unheard of for a group of soldiers, on the eve of a battle Dionysus has taken an interest in, to be visited by half a dozen maenads who will drink, party and make merry with them until dawn, before joining their new lovers in battle the next morning.

Finally, while it is rare to find a married Maenad, their natures not given over to displaying affection for only a single man, it is not completely unheard of. If you meet a man wearing a purple toga, an amphora at his hip and a thyrsus in hand, you have met a man who has become a priest of Dionysus. However, while he will be married to the original maenad that inducted him into the cult of Dionysus, he will also be treated as a husband by any and all maenads that meet him during the course of his life.

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »



“Hey sisters, look what I caught!”
Amazon Genus
Tribal Type

Allegiance: The Azayan Pantheon
Home: Jungles, Mountains, Plains
Temperament: Fierce, Lewd
Diet: Omnivorous, Ambrosia

The Ocelotl are a fierce and proud race of hekatonkheire warrior women who live in the jungles of the Azayan territories. Originally members of an Amazon tribe, the Ocelotl found that instead of battle, they enjoyed the hunt much more than warfare. Following the game they enjoyed hunting, the Ocelotl eventually settled in the Yokatlan Jungle, the territory ruled over by the Azayan pantheon. Impressed by a large hunting cat called the Ocelot, this tribe of Amazons took its name, becoming the Ocelotl, even taking to wearing their furs in honour of the hunting cats.

Tribal nomads, the Ocelotl live in large familial groups, typically moving from one jungle location to another every decade or so. The Ocelotl always do their best to avoid hunting a single location dry of all game before they move on. Obsessed with the hunt, the Ocelotl are still hekatonkheire and as such, desire the company of human men. However, thanks to their lifestyles, and obsession with hunting, they typically treat human men as prey to be hunted. Tirelessly pursuing a chosen human for days on end, employing their hunting craft to isolate and capture their mate.

Because of this, many Ocelotl carry a variety of tools and equipment to aide them in their pursuit of human men. First, and typically most notable, is the bolas, a curious weapon almost like a webless net. The whistling sound of the weighted ends being spun by an Ocelotl normally being the last sound a man hears before he’s captured, the ropes of the weapon tangling his legs and tripping him. Another common item is the blowpipe, a long tube that can be loaded with darts that, with a heavy exhalation into one end, can send a dart flying quickly and accurately quite a distance. The darts the Ocelotl typically use are coated in a variety of soporific or aphrodisiac concoctions depending on the hunter’s intent.

Once a man has been caught by an Ocelotl, they will typically find themselves instantly set upon by the hekatonkheire that caught him. Legs still bound by the bolas, his pants will be cut away so that the Ocelotl can mount him, and if the main fails to have an erection, they will jab him in the thigh with one of their darts, rely on the aphrodisiac concoctions to make him hard enough to slip into her. Once an Ocelotl has done this, they see the man they captured as their husband, training him to become their hunting partner, moving on to hunt the biggest game they can find, the monsters of the Titans.

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

The Titans

In a similar manner to the pantheons that defeated them, there are a multitude of titans, their allies, their servants and their spawn. As such, they can’t all be listed here. However, as was done with the description of the pantheons, I will now illuminate as to some of the most dangerous and powerful among their number. The leaders, and most monsterous, of the titans exposed, at least as much as is known about them.

Every titan is a powerful primordial being, typically the sires and mothers of the gods we worship now. However, do not think this makes them amiable, able to be treated with diplomatically, or worthy of worship like the gods. The titans are all entities that embody the primal forces that make up the cosmos. They also think the current design of the cosmos is flawed and wish to unmake it once they’ve chastised their wayward children. Their plan, to create a new series of world's and heavens without the humanity or the gods to interfere with their plans and desires.

The Hellenic Titans
Like their children, the titans that sired the Hellenic gods are a fecund and over sexualised lot. Their leader, and commander-in-chief of the Second Titanomachy, is Cronus, Zeus’s father. A powerfully masculine being, Cronus’ libido is so powerful that any mortal man within fifty miles of him will find they are unable to perform sexually, while all mortal women within the same range will find themselves incredibly aroused. This aura sows discord among typically loving couples and causes more than its fair share of loss of moral in a population, something the titan knows, and uses, before battles that will take place on the mortal realm. Cronus appears as a middle aged man in the peak of his physical prime, hair white and a large neat beard flowing down his chest, a red and gold toga draped over his body. Cronus wields an overly large sickle hewn from stone as his weapon, and is constantly aroused, something onlookers can’t help but notice thanks to the protruding front of his toga.

The second titan from the Hellenics is Gaia, the earth mother. While she originally sided with Zeus over Cronus during the First Titanomachy, after she was sealed in Tartarus, and had some of her more monstrous offspring slain by the gods, she turned back to her original allegiance. Gaia produces an aura not unlike Cronus’, all men within a hundred miles of her becoming incredibly aroused, so much so, that those with a weak will, will even attack women in their frenzy to copulate, all sexual intercourse they have will produce fruit. However, beware these fruit. All men’s seed becomes tainted while they’re affected by Gaia’s aura, the products of their unions being various titanic monsters that will be borne within hours of these cursed unions, their growth accelerated thanks to her foul control over fertility. Gaia’s appearance is fairly innocuous for one of the titans, the titan looking like your average Hellenic woman in her early twenties, pleasantly plump but without the jaw dropping attractiveness of some of the gods. Only the things she wears giving hints to her titanic nature, a green toga, the colour of freshly mown grass, and a series of flowers woven in her hair.

Finally is Erebus, the titan of darkness who creates, and rules over, a multitude of shades and undead monstrosities which to harry the living. Crueller than the other Hellenic titans, Erebus delights in driving those in power to madness, taking joy in the ineffectual leadership those she’s driven mad provide their underlings. Like her fellow titans, she produces an aura, however, hers only extends a few dozen metres around her. Those caught in it losing all sense of sight, smell, balance and hearing. Something she uses to her advantage as she sexually torments those she’s targeted, their bodies only able to experience the ecstasy her body provides them and taste the perverse nectar from between her legs while they float in perfect darkness. Her voice, and body size when seen from a distance, seems to make her a young Hellenic woman in her late teens. However, this can’t been confirmed thanks to the fact she always wears black leather armour which cover her body from head to foot, a voluminous black silken cloak, it’s hood drawn up over her head and a pale white, expressionless, mask. The only part of her body visible is her pair of dark blue eyes, seen through the slits in her mask.

The Aesir Titans
Leader of the titans who oppose the Aesir, Surtr is a living mountain made from lava, his body vaguely humanoid as it looms over everything in the area it occupies, hundreds of metres tall. Consisting of a torso, a pair of rough legs and a pair of arms, in some ways Surtr looks like a mass of fiery liquid rock shaped into a rough golem, his torso not ending in a head. Instead, Surtr’s eyes and mouth rest in the upper centre of his chest, balefully glowing like the heart of a volcano, as his breathing sends rough sounds like the grinding of rocks for miles around him. If not being actively countered by another force like a god, every flammable surface within a mile of Surtr will instantly catch flame. Surtr’s appearances in the mortal realm have been responsible for multiple city and forest fires so far. Luckily for humanity and the gods, Surtr doesn’t believe the world is ready for Ragnarok yet, and has instead spent most of his time since escaping Tartarus re-establishing control over Muspelheim.

Utgard-Loki, king of Jotunheim, the realm of the frost giants is the next titan of the Aesir to be especially fearful of. While he also does not believe that the world is ready for Ragnarok, unlike Surtr, he believes that through his actions he can get the ball rolling on fimbulwinter. Utgard-Loki appears as a massive blue skinned man with long white hair and a shaggy beard that’s rimmed in frost. Utgard-Loki is typically seen wearing heavy armour while carrying a large two headed axe. His breath always misting with frost, Utgard-Loki looks like another heavy bruiser like Surtr. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Utgard-Loki is actually quite a clever tactician, a powerful illusionist and enchanter. Mortals within fifty miles of Utgard-Loki will feel the chill breath of Jotunheim as he treads the mortal realm, the freezing winds of the frost giant’s realm not only sapping strength from the flesh of men and women, but also their hearts, making them lethargic and filling them with fear and depression. This is an ability Utgard-Loki uses to great effect, forcing cities to surrender to him without battle. Instead, Utgard-Loki encircles the city with an illusionary army, challenges any heroes in the city to combat, slays the mortal heroes and then promises to murder all the people in the city if they don’t destroy their temples ot the gods and worship him as their new master.

Angrboda is possibly the foulest of the titans that oppose the Aesir, not only for her fearful intelligence, but also the great beauty and seductive prowess she possesses. Being the queen, and progenitor, of the jarnvidhur, the troll-witches, she is a powerful seer, alchemist and witch in her own right, one who is guided in her machinations by her mystically granted foresight. Appearing as a beautiful girl, no more than seventeen years of age, Angrboda has beautiful pale skin, black hair that falls just short of her shoulders and possessing an exceptionally bright blue pair of eyes. So innocent is appearance and demeanour is she, that Angrboda can typically infiltrate and seduce her way through even the most stoic and celibate of organizations. The men of such institutions falling to her charms even when she doesn’t use the prodigious seductive powers being a titan grant her. At will, Angrboda is able to release a scent, something not unlike the smell of roses, which will fill an area about the size of a city block. Any man smelling this will be driven to seek her out and mate with her, the power of her scent so strong it even drove Loki to mate with Angrboda when she sought to assassinate her once. Angrboda relishes this ability, using it to drive hordes of men into a mating frenzy. Every single sperm she takes inside herself during these rutting orgies comes to fruition in her womb. This allows Angrboda to create new species of titanic monsters, her abilities allowing her to change the creatures within her womb into new dangerous and perverse forms. In particular, Angrboda delights in creating new monsters that will harass, harry and enslave men.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


Eagle Warrior
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


Black Dragon

“Pathetic mortal, you dare stand before me?”
Dragon Genus
Draconic Tribe

Allegiance: Unaffiliated
Home: Swamps, dank forests
Temperament: Ill-tempered, Arrogant, Staid
Diet: Fish, Ambrosia

One of the more powerful members of the draconic tribe, the Black Dragon is an awe inspiring and imposing figure for those who meet her. Generally preferring the life of a loner, away from the front lines of the Titanomachy, most Black Dragons find an area of stagnant water, typically a swamp, to set up their home in. Originally the spawn of Tiamat, the draconian Titan, Black Dragons are now Hekatonheire, but due to the circumstances of their birth and change of allegiance, they have a fear for the weakness sex can bring them. Instead covering any desire they have with a pompous and arrogant attitude they hope will drive away any potential mates.

As dragons, they are able to create a weapon by breathing if they so choose, which, in the case of the Black Dragon, is a viscous caustic acid. However, despite this acid’s absolute ability to dissolve nigh any matter, it won’t burn through flesh. Instead the acid quickly destroys the armor, weapons and clothing of anyone who is caught in the liquid blast of their breath. Secondly, the acid causes and intense itching of the genitals on anyone who gets even a trace of it upon their mucous membranes. The smallest trace of the acid still attached to a hand accidentally being rubbed into an eye or on the lips enough to send even the most stoic of heroes into writhing masturbatory sessions as they try to rid their genitals of the intense itching. The Black Dragons typically using this in either defense or to punish a person who has irritated, or interested, them.

Like all true dragons, the Black Dragon, as mentioned earlier, is fearful of intimacy. Proud and haughty beings, Black Dragons fear the loss of control they feel when their natures as Hekatonkheire are revealed thanks to the feelings of pleasure and affection. Normally a true dragon’s genitals are covered by scales. However, when one becomes aroused, the scales that cover her intimate parts move aside, revealing their engorged labia. So sensitive is a dragons genitals that even the slight touch causes their body to twitch and shudder with pleasure. Even the slight caress of naturally moving air currents causing Black Dragons whose scales have moved aside to moan with suppressed pleasure while their genitals are naked and revealed.

Despite this fear though, Black Dragons are still Hekatonkheire and if they meet a man who manages to impress them, they won’t be able to keep themselves from becoming excited around him. In this way, despite the fact that Black Dragons live in isolated swamps, and the fact they will try and drive away people who intrude on their territory, most of them will eventually gain a partner. Even if the poor man is likely to be forced to endure a mixture of the Black Dragon’s haughty nature, possessive affection and a semi-regular dousing in her acid when he displeases his draconian partner.

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Last edited by Amanomiya on Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


“Remember, we can defeat them, we’ve done it before!”
God Genus
Elemental Type

Allegiance: The Hellenic Pantheon
Home: Olympus
Temperament: Fierce, Lewd, Charismatic
Diet: Ambrosia

The leader of the Hellenic Pantheon and creator of the Hellene peoples, Zeus is one of, if not the, most powerful god in existence. Controlling the purviews of lightning, justice and leadership, Zeus is firmly in control of Hellenic gods, her power and majesty obvious to all who behold her. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, Zeus was hidden from her father at birth, her titanic father having taken to eating his children after he had heard a prophecy naming one of his progeny as the one to overthrow him.

When she came of age, Zeus confronted her father, demanding Cronus return her still living siblings from his belly. Enraged, Cronus attacked her and during the ensuing fight, Zeus managed to slice open his belly, a non-fatal wound for a Titan, but one that allowed her sisters to escape the confines of his belly. After this, alongside her newly freed sisters, Hades and Poseidon, Zeus journeyed to Tartarus where she freed the Gigantes and Cyclopes, enlisting their aid in the war that would become the First Titanomachy. Rallying the other gods to battle against their Titan parents, Zeus led battle after battle as she fought for the right to control the heavens and the world.

Eventually triumphant in the First Titanomachy, Zeus and her sisters divided up the Hellene’s lands, Zeus herself becoming the King of Olympus and the skies. Now leader of the small pantheon based around Olympus and the lands of the Hellenes, Zeus eventually married her sister Hera, and thanks to her hermaphroditic body, had a multitude of daughters and sons with her, almost populating the entire pantheon with her progeny, nearly every member of the pantheon being a sibling, child, or grandchild, of Zeus’.

If Zeus has one major weakness, it is her excessive libido. As mentioned before, Zeus is a hermaphrodite, having a working set of both masculine and feminine genitals. Thanks to this, and a constant diet of ambrosia, Zeus is nearly constantly aroused and not afraid to act on it with the nearest god or mortal to catch her eye. Among the Hellenic gods, only Aphrodite and Dionysus are said to be more voracious in their sexual conquests and neither are near as fecund.

While Zeus loves her wife Hera, her libido is too much for the beautiful young goddess, so Hera turns a blind eye to Zeus’ near constant extra-marital liaisons. Zeus’ most recurring sexual companion is Odin of the Aesir, the two leaders not only finding each other sexual desirable, but feeling like kindred spirits, who can confide in one another, even if she finds the foresight driven melancholy of her lover depressing.

(Art was commissioned by myself, and produced by Butter-T, please do not reproduce on other sites without our combined permission)
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


[Write up pending]

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Drazzimyr »

Wow. You put a lot of work into this. I like how you made the gods all-female/supportive of MGs in the setting. Nice wook, keep it up :goodjob:
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Not every god is a lady, some are still male (Ares, hephaestus), some are gender bent (Apollo, Zeus), some are the ladies they originally were (Chang'e, Aphrodite) and a few are futanari now (Loki, Sun Wukong). Hopefully that doesn't squick too many folks out too badly :P
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Drazzimyr »

Amanomiya wrote:a few are futanari now (Loki, Sun Wukong).
Now you've really caught my interest :P
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Feathers »

I remember seeing your name popping up on RnR's pixiv. I was curious what they were about. It's an interesting mix of mythologies!

Will you be writing actual historical myths for each of them? As in, a story of how the type came to be, or maybe short stories about the particular legends of the type?

Are you sticking to forced rape/forced masturbation with all/most of the girls/herms?

Overall it looks to be quality work. Everything is well written and detailed. I didn't notice any errors. It's too hardcore for my (softcore) tastes though. Also not a fan of herms. ^^;

Kudos on the unique monster designs (RnR was a great choice for the ones he made) though. I especially like the Chrysomallus's design. ;)
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

I tend to go with a mix of the myth and original material for the setting/profiles. Though something like a retelling of Heracles and his/her (I haven't decided if I'm going to gender bend the god of strength) twelve labours is more the realm of fiction I might write later :)
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Kmon13 »

Wow this is quite interesting setting even the Redcaps and Maenad bios but what surprised me most was seeing a female version of Zeus.

Make me wonder what the other gods and creatures of your setting will be like.

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by KillMoves »

Kmon13 wrote:Make me wonder what the other gods and creatures of your setting will be like.
One thing's for sure, they're all perverted.

P.S. Greetings Gu-- I mean Lady Amanomiya.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Hi folks, my latest addition, Loki is fairly close to pure NSFW so I won't post it here (not sure what the go is with posting NSFW pics) so, at least for now, have a delicious link instead http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?p=5565#p5565
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Feathers »

NSFW (if you mean exposed sex organs/breasts/porn/sex/etc) is fine if spoilered along with a warning telling why it is spoilered. But if it's your thread. it's not necessary, although it is appreciated as a show of courtesy for unprepared eyes (especially for niche stuff such as futa or hardcore such as penetration).

In the Gallery, this is of course not necessary though. See the Code of Conduct area for more details on the Gallery Rules.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Drazzimyr »

Jesus man, another forum? I tried to sign up, but it hasn't sent me the authentication email and, being me, I wanna see the futa :'(
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Feathers »

Well hopefully he will post it for you here soon.
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