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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


“Yeah, but it’s a dry heat!”
Chimera Genus
Chimera Tribe

Allegiance: Hellenic Pantheon
Home: Volcanic regions, mountains, cave systems
Temperament: Fierce, bestial, lewd
Diet: Ambrosia, carnivorous

The Chimera is a bestial, some would even say feral, hekatonheire that combines the features of a goat, a lion and a dragon. However, it must be noted, this does not make them related to any of the other Hekatonheire tribes that some of their features originate from, the Chimera tribe being a distinct group. Chimeras, the most common members of the Chimera tribe have a leonine ruff of fur that serves as a mane around their neck, a pair of great rams horns growing from atop their head, a pair of draconic wings growing from their back and, most distinctly, a large thick tail that ends in draconic head that resembles those of Tiamat’s spawn.

Another immediately noticeable feature of the Chimera is their fore limbs and horns, both of which resemble either flame or lava depending on the mood of the Chimera in question. The more agitated a Chimera becomes the darker and more intense the colours marking her fur and horns becomes. An enraged Chimera looking like she is wreathed in blame flames that swirl and hiss dangerously, while a relaxed Chimera will only emit a soft orange hearth-like glow.

While very bestial and instinctual, the Chimera is able to speak if the mood takes her, though it rarely does. Instead, most Chimera spend their days defending their territories and hunting down and titanic monsters that pass through their region. However, despite this, they aren’t celibate, nor indifferent to their physical desires. The Chimer’s hunt turning to one in search of a mate if they catch the scent a man who is within, or recently passed through, their territory.

When they do catch a human male in their territory, they will immediately charge him, grabbing him in one of their huge paw-like hands. If he is accompanied by others, she will then flee, carrying her target back to her lair, or, if he is alone, immediately using her free paw to swipe away his clothes. She will then, either in her lair or where she caught the man, use her paws to arouse him and then, once he has an erection, force herself onto him, plunging his manhood into her as she rides him to orgasm, enjoying the sensation for the sake of it. It must also be noted, while her paws and horns may look dangerous, and even give off heat, they will never produce more than an uncomfortable heat when the Chimera isn’t engaging in battle.

Luckily, for those with decent stamina, the Chimera, once sated, will fall into a deep slumber for at least ten hours. Her body taking a while to process the Ambrosia she’s taken in from her partner. This is where the part about stamina comes in, if a man is able to flee her territory in those ten hours, she will not pursue. For those that do stay, or are unable to flee the area with enough haste, they can expect to find their life spent with a rather quiet, if doting partner who will expect plenty of praise and reassurance (some rude commentators have compared them to an over eager pet hound).

(Art was commissioned by myself, and produced by FeralChimera, please do not reproduce on other sites without our combined permission)
Last edited by Amanomiya on Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Spoiler: show
“Th-This doesn't mean I like you!”
God Genus
God Tribe

Allegiance: Loki
Home: Asgard
Temperament: Fierce, arrogant, shy, exceptionally lewd
Diet: Ambrosia

Loki, blood sister of Odin, sibling of Thor, mother of Sleipnir and father of dozens of heroes, gods and monsters, is a complicated goddess embodying the Aesir’s ideals of cleverness and fire. A skilled shape shifter, Loki’s natural form is that of a buxom and beautiful hermaphrodite of a young, but undeterminable, age. Loki is both a fierce and arrogant god, but at the same time she is also shy and almost paralysed by the fear of her prophesised fate the Norns gave her.

According to the prophecy, she will turn against her fellow Aesir, siding with the titans and beginning Ragnarök after having a hand in the death of Baldur and being punished for it by being sexually tormented by a hekatonkheire with a snake’s body. At first Loki laughed off the prophecy, however, at the beginning of this second Titanomachy, she was seduced by Angrboda, and after a night where her lust overtook her, she sired Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir, something she’d swore she’d never do.

Loki is both a blessing and a curse in the eyes of the other Aesir. She is more intelligent than the rest of them, even their leader Odin, but she’s arrogant and has a mischievous streak that has made her cause trouble in the past, especially once she’s in her cups. The most famous story of her mischief is the time she and Thor had spent a few days and nights drinking and complaining about the respective partners. It seems Thor had mentioned that his wife Sif didn’t like the current notion of shaving arms, legs and armpits, something he lamented.

Commiserating with Thor, Loki decided she’d help her brother out and went to the dwarves, commissioning the forging of an orichalcum razor. Loki then went and visited Sif, drinking with the beautiful young goddess until she passed out, after which, she proceeded to shave Sif’s entire body.

This might not have been such an issue, however, once she’d denuded Sif’s body of hair, she, drunkenly, decided that she would also shave her head. To say Sif and Thor were unappreciative the next morning would be an understatement. However, typical of Loki, once sober, she also had to note that a bald Sif was not a pretty sight. Charged with righting this wrong against Sif, and after some adventuring, Loki was eventually able to gift Sif with a magical wig also made of orichalcum to replace her lost hair.

Still, Loki works with the Aesir, closely allied with Odin thanks to their shared interest in averting the fate that they’re prophesised to take part in. Loki’s natural charm and charisma makes her the de facto ambassador between the Aesir and the other Pantheons of Oikoumene. The other pantheons finding her not as hidebound by honour and duty as some of the Aesir, even if they have to spend an inordinate amount of time watching over the more frisky members of their pantheons, lest Loki ends up spending all her time in bed with them.

It must be mentioned that Loki’s lust is prodigious, up there with some of the more powerful fertility gods, and even such grandiose perverts as Aphrodite and Sun Wukong. So much so, that nearly every representation of her includes an erect phallus. So constantly aroused is Loki that she forgoes the use of pants thanks to constant leaking of precum and vaginal juices. Her lust so palpable that any mortal that comes into contact with her goes into a sexual frenzy, the scent of Loki’s sex, and her divine presence, will have them trying to rape her if she doesn’t supress herself with an act of will.

Finally, Loki’s priesthood must also be mentioned. These men and women are, like their patron, also seen as both a blessing and a curse. Typically powerfully intelligent, Loki’s priests are both great tacticians and spies. however, after undergoing a visitation from Loki during their initiation into the priesthood, they also become beautiful hermaphrodites whose libido mirrors Loki’s. If you see a beautiful maiden wearing green and gold with some kind of snake motif, beware your chastity.

(Art was commissioned by myself, and produced by Roseliberation, please do not reproduce on other sites without our combined permission)
Last edited by Amanomiya on Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »


Sun Wukong
“Am I a howler monkey? More like a screamer if you know what I mean!”
God Genus
God Tribe

Allegiance: Celestial Bureau
Home: The Heavenly Kingdom
Temperament: Fierce, troublemaker, mischievous, lewd
Diet: Ambrosia

Sun Wukong, the Glorious Fighting Buddha, is a goddess with a storied past. Originally a member of the monkey tribe, she went through many trials and tribulations, and offended much of the Celestial Bureau at one time or another, before finally being accepted as one of their own. Still, despite being mischievous at heart, she is now one of their most powerful members, a great strategist and individually an exceptional warrior.

Sun Wukong’s most famous tale is no doubt the story of her travels across Oikoumene with the Priest Xuanzang, the boar girl Zhu Bajie and the kappa Sha Wujing. What had happened originally was that the then current Jade Emperor, concerned about the power Sun Wukong had gathered on Oikoumene, had offered her a place in the Heavenly Kingdom. Accepting this, Sun Wukong quickly discovered that her new job was mucking out the stalls of the Celestial Steeds, the most disgusting and lowest standing job in the Heavenly Kingdom. Incensed, Sun Wukong rebelled and went to war with the Celestial Bureau, fighting them to a standstill and then, turning the tide against them and beginning to win her war. Frightened, the Celestial Bureau turned to Buddha and requested she help them against the rebellious Monkey King. Buddha met with Sun Wukong and made a bet with her, promising to not oppose Sun Wukong’s war against the Heavenly Kingdom if she could escape from the palm of her hand.

Sun Wukong, knowing she could leap across entire provinces in a single bound laughingly accepted. Then, having stood upon Buddha’s hand, she bounded away, speeding across the landscape until she reached an open plain with five pillars. Reasoning that the five pillars must mark the edge of the Heavenly Kingdom, Sun Wukong proceeded to write “Wukong was ‘ere” on one of the pillars before urinating on it to mark the pillar with her scent. Pleased with herself, Sun Wukong then leapt back to where she’d left Buddha and mockingly demanded the deity stand aside. Instead, Buddha’s normally neutral expression became triumphant and she presented her hand to Sun Wukong, her middle finger marked with Sun Wukong’s graffiti and urinary contribution, the five pillars having been Buddha’s fingers.

Frightened for the first time in a long while, Sun Wukong attempted to flee, but before she could, Buddha seized her. Irate at Sun Wukong, Buddha bound Sun Wukong with magical chains and placed paper talisman over her genitals. The paper talisman cursed to cause both intense itching and arousal for the person it was placed upon while simultaneously blocking their ability to achieve orgasm. Satisfied that Sun Wukong was chastised in an appropriate manner, Buddha then sealed Sun Wukong in a cave and left her there for five hundred years.

Eventually however, Guanyin, another of the Celestial Bureau, was searching for a bodyguard for her disciple Xuanzhang. Discovering that Sun Wukong was still suffering in the cave Buddha had left her in, the goddess sent Xuanzhang to her with a deal. If she would accompany Xuanzhang and protect him from those who would attack him, or halt his journey, Sun Wukong would not only be accepted back into the Heavenly Kingdom, she would also be given the appropriate title Glorious Fighting Buddha. Needless to say, Sun Wukong accepted and for many years accompanied Xuanzhang as his bodyguard, companion and eventually, lover and disciple.

Now Sun Wukong is still a trouble maker, but she’s mellowed out quite a bit since her earlier hell raiser days. Instead, she focuses on bringing trouble and pain to the Titans and their followers. Wielding the magical staff Ruyi Jingu Bang, an eight ton staff able to change its size as its wielder desires, she is quite the whirling dervish of destruction in battle. Currently, during this second Titanomachy, she is the lead warrior among the Celestial Bureau, Guan Yu serving as the Jade Emperor and unable to take to the battlefield herself.

Finally, Sun Wukong’s sexuality and lewdness must be made mention of. Unlike her brethren amongst the Celestial Bureau, she is particularly liberal in her sexual outlook. Enjoying the sensations of the act and the joys motherhood brings her. It must also be said that after her imprisonment by Buddha, her sexual tastes are a little, well, unusual. Sun Wukong enjoys being bound during her sexual activities and likes the feeling of not being in complete control of her body, even while engaging in sex with mortals.

(Art was commissioned by myself, and produced by Nekokisa, please do not reproduce on other sites without our combined permission)
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Accidental double post.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Drazzimyr »

Seeing that picture of Loki lead to instant 100% boner city (to be blunt). Quite a fan of her profile too.
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Feathers »

Wukong (He seems to be cropping up in every form of media lately. ^^;), good choice for an addition! She'd make a good rival for Loki yea? Seeing as how you released both tricksters in order, I have a feeling it wasn't a coincidence!
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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Also been working on a page design to make it look nicer.

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Re: Titanomachy

Post by Amanomiya »

Just an update, for anyone who wants to have a quick read of Oikoumene but doesn't want to sign up to the site, you can now read it without signing up to the site at http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewforum.php?f=35

Of course, if you do want to sign up and say hello or peruse the rest of the site, you're more than welcome :D
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