Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 2/8

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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex seemed unmoved by his frustration.
"If you're in such a hurry to be destroyed, who am I to argue? I'll set one face down card and I'll end my turn."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

I draw my card. "Do you have a conter for my dark hole?" I ask as I activate the card from my hand
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex blinked and smirked
"Hmm.... Looks like you do have some fight in you after all...."
His two Fusion monsters were swallowed up by the darkness until his field was left bare of monsters.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

I summon Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior in attack mode. I then attack you directly.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex remained still in place as the lightsworn warrior slashed him with his sword... A trail of blood began to flow down his chest.
"Argh.... Is that all?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

I ponder my moves for a moment. "Yes I end..."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

LP: 6150
"Alright, my move!"
Draws a card.
"Let's do a replay, shall we? I'll activate, from my hand, the spell miracle Fusion and remove Heat and Woodsman from my graveyard to bring out another Elemental HERO Nova Master!"
A pillar of fire erupts from the field and the blazing Hero stepped out.
"Then I'll summon Elemental HERO Voltic from my hand."
"Go, Nova Master! Attack his Warrior!"
Once again, Nova master fired a beam of pure heat energy at the lightsworn monster.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

I groan as I take 750 damage bringing me down to 2250 life points. "I activate my trap! Glorious Illusion Then I use it to bring back my Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex was quiet for a moment before he sighed with a small sense of relief. "Well... I admit, you made me nervous for a little bit... But This is the end. I'll activate my trap, Solemn Warning!"
LP: 4150
"Now, your trap is negated and destroyed... Now Voltic, Attack him directly!"
Voltic charged up with electricity and fired a charge at him.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

"That's fine by me! In fact why don't I boost your monster while we're at it!" I activate the spell forbidden chalice
"I take 1400 damage, but you have no effect!" I take the blow, and get knocked on my ass. I then stand up, and deactivate my duel disk, and limp away. "If you want a real duel challenge me with my real deck. You may be the lord of the undead, but what are corpses, but worm food?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex chuckled slightly at his opponent's spell card.
"Interesting move..."
He blinked in surprise and then disappointment when Nathan forfeited the duel.
"That's a shame... I was just starting to have fun. I'll meet you anytime, anywhere... But just remember... Just because they're worm food, doesn't mean they're harmless."
He accepted the resignation and slowly walked off the stage and returned the deck, reading himself for the finals.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Damien stands up and walks to the podium, Sighing heavily, "Where is all the good duels when you want it huh? that was rather drool if you ask me..and completely one sided...And to think a Galaxy-Eyes student was beaten so soundly at that! But at least it was with dignity from a Blue-Eyes...Well guys and girls. it's time to put an end to this circus of boredom and retire to our beds. We will pick this up bright and early tomorrow." and with that he steps off and walks away.

Meanwhile after looking around Damien's office and digging through files on both the computer and filling cabinet had found some clues and, deciding to wait till all the tournament bullshit was over for the day to continue. so he headed back to the Dorms and wait.
Several hours later he slinks back in the school and enters the infirmary to look around. All right mr. pasty skinned freak what are you up to in here?
Millissa after having taken a shower hears some commotion and, Thinking it's some kid walking around when he should be resting headed toward the bays. I Swear i may have to invest in belts to hold these kids down so they won't get hurt. the she gets a surprise as she spots Gary instead. "OH! Gary? what the hell are you doing here at this time of night?"

"Ah Millissa just who i need, i'm here to find out what Damien is up to. I know he's been here quite frequently over the last few months and i was just wondering what for? Do you know?" He asks innocently with a warm smile.

"Really?" She asks nervously "I have no idea? i haven't seen Mr. Damien around here..not since i took Mr. Noboku to the main land. Maybe he's been keeping that girl nora company." she says looking through the darkness to the bay in which Nora lays.

Gary's face darken and his voice carries a cold edge, "Don't play dumb with me you little whore! i'm quite sure you know exactly what's been happening here in your own damn infirmary! Now tell me." he hisses at her.

Millissa stands her ground, "Now that's no way to talk to your elder young man and your very lucky i didn't turn you into slim for that insult....now as for what has happened here i don't have a clue so i'll ask you to leave before i make your night quite...unpleasant."

"I can say the same for you. Now we can either do this the easy way and you just tell me...or i'll make you talk....and i have ways to make your kind talk...believe me...you wouldn't want that."

She spits in his face, "Your bluffing." she says, her voice betraying her fear.

"Oooooohhh your going to wish you hadn't done that..." he says with a malicious glee in his voice as he grabs her by the throat.

Meanwhile Damien heads back to his office, pours himself a scotch and sits back in his chair and sips looking out the window.

"See...i told you." Gary says smoothing out his blazer and walking over to the far wall where he can now see a faint light coming through a very thin gap from the bottom. He searches the wall until it slides up revealing a secret room with non other than Noboku lying on a bed with an IV drip and a table of syringes. "Well hello Noboku...let me just take this out." he says yanking the IV out and detach the machines from him and leaning against the wall beside the bed. after several moments Noboku slowly wakes to see Gary nearby smirking and rushes up and place a massive hand over his throat, "You best explain you little SHIT!" he roars, spittle flying from his mouth, "EXPLAIN DAMIEN'S REASONING!"

Gary calmly clears his throat and wipes his face, "First Noboku i had no part in whatever Damien did to you. i'm here to free you and set this place right, So would you kindly take your ape-like hand off of me?" He shoves Noboku back away from him without much effort. "And secondly i believe it has something to do with some ruddy spell called The seal or Orichalcos, and some student has it and been demanding me to retrieve it for him like i'm his dog...i'm done doing his dirty work...like planting that explosive in your duel disk...and the one in his. i figured if he wants it bad enough he can get it himself...then i slowly found out about you...and here we are." he ends with a shrug.
Noboku glares fire at Gary and punches him and hold his head against the wall, "YOU PLANTED THAT FUCKING BOMB IN THAT DUEL DISK? i don't care if it was under his orders you little fuck! You came running to me when your mentor turned his back on you. and now because Damien is making you do shit for him you whining sack of nothing. Sure i'll take care of Damien but in my own way and at my leisure. As for you...you best be on your guard." with that he presses his head harder to the wall before releasing him to slide down to the floor groaning and blood trickling from his mouth and leaves.

Heero stands up and silently pushes his way out the Arena and out of school the aura fading from him as he reaches his room and stumbles in and falls into bed.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex listened calmly as the dean dismissed the audience and announced that the finals would conclude tomorrow. Alex sighed slightly and turned to leave the arena, but as to stagger for a moment as he noticed that his arm was broken and he had only slowed the bleeding down, but not stopped it. He had taken a fair amount of damage from that last duel, even if more than half of it was self inflicted thanks to his trap card. It was injuries that he almost didn't notice thanks to the adrenalin that was pumping through his body earlier during the duel. It was at that moment that he remembered the injured Christy whom he had defeated earlier. He turned back to the crowd and looked around to see if she had made it back for his matches... He had entertained the idea of seeing her after his duels were over anyway.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

After the last match of the day is over and Damien dismisses everyone I get up from my seat and slowly start to make my way back to the red-eyes dorm as it was getting late and there wasn't much else to do at the moment.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris decides to go find Mellissa. (Not really sure what to do now to be honest.)
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

As you walk over to the infirmary you see Gary limp out of the room looking distressed but sporting a smirk till he sees you and frowns. Walking toward you he growls "Say Anything about what you see and i'll sent you to the shadow realm. Got me?" He says glaring at you.

Adean catches you before you leave, "Yo dude great duel hope you win."
also you see Christy leaning on a banister all healed and looking down at you with her red hair cascading around her face smiling.

Alastair steps up to you, "Hey Kiel what do you think about this tourny so far? I find it refreshing and a good way to beef up our skills."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris looks at Gary* What happens to you is none of my buisness unless you make it my buisness.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

When Alastair comes up to me and asks me what I think about the tourney so far I nod at his comment "I think its a nice way to try out something new, using the same deck over and over gets boring sometimes. And like you said its also a nice way to get better."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Gary grunts as he bumps past you.

"yeah i agree it's interesting to use different decks here and there...but i'm quite happy with my destiny HEROs, don't want to make them jealous by playing while another deck hahaha." He laughs nudging you with a elbow.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris shrugs walking into the infirmary* Jeez what jerk...
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