Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 2/8

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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex did not personally agree with their assessment or reasoning of why the duels were so one sided and wondered if they were in the mood for some recreational dueling.
"If you truly believe it's a matter of luck.... then would either of you care to test yourselves against me?"
He then looked over his shoulder to Christy and spoke loud enough for both of them to hear
"That is if you wouldn't mind waiting for me for a bit. I'd like to see how they compare to the holder of a sacred beast."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

My eyes widen as Alex says that Christy has a sacred beast and look at her "Whoa, no way then you must be the person who summoned Uria earlier!"
I then quickly re-gain my focus as Alex goes to challenge us "Well, sounds fun and normally I would never pass up a chance to duel, but our friend Chris said he needed us any time afterwards though I would gladly duel you."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex smirked a little as Conner seemed impressed that Christy had a Sacred beast. He figured many, if not, all of the residents on the island had seen or heard about the great dragon that was summoned just earlier today. It was large enough to be seen from almost anywhere on the island.
"As a matter of fact, yes, she does.... I had the privilege of dueling her before the tournament began."
He seemed a little disappointed when Conner said he couldn't duel right now and his glance shifted towards Christy before looking back to them.
"Very well. i'll probably be spending most of the rest of the day here at the Red eye's dorm anyway, so if you change your mind, I'll be around."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

During the whole exchange Christy was watching with interest as Alex flaunted his ability to take on a Sacred Beast. She thought it was cute and giggled to herself. Then hearing about their business she got curious. "So what does Chris want with you two...especially a Galaxy-Eyes Student?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

I bring a hand to my chin when I hear that Christy is Uria's owner "Hm, so she's the one, interesting." I said more to myself that anything else, then when Christy asked what Chris wanted with us I speak up "We don't know, he was apparently in too much of a hurry to explain."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I nod in agreement "Yes, he didn't give is much to go on, but he sounded serious so we really shouldn't keep him waiting any longer...it was nice talking to both of you though." I then go to head inside but pause and turn back around "Hey, Alex you sound like your kinda busy, but would you want to come with us...I don't know what's going on with Chris, but the way he sounded there's likely going to be some dueling involved."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex pondered his response for their suggestion. He was thinking that Christy might be offended if he decided to go with them, or she might even join them if he was convincing....
"Hmmmm.... I suppose I might..... It might be amusing to watch if nothing else...."
He then turned to Christy. "Care to come along?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Christy thinks for a moment, her tail waving in the air, "Hmmm Why not..i don't have anything else to do tonight."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

"Alright good...the more the merrier....now lets not keep them waiting any longer." I say as I turn back around and start my way inside the Dorm.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Heero steps out of his room hearing talking coming from outside and seeing who it is speaks up, "Yo guys get in here Millissa has has something to say." he then steps back into the room.

Noboku stumbles around the hallways trying to clear his head.

Damien walks down to the Infirmary to find Noboku missing and goes white, "Shit...how the fuck did he escape?...This is not good." He runs out of the Infirmary his eyes wild. Just then Kyle comes around the corner and literally runs into Damien, "Ah god damn asshol--Whoops sorry sir...didn't know it was you."
Damien dusts off his suit, "Hey you care to help your Dean? then help me track down some delinquent."
Kyle blinks for a moment, "Umm sure sir what do you need?"
Damien starts walking off Any students acting weird or sneaking around the school i want you to deal with them appropriately then drag them to my office."
Kyle gets up, "sure thing sir." he then sets out.
Next Damien Opens his PDA "To all of my Followers, Noboku has escaped and must be found and eliminated with extreme prejudice. Along with anyone who has helped him."

Gary listens to his PDA as Damien says his little speech then closes it and walks off, "Have fun with your little hunt Damien...i won't be apart of it."
Last edited by Heero on Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris is randomly holding a large club that looks like Number 106 Giant Hand* Is everybody here now?
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Heero looks at alex and christy with an upraised eyebrow. " soooo why is the new guy here? And hows it going ms. Christy?" He says the last part with reddening cheeks.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

"Well, from what Chris told me it seems like we have quite the situation going on so I thought we should bring in a little back up, now can someone finally tell us the whole story of just what is going on?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex seemed either uninterested or indifferent to Heero's comment on his presence there. He gestured to Christy and spoke tersely.
"I'm with her.... I saw a few people gathering outside and decided to see what was going on.... After the lack luster duels in the tournament, I could use some excitement."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris laughs still holding that Giant Hand club* Just wait until I see Gary. *he growls looking pissed*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

I nod at Conner's comment "Yes, getting the full story would be appreciated right about now."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Millissa stands and clears her throat before talking...looking everyone in the eyes. "Hi everyone..um..So here's what happened, I was showering when i heard someone walking around in the infirmary so i walked out to see if it was one of the kids and it turned out to be Gary. Wondering why he was there at such a late hour i asked him about it and he wanted to know what Damien was doing for the past few months...at first i didn't want to tell him...but then he...he threatened me...said he knew how to make my kind...you know MG's talk..." her eyes start tearing up and holds back the sob that's coming. then she shifts her body from a teenager into her little girl body and what Gary did shock all of you.
Her body is black and blue and red and yellow from various bruises and shiners, cuts and scrapes appear all over her arms and some on her face, her nose is broken and the bottom lip is swollen to twice it's size.
In a quiet voice she says, "This isn't the wrst part ob it...mst ob it was mental...usually i could heal it no pobem..but he did smesting to me were i couldn't heal...so i hab to wait fr this to heal on their on." her lip hurting she shifts back into the teenager. "Sorry i'm lucky to even be able to shift forms...anyway of course that little bastard found out that i was keeping Noboku behind a secret wall for Damien..now i don't know what Damien was doing on account he always tell me to leave when he came in. but after Gary had revived Noboku i heard shouting and seen Mr. Noboku stumble out of the infirmary...he looked in real bad shape...we have to help him. Whatever Damien did really screwed him up...and i want that asshole to pay for what he did to me...i want any of you to bring him back here so i can repay him."

Heero has been listening intently until he seen what Millissa truly looks like from Gary's treatment. From then he was going to make Gary pay. He felt terrible for her and for chris to see his GF in that kind of shape. Grrr first Nathan takes Jordan's soul...now Gary damn near kills Millissa?!? I've HAD IT! tonight both of them will pay! in the back of his mind the voice speaks Use my power Heero...i'll help you get revenge on the ones who caused you pain. Heero's eyes shine purple for a moment as he makes his mind up within an instant.

Noboku finally finds his way out of school knowing full well that in his condition he's in know shape to confront or be confronted by anyone. Gah no deck...feel like shit...must get to the mountain...UGH..

Damien paces back and forth in his office in front of his supporters, "Noboku is somewhere close...he couldn't have gotten far...Don't underestimate him..he may not have a deck but he's still very dangerous....if you see anyone who gets in your way...kill them...you understand?"
"Yes sir!" comes the collective response.
"good now GO!"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

As I listen to Millissa explain I find myself sighing, wondering why I had an ominous feeling that something terrible would probably happen tonight. While everyone was probably more focused on Millissa talking I removed my usual deck from my duel disk and swap it for my other one, although in the back of my head I wonder if using that deck is really a good idea considering what happened last time. Once she's finally done explaining everything I speak up "So, what are we going to do now? This isn't the kind of situation we can just rush into without thinking."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex stood at the back of the small crowd as their little meeting took place. Apparently some girl... or monster girl in this case was explaining something involving the Dean, Gary and some guy called Noboku. In truth, Alex cared little for their reasons or plots, but when he saw what this girl looked like after a brief transformation, a small glare of irritation grew across his face. Gary was obviously stronger than this girl and even if it was just to extract information, there was no point in torturing the weak. Alex didn't care about finding this injured Noboku or protecting anyone. His only true interest, since coming to this school was Christy an that was only because she had made him feel alive when they dueled. He casually sighed and leaned back again the far wall, seemingly disinterested. "Fascinating story.... but I don't see any reason that I should help. None of this concerns me or interests me."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Christy turns to Alex, "Really? seeing her like this doesn't get your blood boiling? it pisses me off that someone like him is walking around...i never cared for him in the first place...creepy kid...and come on Alex it would be fun..sneaking around at night looking for trouble...or let trouble find us hehe." she winks and wraps her arms around one of yours. "I bet Damien will have some strong people out looking for him."
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