Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 2/8

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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris nods* Good idea I'll be right there. He runs off to meet Heero.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

A bit after exiting the cave I spot Conner speaking with Raphael, after the later leaves I approach Conner and speak up "Hiya, you beat him I presume?" I ask
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

As I walk to Kiel and Alastair Kiel asks me if I beat Raphael I nod "Yes, I even got him to give me a small idea of what Damien is planning....apparently it involves: The Seal of Orichalcos, Number cards, and Gods...but what does that mean?" I say as I scratch my head in thought.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

When Conner explains to me that whatever Damien is planning apparently involves the Seal, Number cards and Gods I bring a hand to my chin "Hm, nothing good that's for sure. On my side I ran into Alex, he found the one we were looking for and told me that he's fine. So I guess we should return to the Red-Eyes dorm and meet up with the others."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I nod as Kiel says we should go back to the Red-Eyes Dorm "Right, hopefully the others will be there so we can share what we have learned."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

we all make our way back to the Red-Eyes dorm Connor, Kiel, Heero, Chris, Alastair, All head into Heero's and Chris's room while Alex and Christy split up and head into her room.

You DS in your dreams is pestering you. "HEY Get your ASS up damnmit! We've been robbed...HELLO EARTH TO NATHAN!"

Damien has everyone in his office scowling at them all, in a deadly quiet voice, "I asked you all to do one simple task...to find Noboku and kill whoever got in your way...And what happens? KYLE. You get beaten by a Red-Eyes who's dueling streak is laughable. EURY. That new kid wipe the floor with you with just TRAPS?!? RAPHAEL. First you employ a few of your students to do your dirty work...which i commend you on But their lack of cooperation is worse than the Water duelist's skill. Then you redeem yourself...at least you tried...and failed miserably at the hands of a amnesiac Red-Eyes....what's more you couldn't even locate Noboku." He shakes his head as he paces in front of them.
"It seems i was the only one who had any luck tonight. when a student just happened across that Galaxy-Eyes student Nathan lying facedown on the ground near the Galaxy-Eyes house. i retrieved what is rightfully mine without any help from any of you...but at least we are one step closer."

Everyone just looks to one another and at the floor. Damien takes a seat and steeples his fingers, "Since your all so incompetent i've decided to employ some new talent. But anyway leave me. it's late and we still have the second half of this tournament." he turns his chair to face the window, it's back to the people he dismissed. They walk out and part ways.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

As we make our way into the Red-Eyes Dorm and meet up with Heero and Chris I look around and speak up "Alright, looks like we all made it back in one piece, so who wants to share what they found out first?" I say as I think in deep thought still trying to piece together what Raphael told me of Damien's plans
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Oersted »

When Conner asks who wants to share what they learned first I spoke up "Well, I learned from Alex that we shouldn't have to worry about our missing friend, he'll be fine." I say, the "missing friend" obviously referring to Noboku.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Nexous »

Hm... wha? What's going on? Last thing I remember I was looking into the arena. Wait I do remember dueling that... THAT GINGER FUCKER!"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Knowing that Kiel had the information he was willing to part with, Alex saw no reason to join the massing group for a meeting. If there was anything worth telling him, they would be able to find him easily enough tomorrow since they still had the finals of the tournament to complete. Once Christy had helped him to her room, he gladly sat on the bed and smirked weakly. The bleeding had stopped but he still had several cuts and burns over his body. Despite this, he was smiling the most genuine smirk Christy had ever seen.
"Heh heh..... It's only been one day... And I've found two worthy competitors... This has been a fantastic day...."
His good mood was making him feel nostalgic and reflective of his past.
"You know..... a few years ago.... I had an abysmal dueling record.... Until about three years ago..... I never won.... One...... Single....... Duel."
He normally was NEVER this open or honest about himself.... But Christy was someone he respected and felt an unusual interest in. He almost never liked company or allies personally, but... She was a little different... and he was in a good mood.
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

After Kiel tells everyone about what Alex told him I decide to speak up next "I dueled Raphael who was working for Damien; after I beat him I got him to tell me somethings about what Damien is planning it has something to do with The Seal of Orichalcos, Number cards, and Gods." I then start to pace back and forth "The thing is none of those things go together it doesn't make any sense there has to be something else to it..."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Jinouga87 »

*Chris waits wanting to know what the others know*
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

(I recently got a PM from Jin stating that he won't have internet for a while so until then i'll be taking him over as a NPC.)
Heero gathers his thoughts on what he has heard from Connor and Kiel..thinking for a bit before responding, "I guess it's good to hear that our friend is safe...But about Damien seeking the seal and numbers and gods? What gods is he refering to? to my knowledge the God cards were turned to stone when Yugi used them to regain Atem's memories and set him free of his confinement. And unless i'm mistaken they are guarded by Marik's kin. As s side note i ran into Kyle..it seems he's Damien's minion...unfortunately i defeated him before i could really ask him about anything."
The voice in his head speaks. Heh...amusing...lying to your friends when in honesty you relished in beating him the way you did...toying with him before decimating. Like a cat with a mouse.
Heero shakes his head imperceptibly.

I ran into Gary after finding this card. He holds up Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tackyon Dragon. which i managed to summon really quick...but Gary was too much for me and i was defeated...But not without getting this. He pushes a button on his duel disk and the recording plays.
Spoiler: show
"well for some one who was out for blood a bit ago you seem pretty calm...And by the way, I didn't hurt her on purpose or anything...i was looking for Noboku and it turns out your little Girlfriend was hiding him in a secret room in the infirmary for Damien. i only freed him from his drug induced coma because i'm don with doing Damien's dirty work for him and want to see him fall..if not by my hand then with someone more..vengeful. I only did what i had to to get the information i needed...if she would have just cooperated with me then none of this would have happened...so don't blame me look towards that witch."
"And the card i "Stole" from your friend Connor? That's his own damn fault he knew the stakes when he agreed. he could have easily walked away...but his pride as a duelist got in his way...i seen it happen to tons of great duelists."

"Then why not fight against Damien? Before he does something that puts the whole academy at risk?"

"Because it's soo much fun pulling the strings than playing the puppet."
"he thinks i followed him blindly--which i did- for a time..then i got wise to his plans...you know that bomb that exploded when they lost the duel?...i did that. Both of them. He had me put the one in Noboku's and i did without question...and while he was n't looking i slipped a second bomb in his. since then i've been against him. And i bet he probably knows that by now...Oooh i plan to bide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity to make him pay."

"I see. This just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I wonder if Damien knows about the card Nathan has."

"Oh yes Damien knows. In fact he tried to get me to take the card from him and expect me to just hand such a powerful card to him? HA! I'm waiting to see what comes of this. If Damien does get's his hands on the seal then at least it won't be from me. I believe since he found out that he has it Nathan is his sights as his new "Protege" as i was. or as i would like to call is...his bitch. well I"M NO ONE"S BITCH!"
(Clears throat)
"for now on i'm out for myself. it's always been just me and that's the way i intend to keep it."
"I Believe you've been recording me...otherwise you wouldn't be so calm all of a sudden like this...I don't care. as long as you and your friends stay out of my way."

"Don't worry we'll stay clear. Things are going to get very interesting I can tell."

(In a barely audible voice)
"I wouldn't object for a bit of help from time to time...with dealing with Damien...and Noboku..."
You DS growls, "REALLY? THATS ALL YOU FREAKING REMEMBER IS DUELING CONNOR?? and what's going on?! I FUCKING SAID THAT ALREADY WE GOT ROBBED! R-O-B-B-E-D! Not to mention that the deck is scattered every-fucking-where..you better pick them all up before some asshole comes and takes some--no nevermind i want someone to come walking by and TAKE ME with them...at least then i'll be with a duelist who cares...."

Christy sits there and absorbs the flow of words from Alex. a moment after he finishes, "Wow...so what changed? I mean what made you improve your skills?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex took a deep breath as he laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. This was something he never shared with anyone else before.
"Well.... Probably the only reason I always lost was because I only ever dueled one person up to that point.... My older brother. I challenged him time and time again and he always defeated me. He was a professional.... one of the best.... I.... Respected him.... Then he was *invited* to the dark tournament..... I never saw him again. But.... He did leave something behind."
Alex pulled out a small black box he carried with him and opened it to reveal his deck.
"I think my brother knew he wasn't going to win... So instead of losing the deck he worked so hard to create... He left it with me.... I haven't lost since he died... and It's more than just the deck that gave me this boost in victories.... My brother was one of the best duelists the world had to offer.... if I trained with him... Imagine how much better than your average student I would be. Since he died, I've had no mountain to climb... No challenge to overcome... Nothing to drive me forward.... Until today."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Christy looks at the deck and the box it sits in. "Wow i understand now. your always going to look for a better duelist to challenge so strive to beat him/her so you can feel just a bit closer to him huh?"
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex looked down at his deck and picked up the top card, revealing his Red eyes Zombie Dragon.
"It's more than that.... Our family name... It carries a certain level of respect... I have to earn that respect by challenging and defeating every worthy opponent I meet... I will someday become a better duelist than my brother.... but that day isn't here yet."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I listen closely as both Heero and Chris speak, but frown as Chris play's his recording of him and Gary as it gets to where Gary talks about myself, but decide to leave that alone and focus on the current situation "Well, from my knowledge there are two sets of 'god cards'...the one's you just mentioned the Egyptian god cards, and there are also the Nordic god cards, but I know nothing of where they are now."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Heero »

Heero looks at you puzzled "Nordic gods? never heard of them."

Christy drapes her arm on your shoulders and wraps her tail around your waist, "well i can surly help with that. You did beat me..but that was just the one time...i'm sure i can beat you next time...and more. along with helping you find worthy opponents like Kiel."
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Taintedone »

Alex smirked and gently nodded. "Yes... You have no reason to feel inadequate... I rank you among the capable sort... You could very well beat me... You are one of the few worth my time.... A lot of time." He gave her a knowing smile
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Re: Yugioh 1000 years of Darkness 7/8

Post by Drack »

I nod "Well, its easy not to know about them as they aren't as famous as the Egyptian god cards....there is three of them and they are high level synchro monsters, so I doubt Damien is after them if his plans involve the seal."
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