The Girl of your Dreams!

A Dating RP

This is the place where one's fantasies can come true.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"Hmm...this starwars movie...looks interesting..." Laura looked at it more "Very well...I chose this" She said

"Yea! Lets watch that!" Piko said with a smile
Marthy smiled as he put the other movies away and placed in the star wars movie, in the DVD, while the menu was loading, he went into the kitchen and placed a bag of popcorn in the microwave and started the movie and watched it with Larura by his side and Piko on his lap

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"I see...well while I still have trouble grasping your troubles young man...I can't allow you or any of your sister to get killed..." Melona then gently placed her hands on his face "Tell you what...I'll confront these bad people and see if I can't help you out huh?" She then smiled at him

"You do not understand Miss You cannot confront these people they want to remove the last of the royal line from existence, they fear a rebellion could be brought on by us and they want us dead. There is no negotiating with these men Melonia, and they are too numerous to fight." Victor said moving her hand aside as he explained.

"I don't care what happens to me I need Misha to be safe, she has always been safe until now, coming here was a mistake we have boxed ourselves in and soon enough they will strike."
" I can only hide the truth from Misha for so long, I can't juggle protecting her and keeping her in the dark for much longer, shes getting smarter eventually she will learn our real names and then i will no longer be able to hide her." Victor said fearing his sisters exposure to the truth.

"Just take her away from here thats the only thing you can do to help..."

"Of course dear...we will never leave you..." Natasha said as she kissed Misha on the cheek

"Yea, and don't worry about your brother...Unicorns are literally some of the best wives any man can have..." Helga said
"I'm glad to hear that, I really really am." Misha said as she reddened a little.

"So what do you want to do next? We could go to the bar... but i'm a little afraid of the people around here Victor has told me that they kill people in the middle of the day just for their money." Misha said remembering Victors false warnings
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

Elenei moaned as Saiha played with her breasts, rubbing her body over and over on his body as her breasts constantly smother his face. "I feel like cumming soon!" Elenei said, her grip on his shoulder tighten as she leans down, kissing him once more as her tongue desperately coils around his, tasting his saliva as her eyes stare directly at his, filled with lust and passion

"Oh, well my Amazoness culture is tribal based...we are ruled by the strongest warrior...which is me in my for my family, well I am the eldest of my sisters, the rest of them are still young." She then looked at her tail and blushed "Hey! Don't go touching my tail!" Mayella said as she blushed "The tail is a symbol of pride..." She then pulls his waist to hers "Well then...lets continue..." She then pushed her vagina on his dick, going inside her, she lets out a soft moan and leans on Kevin


"Kids!? Oh well of course but...I just never met a parent, let alone a mother who is so enthusiastic about having grandchildren but...yes we plan to...and yes, I should join them..." Binka said bowing before going into their room and into the shower, she then see's Mayella "Really?" Binka said with her right eyebrow raised

"Yea...shure!" Sheva said getting in, but not before pulling Elric with her as she tossed him on the couch, closing the door gently as she stares at him "Okay...I've been holding back for awhile so you better be ready!" Sheva said, walking towards Elric as she wobbles a couple of times, but as she does so, she starts to take off her clothing, her breasts popping out as she took of her shirt and pulling down her pants and loincloth panties as her dripping wet pussy is seen. She leans on the couch and get on top of Elric "Your sho cutez..." She then leaned down to his face and kissed him, due to her drunk state, her kiss was sloppy as her tongue randomly lick all over his mouth, drooling at his mouth

Suddenly, a portal opens up, as the portal expands, a womanly figure is seen. Stepping out of the portal. The woman seemed to be pink skinned, her skin looked soft and squishable, she had pig like features liek the ears and a corkscrew tail. Her light blue eyes stare at Harveys. her curves were perfectly formed, her breasts giggled as they were large compared to even D sized women. "Hello..." She said softly looking at Harvey

"I'll let you rest for now dear...sleep well..." Seino said as she relaxed, her body temperature adjusting to comfortable heating levels so that it's not too hot to burn Arc's skin, but not to light to keep him cold. She soon falls asleep as well as she presses his head on her breasts, her chin softly resting on his head

" don't have to treat us like royalty you know...were happy going wherever you want to go..." Cassandra said smiling at Tsar, placing her hand on his to calm him down "Just calm down..."

"Well, why don;t we go eat...judging from how much our lovemaking has lasted...your going to need to refill you spirit energy count, and eating is a good way of restoring it." Hailey said

"Oh...what are these?" Piko stared at the large popcorn,to her, the popcorn where just as big as her body "Hmm..." She took bites form the popcorn and blushed with a smile "Hmm! They taste good!" She said

"There called popcorn..." Laura said reading the popcorn bag "Apparently these go well with watching a movie." Laura then stares at the TV as the movie starts " a young boy named Anikan is in a world with two suns hmm?"

Melona sighed as she stared at Victor "I am touched by your concern over you sister...however...I can't just take her with me...your the one who called me out, so that means you want to find companionship correct? Or is it that you love your sister so much that you have no care for others..." She said looking away "I would if I could...but I don't have the power to do so right now...I am running low on spirit energy..."


"Don't worry, if any bad people try to touch you...we'll knock their teeth out!" Helga said as she gave a reassuring smile at Misha

"Besides...we got your back...we won't let anyone hurt you Misha..." Natasha said
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by FlashGrenade0 »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Flash
Suddenly, a portal opens up, as the portal expands, a womanly figure is seen. Stepping out of the portal. The woman seemed to be pink skinned, her skin looked soft and squishable, she had pig like features liek the ears and a corkscrew tail. Her light blue eyes stare at Harveys. her curves were perfectly formed, her breasts giggled as they were large compared to even D sized women. "Hello..." She said softly looking at Harvey
As Harvey began to leave his room, he heard a strange noise behind him that he didn't recognize, prompting to turn around on the spot, where a look of both bewilderment and wariness appeared across his facial features.

"W-wha? What the hell is this?!" Harvey exclaimed

What appeared to be some kind of portal spewing forth from the blacked out computer screen began to grow steadily bigger until it was at least big enough for the average human to easily fit through. After attaining said size, a humanoid figure did come through......only that was just it. She was HUMANOID, not HUMAN. Despite her assets being quite large, even compared to the gifted women of Earth, her thighs and hips being deliciously curvy and her overall body containing a certain enticing plumpness that accentuated every inch of her body, her inhuman features still managed to stand out to Harvey. From her floppy and folded ears, to her pig-like snout, to even the winding corkscrew of a tail that he barely saw jutting from behind her scantily clad form, this woman was quite the intriguing, if not mesmerizing, sight.

Stifling a gulp as he watched her and she greeted him in the softest of tones, Harvey merely stood speechless for a moment before finally managing to speak.

"Okay. First of all let me say this. You look INCREDIBLY hot. Secondly...."Harvey began, changing his facial expression to one of a serious and suspicious variety. "Who or What the hell are you and how did you get in my house without me knowing?"
You know what the problem is with motivational speakers? They speak to much. Nowadays, the analogy "actions speak louder than words" is regarded so much as the norm that whenever motivational speakers do what they came for, nearly every person making up their audience couldn't really give any less of a flyin' fuck.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Chaos
"I'll let you rest for now dear...sleep well..." Seino said as she relaxed, her body temperature adjusting to comfortable heating levels so that it's not too hot to burn Arc's skin, but not to light to keep him cold. She soon falls asleep as well as she presses his head on her breasts, her chin softly resting on his head.
He wrapped his arms softly around her as she pressed him close, smiling against her breast, and drifting off in her warm embrace. He has only one dream that night, replaying of every sweet smile she had given him.


The next morning, he yawns as he awakens, mumbling about being hungry as he lifts his head up a bit.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Pokemonaces wrote:@Hothead
"Oh...what are these?" Piko stared at the large popcorn,to her, the popcorn where just as big as her body "Hmm..." She took bites form the popcorn and blushed with a smile "Hmm! They taste good!" She said

"There called popcorn..." Laura said reading the popcorn bag "Apparently these go well with watching a movie." Laura then stares at the TV as the movie starts " a young boy named Anikan is in a world with two suns hmm?"
Marthy nodded as they continued to watch yes, and as you can see, although he is small, he is a very skilled builder as he created C-3PO, and an Adapt racer." Marthy spoke as the movie continued, eating some popcorn.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Wodan
"Yea...shure!" Sheva said getting in, but not before pulling Elric with her as she tossed him on the couch, closing the door gently as she stares at him "Okay...I've been holding back for awhile so you better be ready!" Sheva said, walking towards Elric as she wobbles a couple of times, but as she does so, she starts to take off her clothing, her breasts popping out as she took of her shirt and pulling down her pants and loincloth panties as her dripping wet pussy is seen. She leans on the couch and get on top of Elric "Your sho cutez..." She then leaned down to his face and kissed him, due to her drunk state, her kiss was sloppy as her tongue randomly lick all over his mouth, drooling at his mouth
"I am not-" before Elric could say what he wanted to say, Sheva went for him and immediately locked her lips with him, "Mmm?!" he said in a muffled way as she starts playing with his tongue and randomly move hers inside his mouth.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Oh, well my Amazoness culture is tribal based...we are ruled by the strongest warrior...which is me in my for my family, well I am the eldest of my sisters, the rest of them are still young." She then looked at her tail and blushed "Hey! Don't go touching my tail!" Mayella said as she blushed "The tail is a symbol of pride..." She then pulls his waist to hers "Well then...lets continue..." She then pushed her vagina on his dick, going inside her, she lets out a soft moan and leans on Kevin
"So you're the head of your tribal clan... did your grandmother force tradition from and baring down your throat too?" Kevin asked as he was about to touch her tail only to hear from Mayella that it was was a symbol of pride "Sorry I'll remember that in the future." it was then she pulled his waist to her and wanted to continue were they left off in the bedroom before pushing his cock into her folds once more with a moan. Kevin just moved his hips as he said "Okay Iove we could talk about our cultures later I so want you right now."
Living room...
"Kids!? Oh well of course but...I just never met a parent, let alone a mother who is so enthusiastic about having grandchildren but...yes we plan to...and yes, I should join them..." Binka said bowing before going into their room and into the shower, she then see's Mayella "Really?" Binka said with her right eyebrow raised
"We'll Kevin is the last male beside grandfather in the clan so heirs are important being that he's comes from a strong shinobi bloodline." Saeko said with pride in her voice " Plus I don't think my father's Idea of having him bed his cousins and the female half of my unit will appeal to Kevin.... even now since he's found love on his own. she said before watching her rush off.

In the bedroom..
Binka goes into the bedroom to see that both Kevin and Mayella were already in the shower....

However she could already see they decided to continue what they were doing in the bed in the bathroom as she could already hear Mayella's moans along with the wet slapping sounds of flesh on flesh as Kevin positioned himself in a way that he would have maximum penetration while both were standing up. and decided to announced her presence "Really!" Kevin looked over to see the pouting Salamander and said with a lustful smile "Oh hi Binka come in and join us the water's great."

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

Least liked Mamono:Mamono who rape!

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Monster Scholar »

Ikorus almost choked on his food when Kathy mentioned the sex. Why did she say that!? And after Aida just said that they had just met too. Oh hell, his parents were going to tear him a new one. Both his parents were sitting there, eyes wide. Mrs. Tamrelan was the first to speak.

"You...just met him...and you've already..." She seemed more shocked that they did it so quickly, than the actual fact that they had done it. Mr. Tamrelan was shocked as well, but then chuckled.

"Well, I kew the Tamrelan men were irrisistable, but this is a new record."

"Matthias!" Mrs. Tamrelan scolded, smacking her husband on the shoulder. Ikorus' face was bright red.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"Well it's hard to say since where still in the Pandemonium...but I can imagine that the effects have taken yes, your stamina might have increased..." Reedia confirmed as she smiled at Sai, then pushing her vagina on his dick soon after, her pussy as tight as ever as her warm flesh grip his dick, the muscles inside her vagina start to move as if milking his dick
* Sai couldn't help but feel the intense pleasure run up through and into his body. he continued to thrust, now truly feeling the effects oh his new found stamina. Sai slides his hands up and plays with Reedia's chest as he continues to fuck her, with the intent to make her cum at the same time as himself*

Sai: Reedia...this feels so good. i want you to feel as good as me too you know. i love you.

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Uh well..." The pig girl said pondering herself "Well you called for I came...simple as that..." She then smiled at him after noticing her looks "So, I saw the look on your face, is it the first time you met a Monster girl before?" She giggled and smiled

"Morning dear..." Seino said as she felt Arc get up "Hungry?" She asked as she heard his stomach grumble "want me to wipe up something for you?" Kissing his cheek as she smiles at him

"Interesting..." As Laura watched at the part were they were racing, she stared at the screen with amazement " fast are they going!? It's impossible to move at that speeds!"

"so cool..." Is all Piko could say as she stared with awe

Sheva then pulled from the kiss, she tears Elric's shirt off and pulls the zipper on his pants off, pulling his dick out "Limp huhz...nots for longz..." Sheva was clearly drunk, not her usual self, she starts to stroke his dick with her soft hands, licking the shaft with her warm, wet tongue

"Your mom is waiting for you, you going to keep her waiting or do I have to tell her that you'll be having another love session!?" Binka said blushing "However...she did say it's okay for me to join...and I do need a" Binka blushed as she took her armor off and went to the shower with Mayella

"Glad you could joaahhh..." Mayella moaned as she felt Kevin's dick deep inside her "Oh Kevin...getting assertive now?"

"Oh's just Ikorus is good at it...and please don't be mad at him Ikoru's mom...I actually started the whole thing..." Kathy said giving a guilty smile "I just couldn't help it...Ikorus was so cute!"

"I'll have to agree with her on this one...I joined soon after..." Aida admitted sternly

"I know you do...I love you to Sai..." Reedia said with a kind and loving smile, she continues to thrust in rythm with James as the sound of their love making is clearly heard, their hips constantly hitting each other as her pussy tightens on his dick. The feeling of pleasure increase Reedia's lust for Sai, as if her lust towards him weren't enough
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Chaos »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Chaos
"Morning dear..." Seino said as she felt Arc get up "Hungry?" She asked as she heard his stomach grumble "want me to wipe up something for you?" Kissing his cheek as she smiles at him.
Arc blushed brightly as Seino kissed his cheek,still holding him tenderly in her arms. He smile back though,and gives a small nod. "Yeah,I think that would be pretty nice...thank you Seino."
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by hothead1021 »

Marthy smiles at there amazement "In the movies anything is possible as stories come to life like this." he spoke as he watched the movie which came to the scene where Anakin won the race

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

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DAMN i was so close this time!!!
Melona sighed as she stared at Victor "I am touched by your concern over you sister...however...I can't just take her with me...your the one who called me out, so that means you want to find companionship correct? Or is it that you love your sister so much that you have no care for others..." She said looking away "I would if I could...but I don't have the power to do so right now...I am running low on spirit energy..."
"Is there any way i can help? Anything at all If not how long will it take until you can move again?!" Victor spewed trying to get as many questions in as possible.

"Food? Water? rest? massages? Give me something Please!!! " Victor rushed grabbing her shoulders in near panic mode.


"Don't worry, if any bad people try to touch you...we'll knock their teeth out!" Helga said as she gave a reassuring smile at Misha

"Besides...we got your back...we won't let anyone hurt you Misha..." Natasha said
Misha began to lead them to the bar passing several shops on the way suddenly she stops and looks directly at a gaming store whose closed doors were packed with people anxious to get in.
There is a bald man running amongst seemingly robotic enemies on a screen, the trailer continues to play as the store opens its doors.

"Okay everyone Mass Effect 3 has officially been released! Reserved buyers first please!" A man shouted over the crowd

Misha hurridley opens her purse and counts out her money and smiles seeing she has enough.
"Victor will be so..Oh no I can't Im too young to buy those games...!!!" Misha slowly turns her head twoards Helga
"Hey Helga, want to do me a favor?" Misha said with a smile creeping onto her face.
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Saiake »

"I know you do...I love you to Sai..." Reedia said with a kind and loving smile, she continues to thrust in rhythm with Sai as the sound of their love making is clearly heard, their hips constantly hitting each other as her pussy tightens on his dick. The feeling of pleasure increase Reedia's lust for Sai, as if her lust towards him weren't enough
* Sai lays on Reedia and warped his arms around her, as he continues to fuck her*

Reedia...this is wonderful. your pussy is perfect, its like it was made just for me. i personally wouldn't mind if we could do this forever.

* Sai locks lips wit her for a moment and that turns her head to the side and blows in her ear a little, and whispers*

Sai: your so beautiful.

Should my eyes fail me, I will still see thee. Should my ears fail me, I will still hear thee. Should I lose my legs, I will still walk to thee. Should my voice depart, I will sing of thy. Should my arms break apart, I will hold thee with my very heart. Should my heart cease to pound, I will sing of thy with my soul. Should my soul be broken, then I shall... Embrace thee... With my blood...
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Kmon13 »

"Your mom is waiting for you, you going to keep her waiting or do I have to tell her that you'll be having another love session!?" Binka said blushing "However...she did say it's okay for me to join...and I do need a" Binka blushed as she took her armor off and went to the shower with Mayella
"Okay Binka I guess you right," Kevin said as he handed her some soap "Just give us a few minute we jut need to get some of the passion out of our system... mom can be eccentric when she finds out I'm dating or with a woman but I guess I should expect it being that our family is from a warrior bloodline." he said as he thrusted deeper inside Mayella
"Glad you could joaahhh..." Mayella moaned as she felt Kevin's dick deep inside her "Oh Kevin...getting assertive now?"
"Yeah I figured you would like a challenge out of your new partner in life" he said as while holding on to her ass as he was penetrating deeper inside of her making her moan even louder before he kissed her. "

The right to live free without fear of death should be granted and enjoyed by all beings Mamono, human, or Otherwise.

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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by WodanYmirthe2nd »

Pokemonaces wrote: @Wodan
Sheva then pulled from the kiss, she tears Elric's shirt off and pulls the zipper on his pants off, pulling his dick out "Limp huhz...nots for longz..." Sheva was clearly drunk, not her usual self, she starts to stroke his dick with her soft hands, licking the shaft with her warm, wet tongue
"Ahhh..." Elric moaned as he felt the tongue of the person he just knew and dated just a while ago.

Elric tries to push Sheva's head away from his shaft. But the effects of the Demon Realm fruit started to kick in and made him weak and even more sensitive to pleasure. His body shivers as Sheva laps on his dick and gives it a tongue bath while he slowly gives in to the effects of the alcohol and the Demon Realm fruit. All he can do now is to enjoy her treatment and let her do what she wants from his body.

Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

Name: Garth Townsend
Age: 21
Appearance: 6'4, black hair, hazel eyes, toned body, white skin, 5'o clock shadow, semi-handsome face (above average but still nothing special).
Likes: Fuzzy/cute/adorable animals, video games, exotic things, Greek Mythology, kids.
Dislikes: Intolerance, injustice, over-priced items.
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, gentle, optimistic.
Bio: Havint been bullied most of his life, Garth finally decided to stand up for himself and build some muscle in high school, only to have an epiphany the moment he got those muscles. He realized that most people are naturally stupid and pick on those weaker than them to make themselves feel better and are dumbfounded when ignored. From that day forward, he avoided conflict. He confuses people with his general happiness. He believes that if you keep looking down, you'll never see what's ahead of you, so just put on a smile and push on. Now he works at a comic book store, even working on his own comic, "Meteor Man." Not to be confused with "The Meteor Man" movie or the 1990s.
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Hopefully first-person is okay
I walked into my apartment, exhausted. It was not a hard day at work, but having to listen to customers complain about which was better, "Star Wars or Star Trek". Why can't I get any nerds like me? Reasonable people who tolerate each other. It was annoying. Those two guys sat in the back of the store, arguing about why Obi-Wan-Kenobi is not a faggot and why Captain Kirk was not a "Douche-fag" whatever THAT means. I looked around at my apartment. A pretty sweet deal actually. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room, the works. I knew the guy the landlord's son from Elementary school. A childhood friend you could say. He offered me a place to stay when I moved out of my parents house, half-price too. Although, the apartment was kind of empty without another person. I wanted someone to fill that empty room. It's just sitting there. A girlfriend, a roommate. SOMETHING. I then looked to the cage sitting off next to my computer desk. In it held my only roommate, a little bunny with grey fur and floppy ears. Mr. Fuzzybottoms. I walked to the cage and Fuzzy came out from his plastic igloo. I reached into the cage and opened my palm. Fuzzy, as usual, hopped into my hand and I sat at my computer with Fuzzy in my lap, getting his head scratched as always. I open my e-mail to see a strange new e-mail. "Do you want to meet the Girl of your Dreams?" I read the question out loud. "Heh. Probably spam. Probably a virus. I don't care. I've got B.A virus protection software. Let's click it!" I put the cursor over the "Yes" button and press the left-mouse button.
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Pokemonaces »

"Alright dear..." Seino said as she got off from the bed, stretching herself, she opens the door and get out of his bedroom, then going to the kitchen "Now lets see..." Her calm state seems to be simmering down as she starts to wake up "Alright...first I need some cooking well as meat to make him a hearty dragons meal!" She said as she got started

"Wow! I wish our world was this exciting!" Piko said flying around and giggling

"Keep it down you hyperactive nuisance..." Laura said grabbing Piko and placing her on the couch and giving her a piece of popcorn "Just watch..."

"Your no fun..." Piko said as she took a bite from the popcorn piece she got

"Please slow down..." Melona said as she started to blush,, pushing Victor to the wall as she panics, trying to think straight "I need to mate with a human male...and your the only one here...but please tell me first...your pure never had any sexual relations with other women right?" she asked


"Heh!?" Helga said as she saw Misha "What is it?" As Helga saw the line, she got a basic idea of what to do "You want me to get the game for you huh?" She said

"Well, you do seem old enough Helga..." Natasha said

"I figured you'd want this forever..." Her tail wrapping around his body, then suddenly changing shape, the tip turning into countless amounts of tendrils, coated in mucus as they lather his body with the sticky mucus, the feeling was nothing no human can ever experience with another "Hehe...this is my first time using I hope I'm doing it right..." Her feathery wings caressing his body

"Uwah...deeper...deeper!" Mayella said as she thrusted her hips faster and faster, matching in synch with Kevin "You know...I don't care if your mom is here...I won't let my pride go down the don't expect me to be showing them my affectionate side to you..." Mayella blushed as her pussy tightened on his dick

"Sure..." Binka said as she cleans herself

"Lets try thisshh..." Sheva grabbed her bottle of sake and lathered his dick with it, then sucking on it as if it where a lolipop "Delciouzss..." She mumbled as her mouth was busy pleasuring his dick, her tongue constantly licking his tip, eventually focusing on the tip as she rolls her tongue on is, her hands massaging his balls and stroking his shaft

As Garth clicked the yes buttom, a series of questions pop up
1. What kind of Girls are you into?
A. Flat
B. Busty
C. Don't care

2. What kind of Personality do you like in a girl. You can chose up to 4
A. Kind
B. Assertive
C. Tsundere
D. Yandere
E. Shy
F. Hyperactive
G. Forceful
H. Gentle
I. Simple

3. Do you like girls who are...
A. Older than you
B. Younger than you
C. Don't care

4. Would you stay devoted to your girl?
A. Yes
B. No

5. Do you want them to be devoted to you?
A. Yes
B. No

6. Can you handle more than one Girl?
A. Yes
B. No
"Humans are the very reason our existence is relevant. Without them, gods have no meaning. We have no right to tell them what's right and wrong, for only they're their own masters..."

Quoted by an idealistic fool
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Shadow Mann2330
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Re: The Girl of your Dreams!

Post by Shadow Mann2330 »

"Please slow down..." Melona said as she started to blush,, pushing Victor to the wall as she panics, trying to think straight "I need to mate with a human male...and your the only one here...but please tell me first...your pure never had any sexual relations with other women right?" she asked
Victor nearly fell to the floor at her response

"SEX!??!?! You need sex to replenish your energy!? How does that make..with me?" Victor stumbled point a finger at his face meekly
'You can't be serious this has to be a joke, Misha must have told you how i react to such directness, and no why would i be with another woman i am with Misha...IN A NON sexual way of course!! I didn't mean to insinuate that im having sex with my own sister im just trying to not that your not pretty and i want the best for Misha but....ARGH!" Victor rambled blushing more intensely as he went on

"Heh!?" Helga said as she saw Misha "What is it?" As Helga saw the line, she got a basic idea of what to do "You want me to get the game for you huh?" She said

"Well, you do seem old enough Helga..." Natasha said
"Please Helga I wou- Victor would really like that.." Misha's eyes turning puppy on Helga.
The only record of an illegal post inside the Moderator thread:
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Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Shadow Mann2330 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:01 pm
I had heard that there was talk of custom titles a few days back.
Does that mean Mann can haz Girtibiliu?
Re: Stuff To Do
Post by Tsar CUBE » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
how the fuck.... can you even see this thread... it was meant for staff only O_o
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