Pierce's Custom MGs

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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Feathers wrote:Being a victim (voluntary participant) of an electrical nerve test exam (for carpal tunnel), I can say that the sensation of electricity surging through even small parts of the body is quite painful, even in small amounts. X_X Just imagine a simple static discharge shock after walking on the carpet..
Hmm, for me, I based my thoughts on a muscle stimulator like the one from Jackass (Without overcranking it to MAX that is)
In my own personal opinion, I can't find this monster girl to be very pleasant myself in any situation..but I will assume that masochists would probably LOVE her. ^^; She's definitely not for me, as I can't STAND the thought of being 100% paralyzed. Being raped while PARALYZED is a nightmarish thought in itself. O_O
Yet Hornets have a similar feature...

Also, how is she gentle and aggressive? She shocks men as soon as she seems them and then rapes them, I can't see her as gentle myself. She also greedily manipulates his body to her own liking, which seems to be more of a domination trait than a gentle trait.
If there's a better way to characterize individualistic traits, I'd love to hear it, because I had a feeling someone would question the contradictory behaviour and I was already unsure how to word it properly.

Overall she is PERFECT for masochists though. :goodjob:
Probably the best "shock" therapist... :haha:
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Feathers »

Hornets? Don't like Hornets either. I don't like being stabbed and paralyzed, I've been to dentists and experienced it first hand! Though I'm not sure how stingers and electricity can be compared. That's like comparing a giant syringe to a taser. ^^; (both sound painful during sex X_X)
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Feathers wrote:Hornets? Don't like Hornets either. I don't like being stabbed and paralyzed, I've been to dentists and experienced it first hand! Though I'm not sure how stingers and electricity can be compared. That's like comparing a giant syringe to a taser. ^^; (both sound painful during sex X_X)
Same here, been given a "freezing" agent to numb my gums for wisdom removal. Though if you're referring to full body paralysis.... never got that.

As for the comparison, I was strictly referring to being paralysed, not what administers the prey into it.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

So.... about that Honey Badger I made awhile ago... decided to make her a depicted MG.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by SIERRA-116 »

Dayum... seems quite the bully.
To find him, you must forget the stories...

Forget the legends...

You have to do more than walk in his footsteps...

For he is more than the sum of his actions...

I tell you this, not because I trust you...

But because all our lives are at stake...

Because the seeds of our future... are sown in his past...
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Monster Girl:
Frost Viper

Mona Seth
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(Real name is an anagram of the full name as one. Feel free to decipher it)

Unknown, sometime between the end of the autumn and beginning of the winter season.

Marital Status:
Single (Not interested in pursuing other half unless deeply persuaded)

Sexual Orientation:

Personality: Cold, Selfish, Timid

Monster type:
Lamia with abnormal cold properties.

Seal, Whale, Penguin.
Pike (A tipped blade with fish-like fins protruding on the sides)


Nailgun (Can shoot frosted fingernails like a projectile. Occasionally likes to imitate a gunslinger's hand gesture to fire)
Frostbite (Can bite her target and inject a nitrogen-like substance to freeze her prey inside out)
Snowball Can form globes of snow or ice in her hand and chuck it at anyone within throwing distance

Ice Pillar (Can summon a wall of ice up to double her height to stop incoming attacks)
Blizzard (Can create a small snowstorm to slow her attackers or to create a diversion to escape)
Icicle (Can create a sudden protruding icicle from her vagina. Used as a last resort against male rapists or futanari creatures unwary of a cold nasty surprise)

Heavy resistance to cold weather up to -75C
Acute senses (Aware of her surroundings strictly from vibrations)

Hot or Dry climates (Prone to thirst so she frequently drinks to sustain in opposite conditions)
Incendiary attacks
Nearsightedness (Basically knock her glasses off to severely limit her field of vision. Should her glasses break, she will temporary create lenses of ice to assist her near-sight)
Distraction (Loves plushies and the sound of a jingling bell)

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Mona Seth was long abandoned by her parents, having been abandoned in an igloo and presumably left for dead. She was eventually found by a group of passerby Inuits who heard the echoing cries and following the source. They took and raised her as their own, despite her obvious snake-like tail occupying her lower half. Upon bringing her near a fireplace to keep her warm, Mona immediately slithered away from the bonfire, hissing at the crisping flames, much to the confusion of the group. Regardless they kept close to her and taught her the ways to hunt for food and to socialize. Upon hitting her adolescent years, she was tasked to leave and to explore the world for herself, handing her a steel pike for a weapon and tool as their farewell present. Days turned to weeks, then to months, until eventually years as Mona hunted any animal for self-nourishment, having found no luck in finding civilization for almost three years after leaving her tribe, having traveled out of the arctic, into the forests and avoiding deserts upon coming across any.

During a night of sleeping in her travels, she awoke to a bright light in the sky. It was firey in nature, and it resembled a bird-like figure flying across the sky. Mona panicked at the firebird, whom reminded her of the bonfire she was brought upon and grasped her pike in defence with an enraged hiss and forming into a temporary dome of ice as it flew past and ignored her completely, before the figure eventually dimmed from its bright form and shrunk down into a humanoid-like figure. But the person was too far away for Mona to interact with as she saw the person disappear from sight.

'Who is that person?' Mona thought to herself, slithering forward and walking in the direction where the fiery figure last headed.
Frost Viper copy.jpg
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Name: Leaf Garter
Real name: Cia Mindi Hodges (Anagram name)
Nickname: Cinnamon
Gender: Female
Diet: Meat
Disposition: Kind, outgoing, happy
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (No person goes unpleased, monster or human, the benefits of Mother Nature)
Leaf Garter.jpg
Spoiler: show
Cia was once a tribeswoman, having been found by a curious group of Natives who were on a hunt for large game such as Deer. Upon catching the deer, one of the tribesman noticed a snake-like tail dangling above a tree-branch. Upon looking at the source, the tail revealed a playful girl with the upper half of a human woman (sans the knife ears) humming a tune. Instead of calling for his friends, he was allured by her tune and charming appearance and was ultimately seduced into a coiled love making above the trees. When he was finished, the Lamia released her playmate and let him free to share his story to his fellow tribesmen at home. Curious, the Chief of the tribe ordered the same hunting group to find the Lamia and provide her offerings and gifts. Much to the group's surprise. She nodded positively and accepted the gifts, before being taken back to the tribe to be given a warm welcome. All the villagers bowed to their knees as the Chief exits his hut, having eyed the Lamia top to bottom, much to his delight. He approached the Lamia and offered a handshake for not harming any of his fellow villagers and asked what her name is, to which she doesn't know. He noticed she had an aroma of similar to Cinnamon and had bestowed her that name, to which she nodded happily. He also noticed her tail ended with a stump as if something was cutoff from the tip. Carefully holding up the stump of the tail for inspection. The Chief ordered his tribesmen to craft a bladed tip to attach onto the tail end so she can defend herself against any unwanted attacker.

Time had passed by as Cinnamon was growing more mature and well-bodied, having pleased the Chief and his male and female villagers from time to time. Favours ranging from sex, medicinal and food harvesting to village expansion. Eventually, the Chief was growing too old to lead his tribe and was sleeping on his deathbed, moments away from his passing. His last will was to speak to Cinnamon as she was summoned forward. When she asked what he wants from her. He simply replied. "Freedom, to live your life beyond the borders of my village, to grace others like you have blessed us and to seek adventure." Feeling that keeping her in the village for the rest of her days would be selfish. As he drew his last breath, he slept peacefully as Cinnamon and the villagers mourned the loss of their leader. When Cinnamon asked who will lead them next, one of the villagers replied the son of the Chief will be taking the mantle. Before they all lined up in a double file to allow Cinnamon to leave her home. Giving her some food, a bedroll and a necklace. She thanked them for their hospitality before departing peacefully, returning to the forest where she was once found.

Upon dwelling in the forest and exploring regions beyond her origins, she encountered a similar being like herself wading through the brushes. Except her skin was pale and could feel a very cold presence being near her. She had bifocals on and blood red pupils. When asking the stranger what she was doing. The cold Lamia replied "Searching for someone, particularly with a fiery hot presence and resembles us. It seems fate has brought us together for some reason.". Curious, the Leaf Garter asked. "Who are you?" to which she simply replied: "You can call me Frost, until you've earned my trust to know me personally." before continuing her trek with her new companion.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Name: Zephyr Python
Nickname: Addi (Short term for the Adder)
Real Name: Daisi Chim Ogden
Personality: Carefree, Blissful, Bold
Habitat: Rocky Mountains and the Forest
Diet: Omnivorous (Fruits and meat)
Hobbies: Basejumping

Daisi has no memories of her past as she came to, awoken and confused.
Her unknown amount of time sleeping had left her starved and low on energy so she looked about for sustenance. Looking at the trees above, she saw a yellow fruit and used her tail to reach up and snatch one. Munching down on one, she smiled at how sweet-tasting the fruit was and started to harvest some from the trees and saved them for later. She heard a chirping sound ahead of her position, and went to investigate the source to hear the chirps turn into a lulling sound of a siren. Whom flew by Daisi as she was hypnotized, attempting to chase her in response as the siren flew towards a large rocky mountain. Daisi stopped to see the rocky hill being very steep so she adjusted her underbelly a bit to cling onto to steep, seemingly slitering upwards while using her hands to grab onto each ledge for support until she eventually got to the top of the mountain to discover a bunch of harpies having built a large nested community for the men, women and their younglings. One of the harpies noticed the new stranger among them and greeted her before asking where she came from. To which she couldn't muster a reply. Regardless, the Harpy took her in as one of their own as she introduced herself as Maki with Daisi reciprocating the hospitality well and answering back with her own name from a slight memory recall. She noticed the Harpies carrying some of the men by their shoulders and some of them holding a pouch of letters and asked what they were doing. To which Maki replied that they are a travel and mailing service, helping to get people and messages from one place to another in a short amount of time, in return for money, food and supplies to sustain themselves. Daisi then volunteered her time to help out her newfound community, running errands and delivering supplies to those with money through the traditional method instead, being unable to fly.
One day she accidentally fell from the mountainside cliff and she was about to brace for impact but instead her tails swished rapidly in a manner that allowed her to glide safely down the mountain without incident. Upon learning of this newfound technique, she trained to perfect the gliding maneuver and managed to glide safely even while holding products or people. To which the observing Maki delighted with, seeing her being able to speed up her deliveries/drop-offs slightly faster than usual, of course still having to slither up the mountains more effectively like a hard worker determined to get the job done.
Months passed as Daisi continued to work with the community and went on to accompany an unusual passenger. One of which who had a snake tail just like hers, except red in colour with a yellow underbelly and giving off a warm ambience. It was the first time she saw a Lamia like herself in the region. Daisi asked "I never seen anyone like you before, who are you?" To which she plainly replied. "Me? I'm just a Lamia passing through." She pointed at a Southern town from the map that was pinned on a wall. Daisi couldn't help but ask. "Aren't you able to glide like me?" to which the Lamia responded. "I don't glide, but fly. However I've been conserving energy due to chilly weather recently so I can't fly for the time being." To which she handed Daisi a few gold coins, more than the usual amount she would receive. "I'd like to be at my desired location as soon as possible please." To which Daisi nodded hastily and handed her client a pair of harness. "Put these on while I hold onto them." she requested as the Lamia slung them onto her shoulders and stood by a ledge as Daisi held onto the harness firm.

"Here goes!" As Daisi made an initial nosedive until balancing out into a perfect glide, safely flying away from the rocky mountain and passing over the large forest below until safely landing at their destination.
Spoiler: show
Zepyhr Python.jpg
The red Lamia slipped her harness off and gave an extra gold coin to Daisi for the expedite travel. "Thank you, I feel much better here in the warmth than where I was previously." she said, stretching her arms outwards as Daisi briefly noticed an ember of wings temporarily stretching behind her back and fading again as the Lamia gently kissed Daisi on the cheek and waved goodbye. Much to her shock as she flustered a bit from the kiss before returning a goodbye wave of her own and proceeding to head back into the mountain.

Upon arriving at the top, she noticed a pair of lamia waiting in line just like the red lamia had done before, except she could feel a cold ambience instead... Curious, Daisi approached them for inquiry.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Timiddarkspy »

Liking the descriptions and the drawings while not masterpieces show signs of improvement with each upload. There's promise and heart in your lore and I look forward to seeing more from you.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Feathers »

Yeah if he drew more frequently and more stuff beside Lamia (wheres the SPIDERSWOMANS?)...-____- I mean even as a harpy lover I like variety lol. As always I think of his style. Not trying to direct your creativity Pierce just leaving my feedback. :^^;: I miss your old thought provoking stuff. What happened buddy?
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Flare »

I can answer the lamia thing... he kind of has a Thing being built up.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Timiddarkspy wrote:Liking the descriptions and the drawings while not masterpieces show signs of improvement with each upload. There's promise and heart in your lore and I look forward to seeing more from you.
Thank you Timi. Most of these MGs were made on a whim and with an "On the spot" mindset.
Feathers wrote:Yeah if he drew more frequently and more stuff beside Lamia (wheres the SPIDERSWOMANS?)...-____- I mean even as a harpy lover I like variety lol. As always I think of his style. Not trying to direct your creativity Pierce just leaving my feedback. :^^;: I miss your old thought provoking stuff. What happened buddy?
What happened? Warhammer 40k, Casino gaming and Overwatch/DOOM/Titanfall2 happened.

I'll just say the first step I did to minimize one distraction was literally selloff almost all my 40k minis while keeping a few of my Commanders, a certain inquisitor and a Redhead as motivators when I return again.
Also workplace overtime turns my right hand into alot of pins and needles so it generally prevents me from grabbing stuff for longer than 10 seconds
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Image Use this for 2 hours every day and your hand will get numb...
Gambling has been well regulated in recent times as I don't have the motivation to attempt a penniless/jackpot run as a better car and/or vacation takes precedence. (Still got 10 vacation days to book, dunno when I'll use them yet...)

I do intend to draw other MGs, but Flare has a point. To explain.
I randomly thought of an idea to make Elemental Lamia spectrum back in the summer. All of which being inspired and credited by Flare's OC, Flarecobra. Eventually I do want to create a fire lamia of my own so I can at least can hold ownership.
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This old commercial was the main motivator why [youtube]zunxxOTBKe4[/youtube]
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Feathers »

Ohh okay I see, thanks for explaining. Damn, I hope your wrist can be treated and you get a less damaging job. :( Yeah I can understand losing creativity from real life..how many games have I put on hold now? Geez..
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Name: Milk Snake
Real Name: Dana Miruku
Personality: Calm, playful.
Habitat: Local Farm
Diet: Omnivorous.
Hobbies: Milking, Mowing the lawn, haymaking, lactation and selling milk at the marketplace.

Dana started off as an egg, orphaned and left in a barn with no recollection of her parents. Upon hatching, she could find only one source of food during her awakening, the udders of a cow. This source of food enabled her rapid growth and reduced weaning time. Soon after, the lone owner of the farm (Danford) discovered her still drinking from the cow. He asked her if she had a name to which she nods in confusion. Regardless he had taken her in, naming her Dana. Teaching her language, consuming other foods and drinks and how to run a farm and how the outside world works, course her endowed appearance plus her desire to lactate had resulted in an intimate relationship between the two.

When Dana became older and gained enough experience to work independently she was given permission to setup in a marketplace, selling Cow milk as well has her own special milk. To which customers had taken larger interest in over the cow milk. When asked where she produced the milk she replied that's its a family secret.

Dana continued her business marketplace until she was met by another like herself, except sporting a blood red tail with a yellow underbelly. The traveler asked for some directions to a guild and armory. To which she pointed Northwards. She also picked up a bottle of her special milk and paid Dana in return before departing. However some moments after her departure arrived three other lamia like herself. Curious, Dana asked the one in blue if she was with the lamia in red, to wit the blue lamia replied "No, but she is a person of interest. Don't suppose you mind pointing us in her direction?" To which she pointed North without question. The green lamia accompanying the group asked for a sample of milk to which Dana let her try.

Upon tasting it she not only enjoyed the flavor but felt something 'familiar' coming off the aftertaste. Curious, the Leaf Garter asked Dana if she ever had a parent. To which she replied that she was adopted, having never known her biological parents. They trio then revealed they were all abandoned lamias looking for their progenitor, believing the red lamia may have answers to that question but seemingly out of reach by occasional bad luck. The Zephyr asked Dana "Aren't you at least curious of your actual parents?" To which Dana replied. "You know, if it helps all of us I mean sure. I'll just have to let my hubby know I'm going on an adventure."

Epilogue: That makes four in the party.
Milk Snake Lamia.png
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Feathers »

So the special milk secret is constantly impregnating her to make her constantly produce milk? Maybe you should draw her with a big belly instead. Either way I feel sorry for her. That is, unless you made her have magical physiology to produce milk even though she isn't currently bearing children..

Reading more on the legend of the milk snake, it says people made up a fake news story that this particular snake sucks off cow udders of their milk. Okay I'm wondering where you got the inspiration and how this all works to be honest.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

To clarify, the milk is her own lactation controlled at will instead of natural production, no pregnancy yet between Dana and Danford.
Yeah and that faux lore was exactly the basis to my premise.
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Pierce »

Name: "Black Snake"
Type: Lamia/firework
Diet: Anything incendiary
Personality: Monotone
Combat style: Brawler/Wrestler
Description: An autonomous familiar which acts as a short-term bodyguard (Lasts for about 3 minutes before disappearing into ashes). Can act as a temporary force multiplier, an ensnaring trap or a defensive distraction.

Place bead onto floor
Ignite bead
Watch bodyguard grow and instruct it to assist you or to aid in your escape.

Sample Log:
Weaponsmith Arryn sits idly by as she finished a recent sale of a set of armor with a sword and shield to a customer. After taking a water break and cleaning her table she heard the sound of a returning customer.

"Why hello there, how can I help you?"

The woman in red asks "I'm here to pickup my dragoon armor, a longsword and my trusty spear,"

"Ah yes, one moment." Arryn replied as she goes back to retrieve her equipment, while waiting the lamia looked at her various weapons, gear and magical equipment, taking curiosity at a pile of beads on a small plate.

"Might I ask what those beads are?" the Lamia asked pointing at them.

"Ah yes, those are my experimental familiars, they house spirits that desire to aid the living in need. Upon expending their services, they
return to the afterlife in peace."

Tilting her head in discomfort yet curious, she asked: "Don't suppose you mind showing me a sample?"

"Ok, one moment." Arryn replied before taking a single bead from the plate and placing it on the ground before looking for something to light it up. "Hmm, I can't seem to find my sparker".

"That won't be necessary." the lamia interrupted as she ignited her index finger and touched the bead. Suddenly it started to grow tall and slender until a charcoal coloured figure erupted freely into a temporary combat stance before turning to face the lamia, much to her surprise.

"What would you ask of me master?" the Black Snake asked.

"Oh nothing, just wanted a demonstration that's all." The Lamia replied before the black snake bowed out and disappeared into ashes.

"So, interested in those?" Arryn asked.

"I'll buy a pouch full of those. May come in handy." The Lamia smirked before paying the weaponsmith and departing on her way.
Black Snake.jpg
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Flare »

Oh you.
"Only the fool wishes to go into battle to beat someone for the satisfaction of beating someone." -A Thousand Sons (book)

Be sure to visit the gallery! We got lotsa pics!
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Re: Pierce's Custom MGs

Post by Feathers »

Flare fan art disguised as a new profile! :mrgreen:
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